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FishermanTim 06-03-2014 10:15 AM

Did he say skidmarks?

Oooh, SKIN walkers, that makes much better sense.

Raven 06-22-2014 05:17 AM

this is funny

Liv2Fish 06-27-2014 01:39 PM

I let my kids watch the show about the russian yetis and they were terrified for a few days. I had to show them on GGE how far away Russia was and that even if one tried to swim across the ocean, he wouldn't be able to bring enough food and would starve to death.

On the way to the SB kids day a couple of weeks ago, we were driving beside this guy who was as big and hairy as a yeti. The resemblance didn't occur to me until my youngest says "holy crap" there's a Yeti beside us driving a car. She was not joking.

Raven 06-27-2014 02:20 PM

LOL ----reminds me of the DAY i saw this Black GUY all dressed up in AFRICAN dress..
....looking like a cannibal with the bone in his Nose, feathered head dress
the whole shhheeebang driving down the road....
and he LOOKED exactly like the dude on the little rascals episode
that would say.... YUM YUM Eat -em UP and chase all them lil rascals around

Cool Beans 06-27-2014 02:54 PM

Even in the mid '80s, back in Idaho I had several friends who had home made big foot suits, It was alot of fun to quietly go through a scout camp after they were all asleep and quietly stride out the "footprints" (hi-top boots with plaster feet). Once you cleared the camp, I would signal my cousin (who wore the suit) up on the ridgeline to start his howl. He would always be far enough they couldnt see detail and only make out the huge shape against the skyline.

Once he started howling I (dressed normal except for the shoes) would yank a few tents down and run off back to our camp. The scouts would run out hear the howls, "see bigfoot" on the ridge and then discover huge tracks right through their camp. It is VERY common. Bigfoot is no more real than Santa Clause or the Tooth Fairie.

Guppy 06-27-2014 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Liv2Fish (Post 1045854)
I let my kids watch the show about the russian yetis and they were terrified for a few days. I had to show them on GGE how far away Russia was and that even if one tried to swim across the ocean, he wouldn't be able to bring enough food and would starve to death.

On the way to the SB kids day a couple of weeks ago, we were driving beside this guy who was as big and hairy as a yeti. The resemblance didn't occur to me until my youngest says "holy crap" there's a Yeti beside us driving a car. She was not joking.

Nice one
There will be more around here next week! :uhuh: 4th

Raven 06-27-2014 05:18 PM

BULL SHEEEEET he ain't real
his sightings have been going on for hundred's of years
ERIC the red ...the most bad-azz Viking ever to land in
AMERICA got so afraid of them he LEFT in a Hurry
Just because there are Hoax's doesnt make indian LORE
all a LIE
just like intelligent life forms on distant planets
you cannot take the attitude we are it... nothing else exists
because it's a mathematical impossibility for them not to exist
now..... whether they travel to EARTH or not
that is the Question....

BigBo 06-27-2014 05:31 PM

:smokin: :usd: :rotf3:

Raven 06-27-2014 05:51 PM

actually it was leif erickson

here's what they had to say
.................................................. .................................................
It is a little known historical fact that the first Sasquatch encounter was perhaps observed by the vikings who settled on the island of Newfoundland in Eastern Canada. Leif Erikson, or Leif the Lucky (son of Erik the Red), and his crew of Norsemen landed on the rugged shores on "The Rock" some one thousand years ago, becoming the first Europeans to set foot in the Western World. Leif kept a record of his journey across the Atlantic, from Iceland to Greenland, and of his experiences whilst in Newfoundland, the last point of land on his voyage. Among his accounts, Leif told of seeing huge hairy men who towered over him and his Berzerker crew (and the vikings are known to have been large men). The "huge hairy men", according to Leif, lived in the Woods and had a rank odour and a deafening shriek. Apparently, Leif had several sightings of the "huge hairy men" before departing the island.


DESCRIPTION OF CREATURE: Towering height, hairy, man-like, rank smell, deafening verbal tones., The natives of Newfoundland, the Beothuck (now extinct), most likely had similar relations to the Sasquatch like other native bands, especially those of Western Canada (ie Bella Coola). Leif's accounts spoke of his meeting of a race of men (seperate from the "huge hairy men"), which were almost certainly the Beothuck.

Raven 06-27-2014 05:58 PM

several human witness's have described these deafening verbal tones
so loud that they had vibrated the persons body
this is what happens when your too close to a rock band's mega speaker

you get vibrated....

now if your twice as thick as a man in the chest
and your shoulders are 4 feet wide
you weight upwards of 600+ pounds
and your 7-9 foot tall

i'd say you could belt out a pretty LOUD shriek

loud enough to make people instantly cry

that takes complete domination

Raven 10-05-2014 02:29 PM

Band Of Brothers
Hunting Bigfoot in Alaska the Last Frontier

Don't tell these guys he doesn't exist
they might just kill ya

Raven 11-09-2014 10:05 AM

UPDATE .....

Bigfoot recorded and Language was found
sent into You tube 2 days ago

justplugit 11-09-2014 12:02 PM

LOL, Rav. Gardening season is over and you have waaay too much
time on your hands. :)

iamskippy 11-09-2014 01:04 PM

that is 36 min of my life i will never get back

Raven 11-09-2014 02:48 PM


FishermanTim 11-10-2014 12:51 PM

To quote Jeff Foxworthy, "I know one thing about Bigfoot.....that all those Bigfoot experts are all single!"

Made me laugh when I heard that.

I still like the line by Don Ameche from "Harry and the Hendersons"
when he says "Bigfoot eat their dead!"

Never ceases to amaze me to see these people getting paid like a otherwords, they get paid even when they are wrong, no matter how many times!

Raven 11-10-2014 01:43 PM

i liked the Southern guy who said BIGFOOT was beautiful

Raven 11-18-2014 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by iamskippy (Post 1056090)
that is 36 min of my life i will never get back

APPARENTLY: Skipp has had some "TIME" returned to him
which would correspond with "Missing time"

and we all Know where that comes from.........:eek5: LOL

Raven 11-29-2014 10:55 AM

UFOs & Bigfoot:

In the first half of Friday's show, guest host Connie Willis (email) welcomed paranormal investigator and researcher Stan Gordon for a discussion on the wave of UFO and Bigfoot sightings which occurred in Pennsylvania in the 1970's. He recalled how, at the start of 1973, witnesses began reporting a number of strange UFO events which went beyond merely sightings of enigmatic lights in the sky. According to Gordon, there were not only many reports of solid, structured craft, but also UFOs chasing cars as well as objects landing on the ground. By the Summer, he said, the situation became even more bizarre as "we had the biggest outbreak of Bigfoot sightings ever recorded" which lasted into 1974.

When the first Bigfoot reports began, Gordon and research team initially thought they were simply dealing with a zoological phenomenon, but they questioned this conclusion as the cases grew stranger. Early oddities included a Bigfoot seemingly teleporting across a road as well as a witness who claimed that a creature crossed in front of his car headlights and caused the vehicle to stall until the beast was out of sight. As this wave of high strangeness progressed, he recollected, a pattern emerged where a UFO sighting would be followed, "minutes to hours to days later," by the appearance of a Bigfoot in the same general area. The paranormal outbreak reached a crescendo when Gordon and his team investigated a case which "led me to realize there was a lot more to this phenomena than we had any idea."

He explained that, in October of 1973, witnesses spotted a slow-moving, bright red UFO apparently land in the pasture of a farm. On the way out to investigate the craft, the group heard a high-pitched whining sound that got louder as they got closer as well as an eerie sound which resembled a baby crying. As they reached the top of the pasture, they were stunned to see the UFO now resembled a white dome which illuminated the entire area. Suddenly, they noticed two Bigfoot creeping along a barbed wire fence about 75-feet away from the UFO and making those strange sounds. When a witness shot a tracer bullet at the creatures, one of the Bigfoot reached up as if to grab it and, suddenly, the UFO disappeared into thin air. The man then tried shooting the Bigfoot with live ammunition, but the bullets had no effect and the creatures wandered off into the woods.

Open Lines: (on TONIGHT'S SHOW NOVEMBER 29TH on Coast ZONE )

The latter half of the program featured Open Lines and included numerous callers sharing their Bigfoot stories. William in Alabama revealed that he had recently been working as a security guard at a mine and was injured when a Bigfoot violently knocked him over while dashing out of the cavern. Joe in Oregon claimed that a longtime friend of his once accidentally stumbled upon a Bigfoot while hiking. As the man and the creature stared at each other, Joe said, the Bigfoot dematerialized right before his eyes. Sandy in Miami talked about how a retired Broward County sheriff confided in him that he used to receive "hundreds and hundreds of calls" from residents who had encountered Florida's Bigfoot, known as the Skunk Ape.

Raven 12-04-2014 01:18 PM

6 days ago
2 bigfeet both carrying deer carcass
and a baby bigfoot seen by a turkey hunter

Raven 02-13-2015 09:14 AM

photo of bigfoot ravenized
he had a trail cam then got this image in infared
so i took the left half face shown and built the right half
to make it a whole face...just to see what it might look like...

Raven 02-13-2015 09:16 AM

might be a fan of Frank Zappa - LOL

Raven 04-07-2015 08:43 AM

this is a great story....

jimmy z 04-09-2015 05:39 PM

Years back someone saw Elvis walking with the Lizard man somewhere in a Bayou

Raven 04-09-2015 07:37 PM

that makes perfect me
shiny lizard skin and Elvis in sequins
the perfect duet

Raven 12-09-2015 05:42 PM

bigfoot caught
this one is real fun

Raven 02-29-2016 10:12 AM

a guy goes for a walk with his golden retriever
and encounters a juvenile sasquatch and grabs a quicky photo
with the cellphone before it ran off. dogs tail is tucked between legs
and it trembled and whimpered for three days afterwards.

Guppy 02-29-2016 05:53 PM


Raven 05-01-2016 07:01 AM

this rocks---- turn up the volume

Guppy 05-01-2016 03:06 PM

Ya, I'm pretty certain that's mating season Craig....

FishermanTim 05-02-2016 01:12 PM

Reminds me of regular fall trips up to the Jefferson Notch Motel for foliage hiking weekends. We would sit around the main office shooting the breeze with the proprietors, and they would tell us stories about things they did (usually after a night of drinking) and it brought one story to mind.

They had one night that they called their "hill hollering" night.
They would basically scream, hoot and howl as loud as they could to see if they could get an echo from the mountains across the road from the motel. They were situated on the north side of the Presidential Mountain range, near Mt Madison and Mt Monroe.

Who's to say that if they heard anything at all, that it wasn't an echo, but a reply???

I can't give any specifics as I was not there when they did it.
I can say that the area is VAST...we're talking a section of the Appalachian Mountains.

Who knows what really happened???

Raven 05-02-2016 08:03 PM

that's right Gup ! they even wolf whistle @ the bigfoot babes

Raven 08-24-2016 08:07 PM

this video sends shivers thru me of FEAR
as i listen intensely to this big-foot ripping apart
the base of a tree GRUB hunting for food
the kind of sheer power being displayed is
literally WAY beyond a human being's strength.
check it out

FishermanTim 08-25-2016 10:34 AM

Like most "unexplained" video creatures, their proof is always more convincing when the video is unclear and doesn't show too much, like a magician's trick.

He had the time, so why didn't he zoom his Iphone in while shooting the video?

Could be true, could be a hoax guess we'll never know?

Raven 08-25-2016 11:39 AM

stay out of that swamp

heard a story bout a guy who finds a friends dog
guarding just the friends head in the front yard
the rest of him was stuffed into a hole like a rag
like we might do to block a mouse from getting in

Raven 08-28-2016 09:53 AM

electric deer

Raven 01-09-2018 04:18 PM

interview: leaving no more doubts
this is a shocking and revolting account so take notice :doh:


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