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jeffthechef jeffthechef is offline

shut up and fish

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. patabate
    09-20-2017 02:48 PM
    Have a few framed fishing prints. Can they be of any use?
  2. jeffthechef
    12-13-2015 07:05 AM
    Hello Mike,
    i don't use cast iron for my steaks but i do have a Lodge cast iron pan.
    i use a lighter weight one and sear at a lower temp to form the crust on both side, then finish in the oven.
    many prefer to use cast iron and not put steak i oven. i have over-active smoke alarms that go off way too easily so i use the oven method!
    Lodge makes a bunch of different sizes i would go for a 12 or 14 inch.
    good luck and Merry Christmas to you and Mary.
  3. MMullen
    12-12-2015 10:23 AM
    Hi Jeff,

    Since you are a chef I thought you might be able to help. I'm looking for a black iron frying pan to fry steaks in. I have a Griswold #8 and it works great. I need another one or something like it to give my steak eating daughter for Christmas. Have you got any ideas?

  4. VeeMike
    01-05-2015 09:50 AM
    Jeff - If you haven't already sold the Cabela's waders then please bring them to the Weds. night CSA meeting. I'll have cash but want to try them on first. Thanks.
    V. Mike Simko
  5. onelastcast
    03-31-2012 07:00 AM

    at one point, you had a Surfcaster bag for sale that held multiple inserts sleeves. still available? how many sleeves? need to get organized

    Dan P
  6. jeffthechef
    03-22-2010 03:57 PM
    mike, got the goods today! will share them w/ billy (pbadad). thanks a ton, what type of synthetics do you prefer on those, grubb tails? again, thanks, jeff
  7. O.D. Mike
    03-20-2010 12:35 PM
    O.D. Mike
    I shipped the pencil poppers and 4 lead head jigs that need to be finished... I thought I would throw them in as a "late fee to me." (2) 3oz. and (2) 4 oz. I dip them in oil base paint. Paint them and use bucktail or synthetic to finish...
  8. O.D. Mike
    02-22-2010 09:18 PM
    O.D. Mike
    Thanks for the swimmer you gave me, I need your home address to send you a plug. I plan on sending two plugs one for you and one for PDAD, do I have his name the right way?



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  • Last Activity: Yesterday 07:01 PM
  • Join Date: 04-15-2008
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