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Go Back   Striper Talk Striped Bass Fishing, Surfcasting, Boating » ProfessorM

Conversation Between ProfessorM and benjiwhite
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. ProfessorM
    01-28-2013 08:18 PM
    Hello. I usually converse with people via personal messages so I am not sure this will go thru. The Vega midi will probably be your best bet for the price and the amount of people that use the Vega. It is not a super precision unit but plenty good enough for plugs. I personally don't use one but do make the carbide tools for them and sell them so if you do purchase one let me know because I can save you about 35 bucks for the set up and I can save you some money for inserts which I also sell for 18 bucks a piece. Both good deals. Now I am not sure Vega will fit your lathe but you can probably ask Vega or where ever you are going to buy it to make sure it fits. Vega makes a pro size dup. but that is pretty expensive and really over kill for plugs probably. You might ask the guys in the plug building forums here and on SOL. I am Steel Pulse on SOL. You will probably get some better info from some of the guys that use the Vega. Hope that helps. Paul
  2. benjiwhite
    01-27-2013 08:02 PM
    I live in North Carolina and have been turning plugs for several years. what started off as a hobby and a few gift plugs to my fishing buddies has esclated into what may become a small business for me. I noticed from reading a lot of your replies and posts that you seem to know your ins and outs when it comes to machining,etc. I am seriously considering purchasing a vega duplicator,but really don't know where to start or what to buy. I have an older delta lathe. I also have a grizzly hobby lathe (which is how I started out). The delta can turn up to 36 inches, but I never use it for anything more than plugs. It's a rather old lathe probly from the late 70's or early 80's but is in great condition. It actually came with a delta duplicator that doesn't seem to have much precision. I want something that I can crank out a lot of plugs in a shorter period of time. I understand about making a pattern out of plexiglass or lexan. Any advice is welcomed and appreciated.
    Benji White

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