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Sea Dangles Sea Dangles is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. t_man7
    01-09-2021 06:33 PM
    But I am open to any Habs.
  2. t_man7
    01-09-2021 06:32 PM
    Not really, just looking to buy any Habs. I would be really interested in any cow killers, jointed Danny’s, jointed needles, tally whackers, or canal pencils you might have.
  3. Sea Dangles
    01-06-2021 08:54 AM
    Sea Dangles
  4. t_man7
    01-05-2021 01:27 PM
    Hey Sea Dangles!
  5. inTHERAPY
    07-27-2010 08:03 PM
    hey chris, how's the new experience of baot ownership bought a boat and moved it to new bedford/fairhaven and it is the worst bass catching i've ever seen.
  6. 5/0
    05-11-2009 05:08 PM
    Chris are you ready to fish this year or what!!!!!!
  7. 5/0
    10-26-2008 06:49 PM
    Hey what's up Chris you been out recently? I haven't been in week I hope to go and hit a PM tide after that it'll be just day trips.
  8. striperman36
    09-13-2008 01:02 PM
    you going fishing tonight? I was thinking about leaving in a few to fish
  9. NIB
    09-13-2008 08:04 AM
    Hey dude whats up...
    I'm going to Montauk...
    There's been some decent fish taken recently.No Redlite sized fish but who knows..
    I figure the tides are good by now.You been out this week at all..

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  • Last Activity: 02-19-2021 02:50 PM
  • Join Date: 12-04-2002
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