07-08-2014, 10:55 AM
I have been doing so poorly in terms of size and numbers that I cant tell if the dreaded summer doldrums have arrived. My wife isn't even mad at me for fishing too much! in years past she was ready to put my picture on a milk carton by now!

07-08-2014, 11:06 AM
yep- right there with ya. everytime I see/hear a report of a decent fish being caught, I get a little glimmer of optimism, only to see it fade away quickly as "the bite" never materializes. good side is the boat is clean, well maintained, and my gas consumption is way down so far this season.......

07-09-2014, 05:09 AM
It's amazing that all the spots are empty ... Out there
I told my wife I was going to fish the lakes in CT next year :)
I blame all u mass guys for the slaughter year after year .
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

07-09-2014, 09:47 AM
It's amazing that all the spots are empty ... Out there
I told my wife I was going to fish the lakes in CT next year :)
I blame all u mass guys for the slaughter year after year .
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

That's what we all have been saying Mike. Not about the Mass guys but about the lack of fish. My usual spots have also been empty but some spots that never held fish in the past have had fish this year. It's like learning all over again in the boat.

Fly Rod
07-09-2014, 09:51 AM
It's amazing that all the spots are empty ... Out there
I told my wife I was going to fish the lakes in CT next year :)
I blame all u mass guys for the slaughter year after year .
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device


Got Stripers
07-14-2014, 11:28 AM
I was happy to finally get into a large school of 24" stripers off Westport Saturday, was none stop action on light gear, until I finally had to move to go after some tog for diner. I've finally dialed in the plastic bite for Tog and had a no probably getting a quick limit and when I moved to Sakonnet Point I wish I waited a bit to kill the first 3 keepers; I could have upgraded by 3-4 lbs easily.

The more I fish tog with plastic, the more fun it becomes; brings me back to my freshwater jig and pig days. It takes some getting used to it and the right tackle is key in order to throw the 3/8-1/2 oz jigs needed to get (slowly takes some time) to the bottom, but not get hung in weed too often, but I caught a dozen nice 18"-20" fish before engine overheated forced me to call in sea tow for a slow poke ride back to the Westport ramp.

Time to throw some money into that hole in the water:(, not like I haven't been there before.

07-14-2014, 12:37 PM
I was happy to finally get into a large school of 24" stripers off Westport Saturday, was none stop action on light gear, until I finally had to move to go after some tog for diner. I've finally dialed in the plastic bite for Tog and had a no probably getting a quick limit and when I moved to Sakonnet Point I wish I waited a bit to kill the first 3 keepers; I could have upgraded by 3-4 lbs easily.

oops - Good thing you didn't take the tog upgrades from Sakonnet Pt waters - tog season in RI waters is still closed through July 31 ;)

Got Stripers
07-14-2014, 01:18 PM
DZ thanks for the reminder, I always forget that MA is year round and you guys have a closed season, but they all came off the rocks in and around the Hens and Chicken's Ledge off Westport. One of the advantages of having a trolling motor is I can get in tight to fish that skinny water with a light jig.