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ProfessorM ProfessorM is offline

Uncle Remus

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 21
  1. fatcow
    03-18-2011 06:34 AM
    Hey Paul I misplaced the info u gave me to get u in the club. Its time for me to send it in. If u could just pm me full name, tshirt size, email, home addres, phone#. thx Bob
  2. O.D. Mike
    03-14-2011 08:51 PM
    O.D. Mike
    Your going to have to let me know when the lawn can handle the weight of three people and a 3-phase lathe......
  3. bayviewrr
    02-12-2011 09:34 AM
    Hi...I see you are a moderator. I have a question for you. What makes some of my posts subject to approval by the Moderator before they are posted? I have made some posts that are posted right away, and then some show a message that they will be posted upon approval of a moderator. I have made a couple of posts that have never been posted. I can't imagine why not. I have not said anything close to controversial, disrespectful or confrontational. Just your basic run of the mill posts. Two of the three did contain links (one to a tool I saw on Craigslist and one to a Tony Rice video on YouTube). The third post was just about buying a used tool. I am new to this site and was just curious. Thanks for your anticipated response.
  4. bigred
    12-20-2010 06:45 PM
    Thanks for geting back to me regarding the duplicator.
    I should have it in a week to 10 days. When I get it set up, I will get back to you.
    I am the guy from Ct. who had the machine to make spinners.
    I met you at Plug Fest last year.
    Thanks again.....and, I will get back to you.
    Happy Holidays.
    Bid Red
  5. stiff tip
    12-14-2010 03:55 PM
    stiff tip
    hi paul......marry x-mas.. i've been hunting in midd-bro for deer at quad pond ? water dept res . at marion and walnut st. u got any good hunting spots out your way do u see deer???? i could a good tip .....dave
  6. Hookedagain
    03-12-2010 04:20 PM
    Hey Paul,
    I don't know if you remember me, I sat across from you a TFCTFN. I saw the plugs of yous that were won that night, and was wondering if you had anything you'd be interested in selling? I've only been building for about six months and don't really have anyting to trade. I'm trying to get some plugs from different guys and from what I here you are a very good builder. I'll pay whatever the shipping cost as well.

  7. blondterror
    10-17-2009 11:07 PM
    Hey paul hope you had a good season. My best months were may and June.

    Have you made any hardcarves like these lures. I think I will try some this winter. Lucite or SS for the nose blade?

    HCL Color Chart

    chris aka blondterror
  8. Bernzy
    09-10-2009 04:14 PM
    Hi Paul,

    I need your e-mail address so I can send you the play list
  9. Sudsy
    05-28-2009 11:12 AM
    Got the mail yesterday
    It was just like Christmas

    I'll try to feed it to a pig this weekend
  10. striperman36
    09-23-2008 07:25 PM
    looks like this weekend is a loser for boat fishing

About Me

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  • About ProfessorM
    Lakeville Ma.
    Fishing. Who has time for more
    Mr. Mom Days- Machinist Nites
    Club Affiliation
    Any club that would have me as a memeber I wouldn't want to join
  • Signature
    "A beach is a place where a man can feel he's the only soul in the world that's real"


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 10-22-2023 04:26 PM
  • Join Date: 03-03-2003
  • Referrals: 11


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