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Conversation Between nightfighter and BasicPatrick
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. BasicPatrick
    08-09-2009 12:26 AM

    I am booking two weeks only this year due to a lot of guys not being able to come...and as you probably know...there are always the guys that figure they can plan on their own etc but then find out the PIA part...there are a few of them this year as well...they will be always happens.

    There are openings during both weeks as of right now but week 2 is getting filled up quick

    Bob Huddy has sent deposit for a week but has not chosen his week as of yet

    Week 1 is Sun Sept thru Sun Oct 4
    Week 2 is Sun Oct 4 thru sun Oct 11

    The price is $375 for lodging and food. I have a detailed document about how the shack works. E-mail and i will respond with a attachment


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