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Conversation Between puppet and King Neptune
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. puppet
    01-18-2013 03:01 PM
    I will need to check with my friend in the picture first.

    If he gives the ok...I will send you a few from that sequence that are good. It was a sunrise shot....we had just finished up putting the hurt on some fish when the sun popped up....
  2. King Neptune
    01-18-2013 11:01 AM
    King Neptune
    I hope all is well!,
    I saw a few of your photos posted in the "2012 year in review photos"
    There was one, the sunset caster, that I would like to use in On The Water Magazine (a future issue). Great shot. Could you send me the original high res jpeg of that so I can take a better look? I'm always looking for good photos for the magazine, so if you have others feel free to submit them. We do pay for photos when they are used in the magazine.

    Andy Nabreski
    design manager @ On The Water

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