View Full Version : Stupid Fishing Tricks

09-17-2003, 06:29 AM
Went out in the Haabah yesterday to wet a line or two. The last
few trips have been totally unproductive but sipping some suds on the water sounded better than work. Threw some chunk in and turned up the tunes fully expecting another big skunk. No sooner had I settled in than one of the line starts screaming like a banshee. Thrilled I set the hook and fought the thing for 10 minutes. I get it next to the boat and realize the net is still stowed below. $hit. Sure enough while screwing around netless I lose a good 38+ inch striper. The good news is after a lot of swearing I got the net, settled back in and proceeded to catch his fat cow sister. 40" and very tasty.

Don't get complacent guys It can bite you in the Bass...

09-19-2003, 05:44 PM
thats just how it is in real life...nicely done and more power to yah
