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Conversation Between Rockfish9 and LINESIDES
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
    10-22-2010 07:04 AM
    Hey Joe,
    If you have not received this yet! I got this yesterday from Carol Pike.
    If you have any of the old club guys emails, or bump into them, please feel free to share this information with them.
    Carol said she regrets to inform you all of the passing of Joe Aliberti. Bunny called this morning, Joe was talking at the table with Adam and Bunny , went into the bathroom and never came out. The only information I have now is that he will be waked at the Plonowski Funeral home on Jackson St. in Lawrence. No time or days are available at this time. If I do not get back to anyone in time, I am sure the Lawrence Eagle Tribune on line under obituaries will give the full info. needed.
    Take care Joe! Leo T.

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