View Full Version : Thunder & Lightning

06-13-2014, 09:03 PM
Out of curiosity, how do you react to it?

If it's predicted, do you stay home or take your chances?

If caught in it, do you storm home or try to find cover (ie:bridge)?

The sensible thing to do is stay home or go home, but what do YOU really do?

06-13-2014, 09:17 PM
Watch the dopler radar on Weather app and dodge the ones you can.
If you get caught the best bet is find a mooring fast and close up the hatches.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

06-14-2014, 05:13 AM
i use the count system
if the lightning comes down within a 1001-1005 count
it's reportedly that far away from you right as you hear the thunder rumble

so if it goes BOOM then a bolt comes down it's directly over head...

that being SAID....

remember the old Etch a Sketch with the two dials
that's how lightning works

it comes down stairs so to speak, and can strike you from 20 miles away
the holding on to a lightning (FISHING) rod increases your chances
of it being used to "go to Ground" VIA you holding the highest point around

06-14-2014, 07:51 AM
Getting caught in a thunderstorm is one of those I'LL NEVER DO THAT AGAIN moments as a boat owner. Back when there was the old cut, I was working my way through the Monomoy fog to go east of Chatham. I had no radio (stupid! I know) boats started screaming by me in the other direction. Had an uneasy feeling and finally decided to turn around. The fog cleared at Stage Harbor and I looked to southwest to see a wall of dark clouds and pencil lightning. Ran the 5 miles at full throttle making the harbor with lighting all around. Never again! Bought the marine radio the next day.

So heavy threat I don't go. Moderate threat keep the distance from the ramp down. Greatest tool is the radar app on the cell phone.

06-14-2014, 08:51 AM
Ive only been out once and we spent the morning running and dodging them. Actually was pretty cool watching the storm hit 1/2 mile from us, then moving when it would get close.Monitoring the radar. But if its predicted I stay home.