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stripersnipr 08-30-2006 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR
And many of these programs (and others) have now been cur significantly or eliminated all together for 2005 and 2006 and proposed for 2007.

Correct. The total cuts amount to 5% over FY 04 spending. But this needs to be kept in perspective. The original post on the subject focused on the 5% cut with no mention of the initial 17% increase.

spence 08-30-2006 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by stripersnipr
Correct. The total cuts amount to 5% over FY 04 spending. But this needs to be kept in perspective. The original post on the subject focused on the 5% cut with no mention of the initial 17% increase.

Since when is throwing money at the problem the solution anyway?

This is a serious problem with the GOP today. They have a deep distrust in the government's ability to solve social problems (as many conservatives do) yet couldn't stop spending to save their lives...

The net result is worse effectiveness that costs the taxpayers more.


stripersnipr 08-30-2006 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by spence
Since when is throwing money at the problem the solution anyway?

This is a serious problem with the GOP today. They have a deep distrust in the government's ability to solve social problems (as many conservatives do) yet couldn't stop spending to save their lives...

The net result is worse effectiveness that costs the taxpayers more.


So I take it you are against additional funding for education?

NaCl H2O 08-30-2006 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by sokinwet
What I find truly encouraging is that 4 years ago you would never find a negative word about GB on any fishing or hunting forum as sportsmen tend to be a conservative group. Perhaps people are finally seeing through the spin and hype to look at the substance.

Are you one of the ones that have changed their opinion of the president over the period of his time in office, or have you always disliked him? I suspect the latter. Bush's detractors have always been there. After 6 years of unrelentless hammering by the press I can see why you and your ilk feel emboldened to speak out now.

spence 08-30-2006 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by stripersnipr
So I take it you are against additional funding for education?

I'm not against Federal funding in principal, although I believe only about 7% of school budgets on average comes from the Federal budget...and there's little return on the investment.

Schools today are struggling to meet NCLB requirements and can't focus on quality overall.

I think our entire system needs to be re-tooled to meet the needs of the Global economy.

I'd like to see the teachers union done away with, and higher education dramatically expanded...we need to get some business people in there to focus on improving operational effeciencies and quality of service...rather than trying to scale a non-scalable system.


spence 08-30-2006 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by NaCl H2O
After 6 years of unrelentless hammering by the press I can see why you and your ilk feel emboldened to speak out now.


From 2001-2003 the press was Bush's lapdog, simply restating Administration positions as fact...

Since they have reported on the Administrations massive policy blunders...and Bush's %$%$%$%$ does indeed stink.

I seem to remember Clinton being hammered as well, and most of it was due to fabricated scandals...some he certainly did deserve.

So what exactly is the problem again? The press laying down and taking it on the run up to Iraq? Because other than that they've been doing their job...I'd argue not enough!


sokinwet 08-30-2006 10:01 AM

NACL H20 - I pride myself on being an independent thinker and don't jump on anyones bandwagon without thorough examination of positions. On one side I am a hunter and gun owner, I have lost job opportunities to affirmative action and I deplore the attitude that we should be appoligists for the past and advocates for every fringe group, which puts me at odd's with many in the Democratic party. On the other end of the spectrum I am an environmenalist and I see the republicans as anti environment; I work in the housing field and have seen the republican administration throw the middle class under the bus when it comes to it's housing policies; I am not a religious person and I see the republicans pandering to religious conservatives; I am a parent who has seen the administration slash college financial aid while pushing for corporate and capital gains tax reductions; I have seen billions go to Iraq while our own cities suffer; I have seen oil companies make record profits while I suffer to fill the tank in my boat; I have seen the administrative take unprecedented actions in their secrecy and refusal to participate in the checks and balances of government; I have seen the administration controlled by neo-cons who have used current events to push the doctrines of the PNAC. And you're right , I have never been a GB supporter and have never been afraid to speak my opinion for 55 years. I'll paraphrase Regan by asking you "Are you better off than you were 4 years ago? By the way is that your picture in your avatar?

Nebe 08-30-2006 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by sokinwet
NACL H20 - I pride myself on being an independent thinker and don't jump on anyones bandwagon without thorough examination of positions. On one side I am a hunter and gun owner, I have lost job opportunities to affirmative action and I deplore the attitude that we should be appoligists for the past and advocates for every fringe group, which puts me at odd's with many in the Democratic party. On the other end of the spectrum I am an environmenalist and I see the republicans as anti environment; I work in the housing field and have seen the republican administration throw the middle class under the bus when it comes to it's housing policies; I am not a religious person and I see the republicans pandering to religious conservatives; I am a parent who has seen the administration slash college financial aid while pushing for corporate and capital gains tax reductions; I have seen billions go to Iraq while our own cities suffer; I have seen oil companies make record profits while I suffer to fill the tank in my boat; I have seen the administrative take unprecedented actions in their secrecy and refusal to participate in the checks and balances of government; I have seen the administration controlled by neo-cons who have used current events to push the doctrines of the PNAC. And your right , I have never been a GB supporter and have never been afraid to speak my opinion for 55 years. I'll paraphrase Regan by asking you "Are you better off than you were 4 years ago? By the way is that your picture in your avatar?

good post :kewl:

zimmy 08-30-2006 10:28 AM

It's the presses fault :yak4: My bushy friends won't even talk about the discussions we had 4 or 5 year ago. Truth hurts. Better hope this middle east democracy business works out. Anyone who could look beyond 3 months could see that it was a awfully risky proposal, including C. Powell, and many top ranking military tops. But one thing the pres is good at is silencing dissentors. Gotta give him that. Glad he dumbs it down for me, but I still don't know "ecalectic" means.

The Dad Fisherman 08-30-2006 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by sokinwet
NACL H20 - I pride myself on being an independent thinker and don't jump on anyones bandwagon without thorough examination of positions. On one side I am a hunter and gun owner, I have lost job opportunities to affirmative action and I deplore the attitude that we should be appoligists for the past and advocates for every fringe group, which puts me at odd's with many in the Democratic party. On the other end of the spectrum I am an environmenalist and I see the republicans as anti environment; I work in the housing field and have seen the republican administration throw the middle class under the bus when it comes to it's housing policies; I am not a religious person and I see the republicans pandering to religious conservatives; I am a parent who has seen the administration slash college financial aid while pushing for corporate and capital gains tax reductions; I have seen billions go to Iraq while our own cities suffer; I have seen oil companies make record profits while I suffer to fill the tank in my boat; I have seen the administrative take unprecedented actions in their secrecy and refusal to participate in the checks and balances of government; I have seen the administration controlled by neo-cons who have used current events to push the doctrines of the PNAC. And you're right , I have never been a GB supporter and have never been afraid to speak my opinion for 55 years. I'll paraphrase Regan by asking you "Are you better off than you were 4 years ago? By the way is that your picture in your avatar?

I gotta Agree too....that is a great post :kewl:

Swimmer 08-30-2006 11:14 AM

bushes spitch
It wasn't so much a speech as it was a conversation between him and the people there listening to it. What he lacks in eloquence he is unable to make it up any other way when speaking. That by itself is damning enough without adding in all the current day to day negatives. Wait till the Biden/Sharpton ticket surfaces.

spence 08-30-2006 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Swimmer
Wait till the Biden/Sharpton ticket surfaces.


Yea...and the RedSox are going to the postseason :faga:


NaCl H2O 08-30-2006 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by sokinwet
I'll paraphrase Regan by asking you "Are you better off than you were 4 years ago? By the way is that your picture in your avatar?

Sokin... I wasn't debating the finer points of either political philosophy. I suspected that *most* of the folks posting anti-administration stuff haven't had their minds changed by this president's policies and have pretty much felt the same way about him and republicans all along. I could be wrong though. Carter put me off democrats for life. Am I better off?? Well I'm not dead and that's a pretty good start.

No, that's not my picture in the avatar. The show he was in was one of my favorites though. You're 55... yours too?

Skitterpop 08-30-2006 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by NaCl H2O
Are you one of the ones that have changed their opinion of the president over the period of his time in office, or have you always disliked him? I suspect the latter. Bush's detractors have always been there. After 6 years of unrelentless hammering by the press I can see why you and your ilk feel emboldened to speak out now.

6 years of unrelentless hammering? Emboldened to speak out now?

Has anyone lost their jobs or public standings for speaking out? Our media is so curtailed. Life in a bubble eh?

NaCl H2O 08-30-2006 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Skitterpop
Life in a bubble eh?

Not really. Press and the libs have been slowly crawling out from under their rocks as we put more time between us and 9/11.

RIJIMMY 08-30-2006 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by sokinwet
NACL H20 - I pride myself on being an independent thinker and don't jump on anyones bandwagon without thorough examination of positions. On one side I am a hunter and gun owner, I have lost job opportunities to affirmative action and I deplore the attitude that we should be appoligists for the past and advocates for every fringe group, which puts me at odd's with many in the Democratic party. On the other end of the spectrum I am an environmenalist and I see the republicans as anti environment; I work in the housing field and have seen the republican administration throw the middle class under the bus when it comes to it's housing policies; I am not a religious person and I see the republicans pandering to religious conservatives; I am a parent who has seen the administration slash college financial aid while pushing for corporate and capital gains tax reductions; I have seen billions go to Iraq while our own cities suffer; I have seen oil companies make record profits while I suffer to fill the tank in my boat; I have seen the administrative take unprecedented actions in their secrecy and refusal to participate in the checks and balances of government; I have seen the administration controlled by neo-cons who have used current events to push the doctrines of the PNAC. And you're right , I have never been a GB supporter and have never been afraid to speak my opinion for 55 years. I'll paraphrase Regan by asking you "Are you better off than you were 4 years ago? By the way is that your picture in your avatar?

I wasn’t going to jump in but…I have no self control. I’m a indepedndent conservative and defended and supported Bush that last 4 years or so. I was going to post that I have no faith in him and I’m very disappointed in his policies and ability to adapt to changing circumstances. He comes off as an idiot to me too. I am disheartened and pissed.

That said in response to the post above. Lets look at a few things that have happened (facts, not opinions) in the last 6 years.
1. the blow up of the largest stock market bubble in history (larger than the crash of the 30’s), crash of the dot coms
2. The largest attacks in history on American soil, killing more civilians than ever before, resulting in a disaster for the airline and travel industry as well as closing economic markets for days.
3. Scandal in some of Americas largest corporation, lowering confidence in the stock market and corp. americe. Who would have ever thought Arthur Anderson as an accounting firm would poof…disappear?
4. A new, smaller world, due to the information age, cell phones, digital cams, internet etc. More technology is available to the average person than NASA had 20 years ago. Who knew this would happen so fast, who knows what it will mean?

Taking all that in consideration,
The US economy is very strong, recovering from the market crash, recovering from the corporate scandal, recovering from terrorist attacks, and fear of terror. We have increased our security and put terrorists on the run. I am not saying its perfect, but it is progress. We have shaken the base of operations for terrorists globally. We had had NO terrorist attacks on US soil since 9/11.

I don’t give necessarlily give Bush credit for any of this, but earth shattering things have happened in 6 years that no one could foresee. Taken all that into consideration, I think we are all pretty well off.

Skitterpop 08-30-2006 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by NaCl H2O
Not really. Press and the libs have been slowly crawling out from under their rocks as we put more time between us and 9/11.

You bought the reality tv mega series?

Does`nt matter what party....libs or fascists :tooth:

Anytime the machine senses there cometh a viable candidate the trash tv and twisted writings begins.... our entire system of politics is tainted and out of control.

I`m voting Amish for the only chance this planet has for recovery....but alas this will not happen.

sokinwet 08-30-2006 01:57 PM

NACL H20 - Ok, I'll admit it ..not only did I watch Davey Crockett but I used to wear a coonskin hat and sing along to the theme song while I did... Born on a mountaintop in Tenn. lived his life in the land of the free... Hey kinda goes along with this thread doesn't it! :biglaugh:

NaCl H2O 08-30-2006 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by sokinwet
NACL H20 - Ok, I'll admit it ..not only did I watch Davey Crockett but I used to wear a coonskin hat and sing along to the theme song while I did... Born on a mountaintop in Tenn. lived his life in the land of the free... Hey kinda goes along with this thread doesn't it! :biglaugh:

LOL... what a memory.... and yes it does. :btu:

Skitterpop 08-30-2006 02:30 PM

I had the hat and fringed buckskin shirt :pop:

Daaaaavvvvyyyyy Crocket :boots:

Nebe 08-30-2006 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY
He comes off as an idiot to me too. I am disheartened and pissed.

so what you are saying is Spence and I were right all along??? :jump1:

spence 08-30-2006 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY
We have increased our security and put terrorists on the run. I am not saying its perfect, but it is progress. We have shaken the base of operations for terrorists globally. We had had NO terrorist attacks on US soil since 9/11.

What makes you think we're more secure?

The bi-partisan panel has given the Administration an F for their post 9/11 domestic security changes.

As for keeping us safe, our adventure in Iraq has killed nearly as many Americans that died on 9/11, and wounded 20,000 more...not to mention the hundreds of billions spent.

I won't dive into the incompetence and manipulation of the policy that's led us makes me to freaking PO'd.

And regarding no up on what the former CIA expert on Bin Laden has to say and it's not because we're so secure, it's that they are waiting for their time and place to upstage 9/11. Remember it was 8 years between attacks the last time.


Skitterpop 08-31-2006 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe
wow- i feel like i am watching a 3rd grader giving an oral report of his summer reading :hihi:

how much longer do we have with this tool????? cross larry the cable guy with curious george and a pinch of john wayne and what do you get??? :jester:

With all that money and whats on the line you would think they would have hired a better puppeteer.

Ventriloquism: Lost Art? Not with this coke head alcohol burnout CT. / Texas pine head :angel:

mekcotuit 08-31-2006 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe
wow- i feel like i am watching a 3rd grader giving an oral report of his summer reading :hihi:

how much longer do we have with this tool????? cross larry the cable guy with curious george and a pinch of john wayne and what do you get??? :jester:


Bushism of the Day
By Jacob Weisberg
Posted Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2006, at 12:38 PM ET

"And I suspect that what you'll see, Toby, is there will be a momentum, momentum will be gathered. Houses will begat jobs, jobs will begat houses." —Speaking with reporters along the Gulf Coast, Gulfport, Miss., Aug. 28, 2006

RIJIMMY 08-31-2006 08:30 AM

Nebe, could be. I still dont know what a better option is. And Spence, I did not say we're more secure, i said security has increased. Although everyone is critical of the TSA, I am impressed we were able to get someting like that up and running so quickly. Securty has definielty increased, we still have a LONG way to go.

stripersnipr 08-31-2006 08:34 AM

Do you ever get the feeling that the people who complain about increased security are the same people who complain that security hasn't been increased enough?

stormfish 08-31-2006 08:50 AM

Is it me or is speech spelled wrong for the thread? Anyhoo, it'll be difficult to improve security with massive expenditures in Iraq. U.S. General extended stay in Iraq for another 18 months and to deploy more troops into Iraq. Reason: Iraqi troops need more training.

spence 08-31-2006 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY
And Spence, I did not say we're more secure, i said security has increased.

Isn't this the same thing?

I hope the TSA is doing a good job, but the people who know more about it than I do sure don't think they're set up properly...additionally it's but a fraction of the overall security picture.

The real question is, has the Administration taken the domestic threat seriously?

The 9/11 bi-partisan panel says NO!


Skitterpop 08-31-2006 12:59 PM

Fascism is a radical totalitarian political philosophy that combines elements of corporatism, authoritarianism, extreme nationalism, militarism, anti-anarchism, anti-communism and anti-liberalism.

stripersnipr 08-31-2006 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Skitterpop
Fascism is a radical totalitarian political philosophy that combines elements of corporatism, authoritarianism, extreme nationalism, militarism, anti-anarchism, anti-communism and anti-liberalism.

I was wondering when revisionism would strike Websters.

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