View Full Version : Fishing Live Pogies hook placement ?

05-27-2015, 04:37 AM
Lost a nice 40 inch plus fish boat fish rolled a little slack in the line and the hook fell out! Friday night on a live pogie hooked thru the Nose . while drifting I hate using treble Hook because I catch and release 99% of the time Circle hook seem to turn into the pogie or i drift with a 3 way with a bait bridle (haven't used enough to say they are good or bad)
How do you guys rig?

Raider Ronnie
05-27-2015, 09:11 AM
Gonna need your bank account # and 4 digit pin to reply....
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05-27-2015, 10:54 AM
cut one leg off the treble, making it a "double" hook.... that way one hook is in the bait and one in the fish's mouth. Mustad makes a decent double hook too.

dead bait work fine too, jus thook them up thru the chin and out the top of the nose to hold the mouth shut so they don't spin....

good luck- hope this helps

05-27-2015, 11:28 AM
2 trebles, one in the nose, one in the back. Most fish that are big enough to eat a whole pogie you can jamb your whole hand in its throat if need be to get the hook out.
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05-27-2015, 11:30 AM
Tandem Hook rig of your choice.

05-27-2015, 04:24 PM
Thanks Thinking going to tie up a Mooching Rig and try that out with a smaller trail hook

05-28-2015, 07:01 AM
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

05-28-2015, 07:15 AM
Snag hook (big weighted treble), snag'em and let it drop!

05-28-2015, 10:29 AM
10/0 circle right in front of the dorsal, right in the meaty part, or through the nose. Keep a slight tension and they eat em just fine.

05-28-2015, 10:35 AM
I started using bridles last year and had a decent hook up ratio when using circle hooks, both for mackeral & pogies.

I picked up some more at one of the fishing shows this spring.

05-28-2015, 11:20 AM
I've tried many methods... trebles catch ( and kill) a lot of fish... when I commercially fished, it was all I used... I modified them by grinding off two of the barbs on each hook and left only the barb holding the bait intact.. trebles do have their problems ..beyond the problem with trebles is they sometimes pinch the line between the treble and the shaft and break off the fish... I have 2 methods that are almost flawless.... one is to use a 9/0 circle on the "stinger" that goes behind the dorsal fin while a dou lock snap is tied to the front of the leader to go through the nostril to pin the fish to the favorite method, that I use for mackerel and pogies is to thread my leader through the eye of a 6/0 circle...then using a separate piece of line Snell the leader to the hook allowing the leader to slide so the hook can be adjusted... a 9/0 circle is snelled to the bitter end of the leader.... the nose hook will slide if pressure applied to it and the rig often ends with two hooks in the fishes jaw.... I rarely gut hook fish with this set up and almost never miss/lose one either...

05-28-2015, 02:47 PM
one is to use a 9/0 circle on the "stinger" that goes behind the dorsal fin while a dou lock snap is tied to the front of the leader to go through the nostril to pin the fish to the line..


Since I was brought up on bait and live lining most of my life I can throw some cents into this too...

The nose on the bunker/menhaden/pogie can give you trouble regardless how hard you set that hook, Rock I love you for beating me to it.

05-29-2015, 08:06 AM
Tried this this AM..... ZERO for three takes. I'd get my hooks back in a tangled mess. I am 100% confident I f'd it up. Went back to a single.... Bass were gone.

05-29-2015, 11:03 AM
I've tried many methods... trebles catch ( and kill) a lot of fish... when I commercially fished, it was all I used... I modified them by grinding off two of the barbs on each hook and left only the barb holding the bait intact.. trebles do have their problems ..beyond the problem with trebles is they sometimes pinch the line between the treble and the shaft and break off the fish... I have 2 methods that are almost flawless.... one is to use a 9/0 circle on the "stinger" that goes behind the dorsal fin while a dou lock snap is tied to the front of the leader to go through the nostril to pin the fish to the favorite method, that I use for mackerel and pogies is to thread my leader through the eye of a 6/0 circle...then using a separate piece of line Snell the leader to the hook allowing the leader to slide so the hook can be adjusted... a 9/0 circle is snelled to the bitter end of the leader.... the nose hook will slide if pressure applied to it and the rig often ends with two hooks in the fishes jaw.... I rarely gut hook fish with this set up and almost never miss/lose one either...

If you ever think of it - can you post a picture of this? Sounds like an interesting way to rig.

05-30-2015, 06:01 AM
I use a Live Bait Clip set in the eye sockets on pogies, scup and macs with great success. Easy to use as they just snap in and baits last a long time. I use with a circle hook and practice catch and release. 99% of hookups are in the corners and quick release. These clips even work with chunks as proven catching bass after the blues tear into them.