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Go Back   Striper Talk Striped Bass Fishing, Surfcasting, Boating » pbadad

Conversation Between pbadad and VeeMike
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. pbadad
    09-02-2011 07:29 AM
    Mike the final price per night for Cutty hasn't been established. Mike Mullen has been unable to contact Lexi on the per night fee. I told Mike she mentioned to me last year that the price was going to be $65.00 per night. Bring that amount and if it is $60.00 or so the club will reimburse if we don't get a confirmed price by meeting. Reel seat is 10.00 plus installation. I will need to see how big in diameter the reel seat will have to be to silde over end. I have various sizes in stock. Bring it. Hopefully we will have a meeting. Surf club is out for the month cause of storm and Madison town hall is an option if it gets the power restored in time. Check the club website for urther details.
  2. VeeMike
    08-31-2011 06:56 PM
    I'm going to pay for two nites at Cutty. $115. Is that correct? Also, this next meeting I'll be bringing with me my 9' PP rod for reel seat install. How much do I need to give you for that?

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