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Jim in CT 04-07-2017 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1120117)

As I said before you are assuming what a small % of the population does represents the whole population and assigning that thing to the full population - even though the demographics of the sample are totally different than the whole population. That is not intellectually honest.

That is like my saying the we know the kkk is racist and supports rep. therefore all reps. are racist. If you really think that cons. don't engage in racism at a rate that is disproportionate to their portion of the population, then we should stop responding to each other altogether.

"you are assuming what a small % of the population does represents the whole population "

Wrong, wrong, wrong. I am not saying al liberals are rioters, or that all liberals support riots (though not many pundits criticize the rioters, most justify it). Again, I ask a simple question, and instead of answering, you point out some of my many flaws.

Here is what I am doing. I am asking you, if liberals are more prone to riot, than conservatives. I'm not saying all liberals do it, I am not saying all liberals condone it. I am asking if politically-motivated rioting exists more commonly on the left than the right.

Yes or no?

I happily concede all of my shortcomings, you don't need to point them out, this is a yes or no answer. And if the answer is yes (which it obviously is), here is the real question - why?

Jim in CT 04-07-2017 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1120117)

That is like my saying the we know the kkk is racist and supports rep. therefore all reps. are racist. If you really think that cons. don't engage in racism at a rate that is disproportionate to their portion of the population, then we should stop responding to each other altogether.

Not remotely the same thing. Because 99% of the republicans in DC, and the conservative pundits you see on TV, call out the KKK for what they are.

Very, very few liberal politicians, and very few liberal talking heads, suggest that the rioters are wrong because even offensive conservatives have the right to speak.

Every single host on Foxnews despises the Klan. How many hosts at CNN tell the college rioters to shut up and let Milo speak?

JohnR 04-07-2017 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1120117)
That is like my saying the we know the kkk is racist and supports rep. therefore all reps. are racist.

Funny - history shows they were Dems and progressives

Jim in CT 04-07-2017 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 1120126)
Funny - history shows they were Dems and progressives

Obviously true, but his point (which is also true) is that today, most Klansmen probably vote Republican. Which is actually against their cause in my opinion, but that's a separate issue for another time.

It's also a safe bet that most Islamic radicals vote democrat. Same with drug dealers, black panthers, and welfare cheats. So I'm not sure either party wants to be identified by the worst elements in their voting base.

My point is that Republicans don't excuse the behavior of racists in their midst. But these liberal rioters, when do they ever get criticized by liberal pundits or liberal politicians? When do they ever get called fascists by liberals on CNN or ABC or NBC?

PaulS 04-07-2017 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 1120126)
Funny - history shows they were Dems and progressives

Yes, historically but not anymore. Parties flipped flopped.

PaulS 04-07-2017 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1120123)
"you are assuming what a small % of the population does represents the whole population "

Wrong, wrong, wrong. I am not saying al liberals are rioters, or that all liberals support riots sure, that is exactly what you do. Very rarely do you specify the sub set you are talking about. (though not many pundits criticize the rioters, most justify it). Again, I ask a simple question, and instead of answering, you point out some of my many flaws.

Here is what I am doing. I am asking you, if liberals are more prone to riot, than conservatives.No, I don't think so. I'm not saying all liberals do it, I am not saying all liberals condone it. I am asking if politically-motivated rioting exists more commonly on the left than the right.I would agree that there are more liberals in college than conserv. in college who "riot" but I think there are more people in those "riots" who have no political affiliation or identification than identify as liberal. When BLM rioted, those folks were angry that they felt they were treated differently from whites - their policital party (if they even had one) had nothing to do with it. In some of the riots, some of the people are anarchists, some are doing it bc of the mob mentality and some are doing bc they want to steal things.

Yes or no?

I happily concede all of my shortcomings, you don't need to point them out, this is a yes or no answer. And if the answer is yes (which it obviously is), here is the real question - why?

You're making a broad generalization by assigning something to them that I don't think is correct.

Jim in CT 04-07-2017 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1120131)

You're making a broad generalization by assigning something to them that I don't think is correct.

So you don't think liberals are more prone to political riots than conservatives. Thank you for providing a direct answer.

So you can point to as many conservative-led riots, as I can point to liberal-led riots? You really think so?

Can you name a single conservative-led political riot from the last 20 years? Because if I factor in the Trump election, what happens at every college when a conservative tries to speak, what happens every time white police officer shoots a black person, I can come up with many, many examples of liberal-led riots.

Jim in CT 04-07-2017 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1120131)

You're making a broad generalization by assigning something to them that I don't think is correct.

"When BLM rioted, those folks were angry that they felt they were treated differently from whites - their policital party (if they even had one) had nothing to do with it. "


It's the democrat machine that fuels the notion that institutional racism exists, and it's the democratic machine that perpetuates the horrible lie that white police officers are a problem.

detbuch 04-16-2017 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1120072)
I haven't once said it is ok - just that some reactions are going to be expected based on the actions.

And, after actions against free speech, happen over and over and are not stopped by those who should stop the suppression of speech, then eventually, reactions to the shutting down of free speech "are [as you say] going to be expected,". It's going to get crazy if the thugs who are stopping people from speaking are not stopped:

detbuch 07-16-2017 09:08 PM

Interesting opponent versus Warren. Does he have a chance?

Duke41 07-17-2017 06:59 AM

You can only afford to be a liberal if your young and just starting out or poor and living on handouts. Once you start to take off, it is a luxury you can't afford. I am in favor in helping folks that legitimaly need it, I don't want people dying or living in the streets to other 3rd world countries signing up with the Russians or Chinese. It would be great to cut taxes for all of us. What could you do with an extra 5 or 10 k of your own hard earned money. I live in Mass. This is a list of taxes I have to pay.
Real estate tax
sales tax
federal Tax
social security tax
Auto Excise Tax
Mooring Tax
trash pick fee
dump fee
sports fees
school bus fee
medicare tax
unemployment tax
Equipment Tax
cell phone tax

What I could do with that extra money.

What you could do with that extra money.

What a world.

Jim in CT 07-18-2017 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1125108)
Interesting opponent versus Warren. Does he have a chance?

He's coming out swinging, that's for sure. He offered to pay for her DNA test to see how much Native American DNA she really has.

I think Warren has set her sights higher than the US Senate. Me think-um that Princess Spreading Bull wants to live in teepee of Great White Chief. Ugh.

I am very happy this post got brought back to life.

The Dad Fisherman 07-18-2017 09:47 AM

each party's version of bat-#^&#^&#^&#^& crazy on the same ballot. Yeah, that would be just friggin awesome.

I'm just gonna vote myself off the island :wall:

The Dad Fisherman 08-29-2017 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1125108)
Interesting opponent versus Warren. Does he have a chance?

Hey, isn't this guy a Nazi? :hihi:

nightfighter 11-27-2017 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1119980)
Liberals learned a long time ago, that their agenda doesn't play well in most of America. So what liberals did, in order to advance their agenda, was concentrate on taking over the media and academia. It was brilliant, you genuinely have to give them credit from a strategic point of view.

When I was in college, I was a registered Democrat. It made perfect sense to me, to eliminate poverty by taking just a little bit more from the fabulously wealthy, who could not possibly miss a few pennies here and there. I really believed (because it's all I was taught in college, and all I saw on TV) that conservatives were happy to let poor people starve to death, so that millionaires could become billionaires. I heard that 100 times a day, and it was never, ever challenged. And I was a math major, not a sociology major, and I still got indoctrinated.

It was in my mid 20s when I realized how moronic all of that is. But college kids don't know any better, so it's very effective at creating liberals. And 99% of America doesn't watch Foxnews, so most people only hear Hilary say that people like me are deplorable, most people never hear the other point of view, they never get to see any challenges to liberalism. Because an honest presentation of what conservatism is, only happens on one network. On every other network, conservatives are described in awful language.

Local kid is scheduled to graduate from UMass Amherst in May. 25 year old Marine Corps veteran did tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. He cannot wait to get out. Is surrounded by anti-American teaching. His very words. It is nothing more than a factory to indoctrinate the American youth into becoming left leaning Democratic socialists! Just before his Thanksgiving break hid class was given a writing assignment that was to confess how as a white person, what it was like to grow up with such entitlements...... Are you kidding me? Apologizing for who he is? Another reason my alma mater will never get a dime from me again

spence 11-27-2017 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1132446)
Local kid is scheduled to graduate from UMass Amherst in May. 25 year old Marine Corps veteran did tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. He cannot wait to get out. Is surrounded by anti-American teaching. His very words. It is nothing more than a factory to indoctrinate the American youth into becoming left leaning Democratic socialists! Just before his Thanksgiving break hid class was given a writing assignment that was to confess how as a white person, what it was like to grow up with such entitlements...... Are you kidding me? Apologizing for who he is? Another reason my alma mater will never get a dime from me again

How is walking in another person's shoes anti-American?

nightfighter 11-27-2017 08:31 PM

Try walking in a Marine's shoes....... It is an indoctrination, not an education. I'm done if you can't see it

spence 11-27-2017 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1132454)
Try walking in a Marine's shoes....... It is an indoctrination, not an education. I'm done if you can't see it

That's bull#^&#^&#^&#^&. Total spin. Time to think.

detbuch 11-27-2017 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1132459)
That's bull#^&#^&#^&#^&. Total spin. Time to think.

Very full of thought response.

Jim in CT 11-27-2017 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1132450)
How is walking in another person's shoes anti-American?

It's idiotic to presume that a white kid is more privileged than a black kid. Oprah Winfrey's kid has fewer advantages than a poor white kid, from a broken family?

Your party is embracing the exact opposite, and I mean the absolute exact opposite, of what Martin Luther King hoped for. Your side has created a political point of view, where all that matters, are the superficial differences between us. Your side is doing that, because their ideas are so idiotic, they can only win by playing identity politics. So instead of debating why Senator Tom Cotton is wrong on a given issue, liberals talk about why he is evil. Much easier to demonize him, than to attempt to make him wrong.

Nebe 11-27-2017 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1132463)
It's idiotic to presume that a white kid is more privileged than a black kid. .

Think. You can do it.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 11-27-2017 09:20 PM

And I love when this thread gets resurrected occasionally, it's the best title of any thread since Al Gore invented the internet.

nightfighter 11-27-2017 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1132459)
That's bull#^&#^&#^&#^&. Total spin. Time to think.

"Anti American teaching". From the mouth of a US Marine combat veteran. I have been thinking about that. A lot.....

wdmso 11-28-2017 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1132471)
"Anti American teaching". From the mouth of a US Marine combat veteran. I have been thinking about that. A lot.....

Says 1 conservative marine ... does being a marine give him the credentials to to decide whats Anti American teaching? but yet the Local kid is scheduled to graduate from UMass Amherst?
couldn't have been that much to bear

It's idiotic to presume that a white kid is more privileged than a black kid.

not all but most... and failing to see the world as it is rather then how you wish it was seems to be a conservative Trait

And i guess Trumps latest Pocahontas comment is to indoctrinate his base of support for his unprofessional behavior that they seem to love

and totally disrespects the office but people are more upset about a writing assignment

scottw 11-28-2017 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1132474)
Says 1 conservative marine ... does being a marine give him the credentials to to decide whats Anti American teaching?

Wayne...what would be your definition of "Anti American"?

The Dad Fisherman 11-28-2017 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1132454)
Try walking in a Marine's shoes.......

Spence could only do so after Labor Day, but then again "Dress Blues" was never his color either.

There's a lot of BS taking place on the College campuses now-a-days. Both my kids have told me some of the stupid chit they've seen at their respective schools.

Jim in CT 11-28-2017 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1132474)
It's idiotic to presume that a white kid is more privileged than a black kid.

not all but most... and failing to see the world as it is rather then how you wish it was seems to be a conservative Trait

The reason so many black kids are disadvantaged, is because 70% of them are born without a dad. That has absolutely nothing to do with skin color, and absolutely everything to do with the culture that people tend to embrace, and the decisions they choose to make. It's not "white" privilege. It's "stable family" privilege. Liberals never stop mocking traditional family values, and then they act surprised when the lack of family values has catastrophic societal effects.

White kids from broken, chaotic families tend to struggle. Black kids from stable homes, with two parents of opposite sex who are committed to the family, tend to do just fine. It's not about race. It's about the family, or lack thereof.

The late great liberal senator from NY, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, predicted 45 years ago that liberalism would be the end of the black nuclear family, and that it would be a disaster for blacks. He was excoriated for saying it. And he was 100% correct.

"And i guess Trumps latest Pocahontas comment is to indoctrinate his base of support for his unprofessional behavior that they seem to love"

It was a classless thing for him to do, in that setting.

Jim in CT 11-28-2017 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1132464)
Think. You can do it.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Think on this, Nebe. And good luck making it wrong...

For the most part, black kids don't struggle because of the color of their skin. They struggle, because 70% of them, don't have a dad. Every study ever done, has shown that kids do much better with two parents in the home.

Liberals hate that truth, they deny that truth, and they mock that truth. That's liberalism. Instead of modifying your agenda to fit the facts, it's easier to just deny all the facts that don't fit your agenda. Conservatives do it too, but not to this degree, and not leading to these kinds of disastrous results.

nightfighter 08-12-2018 06:23 AM

She is already calling police chiefs to explain that what she said was taken out of context.... LEOs are not a good group to piss off, IMO. Think any State Police will be on the look out as she traverses the state today to various speaking engagements?

Jim in CT 08-12-2018 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1148717)
She is already calling police chiefs to explain that what she said was taken out of context.... LEOs are not a good group to piss off, IMO. Think any State Police will be on the look out as she traverses the state today to various speaking engagements?

what did princess spreading bull say now?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

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