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Slipknot 02-01-2007 12:06 PM

so they put them on bridges in LA also? I don't give a crap if they were paid or unpaid, that makes no difference.

posters don't look suspiciously like some kind of bomb posibly

you must have stock in Turner :cputin:

who cares

likwid 02-01-2007 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Slipknot (Post 457819)
so they put them on bridges in LA also? I don't give a crap if they were paid or unpaid, that makes no difference.

9 other cities.


posters don't look suspiciously like some kind of bomb posibly
C'mon... nice flat layer of C4 behind a cardboard concert poster? It'd shred people within 20 yards! And how easy would it be to set something like that up on Newbury Street in the middle of the day? Nobody would notice AT ALL.


you must have stock in Turner
i wish. its gonna shoot through the roof over this.

Swimmer 02-01-2007 12:16 PM

Boston P.D. has lost a couple of officers in the last twenty years or so to bombs. I who was severely injured and lived was a buddy of mine. You wouldn't believe the physical and emotional damage that was his misfortune to suffer through. A dear friend and golfing buddy in the seventies was the head bomb guy in the U.S. for the ATF. He took very seriously his teaching other people in how to disarm bombs. They have protocol they have to follow. If only just one of those things were real and they treated it as a fake and wasn't, well. You don't believe anybody but yourself under those circumstances, because yourself and your knowledge is all you have when assessing any potential bomb. All those other cities and CNN should have alerted all the other P.D.'s that they might appear. Certainly where these advertisements were placed the property did not belong to the people who placed them where they were found. They just tresspassed and did what they did because they dont give a chit. Maybe there was an overeaction, but anyone who has ever stood next to one of the bomb guys while he puts on that heavy suit would have a different understanding. I would guess criminally they might not be in as much hot water as some people here might like, because thats beyond a reasonable doubt type of thing, and proving intent is iffy. But in civil court the standard is 51%. Thats just one scintilla more than less and you have to pay up. The producers have what they needed. They scared a bunch of people and caused untold thousands of motorists to wait in traffic jams. Plus lets consider the fact that they interfered with commerce(just another little federal crime), because amongst all those motorists on the highway stuck in traffic there were hundreds of commercials vehicle transporting goods and services to waiting customers, and proving intent with that crime is quite a bit less than what has to be proven in regard to bomb planting. Ha ha, big joke. $$$$$$$$$$$$$ Way to go Ted Turner

Adamfishes 02-01-2007 12:37 PM

I have to agree that this was a lame joke and that the police must take everything seriously. It's just too bad that the media stirs up such a frenzy about this junk.....

likwid 02-01-2007 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Swimmer (Post 457823)
and proving intent with that crime is quite a bit less than what has to be proven in regard to bomb planting.

Good luck with that. :rollem:

spinncognito 02-01-2007 12:53 PM

wish I could find one to sell on Ebay...

I heard one went for over 3 G's!

likwid 02-01-2007 12:56 PM

To the best of my knowledge, this sign was placed sometime around 13 JAN, 2007, and remained lit for at least 1 week.

I love it.
People are amazingly dense.

likwid 02-01-2007 01:13 PM

BOSTON, Massachusetts (CNN) -- Two men pleaded not guilty Thursday to charges they created panic by placing "bomblike" electronic light boards displaying a cartoon character with an upraised middle finger throughout Boston.

Assistant Attorney General John Grossman called the light boards "bomblike" devices and said that if they had been explosive they could have damaged transportation infrastructure in the city.

Judge Paul K. Leary told Grossman that, according to law, the suspects must intend to create a panic to be charged with placing hoax devices.

It appears the suspects had no such intent, the judge said, but the question should be discussed in a later hearing.

Peter Berdovsky and Sean Stevens were released on $2,500 bail, said Mike Rich, their attorney. The next pre-trial hearing is scheduled for March 7.

In a news conference, Rich told reporters he had advised his clients not to discuss the incident. Stevens and Berdovsky took the podium and said they were taking questions only about haircuts in the 1970s.

When a reporter accused them of not taking the situation seriously, Stevens responded, "We're taking it very seriously." Asked another question about the case, Stevens reiterated they were answering questions only about hair and accused the reporter of not taking him and Berdovsky seriously.

Reporters did not relent and as they continued, Berdovsky disregarded their queries, saying, "That's not a hair question. I'm sorry."

On Wednesday, Boston authorities shut down bridges and a stretch of the Charles River. The scares sparked criticism of Turner Broadcasting System Inc., the parent company of CNN, because the cartoon "moon men" were part of a so-called guerrilla marketing campaign to promote the late-night Adult Swim cartoon "Aqua Teen Hunger Force." (Watch how the scare unfolded )

The moon men, or "Mooninites" as they're known to the show's faithful, are delinquent outer-space men who make frequent appearances on the program. Photographs of the devices show several tiny light bulbs protruding from a circuit board that houses wiring and at least four batteries.

Berdovsky, 27, a freelance video artist from Arlington, Massachusetts, and Stevens, 28, face charges of placing a hoax device in a way that results in panic, as well as one count of disorderly conduct, said Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley. The hoax charge is a felony, she said.

According to his Web site, Berdovsky is a graduate of the Massachusetts College of Art who goes by the nickname "Zebbler." Berdovsky, a Belarusian, has a green card and is seeking asylum in the United States, Rich said.


Judge Paul K. Leary told Grossman that, according to law, the suspects must intend to
create a panic to be charged with placing hoax devices.

So sorry, no book thrown at em.
Commence emo unicorn tears.

The Dad Fisherman 02-01-2007 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by riverrat2 (Post 457802)
There is a big difference between raising a flag and shutting down major road ways.

It wouldn't have shutdown major Roadways if these Morons didn't put them ON Major Roadways.

If they had found one in a school would it be OK to just let the kids go to class while they "Decide" if its a threat or not. I for one would want them to get my Kids out of that school while they were making that determination.

UserRemoved1 02-01-2007 02:18 PM

In a news conference, Rich told reporters he had advised his clients not to discuss the incident. Stevens and Berdovsky took the podium and said they were taking questions only about haircuts in the 1970s.

When a reporter accused them of not taking the situation seriously, Stevens responded, "We're taking it very seriously." Asked another question about the case, Stevens reiterated they were answering questions only about hair and accused the reporter of not taking him and Berdovsky seriously.

Reporters did not relent and as they continued, Berdovsky disregarded their queries, saying, "That's not a hair question. I'm sorry."

THAT's too funny. They'll walk. Got mullet?

RIJIMMY 02-01-2007 03:27 PM

who said anything about "fear"????
There was an unknown situation that, these days, could be harmful to civilians. Cartoon character or not, they were placed without permission on public areas. There was no panic in Boston, no mass fear. Bob Thomas summed it up in the first few posts.
I am GLAD the police acted quickly and vigilantly.
Spence, its our lack of a reaction to things that will make Bin Laden laugh.

UserRemoved1 02-01-2007 03:28 PM

UserRemoved1 02-01-2007 03:29 PM

The Dad Fisherman 02-01-2007 03:47 PM

I think the 2 of them need to be Biatch-slapped just for General Principals.

Raven 02-01-2007 03:48 PM

saw them on TV

they are just like Bevis and Butthead.... :bl2:

stripersnipr 02-01-2007 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Adamfishes (Post 457799)
Stripersniper - You really feel that we are winning the war on terror? The terrorists have been at war with us forever, we should always be on a alert, it should not take thousands of people dieing to figure out that they are trying to kill us. But striking fear into the hearts of every American is not the way to beat terrorism, quite the opposite.

Excuse me while I go yell fire into a theatre

I feel we are fighting the war on Terror which is a required component of victory. Winning can not be measured in the ways it has been in past wars but I certainly dont think we are losing. Maybe ignoring the threat of terrorism makes you feel good but makes absolutley no sense. As far as being struck with fear, some people scare easily. If you choose to be or cant help but be scared thats all on you. Ignoring the real probablity that we will be targeted again is (no offense intended) just ignorant. And refusing to recall or mention 9/11 like its some taboo thing, again makes no sense at all. If nothing else 9/11 should have at the very least been a wake up call. Pretending that reality doesn't exist is a dangerous thing.

likwid 02-01-2007 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by stripersnipr (Post 457916)
And refusing to recall or mention 9/11 like its some taboo thing, again makes no sense at all. If nothing else 9/11 should have at the very least been a wake up call. Pretending that reality doesn't exist is a dangerous thing.

And dwelling on it like its the first time terrorism ever happened is ignorant.

The Dad Fisherman 02-01-2007 03:55 PM

I also think someone should biatch-slap the idiots holding the signs out front of the courthouse that said "1-31-2007 Never Forget"

likwid 02-01-2007 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 457919)
I also think someone should biatch-slap the idiots holding the signs out front of the courthouse that said "1-31-2007 Never Forget"

This seems to be a common disease in America.

Expecting someone else to do everything for them.

stripersnipr 02-01-2007 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by likwid (Post 457918)
And dwelling on it like its the first time terrorism ever happened is ignorant.

Okay, when was the first time 3000 Americans were killed in a Terrorist attack? You think we should forget about it?

likwid 02-01-2007 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by stripersnipr (Post 457922)
Okay, when was the first time 3000 Americans were killed in a Terrorist attack? You think we should forget about it?

You live in your own little bubble or are you xenophobic? There's a whole world out there where terrorism is occurring every single day.

Lets get back to the origional point.
These things weren't hung 2 days ago.
They were hung 2 weeks ago.

Homeland Security indeed.

The Dad Fisherman 02-01-2007 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by likwid (Post 457920)
This seems to be a common disease in America.

Expecting someone else to do everything for them.

I would be MORE than happy to do it MYSELF....

likwid 02-01-2007 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 457926)
I would be MORE than happy to do it MYSELF....

Get on with it then.
Pics or it never happened.

Its sad that people don't believe in civil discourse anymore.

ps: one of the signs just went for 5k on ebay.

stripersnipr 02-01-2007 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by likwid (Post 457923)
You live in your own little bubble or are you xenophobic? There's a whole world out there where terrorism is occurring every single day.

Lets get back to the origional point.
These things weren't hung 2 days ago.
They were hung 2 weeks ago.

Homeland Security indeed.

Who freakin cares if they were hung two weeks or two months ago? I get the strong feeling that if a bomb did go off you'd be the first one blaming the law enforcement types that you apparently despise so much for not reacting. But at the end of day you have the right to your admiration of the "effectiveness" of Terrorism and I have the right to admire the efforts of those who wish to prevent it.

stripersnipr 02-01-2007 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by likwid (Post 457927)
ps: one of the signs just went for 5k on ebay.

That proves your not the only one out there.

likwid 02-01-2007 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by stripersnipr (Post 457931)
Who freakin cares if they were hung two weeks or two months ago? I get the strong feeling that if a bomb did go off you'd be the first one blaming the law enforcement types that you apparently despise so much for not reacting. But at the end of day you have the right to your admiration of the "effectiveness" of Terrorism and I have the right to admire the efforts of those who wish to prevent it.

You SHOULD care!

In the case of them being some type of "device" its someone's fault for not noticing them earlier now isn't it? Or maybe someone did notice them, look at them, and realize it was nothing. So they said nothing. Amazing how that works.

All it takes is one paranoid person to freak out and bring the city to its knees.

And admiration? Heh, thats an amusing but false statement.
It scares me how something so simple can cause such widespread panic.

And you're right, the US will never be the same.

No more "it can never happen to us".


Originally Posted by stripersnipr (Post 457933)
That proves your not the only one out there.

I KNOW there is plenty more like you out there.
I hope your radical patriotism doesn't get the best of you some day.

stripersnipr 02-01-2007 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by likwid (Post 457935)
You SHOULD care!

And you're right, the US will never be the same.

No more "it can never happen to us".

And you seem to somehow draw enjoyment from that?

likwid 02-01-2007 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by stripersnipr (Post 457938)
And you seem to somehow draw enjoyment from that?


No, it smacks people like you back down to the level of realizing that the US isn't some snuggly homely place that the big tough Bush will keep safe for you.

UserRemoved1 02-01-2007 04:44 PM

what is xenophobic ? I know xenon is used in flash bulbs so is that like someone who is afraid of light? :hee:


likwid 02-01-2007 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Tinman (Post 457942)
Not this garbage : "were gonna sue these miscreants for $750K, were gonna bankrupt these little punks, they will be treated like the felons they are,they will be on the no fly list, ostrecised from civilized society........bla bla bla.

Hey man, if people can sue companies for their own stupidity why can't the government? :kewl:

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