View Full Version : This is BAD for Mass Sportsmen & women

08-25-2003, 10:15 AM,1413,105~4767~1588731,00.html i just received this from Flatts...

Pols have done Mass. sportsmen a disservice
Sun Outdoors Writer
The Inland Fish and Game Fund and the land acquisition fund are no more.

Thanks to Gov. Mitt Romney and a legislature that is afraid to stand up for what is the correct thing to do, the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife has had to surrender all the money it has.

This is money brought in from the sale of land stamps, fishing, hunting, trapping licenses, and on your tax return the voluntary check-off for the non-game fund. This fund had over $9 million.

Last week John Rogers, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, took those dedicated funds and placed them in the General Fund. For those of you who do not know what the General Fund is, it means the money can be spent on anything the Governor or legislature wants to spend it on.

- Spinners making their move?
- Monsters add pair to hockey staff
- The Sox also rise

If the state thinks you need a washing machine that's where the money will go. If they think you need a manicure that is where the money will go. If someone has enough clout, they can get the money appropriated for a garden in Pittsfield.

According to Environmental spokesman Felix Brown, they have taken this money into the General Fund but will give some of it back to Fisheries and Wildlife as they see fit. I asked Brown if the stocking programs for pheasant, quail and the trout programs would continue, he said they would. I asked if they would be cut or level-funded and his response was, Tthey will get funds but we have no idea how much will be given."

When asked about the federal regulations concerning Atlantic salmon he said, "I don't know about those programs."

I asked Brown about the Land Stamp program which nets over $2 million per year for open space protection. These funds supposedly can't be used for anything other than land acquisition. Brown said he would call me back, which he did, and he got a answer from someone who said: "No funds from this program will be distributed. There is nothing at present to make this money available."

I called Rogers's office. He did not return my phone calls but William Rennie, a press secretary, did. Rennie said that each of these dedicated funds including the Land Stamp fund has been repealed, therefore they no longer exist. He said it doesn't matter how the laws were written, they no longer exist.

Rennie also said funds absorbed include boat registration fees, FID, License to Carry, antlerless deer permit money, land stamp, sporting license, and about any money the sportsmen raise is now part of the General Fund.

I asked Rennie about several other programs which he had no answer for. He did say he would get back to me but so far I have not heard from him. Hopefully next week he will be able to shed more light on the newly- repealed laws. He did say that most of the money will now be used for the Medicaid system.

The sportsmen in this state must rally.

It is imperative that every person who loves the outdoors, every club, every club member, should call and write to their state senators and state reps and tell them just how you feel.

Folks, this could well be one of the most blatant anti-sportsman backdoor attack ever pulled off by politicians. Let's face it, if they don't give any funds to Fish and Game to stock trout, pike, Atlantic salmon, quail, pheasants, etc. there will be nothing left for us to pursue.

NaCl H2O
08-25-2003, 10:33 AM
Thanks for posting this John. Just forwarded to everyone I know. Suggest everyone does likewise...

08-25-2003, 10:54 AM
When did they legalize stealing?

08-25-2003, 10:59 AM
that right there is bulls***

9 million down the drain
those political peices of crap

send the moron... i mean mormon back to Utah

08-25-2003, 11:56 AM
Romney can kiss my left cheek.....:af: at least I dont have a vote in his favor on my conscience

so I am not going to register my snowmobile in mass since I ride in VT mostly anyway and I am not buying a license for 47 dollars because there hasnt been anyone out to check for them anyway. instead I think we should all band together and take the money we would spend on the license and give it directly to the groups that care and make sporting what it is!!!!!

THERE! now you got me going.......:af: :af: :af:

08-25-2003, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by fishsmith
When did they legalize stealing?

Politicians are thieves from birth. :af:

08-25-2003, 01:33 PM
Thats it I have said it all along that I would stop getting a license if they ever did this so I am glad that I did not get one yet this year. I will NOT get a license this year but will hunt on My companies private land as long as I stay employed by them full time the law says I do not need one. I have always gotten one in the past as it was good for the sport and wildlife fund. But now you know we will see none of that money back and all the programs will stop soon for sure. As far as who is to blame it is you and me and every other tax payer, license holder, and thats any license be it sport, car, work we pay the bills of these people and have NO say whats so ever as to how our money gets spent. Back in the last election did this state not vote out bilingual ed? But yet they said we are to stupid to know whats good for us so they are going to keep it anyway!!!!!!!!!!!! Then there was the 5% tax repeal that was also voted by the tax payer but they also said then that we are to STUPID to know whats good for the state and kept the rate at 5.75% . So looks like they were right we are to stupid to know whats right. But not me any longer as of today they WILL NOT get another cent from me for licenses, stamps, or tax till they can prove to me that they are not STUPID with OUR money anymore.

08-25-2003, 03:42 PM
Unfortunately this is happening ALL OVER the country.Everyday our democracy becomes a little less so.I wonder how long before the various environmental agencies in those states where this has happened will start asking for donations!
Get ready fisherman of Mass. to start paying for parking permits and fees of all kinds.It'll be the only way more than likely for that once allocated money to be made up.Shame on the Govenor and those Pols. who supported him and those who did nothing to stop it.

08-26-2003, 06:25 AM
We do not live in a democracy.

We live in a representative republic.

That means that we "elect" a few "smart" folks to make the decisions for us "dumb" folk.

They are our representatives.

Just look at presedential elections.
The people do not vote for the president.
We vote and the those votes are counted and then the electoral college looks at our votes and then votes as they please.

Only a few states have laws on the books that require the electoral college votes to agree with the people. Many do not. And, if you look at last election results - popular vote VS. electoral college votes - you will see this clearly.

Wake up people. The times they are a changing and not for the good.

08-26-2003, 06:38 AM
As I said in another post, Hope you like your trout fishing here on the cape and hope you do alot this spring because,
There are 4 persons that work the Sandwhich hachery, 2 are retiring in Oct. One has Just quit, which leaves 1 person to worj it!!
It has been said to me that they will probley not stock this fall!! And they will dump all they have this coming spring, and that will be it for the stocking program around here!! Unless they inport from other parts of the State
Even if they do import them there will never be the amount of fish like they have now. :af: :af: :af:

08-26-2003, 06:45 AM
Geez John, what a joke.

When you were versing me in the finer points of the Rhodey permit issues you and others kept reminding me that the fund would get plundered, eventually.

This is ridiculous. How do we protest ?


08-26-2003, 07:48 AM
Originally posted by macojoe
As I said in another post, Hope you like your trout fishing here on the cape and hope you do alot this spring because,
There are 4 persons that work the Sandwhich hachery, 2 are retiring in Oct. One has Just quit, which leaves 1 person to worj it!!
It has been said to me that they will probley not stock this fall!! And they will dump all they have this coming spring, and that will be it for the stocking program around here!! Unless they inport from other parts of the State
Even if they do import them there will never be the amount of fish like they have now. :af: :af: :af:

Are you serious??

I do often go trout fishing during the winter months when the stripers are off to the south.

:af: :af: :af:

08-26-2003, 07:54 AM
Originally posted by beachwalker
Geez John, what a joke.

When you were versing me in the finer points of the Rhodey permit issues you and others kept reminding me that the fund would get plundered, eventually.

This is ridiculous. How do we protest ?

:mad: You MUST call your state represenatives & senator and the Gov's office.

Does anyone else have confirmation of all of this? that is what I would like to see...

08-26-2003, 08:37 AM
jugstah, Yes I am Serious!!I ahve talked to the 2 that are leaving Oct. and one of my best friends is the guy who quit, He left because the other two will be gone and they said that would be the end. So when something else came up he took it.

I think this will have to go to the Fedaral leavel now!!

08-26-2003, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by macojoe
jugstah, Yes I am Serious!!I ahve talked to the 2 that are leaving Oct. and one of my best friends is the guy who quit, He left because the other two will be gone and they said that would be the end. So when something else came up he took it.

I think this will have to go to the Fedaral leavel now!!


Stupidity breeds incompetence. Mitt Romney is not exactly the kind of Governor I was hoping for.


08-26-2003, 09:22 AM
He is a sweet talker the kind all the people wanted!! Well guess what, He side steps all the issues at hand, No new taxes?? But he never said anything about Fees, Just likes to pass the buck. He is on his way to the oval office some day!! And everyone better remember what he did here!!

08-27-2003, 11:05 AM
My state rep is Ronald Mariano (D: Quincy). I inquired with his office about how he voted on the diversion of sportsmen's funds to the general fund. One of his aids got back to me and our conversation follows. He specifically asked that his name not appear in a newspaper so I have omitted his name from the discussion. I hope this helps clarify some things. It is probably best if read from the bottom up.

Mike Flaherty

************************************************** *****************************************

----- Original Message -----
From: {name omitted}
To: Mike Flaherty
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 11:03 AM
Subject: RE: Fisheries Minor Funds


You are more than welcome to share this information with others. However, I would like to be sure my name does not end up in the newspaper.

As a side note, we did include language in the Fisheries and Wildlife line item (2310-0200) to ensure that we continue to receive federal reimbursement for many of the programs. I am not sure of the mechanics of the partnership, but figured I should mention it.

Could I ask for your home address and telephone number? I’d like to keep a file on this for future reference.


{name omitted}

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Flaherty []
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 10:35 AM
To: {name omitted}
Subject: Re: Fisheries Minor Funds

{name omitted},

Thank you very much for your detailed response. I was unaware that Wall Street had anything to do with the fund consolidation. I understand that Massachusetts is in a fiscal crisis but I think the key here is that we still fund these sportsman's programs to whatever extent is needed to ensure we receive our federal matching funds.

May I share this message with some of my friends, some of whom are constituents of Mr. Mariano?


Mike Flaherty


I am a member of the Braintree Rifle and Pistol Club. Although I don't follow firearms issues as much as I have in the past, if BRPC named Mr. Mariano as Legislator of the Year then I trust that he is doing his best.

----- Original Message -----

From: {name omitted}

To: Mike Flaherty

Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 10:01 AM

Subject: Fisheries Minor Funds

Morning Mike, sorry for the delay. I’ve had a chance to look into the issue, and wanted to pass on some info to you.

To answer your question, the issue in question was passed as part of the Fiscal Year 2004 state budget. It was written as part of the budget, not offered via amendment, so Ron’s only option was to vote up or down on the entire budget. He voted to approve the budget package. Having said that, I feel that there is some background information that may help to explain why the Committee on Ways and Means sought to change the way these monies are handled.

As part of the FY2004 state budget all “minor funds” were eliminated. These were accounts that had dedicated revenue streams designed to pay for specific services. These funds could be found many places throughout the budget, not just in areas effecting sportsmen. The drive to eliminate these funds was started by Wall Street bond rating companies – Moody’s and Standard & Poor, who were contemplating a downgrade of the state’s bond rating if a more responsible fiscal policy was not adopted. The problem with these funds is that there is no back-up plan to provide for the services if the revenue stream falters. Apparently, it is not uncommon for these funds to have negative balances. Whereas we are constitutionally required to pass a “balanced” budget, should a budget be considered balanced if the General Fund is okay but these minor funds are in the red? On the other hand, and as it appears to be the case in this situation, if there is a positive balance in a minor fund, can we run an equally large deficit in another account, and still be considered “balanced.” This was Wall Street’s problem. They would much rather have all the money on the table, and for us to pay for it all out of one account.

There is little doubt that programs under the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife will be cut as a result of our present fiscal crisis. The FY2004 state budget resulted in reductions in almost all areas.

Having said that, Ron has always been a supporter of, and received support from, sportsman’s groups. Within the last few years, he was named Legislator of the Year by the Braintree Rifle and Pistol Club. He has also been recognized for his efforts by other local sportsman’s associations. This year’s budget was full of distasteful options, neither choice being a positive one. I hope that you are able to view his record on these matters as a whole, and not focused upon this one particular action.

Thank you for contacting us with your concerns. Ron cares a great deal about his constituents’ opinions, and I will be sure to let him know your objections to these changes.

Please let me know if I can provide any further info.


{name omitted}

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Flaherty []
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 11:29 AM
To: {name omitted}
Subject: Pols have done Mass. sportsmen a disservice

{name omitted},

Here is the article I mentioned to you. Please reply with Representative Mariano's vote on this matter.,1413,105~4767~1588731,00.html#


Mike Flaherty

Quincy, MA


08-27-2003, 11:11 AM
Ouch - is this legit or a semantics charge to find accounts flush with money? And do you know what the line item budgets for what would have been the sportsmans issues if they are still funded or have been raided...


See you tonight

08-27-2003, 03:15 PM
How can money appropriated for a specific use be put to domething completely different?

I want a refund for all the money they have collected from me that will not be going where they said it would.