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Nebe 06-03-2008 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by maddmatt (Post 594336)
but not till after i give you a chance to draw!!

Drawing is not one of my strong points. however, having a BFA in fine arts, Id wager to guess I can out draw you any day. :hee:

Not only do I wear a skirt I am a certified art fag in the eyes of the typical alpha male. In the eyes of a woman I am fabio. :rotflmao:

maddmatt 06-03-2008 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by maddmatt (Post 594334)
i guess i learned my lesson

never argue with fools
they bring you down to their level then beat you with experience

we survived wilson, carter, clinton and we'll survive obama if that's what god has in store for us.

ok, hows this?

never discuss politics with fools.

RIROCKHOUND 06-03-2008 12:06 PM

Thats the answer I thought I'd get.
You made a stupid statement about Americans becoming Muslims because Obama might win the election, and then you sit back and call us fools instead of addressing what you said, and what we asked in response to your question.

maddmatt 06-03-2008 12:14 PM


RIROCKHOUND 06-03-2008 12:19 PM

Just the type of thought out, intelligent response I'd expect from a gun-toting right winger.

Nebe 06-03-2008 12:32 PM

where is happymatt? surely one can not be mad about everything?

did you guys know it requires twice as much energy to be mad as opposed to happy.

group hug guys.. group hug.

Nebe 06-03-2008 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by maddmatt (Post 594347)
ok, hows this?

never discuss politics with fools.

Who is the bigger fool?

The warrior who Kills to solve a dispute

The diplomat who negotiates to solve a dispute

hmmmm. I guess the answer depends on how much a barrel of oil costs after its all said and done.

buckman 06-03-2008 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 594335)
I learned my lesson too. never argue with a guy with a NRA sticker.... He will shoot you. :buds:

That's a little childish don't you think. You have no idea what the NRA stands for.You sound like a Hollywood Idiot. Obama is a joke. you know it. I know it and the rest of the world knows it. He is a preacher and you are a sheep

spence 06-03-2008 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 594368)
Obama is a joke. you know it. I know it and the rest of the world knows it.

Looks like the rest of America didn't get your memo.

That JOKE is leading John McCain in the most recent polls :rotflmao:


likwid 06-03-2008 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 594368)
Obama is a joke. you know it. I know it and the rest of the world knows it. He is a preacher and you are a sheep

So I can't help myself, what precisely is he preaching?

The rest of the world thinks he's a joke? Show us proof? The real world? Or the buckman snowglobe world?

If you're going to make bold statements such as this at least have the ability to back it up.

buckman 06-03-2008 02:25 PM

I don't believe I quoted you. Why don't you make a long list of Obama's qualifications and enlighten us all. Or tell me something he truly stands for. I have an open mind, please teach me so I may follow too.

Nebe 06-03-2008 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 594368)
That's a little childish don't you think. You have no idea what the NRA stands for.You sound like a Hollywood Idiot. Obama is a joke. you know it. I know it and the rest of the world knows it. He is a preacher and you are a sheep

So sorry, but I am no sheep. Infact I am anything but a sheep. The more i think about it, those who need to join large orginizations like the NRA are actually sheep. I am a sea gull. Watch out or I will poop on you.

Nebe 06-03-2008 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 594379)
I don't believe I quoted you. Why don't you make a long list of Obama's qualifications and enlighten us all. Or tell me something he truly stands for. I have an open mind, please teach me so I may follow too.

I have thought much about Obama and this is what I come up with. In general, Obama truely stands for one main ideal. The well being of the masses of this country. The people who make up about 80% of this country. Mccain will tell you that you can have your guns.. McCain will tell you that your god is his god.. McCain will tell you that he is looking out for you, but in the end, when you look at how most republicns operate, they are really looking out for the top 1% of this country. Did you know that 1% of our population ownes 40% of the wealth in this country? In the past few years, more and more tax burdon has been shifted from this 1% and put on your shoulders and your kids shoulders. While you and I focus on working our butts off to make a hundered or 2 hundered grand a year, that 1% saves a hundred grand every month on the recent tax cuts. What the normal person earns in a year is chump change. The thing is this- What one needs to pay attention to is what course this country is going down.. Bush and McCain are obsessed with global issues and nation building.. Obama has his own nation to re-build. Ours.

buckman 06-03-2008 02:34 PM

I choose to join organizations that protect rights that I believe in. By the way Obama couldn't even stand by his church when the going got tough. Some values. I am still waiting for the list. Someone in the herd must have one.:bl:

Nebe 06-03-2008 02:37 PM

likwid 06-03-2008 02:38 PM

Couldn't stand by his church?
Can you blame him?
As far as I can tell the man stands by his religion.

Why is it so wrong that he walked away from his church when he didn't agree with it? If your church turned into a KKK meeting would you keep going?

And honestly, you accused him of being a preacher and us sheep, you must know him better than we do. Why precisely do we need to be telling you what he stands for if you already know so much about him?

buckman 06-03-2008 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 594383)
I have thought much about Obama and this is what I come up with. In general, Obama truely stands for one main ideal. The well being of the masses of this country. The people who make up about 80% of this country. Mccain will tell you that you can have your guns.. McCain will tell you that your god is his god.. McCain will tell you that he is looking out for you, but in the end, when you look at how most republicns operate, they are really looking out for the top 1% of this country. Did you know that 1% of our population ownes 40% of the wealth in this country? In the past few years, more and more tax burdon has been shifted from this 1% and put on your shoulders and your kids shoulders. While you and I focus on working our butts off to make a hundered or 2 hundered grand a year, that 1% saves a hundred grand every month on the recent tax cuts. What the normal person earns in a year is chump change. The thing is this- What one needs to pay attention to is what course this country is going down.. Bush and McCain are obsessed with global issues and nation building.. Obama has his own nation to re-build. Ours.

However the top 10% pay 90% of the taxes. Why should one person have to pay for the 9 layabouts that don't want to put in the effort. Work hard and strife to be that top 10% don't just complain about it. I am not even close to the upper bracket but I don't begrudge them for what they have. Why don't you swap your tax bill with someone who is "rich"

buckman 06-03-2008 02:44 PM

I'll have to admit I had a little falling out with the church myself being Catholic but he never complained or left untill it started to hurt his poles. That's why I say he has no values.

likwid 06-03-2008 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 594391)
I'll have to admit I had a little falling out with the church myself being Catholic but he never complained or left untill it started to hurt his poles. That's why I say he has no values.

Maybe he had family who went there? Friends that went there?
Haven't you ever been in the situation of "well... he still goes, eh, i'll go anyhow..."?

He didn't abandon the church until the pastor refused to apologize for what he said.

Nebe 06-03-2008 02:50 PM

I wouldnt be so quick to judge him over the church thing. Just because you do not agree 100% With your preist/reverand/rabi, does not mean that you reflect the same values, nor does it reflect that you have to find a new church. So he didnt agree with the guy and he stayed... so what. So he left because the media pounced on this as one of his weaknesses.. so what. I would have done the same thing. The social aspects of church sometimes out weigh the religious aspects. I would wager to guess that every affluent black person in his town attended that church. Sometimes sheep are slow to leave the flock, unless wolves are hopping the fence.

buckman 06-03-2008 02:50 PM

Thanks Nebe, I did not know he had done so much. " he gave the most important speech on religion in the last 40 years" HOLy SH@@t how did I miss it. And he stopped the spread of those infamous "weapons of mass destruction". I think he is awsome

Nebe 06-03-2008 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 594397)
Thanks Nebe, I did not know he had done so much. " he gave the most important speech on religion in the last 40 years" HOLy SH@@t how did I miss it. And he stopped the spread of those infamous "weapons of mass destruction". I think he is awsome

Considering the republicans coined the term WMD and then fabricated evidence to support the term, Id say they are even dont you think :D

buckman 06-03-2008 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 594399)
Considering the republicans coined the term WMD and then fabricated evidence to support the term, Id say they are even dont you think :D

Yes, I do.

Nebe 06-03-2008 02:55 PM

Unquestionably it was the best speech on religion in 40 years.

did you listen to it?

buckman 06-03-2008 02:59 PM

No, I just took his word for it. It said it on his website so thats good enough for us, right? baa baa

likwid 06-03-2008 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 594403)
No, I just took his word for it. It said it on his website so thats good enough for us, right? baa baa

Much like "mission accomplished"?

buckman 06-03-2008 03:06 PM

Man, we can't get away from that can we. The goal of the original mission was accomplished, we just forgot the next step.

likwid 06-03-2008 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 594409)
Man, we can't get away from that can we. The goal of the original mission was accomplished, we just forgot the next step.

Oh you mean the mission they apologized for? Yeeeahhhhh

buckman 06-03-2008 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by likwid (Post 594411)
Oh you mean the mission they apologized for? Yeeeahhhhh

Please tell me we didn't apologize for our mistakes. Say it ain't so.:shocked:

Nebe 06-03-2008 03:14 PM

we apologize for other's mistakes. then we kill them.

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