hi niko, i have my own gear thanks for the offer. what is the adress that we r going from so i can map quest it. do we need bait? i have a 22 cuddy so yes im familiar with boats. weather looks good also. any questions call 413-563-2131.
see you thursday.
I've been hearing from my cousin and his buddy that macs and big bass have been holding around Graves. Have you heard the same? Did you fish south of the Vineyard today? I'm fishing either Sat or Sun if you are interested. I'm going to invite Ryan (I feel bad now)
Hey Pal,will be out sharking and codding again Sunday with 2 friends,not sure if your headed out if so look for me. I will be on ch 69. Might be in same place of maybe a little further north. TTYS Mark
Hi Niko,I know your friends with my bud maco joe and was wondering if you catch macs outside of green harbor or plymouth at all this time of yr. I run a 21 contender and was thinking of trying the macs on the tuna next weekend rather than running after pogies but was not sure if they were hard to get this time of yr. Thanks for any info. Mark
hey, how's things. I was just curious how your season is going, believe it or not, I am just about to get started. I bought a house in January, and have basically redone the whole thing. Just wanted to say hello, good luck... Jamie