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MakoMike 02-01-2007 10:10 AM

Hoe did this end up here, instead of in the political section where its easier to ignore it?

Bronko 02-01-2007 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 457716)
Now that this silly story has been flushed from the news cycle, there is one observation worth making.

Biden was attacked from the far right and far left.

To me this indicates:

1) Both extremes are very threatened by his running
2) He really is a centrist


To me it indicates that the right just jumped on a wounded animal and had fun exploiting an incredibly idiotic and campaign threatening statement much like they did with John Kerry's gaffe a couple of months ago.

The far left wants the Kerrys and Bidens of the world out of the way in order to promote faces that aren't re-treads. They need to run with the 'grass roots' and 'fresh faces' theme that Howie Dean has instituted. So they stabbed Ole' Joe in the throat also. It is a Ruthless business.

Don't get me wrong, Biden's qualifications are on par with the other candidates, but in my opinion, fair or not, he doesn't have the slightest chance.

Raven 02-01-2007 11:10 AM

Joe Biden is a super Ball

stripersnipr 02-01-2007 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 457716)
Now that this silly story has been flushed from the news cycle, there is one observation worth making.

Biden was attacked from the far right and far left.

To me this indicates:

1) Both extremes are very threatened by his running
2) He really is a centrist


This is far from flushed. Everywhere I turn it's in my face. I have to admit I never expected this much or this kind of reaction to his statement despite the way he presented it. I'm a little disappointed that he actually apologized.

spence 02-01-2007 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by stripersnipr (Post 458029)
This is far from flushed. Everywhere I turn it's in my face. I have to admit I never expected this much or this kind of reaction to his statement despite the way he presented it. I'm a little disappointed that he actually apologized.

He simply said he was sorry if Obama was offended...he didn't admit any real error.

And it's pretty much gone. If there was any residue it will be washed clean by Bush's surge plan really requiring 35-48K troops and not the 20K he said they were sending.

Oh, you meant all the troops? Hahaha, silly Administration.


Raven 02-01-2007 08:46 PM

i don't think it is as bad as when Ross Perot said "you people" though..

2008 is far enough away for this to evaporate.

RIJIMMY 02-02-2007 08:41 AM

Spence, you're alone on this one, every talk show I listen to, left and right, said he is done.
I agree with you that what he said was not that bad, but we're two white guys. There is no way the Dems will back him now and he is the most qualified Dem candidate. Strike another win for the Hillary machine, she signed a good contract with the man downstairs.

Raven 02-02-2007 09:13 AM

all this politically correctness is way over done and nauseating !

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton were not that articulate

more like grandstanders with a preachy style of speaking imho

and with Jessie Jackson you barely make out what he's saying...

i think this is what Joe was "trying" to say.... although it didn't

turn out that way ... and i think it's crazy to eliminate one's whole

political career based upon a single sentence. Thats absurd. :hs:

Raven 02-02-2007 09:23 AM

I hereby Predict that Joe Biden will be our next president.

Thus far he's Still the Most presidential candidate i've seen.

and with all the Blunders that Bush has done..... it's like comparing a mountain to a mole hill.

spence 02-02-2007 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 458151)
Spence, you're alone on this one, every talk show I listen to, left and right, said he is done.

Don't agree...

For one it's a long time till the election, and two Biden is perhaps one of the most qualified in the field.

Regarding foreign policy, he's by my estimation clearly the leader of the pack. And this is going to be a huge qualifier come election time.


Bronko 02-02-2007 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 458187)
Don't agree...

For one it's a long time till the election, and two Biden is perhaps one of the most qualified in the field.

Regarding foreign policy, he's by my estimation clearly the leader of the pack. And this is going to be a huge qualifier come election time.


In my humble opinion, he won't be a factor. Even my liberal friends want him to go away. Nobody doubts his brains and eperience in FP matters, but sadly those qualifications, or lack thereof, aren't always the standard . Most liberals I know want the Gore, Kerry and Bidens of the world to step back and allow some new blood to emerge as party leaders.They see them as retreads and gumming up the works for a party looking to take contol of the oval office. I am confident Biden will not be that person.

spence 02-02-2007 11:50 AM

And my wife who's nearly a member of the socialist party loves him :zup:

Biden is a pragmatist and a centrist which is what the country is looking for right about now.

Hillary is the real target, she has all the money and most of the party power base bahind her. Yet a good portion of the country believe she isn't electable.

Biden and Richardson are the two moderate dems with the perfect resumes to capture the middle.

If Biden blows it my money is on Bill Richardson, but I'd like to see both.


Swimmer 02-03-2007 08:50 AM

How would have this played out if Bush had said what Biden said?

stripersnipr 02-03-2007 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Swimmer (Post 458549)
How would have this played out if Bush had said what Biden said?


spence 02-03-2007 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Swimmer (Post 458549)
How would have this played out if Bush had said what Biden said?

I think people would have been stuck on how he butchered the pronounciation of "articulate" :laugha:

But in all honesty, it would have just been par for the course. Biden gets special treatment because:

1) He does run his mouth
2) I don't think anybody really believes he is at all racist
3) He's a very smart and well respected person, so the assumption is that he's not going to leave himself open for this sort of time waster.

Listen to how carefully Clinton's or Bush's words's programatic and sterile.


Swimmer 02-03-2007 12:38 PM

Spence, like it or not Biden pigeon-holed Obama as a black man who is main stream. Thats racist (closeted) all day long. Just because he is a democrat (centrist) doesn't make it right. What he said certainly wasn't as bad as some other far more ignorant people have said, but regardless its all the same.

spence 02-03-2007 01:23 PM

You're taking his comment out of context...he was talking about black presidentail candidates with broad appeal.

Can you name very many before Obama?


Swimmer 02-03-2007 09:43 PM

No Spence, I understood the context of what he was saying and how he ment it. His intentions were not bad by any means, but it doesn't mean he isn't a closeted racist. What Biden said was lazy in manner and ill thought before he opened his yap. To me that says he doesn't care very deeply if at all about Obama. It should matter one way or the other about his skin color. Throw Biden a life preserver he needs it.

spence 02-03-2007 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Swimmer (Post 458699)
His intentions were not bad by any means, but it doesn't mean he isn't a closeted racist.

Those are pretty strong words. Are you basing that statement on anything of substance or just the knee-jerk analysis of a few off putting comments?

When you look at Biden's track record...and he has a long and well documented track record...I don't think there's much of anything that indicates he's a racist person in any way.


Bronko 02-04-2007 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 458704)
Those are pretty strong words. Are you basing that statement on anything of substance or just the knee-jerk analysis of a few off putting comments?

When you look at Biden's track record...and he has a long and well documented track record...I don't think there's much of anything that indicates he's a racist person in any way.


He is one of those guys who will just talk and talk, typical political egomaniac. If there weren't cameras on he'd be talking to the mirror. He got jammed up last year making a crack about needing to speak indian at Dunkin donuts and convenience stores. He can't help himself. :hihi:

Swimmer 02-04-2007 10:24 AM

Thier is nothing knee-jerk with regard to my interpretation of what he said. You would have to know me to think my reaction to or subjective interpretation of what Biden said is slanted, and you don't other than here. What he said is textbook grouping in a backhanded backdoor manner. He is just more articulate than an uneducated racist.

spence 02-04-2007 10:40 AM

Again, you're taking a sinlgle statement that many would argue is being taken out of context.

You're saying his long track record on minority rights etc... isn't a better indicator of what he really believes?


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