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Pete_G 11-01-2006 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by Skitterpop (Post 429595)
Smoke and mirrors to deflect the steady view and contemplation of the sad truth by the masses

Agreed. Disgraceful displays by both sides, both Kerry's failed attempt at mocking Bush and the feigned horror by Bush at Kerry's obvious mis-step. But really pointless compared to 104 people not coming home last month.

I haven't watched the evening news yet but I wouldn't doubt that the Kerry story gets twice as much coverage as any American who died in Iraq today, if anyone died today.

tattoobob 11-01-2006 07:15 PM

Pretty sad that on a nice day 11/1/06 it was over 70* and all of you sat on your computer on this thread and wasted it

Don't any of you fish?


Pete_G 11-01-2006 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by tattoobob (Post 429618)
Pretty sad that on a nice day 11/1/06 it was over 70* and all of you sat on your computer on this thread and wasted it

Don't any of you fish?

Heading out shortly. Too late to catch the good part of the drop so I'm waiting for the incoming. :ss:

spence 11-01-2006 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by tattoobob (Post 429618)
Pretty sad that on a nice day 11/1/06 it was over 70* and all of you sat on your computer on this thread and wasted it

Don't any of you fish?

Some of us have jobs.


tattoobob 11-01-2006 07:25 PM

So do I, sorry don't know where your getting your info from?

riverrat55 11-01-2006 08:05 PM

4 pages of this sh&*^!!!!
It would be nice if this was 4 pages of fishing reports!!!
Like I said before=
I HATE ALL= Govt's/Religion/ and Politicians!!!!!!!!!
The world would be a better place without them!!!!!!!!!!!

PI guy 11-01-2006 08:21 PM

Republicans love spinning this because it draws attention from the fact that they covered up a pedophile amongst them. :hihi:

stripersnipr 11-01-2006 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by PI guy (Post 429656)
Republicans love spinning this because it draws attention from the fact that they covered up a pedophile amongst them. :hihi:

At least they force their pedophiles to resign.

Skitterpop 11-01-2006 10:00 PM

or go into the priesthood

spence 11-02-2006 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by tattoobob (Post 429626)
So do I, sorry don't know where your getting your info from?



Skitterpop 11-02-2006 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 429708)


???? :tooth: Time for a new thread

spence 11-02-2006 08:56 AM

Yea, Kerry said sorry as well.

What is the GOP going to do now that they can't beat that horse?


stripersnipr 11-02-2006 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 429741)
Yea, Kerry said sorry as well.

What is the GOP going to do now that they can't beat that horse?


I'm still trying to figure out exactly what he says he is apologizing for. Sounds like one of his "I actually decided to apologize after I decided not to apologize" routines. Like that justifies anything. I dont really see this so much as a partisan issue due to the fact that bumbling, pompous, idiots are found in all political parties. As bad as Bush may be I'd take him over this out of touch, arrogant, pompous creep anytime.

Skip N 11-02-2006 09:41 AM

More flip floppin' from Kerry, he said he wasnt going to apologize, now he is apologizing? He know's he ruined any chance at running for president again after those idiotic comments, so he's trying to save his ass the best he can.

Too late John, if you were truly sorry you wouldnt have waited three days to apologize. He's only apologizing because he sees how pissed Americans are at him.

Only folks like Spence think you're being sincere!

spence 11-02-2006 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by stripersnipr (Post 429745)
I'm still trying to figure out exactly what he says he is apologizing for.

This isn't that complicated. It's just like if I say something stupid to my wife I didn't mean, she still wants me to say I'm sorry...

But to be honest, the entire thing is absurd. You're telling me the US MARINES need an appology over a botched joke?

Kerry is an easy target and I think a lot of the Bush Bots just feel good jumping on the pile.


slapshot 11-02-2006 10:32 AM

I am glad crackpots like Pilosi, Kerry and Dean are the spokemen of the democrat party. They simply aren't electable.

spence 11-02-2006 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by slapshot (Post 429768)
I am glad crackpots like Pilosi, Kerry and Dean are the spokemen of the democrat party. They simply aren't electable.

Yet all of them have been elected :as:


Skip N 11-02-2006 10:47 AM

Lets assume for a second that Kerry's so called joke was meant for President Bush. Even if this is the case, should a high ranking member of congress be calling the commander in chief an idiot during the time of war? Oh wait, he's a dem, thats all they do! :jester:

Spence, would you care to defend #^&#^&#^&#^& Durdan's comments from a couple years ago? You know, when he compared our soldiers to Nazi's and war criminals?

Or even Kerry's comments from last year, saying our soldiers in Iraq go into peoples homes and terrorize women and children?

Or John Murtha accusing Marines in Iraq of murder before they even had a trial.

There's a scary pattern with democrats having negative comments towards the military.

You seem to love defending these idiots though, so please defend away!

The Dad Fisherman 11-02-2006 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Skip N (Post 429772)
should a high ranking member of congress be calling the commander in chief an idiot during the time of war?

If the Shoe Fits....

stripersnipr 11-02-2006 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 429766)
This isn't that complicated. It's just like if I say something stupid to my wife I didn't mean, she still wants me to say I'm sorry...

But to be honest, the entire thing is absurd. You're telling me the US MARINES need an appology over a botched joke?

Kerry is an easy target and I think a lot of the Bush Bots just feel good jumping on the pile.


As I said before he half/assed apoligized, I dont think an apology is needed. He said what he said and people will intrepret it as they choose apology or not. Bush, Hillary, and Ford to name a few felt an apology was required so after a few days he changed his position on apologizing and made an attempt at it. As far as Marines requiring it, nope I dont think all the apologies in the world are going to change their viewpoint of John Kerry. The Democrats at this point need to scramble to minimize the overall effect this will have on the Miltary vote. If our Miltary demonstrates a transposed Democratic strategy (Anything Against Bush) into Anything Against Kerry, it could hurt in 06 and 08. As far as the botched joke thing, his attempt at trying to make a joke referencing Bush as an uneducated idiot (As if refering to a sitting President as an uneducated idiot in War time is acceptable by any low standard of decency) has had the opposite effect especially seeing how Bush had a higher GPA at Yale then Kerry did. If there wasn't a pattern of these types of remarks by Kerry maybe this would go away as quietly as you would like.

spence 11-02-2006 11:00 AM

Skipper, get yur head out of the sand. You attack statements of little importance while defending policy blunders that actually kill people.


Redsoxticket 11-02-2006 11:03 AM

Kerry should have said was

You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, then all you can intellectually handle would be is one liners and not real issues like Iraq.

spence 11-02-2006 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by stripersnipr (Post 429776)
As I said before he half/assed apoligized, I dont think an apology is needed. He said what he said and people will intrepret it as they choose apology or not. Bush, Hillary, and Ford to name a few felt an apology was required so after a few days he changed his position on apologizing and made an attempt at it.

It's all about politics. The botched joke was political, the Whitehouse jumping on it was political, and the Dems calling for an appology was political...

As far as Marines requiring it, nope I dont think all the apologies in the world are going to change their viewpoint of John Kerry.
And still nearly all of the 40+ Iraq vets running for Congress are on the Democratic ticket.

The Democrats at this point need to scramble to minimize the overall effect this will have on the Miltary vote.
I think the US Military cares a lot more about where they're going to be sent, why they're going to be sent and if they'll be properly equipped with a plan for success!



stripersnipr 11-02-2006 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 429779)
It's all about politics. The botched joke was political, the Whitehouse jumping on it was political, and the Dems calling for an appology was political...

And still nearly all of the 40+ Iraq vets running for Congress are on the Democratic ticket.

I think the US Military cares a lot more about where they're going to be sent, why they're going to be sent and if they'll be properly equipped with a plan for success!



Well if the Democrats are politicizing the issue I guess its okay, but shame on Republicans for the same thing, :rolleyes:

While those 40 Democrat/Soldiers chose to run for office rather than fighting a War might tell us a little something in itself.

As far as what the Military thinks about John Kerry I have some first hand knowledge on that matter considering I have several family members both deployed and returned (and one volunteering to go back) from Iraq and trust me on this: They and their friends do not consider John Kerry a friend or a hero, and yes they do care when a Senator from their home state accuses them of Terrorizing women and children.
As far as being concerned about where and why they are deployed, of course they wonder where but being soldiers and airmen the why isn't really their concern. Accomplishing the mission they are assigned is their concern. While they may not agree with all of Bushs strategic policies they do have a far better understanding of them than you or I and they do agree with most. The objections they do have are expressed in a thoughtful and respectful manner. In my book that makes them better Soldiers, Airmen and Human Beings than Kerry ever thought of being. (By the way they all but one are college graduates)

spence 11-02-2006 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by stripersnipr (Post 429786)
While those 40 Democrat/Soldiers chose to run for office rather than fighting a War might tell us a little something in itself.

So you're saying they're running from Iraq to take the easy road in a life of politics.

I think you owe the brave fighting men and women of the US Armed Forces an appology.


Skip N 11-02-2006 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 429788)
So you're saying they're running from Iraq to take the easy road in a life of politics.

I think you owe the brave fighting men and women of the US Armed Forces an appology.


Funny, when Kerry or any Dem rips into the military you dont demand any sort of appology from them. But now your offended by comments made by Stripersnipr? Helloooo double standard!

spence 11-02-2006 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Skip N (Post 429798)
Funny, when Kerry or any Dem rips into the military you dont demand any sort of appology from them. But now your offended by comments made by Stripersnipr? Helloooo double standard!

So you're taking his side?

You both owe the US Military an appology.


stripersnipr 11-02-2006 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 429788)
So you're saying they're running from Iraq to take the easy road in a life of politics.

I think you owe the brave fighting men and women of the US Armed Forces an appology.


I think thats what you wish I said.

fishpoopoo 11-02-2006 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 429766)
You're telling me the US MARINES need an appology over a botched joke?


I haven't seen Lt. Colonel Dan Walter around lately, but on his behalf I'd like to offer you this cup of shut the f*ck up again.


What's really not amusing is when those of us over here have to listen to those of you back there, especially those who have no personal stake, talk as though you only have our best interests at heart...when most of us would prefer just you pipe down...

...Spence, don't presume to use my family thinking you know who or what insults them. They'd tell you to shut your gobs.

spence 11-02-2006 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by stripersnipr (Post 429800)
I think thats what you wish I said.

Are you saying you "botched" the statement? I find that hard to believe.

There are a lot of US Vets running for office who demand your appology.


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