View Full Version : Enough is a enough

07-29-2003, 09:52 PM
I've had it.I refuse to pick up your garbage,watch you take undersize fish and exceed the bag limit and especially step in your excrement(otherwise known as #^&#^&#^&#^&) anymore!!!
Just because you were born in another country and refuse to speak English(when convenient it seems) doesn't mean you don't have to follow the same rules as the rest of us.
And you wonder why people less tolerant than me use racial slurs like "Greenhorn"or "Zipperhead".Now you know.
I'll not tolerate seeing one more 12" bass floating when you see a local cop or a DEM officer drive up.Be warned,good people like have reached their limit of tolerance!

07-30-2003, 10:09 AM

...when you call, you have to make it sound life threatening...or you'll never see them show up - OR, when you do come across a DEM officer,, approach him and ask him how you could get a hold of him because you've recently come across some serious repeat law-breakers. Ask him for his direct cell phone number. He may be cooperative.

07-30-2003, 11:06 AM
Buzzerd leaving garbage around is also why they close spots to fishermen. I used to go to URI Bay Campus, good spot for fluke well they closed the gate to the dock because of garbage being left all over.

07-30-2003, 11:49 AM
Inconsiderate people always $%#&* it up for everyone else.:lossinit: :fishslap: Believe me Buzz-erd, I have no problem walking over to the offender and reading them the riot act. You should do the same. I once saw a guy throw his garbage out of the window of his truck at a rest area, with a barrel not two feet away. So I went over, picked it up and dropped it into the back of his truck. He probably was quite surprised when he got home. Another time, someone threw some trash out of the car window at a Dunkin Donuts so I walked over, handed it to them and sarcasticly said to them "oh...I think you dropped this by mistake". They looked at me embarrassed, and then got out of the car and threw it into the barrel. It is kind of hard to argue with a guy that is 6'5" tall and weighs a cheeseburger shy of 300 pounds. Be direct with these #$*&^ people and let them know where they stand and that you will not tolerate them trashing the planet. Good luck.:peessed: :lossinit:

07-30-2003, 12:28 PM
we need more bigfish men in this country! BRAVO!! *clapping

07-30-2003, 12:30 PM
moral of the story - walk very loudly and carry a bigfish!

07-30-2003, 12:31 PM
its not just foreigners that are messing up the beach, :smash: :smash:

07-30-2003, 01:11 PM
welcome to surffishing. trash is always an issue. there are those that are "foreigners" that continually leave trash, bait, and other stuff in the rocks. DEM could go to wickford harbor everyday, arrest people, and they will be back tomorrow trashing it again and keeping mroe undersized fish. there is just not enough DEM people to enforce the laws. then, there are those weekend warriors that just want to go have a beer on a breachway. they leave beer cans, squid boxes, line, and other stuff in the rocks. they could care less. and, there are those of us on these boards that i'm sure have left mono from line that was nicked, of cut up leaders, candy wrappers, etc. many clubs have pickups on given weekends to cleanup selected stops. look into it. the cleaner spots are, the better it is for surffishermen in the long run.

no matter what "class" we tag a fisherman as, we all are labeled fishermen to locals, property owners near the shore, or law enforcement. one bad apple can spoil the bunch.

07-30-2003, 01:14 PM
Killerlexus is right. I see people of all race and color making pig-styes of all the fishing area's. Let them know that you don't appreciate it, and remind them of the consequences. Closure of valuable fishing spots if it is just littering, and arrest and heavy fines if they are caught poaching shorts. I was fishing down the Cape about a month ago and I saw a guy who I thought was laying schoolie bass on the beach to keep, so as I was leaving I made a point to go over and make sure he was not violating any laws by keeping shorts. Turns out they were blues and I wished him well, but I was fully prepared to give him a ration of %&$* if they were bass. Please remember, this is a problem that is not confined to any one ethnic group, it is people as a whole.:uhuh:

07-30-2003, 01:50 PM
I tell you all, I find the S.O.B that keeps throwing all these damn weeds in the water on the back side and I'm gonna wring their f'n neck.:af:

07-30-2003, 02:25 PM
Speaking of cleaning up the beaches. Anybody read this before?

All joking aside I don't understand how anyone can be so ignorant as not to realize putting garbage anywhere but in the trash can is wrong. I simply cannot fathom that there is no thought or consideration as to the effect that one act will have. I too have been witness to someone in a car at a fast food restaurant dropping an empty bag of garbage out the window. I came up with one of my favorite lines as I was returning it to him, "Hey lunchbag, ever wonder why they put those garbage cans two feet away from your car? OK, let's try it again."

07-30-2003, 02:27 PM
:smash: Way to go Jimbo! Let's take back our fishing spots!:uhuh: :nailem:

07-30-2003, 09:02 PM
I knew it wasn't just me.I stepped in another's waste!My God!
Lastnite was the last straw.
Thank god my blurple bombers came today.Thursday nite I'm gonna kill'em.I hope?!

07-31-2003, 06:26 AM
went fishing last night, caught a few blues.. my brothers caught a few stripers.. and most of the trash on the beach was from the beach-going swimmers... it's not just the fisherman, it's everyone else.
