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Nebe Nebe is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. Guppy
    09-15-2017 06:30 AM
    Hi Nebe
    Headed to the boat show today and was thinking about stopping in to meet and see your work..
    Is this u
    688 Thames Street in Newport

    Hope you don't mind the PM, Ray
  2. 1dozenraw
    10-24-2013 09:37 AM
    If I decide to sell my Chrome Rocket, I'll let you know and you can have first refusal. May not happen, but I am going through my stuff and thinning. I bought a couple of Akios reels so some Abus are going. Sorry to hear you got ripped off. Bummer.
  3. Clammer
    08-02-2013 07:44 PM
    eb YOU GOING TO BE AROUND ??/ I think we are going to the seafood fest Sunday ????
  4. treasurehunter
    11-02-2010 05:38 PM
    Nebe Please contact me regarding the lures of my grandfather Benard Calitri
    I wanted to know how you got them. He passed away 2009 and I was in florida I have some of his lures but not all obviously, Please email me
  5. 1dozenraw
    03-03-2009 10:16 AM
    ooops likwid
  6. Raven
    01-05-2009 06:41 AM
    i have some indian books you could borrow...
    but i'll have to check their condition... ie post fire...
    i am part cayuga Indian
    anyone you know? attending the ice fishing tourney for a relay
    book drop off? to Rhody maybe?
  7. Clammer
    11-11-2008 12:27 AM
    have you been doing any schoolies ??? worse year I,ve had for smalls in 25 years ;;;

    been down the pond a few times /even shad are tight ..
    I havn,t started Providence yet .too early ;;

    I guess I,ll start the middlebridge search /

    you slow @ work >I,m past dead .,,.

  8. Nebe
    11-01-2008 09:51 AM
    only if you smell my finger.
  9. UserRemoved1
    10-28-2008 04:31 PM
    nebe will you be my friend

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  • Join Date: 09-09-2003
  • Referrals: 5


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