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zacs 01-05-2008 10:27 AM

might be time to take up sniffing glue or crystal meth...


this thread is kind of like a support group i guess. every time i am hungry i find my way over here...

spence 01-05-2008 10:42 AM

Come on people, this isn't rocket science :musc:

1) Eat less carbs and stuff your face with veggies
2) Eat early and not late
3) Don't dink too much, but if you do stay away from beer
4) Get off your ass and exercise, any exercise will do

That's all it really takes in my book. I've started my own plan to drop about 20 this spring but I ain't joining the game. I'd get crushed hanging around with this crew :rtfm:


The Dad Fisherman 01-05-2008 11:54 AM

Most people know how...its getting the motivation to do it......a couple hundred dollars worth of pluggage is some good motivation :kewl:

spence 01-05-2008 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 552627)
Most people know how...its getting the motivation to do it......a couple hundred dollars worth of pluggage is some good motivation :kewl:

Motivation is always key, but I've found many really don't get it regardless...


Skip N 01-05-2008 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 552595)
Come on people, this isn't rocket science :musc:

1) Eat less carbs and stuff your face with veggies
2) Eat early and not late
3) Don't dink too much, but if you do stay away from beer
4) Get off your ass and exercise, any exercise will do

That's all it really takes in my book. I've started my own plan to drop about 20 this spring but I ain't joining the game. I'd get crushed hanging around with this crew :rtfm:


Wow for one Spence and I are on the same page! It's quite simple if you think about it. I'm a solid 170 and hit the gym every other day, i enjoy lifting weights so it helps to find something i enjoy doing excercise wise, me and cardio dont get along, but i still force myself to do a good mile or so when i'm at the gym. Makes you feel so alive after a good run!

eagerangler 01-05-2008 08:36 PM

Official weighin at 256 want to get back to 225 or lower met my girl 3 yrs ago at 203. Same waist size my pants just sit much lower.

zacs 01-06-2008 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 552595)
Come on people, this isn't rocket science :musc:

1) Eat less carbs and stuff your face with veggies
2) Eat early and not late
3) Don't dink too much, but if you do stay away from beer
4) Get off your ass and exercise, any exercise will do

That's all it really takes in my book. I've started my own plan to drop about 20 this spring but I ain't joining the game. I'd get crushed hanging around with this crew :rtfm:


gee, thanks Spence.
Look out guys.... now i know the secret...

The Dad Fisherman 01-07-2008 10:12 AM

My daughter has decided to become my Personal Flexibilty Trainer....put me through a 20 minute workout last night, damn near killed me.

BigFish 01-07-2008 06:21 PM

1 Dunkin Donuts=no cream+ no donuts/muffins/bagels......I am minus 3 pounds!:bshake:

Adam_777 01-07-2008 06:34 PM

Nice 3lbs you should celebrate with a Great one and some donuts! LMFAO :devil:

I refuse to stand on the scale until I have to.Slow progress drives me back to drinking.Seriously man congrats on the three lbs.Keep it up !

The Dad Fisherman 01-07-2008 06:47 PM

There you go Larry....:kewl:

I won't jump on until the 15th myself......Only had 1 bad night, a few Vodkas while watching football, that was it. Didn't chow down while doing it which is a positive

tattoobob 01-07-2008 07:02 PM

3 pounds is great, you don't want to lose to fast, it is said to only lose 2 to 3 pounds a week.

I have been in the gym and cut way down on food intake also only drinking water

it is easy to mistake thrust for hunger, drink 8-8 oz. glasses of water a day

Rockport24 01-08-2008 10:52 AM

I saw this thread WAYYY to late to enter, (I prob don't have a good chance anyway) but I'm using it a support group as well. gotta get in fighting shape for cutty

Jenn 01-08-2008 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by tattoobob (Post 553181)
it is easy to mistake thrust for hunger

:blush: ....uh......

you know the first sign of starvation is loss of vocabulary. You's better go have a bite to eat!!!!

Adam_777 01-08-2008 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by tattoobob (Post 553181)
3 pounds is great, you don't want to lose to fast, it is said to only lose 2 to 3 pounds a week.

I have been in the gym and cut way down on food intake also only drinking water

it is easy to mistake thrust for hunger, drink 8-8 oz. glasses of water a day

Why only 2-3 lbs a week man ? Can you expand on this theory I haven't heard this before.I know my diet has changed drastically.Like night and day.I'm losing at a pretty fast rate.

The Dad Fisherman 01-08-2008 07:29 PM

Lots of times when you 1st start out weight drops quick....especially in Guys (pisses my wife off). After about the 3rd week it will start to slow down. The reason you don't want to lose it to quickly is so that you don't deprive your body of needed nutrients and calories.

Adam_777 01-08-2008 07:36 PM

ahh the only thing I'm depriving my body of is alcohol and junk food.Nutrients and calories I'm sure I'm storing plenty of them still.

Jenn 01-09-2008 07:21 AM

[QUOTE=The Dad Fisherman;553499]Lots of times when you 1st start out weight drops quick....especially in Guys (pisses my wife off). QUOTE]

Yep my hubby ticks me off with that too. Unfortunately I know I probably dont stand a chance in this whole thing partly because of this. We ladies are so lucky having bodies designed to reserve everything they can for growing babies.

Heck with that!

Clogston29 01-09-2008 07:36 AM

i lost alot last year and am working on losing more now. here are some tips and how i did it. i struggled with weight loss for a long time and finally found a system that works for me. hope someone finds it helpfull (and yes, I'm bored at work right now)

don't eat less, eat different. eating less will only slow you're metabolism. even if you're at the gym everyday doing cardio. lots of protein, lots of fibre, as little carbs as you can handle. good fats (olive oil, avocado, almonds, etc) will really help to make you feel full, just don't eat too many. spreading you're food intake out over the whole day will help too, say into 5 or 6 small meals and snacks. and this is the hard one, avoid rewarding yourself with comfort food (i.e. "i've been good all week, i'm gonna have pizza and beer on saturday night during the game").

don't make the mistake of thinking that cardio is for losing weight, lifting is for getting bigger. lifting increases the amount of muscle you have and thus increases your metabolism. cardio burns calories while you're doing it (although not as much as lifting if your lifting "right") but lifting has more of an effect on your metabolism between workouts, which is much more important for weightloss. its all about metabolism.

don't think that longer is better in terms of cardio, faster is better. if you walk 3 miles or run three miles, you'll burn about the same amount of calories, but your metabolism and muscle gains will be much greater if you run. Ideally (and you may have to work up to this) a combination of running hard for a few minutes and jogging (active rest) will be the most effective. getting on a treadmill and jogging slowly for an hour will help you lose some weight, but not much - just look at some of the people who finish the boston marathon every year in the 4-6 hour range.

when lifting, don't follow the standard approach. lots of guys fall into the working one muscle group every day routine because that's what body builders do. that's fine for when you're in great shape and trying to perfect things, but not when you're trying to get in shape and lose weight. i'd recommend a full body workout every other day utilizing only multi-joint exercises and concentrating on big muscle groups. Don't waste your time on an excercise like bicept curls (which works a muscle that weighs maybe a pound) when you could be doing a horizontal pullup or lat. pull down (which works pounds of muscle, including you're bicepts). basically, don't do any excersise that you're only working one joint. focus of presses, pulls and squats. also, only rest 30-60 seconds between sets. supersets are good too.

don't ignore your legs when lifting. i think that a leg workout activates more muscle than anyother workout. but don't use the machines, they're too easy and do too much of the work for you. I read somewhere that madeline albright could do 400 lbs on the incline squat machine. goblet squats, lunges, dead lifts (only if you think your back can handle them), swiss ball leg curls, etc. are all good. avoid leg extensions, they'll destroy your knees.

hope it helps and good luck.

scone 01-09-2008 07:57 AM

did a little research- at my starting weight of 267 lbs i could consume roughly 3000 calories a day and maintain my portly figure. with very little effort i should be able to squeak in under that. so with that said after not quite a week of replacing my lunch time roast beef sandwhich with fruit, soda with water, and trying my best to eliminate calories from fat, i hit the scale last night at 263. so far i've been good, hitting the treadmill in the garage for a few miles every night (1 mile run, 1 mile walk) and i'm back to hitting the heavy bag and speed bags. in general my energy is up and that can't be bad.
my fitness guru (wife) tells me it won't always be this easy but that's ok my goal is to be under 240 by the deadline. so that's 27 lbs in what, 3 months. 1/3lb loss a day. i think that's a reasonable goal.
anyway, a hearty "good job" to the guys putting in the effort i have to go crank up the radio i think i hear a pizza calling me.

The Dad Fisherman 01-09-2008 08:55 AM

Good stuff Josh, I have been doing the 5-6 small meals thing during the day. Bowl of cereal for b'fast, bag a peanuts 10 ish, can of soup or salad for lunch....and so on.

Can't hit the Gym though as time just doesn't allow for it.... I am hitting the bike every other night and in between, I wasn't kidding about my daughter being my Flexibilty trainer, She's been doing dance for going on 8 years and she is putting me through a mini version of her workouts....and enjoying it a little too much.

BrianS 01-09-2008 10:19 AM

I looked at the scale last night and pretty much couldnt believe what I saw.

I HAVE to think its some difference between the scale I initially weighed myself in on and the one in the gym....

Im going back to my doctors tomorrow.. Ill get another reading...

If its accurate, then WOW just eating right and excersizing rocks...

Tagger 01-09-2008 05:23 PM

just got better ,, cardio and abs ,, Fri night,, Sat,, Sun morning ..was sick(run down) late sunday .. I think I've been over doing it .. I started running on the tread mill . Feel better and going back out to the gym tonight . Like beating on an old hemi road runner.. with 1969 oil ..

Slingah 01-09-2008 05:35 PM

I'm eating apples, figs, bananas, brown rice, broccolli, skinless chicken, lean beef, boiled eggs, bran cereal, wholegrain double fiber bread, lofat yogurt, 1% milk, water
no sweets, pastries or soda....
minimal exercise, but slowly gaining momentum....

BigFish 01-09-2008 06:36 PM

But have you lost anything?:hidin:

BigFish 01-09-2008 06:45 PM

Bowl of cereal for breakfast or peanut butter wheat Drinking water, cup of coffee late more cup of coffee in the evening! Down to 3 cups of coffee a day from about 9 or 10....and that included 3 or 4 great ones at Dunkies and whatever baked goods struck my fancy!!! No more Dunkin Donuts and no more baked goods!:(

Slingah 01-09-2008 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by BigFish (Post 553702)
But have you lost anything?:hidin:


tattoobob 01-09-2008 06:57 PM

I gained 2 pounds, but I lost 3 so that means I gained 5 back

I fell like a yoyo

BigFish 01-09-2008 07:00 PM

4 pounds...thats alright!:kewl:

The Dad Fisherman 01-09-2008 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Slingah (Post 553694)
I'm eating apples, figs, bananas, brown rice, broccolli, skinless chicken, lean beef, boiled eggs, bran cereal, wholegrain double fiber bread, lofat yogurt, 1% milk, water
no sweets, pastries or soda....
minimal exercise, but slowly gaining momentum....

Man, I'm glad I'm not your Plumber...:hihi:

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