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spence 09-21-2010 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 796594)
What's a "good legislator"?

In the context of the Republican from VA, I believe he meant someone who had the potential to help write good laws. You can infer the proper skills on your own.

The point being, the best legislators aren't usually those who make the best sound bites.


scottw 09-22-2010 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 796606)

RIJ is stating that the Tea Party is being unfairly labeled 'right wing' but by your definition above, it sure sounds it. My point was simply that they are labled 'right' b/c the ARE 'right'

I'm going fishing. go do what O'Donnell says she doesn't do while looking at her picture Scott:smash::D:D:D:D:D

thought I was on your "ignore" list?

unfairly labeled "right wing" as a pejorative which indicates racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe Nazis as has been vioced by many democrat legislators and countless "left wing" pundints and media types...the fact is that the Tea Party is made up with people across the political spectrum and much to the dismay of the left, appeals to and includes a lot of the "center" with the values that they and the "media" HAVE DEFINED THE CANDIDATES THAT THEY SUPPORT AS "RIGHT WING OR FAR RIGHT".....your point of view is obviously different of that from the Tea Party faithful when it comes to labeling and what constitutes the "center", the left and lamestream media likes to fancy the center or moderates as anyone that agrees with them most of the usual, the people who should be happy that the Tea Party is destroying the republican chances to win in November are the most bothered by it....don't you want the dems to continue to control congress and Obama to continue to implement his policies??? you and others here and nationally should be enthusiastically rooting for the Tea Party to support so-called "unelectable fringe right candidates"

please go back and read the Tea Party list of values posted earlier and tell me how those are explicitly "right wing" and then show me a "left wing" candidate that can espouse those values...

Posted by John R
Five Core Principles on its website.
1. Limited Government
2. Fiscal Responsibility
3. Personal Responsibility
4. The Rule of Law
5. National Sovereignty

Can a "Liberal" or "Progressive" please find for me the Extremeism or Right Wing in the above?

the Tea Party is simply backing the candidate that most closely represents these principles which are foreign to the lamestream media and much of the left but very AMERICAN...if the democrats, lamestream media and "left wing" are going to support and run "bearded Marxist" (or unbearded in the case of Obama) candidates...perhaps the center isn't at all where they imagine it to be...

RIJIMMY 09-22-2010 07:04 AM

Scotts post above is 100 percent correct. He always did understand me.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 09-22-2010 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 796711)
Scotts post above is 100 percent correct. He always did understand me.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

RI Tea Party Endorsements
September 9th, 2010
The People's PAC of the RI Tea Party is pleased to announce Round One of its Endorsements for the RI General Assembly.

After an exhaustive study of all candidates running for General Assembly, the RI Tea Party PAC has chosen to announce endorsements of four candidates who face primary elections next Tuesday, September 14th. These candidates are:

Michael Pinga (D) Senate District 9
Jon Brien (D) House District 50

Doreen Costa (R) House District 31
Stephanie Sivalingham (R) House District 65

Based upon our vetting process, which required that candidates answer a comprehensive questionnaire, as well as an investigation of voting records of incumbents, we have decided that these four candidates best represent the interests of taxpayers and businesses in the districts in which they compete for next week's primary and the General Election in November. Our questionnaire represents a cross section of issues pertinent to Rhode Island governance which fall under the mission statement of the RI Tea Party, including fiscal responsibility, accountability of our elected officials, and adherence to Constitutional principles. It can be viewed at RI Tea Party

spence 09-22-2010 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 796688)
the Tea Party is simply backing the candidate that most closely represents these principles which are foreign to the lamestream media and much of the left but very AMERICAN...if the democrats, lamestream media and "left wing" are going to support and run "bearded Marxist" (or unbearded in the case of Obama) candidates...perhaps the center isn't at all where they imagine it to be...

And can you explain how O'Donnell is better enabled to demonstrate these principals than Mike Castle who the Tea Party chose not to back? We do know that Castle isn't squeaky clean, he did have that incident where he stood up to a "Birther" during a town hall.

The numbers clearly show that Mike Castle was likely going to win the mid-term election and gain a valuable Senate seat for the GOP.

According to a FOX News poll, as of yesterday, Coons leads O'Donnell 54 to 39 while Castle would be leading Coons by the same margin had he won the primary.

If the Tea Party is really serious about reigning in government spending, one would think that early control of the House or Senate would be the highest priority. Control of either side is not a gimme, and in two more years the damage that could be done by Obama is staggering.

Instead they try to ride the anti-incumbent wave with a Palin look-a-like and back a candidate with little experience and views that are much further to the right than the usual demographics of the Delaware voters.


scottw 09-22-2010 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 796738)
And can you explain how O'Donnell is better enabled to demonstrate these principals than Mike Castle who the Tea Party chose not to back?
The numbers clearly show that Mike Castle was likely going to win the mid-term election and gain a valuable Senate seat for the GOP.


Clearly was not desirable as a representative of those values for the senate, guess they didn't want to hold their nose and support a Rino like Castle who was not going to demonstrate any of their principles....we'll see in the general if it was a good move or a bad move...should they pick the schmuck just because he is a guaranteed win?...
he's(Castle) shown his true colors after the defeat...:uhuh: the same guy that lectured that the party and candidates should support any republican over any democrat in the general in a speech a while back....FRAUD :uhuh: apparently this applied to everyone but him....:rotf2:

The social creed was once the philosophy of rebels against established order; but, as Lionel Trilling long ago showed, it has become inseparable from a vision of power and mastery. The social idealist, Trilling said in 1948, is one “who takes license from his ideals for the unrestrained exercise of power.” The “ultimate threat to human freedom,” he wrote in a sympathetic account of George Orwell’s thought, could well come from a “massive development of the social idealism of our democratic culture.”

John Henry Newman, when he led the Anglo-Catholic Oxford Movement that shook the Church of England in the 1830s, went so far as to argue that naïve enthusiasm is more valuable, in reform movements, than the sophisticated tactical expediency that finds its “beau idéal” in “safe, sound, sensible men,” and in “a timid cautious course” charted by “second rate” characters “with low views” and “tame dull” ideas.

Newman conceded that the enthusiastic naïf is likely to have his foibles. But while “incidentally faulty in mode or language,” he is “still peculiarly effective.” The “very faults” of such an individual “excite attention; he loses, but his cause, if good, and he powerful minded, gains . . .”

and again...if what you say is in fact true, you should be thrilled, your hero will keep the Senate and continue with his agenda......but you should really focus more on your team as they really seem to be the ones in big trouble...

scottw 09-22-2010 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 796738)
-. Control of either side is not a gimme, and in two more years the damage that could be done by Obama is staggering.


Spence, can you clarify for me?..Is this Spence speaking in this statement or are you channeling aTea Party member or someone else ?

spence 09-22-2010 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 796776)
Spence, can you clarify for me?..Is this Spence speaking in this statement or are you channeling aTea Party member or someone else ?

I just threw that in to give you a little chub.


spence 09-22-2010 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 796751)
Clearly was not desirable as a representative of those values for the senate, guess they didn't want to hold their nose and support a Rino like Castle who was not going to demonstrate any of their principles....we'll see in the general if it was a good move or a bad move...should they pick the schmuck just because he is a guaranteed win?...

How does siding with the Dems on some votes make you a Rino? I reviewed his voting history and he certainly has voted with the GOP on a majority of significant bills.

I thought the GOP was a "big tent" party. I guess if you don't tow the party line you're not really a member


buckman 09-22-2010 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 796861)
How does siding with the Dems on some votes make you a Rino? I reviewed his voting history and he certainly has voted with the GOP on a majority of significant bills.

I thought the GOP was a "big tent" party. I guess if you don't tow the party line you're not really a member


No matter...Dem or Republican. The core values posted by John R. are what the majority in America want. We have not had them from either party. It's about time we have a bloodless revolution in this country. Thank the Tea Party for getting something done.

spence 09-22-2010 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 796866)
No matter...Dem or Republican. The core values posted by John R. are what the majority in America want. We have not had them from either party. It's about time we have a bloodless revolution in this country. Thank the Tea Party for getting something done.

I thought the Tea Party candidates were running primarily as Republicans?

What makes you believe that once elected, Tea Party backed Republicans won't behave like GOP backed Republicans?


JohnnyD 09-22-2010 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 796866)
No matter...Dem or Republican. The core values posted by John R. are what the majority in America want. We have not had them from either party. It's about time we have a bloodless revolution in this country. Thank the Tea Party for getting something done.

I thought the Tea Party had formed an alliance with the GOP to oust Democrats?

buckman 09-22-2010 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 796867)
I thought the Tea Party candidates were running primarily as Republicans?

What makes you believe that once elected, Tea Party backed Republicans won't behave like GOP backed Republicans?


People are pissed off. What don't you get? The candidates that appear to have the values that America desires happen to be Repulicans.

The message will be sent. Eff up and you will be voted out. Do the people's work or you will be voted out. Why are you and JD so opposed to this message?

justplugit 09-22-2010 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 796927)

The message will be sent. Eff up and you will be voted out. Do the people's work or you will be voted out.

Yup, if the AstroTurfs Tea Party didn't put "the wake up call" to the Silent Majority with the 5 principles,
and pointing out the incumbents who are taking us down a no return road,
it would just be the same old same old Washington's BS.

Good for them, now at least we have a chance to get back to those principles.

JohnnyD 09-22-2010 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 796927)
The candidates that appear to have the values that America desires happen to be Repulicans.

You are grossly mistaken if you think a blanket statement like this can be made.

As usual, you have zero understanding of my opinion. The Tea Party Movement was founded on principles that I agreed fully with. The Tea Party Movement has turned into a joke due to the political extremists that take part in the rallies and the people chosen to be figureheads for the organization.

Their new alliance with the GOP to oust Democrats is a blatant slap in the face to any sympathizer to the group.

scottw 09-23-2010 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 796936)
You are grossly mistaken if you think a blanket statement like this can be made. like your blanket statements regarding the Tea Party?

As usual, you have zero understanding of my opinion.which is mostly idiotic:uhuh: who can blame Buck? The Tea Party Movement was founded on principles that I agreed fully with. you don't even know what they are...The Tea Party Movement has turned into a joke due to the political extremists that take part in the rallies and the people chosen to be figureheads for the organization. yes, clearly a joke with little or no influence :uhuh:

Their new alliance with the GOP to oust Democrats is a blatant slap in the face to any sympathizer to the group.

someone should warn the democrats and independents supported by the tea party that they are about to be the victims of a sneak attack...

since you will never see this as I'm on your ignore list I guess I can't offend you, this is mindless pablam running out of the corner of your mouth which is hilarious given the fact that it comes from someone that routinely impunes the so-called "ignorant, uninformed and stupid" a little research before you throw up this mindless drivel :rotf2:

scottw 09-23-2010 06:36 AM

how about the "secret unholy " alliance between the dems and the tea party?

Fake Friends: Democrats and tea party candidates
Published: Sunday, September 12, 2010

By Kevin Ferris

VICE President Joe Biden gave his view of the opposition in this fall’s elections at a recent Democratic gathering:

“(T)his ain’t your father’s Republican Party. This is the Republican Tea Party.”

Uh-oh. We know what that means. People who are worried about taxes, spending and debt. People who will stand up in a town hall meeting and challenge lawmakers — even if it means hurting politicians’ feelings.

Obviously, for Democrats, that means we’re talking people who are racist (if you believe the NAACP and others) and un-American, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the opponents of health-care reform last summer.

Such people should be shunned, right? But what are Democrats doing? Busting their behinds to put tea party candidates on the ballot.

Mind you, they act not because they believe in anything espoused by the tea parties — lower taxes, less spending, limited government, the Constitution, the free-market system. No, they act for higher callings: electing Democrats to office, holding onto Democratic majorities in Congress.

The strategy is simple enough. Democrats believe with all their heart that in addition to being racist and un-American, tea party folks — or conservatives, or Republicans, or frankly anyone who disagrees with them — are stupid. So, the thinking goes, when faced with three parties on election day — R, D, or tea — the stupid voter will go with No. 3, splitting the conservative vote and allowing Democrats to squeak by in a challenging political time. Or perhaps the tea party simpleton is so confused by all the options that his head explodes and there’s one less conservative vote. Messy, but effective.

Of course, no Democratic candidate or committee admits to such tactics — that would be stupid and we know to whom that adjective applies. But, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Politico and others have reported on several instances of Democrats helping so-called tea party candidates — nationwide and close to home.

‰Florida: Republicans and tea party activists are accusing Democratic U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson and a Republican consultant of forming a front group, the Florida Tea Party, to help Democratic candidates in state and congressional races, including Grayson.

‰Michigan: A Democratic official was forced to resign his party position after being accused of fraudulently notarizing campaign filings for a dozen so-called tea party candidates. The 23 candidates statewide who were supposedly representing tea parties have been denied ballot positions.

‰New Jersey: In the Third Congressional District, where Republican Jon Runyan is challenging Democratic freshman U.S. Rep. John Adler, the GOP says the incumbent is boosting the third-party bid of Peter DeStefano. There are reports of longtime Adler and Democratic Party supporters signing nominating petitions, and Adler’s campaign suspiciously released an early internal poll that included DeStefano. Adler denies any connection between his campaign and DeStefano.

‰Pennsylvania: In the governor’s race, a review of state records led the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review to report on Aug. 10: “Members of unions that endorsed Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato, as well as one of his campaign workers, helped get Tea Party candidate John Krupa onto Pennsylvania’s gubernatorial ballot.” Krupa dropped out of the race a week later when challenged by tea-party activists.

In Pennsylvania’s Seventh District race to replace U.S. Rep. Joe Sestak, third-party candidate Jim Schneller wouldn’t be on the ballot with Republican Pat Meehan and Democrat Bryan Lentz if not for Democrats circulating petitions for him. Swarthmore Democrat Colleen Guiney, one of the “Lentz or Schneller for Congress” devotees, was referred to by Lentz earlier this year as “the hardest worker on my campaign.” A hearing on Meehan’s challenge to Schneller’s candidacy is scheduled for this week.

“It’s almost an admission that the party’s candidates need something other than merit to win this fall,” a recent Detroit Free Press editorial said of the Michigan case.

Exactly right. If this truly had been Recovery Summer, Democrats would have a talking point or two. But with poor unemployment, housing and GDP numbers, it just looks as if they’ve spent the last 19 months binge spending to fulfill liberal wish lists rather than focusing on the economy and creating jobs.

Charlie Cook, publisher of the Cook Political Report, said recently on Bill Bennett’s “Morning in America” radio program that the current economy has Americans worried. They are saving where they can, paying down debt, and being very careful about spending. To act otherwise, as Democrats have been doing, seems stupid. And no amount of campaign trickery will make them support such behavior this fall

buckman 09-23-2010 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 796936)
You are grossly mistaken if you think a blanket statement like this can be made.

As usual, you have zero understanding of my opinion. The Tea Party Movement was founded on principles that I agreed fully with. The Tea Party Movement has turned into a joke due to the political extremists that take part in the rallies and the people chosen to be figureheads for the organization.

Their new alliance with the GOP to oust Democrats is a blatant slap in the face to any sympathizer to the group.

I said "appear" . That's a blanket statement?

As usual...your opinion doesn't matter to me, the Tea Party or anyone for that matter. :)

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