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Go Back   Striper Talk Striped Bass Fishing, Surfcasting, Boating » OLD GOAT

Conversation Between OLD GOAT and ProfessorM
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
    01-13-2014 01:04 PM
    Hey Paul Found a supply for double hooks BUT need you to guess what size and what ANGLE THE HOOKS ARE SPREAD APART 45% or 70%.
    Do you think 3% OR 4% size?????Let me know as I will need to buy a 100.
    thanks old goat
  2. ProfessorM
    09-20-2013 04:30 PM
    I got 2 shows to see there in the upcoming month or 2. It is street parking. Never had a problem with any break ins. Pretty easy to find. Old mill building almost under the Bragga Bridge. I think you use route 79 off 195. You should be able to map quest it and find it pretty easy. Great place to see a show. Bring your own booze if that is something you like, seats around 280 I think. I luv the place. If you need anything else
    09-19-2013 11:48 AM
    Paul I think I remember you going to the Narrow theatre in Fall River and if so can you tell me anything about parking, safety at night and how hard to find.
    Thanks in advance.
    PS Hoping to attend --The Great Big Sea--nov 28

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