Conversation Between MMullen and danbrut
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Hi Mike -
I sent this out as an e-mail before. Just want to make sure that you get this.Hi 2013 20'th anniverasry C.S.A. Anual banquet
Pompeo's Restaurant in Branford
Saturday evening, February 23'rd 2013 -
The deposit is paid and the date is confirmed.
We will be offering a similar menu to the one that we had the past 2 years,
Buffett style with everything from Roast Beef, Chicken, Pasta dishes, fish offerings, salads,
Beer, wine and soda and more.
We are also trying to stay is the same price range of $35.00 for adults,
and $12.00 for children 12 years old and younger.
Raffles and prizes will be better than ever this year, due to the fact that we have a number of fishing products that have been offered to us from manufacturers, suppliers and bait and tackle shops at discounts prices.
Please make plans to attend the banquet and buy a ticket
and encourage your fishing friends and families to attend.
Thanks -