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scottw 11-29-2011 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 903990)
The fact is the investigation didn't turn up evidence to warrant terror charges. All you have is speculation.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Internal Army reports indicate officers within the Army had discussed what they characterized as Hasan's tendencies toward radical Islam since 2005. Additionally, investigations before and after the shooting discovered e-mail communications between Hasan and Yemen-based cleric Anwar al-Awlaki (ehhh...probably gets lots of emails from lots of people), who quickly declared Hasan a hero, as "fighting against the U.S. army is an Islamic duty".

The U.S. later classified Anwar al-Awlaki as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist, and the UN considered Awlaki to be associated with al-Qaeda (must be pretty bad);

Hasan has expressed admiration for the teachings of Anwar al-Awlaki, imam at the Dar al-Hijrah mosque between 2000 and 2002.[70] As Al-Awlaki was under surveillance, Hasan was investigated by the FBI after intelligence agencies intercepted 18 emails between them between December 2008 and June 2009. In one, Hasan wrote: "I can't wait to join you" in the afterlife.(that's sweet)

Hasan also asked al-Awlaki when jihad is appropriate, and whether it is permissible if innocents are killed in a suicide attack. (did he really have to ask?)

Though Hasan had frequented jihadist web sites promoting radical Islamic views, they said no e-mail communications with outside facilitators or known terrorists were found(except discovered e-mail communications between Hasan and Yemen-based cleric "Specially Designated Global Terrorist" ) . Investigators were evaluating reports that, in 2001, Hasan had attended a mosque in Virginia once attended by two of the 9/11 hijackers and headed by Anwar al-Awlaki (huh...that's a conicidence), who had been accused of aiding the 9/11 plot. Investigators were looking at potential inspiration, to determine if al-Awlaki's teachings could have radicalized Hasan. (no way...c'mon)

No motive for the shootings was offered, but they believed Hasan had authored an Internet posting that appeared to support suicide bombings.(doesn't everyone do this)

He also handed out copies of the Qur'an, along with his business cards which listed a Maryland phone number and read "Behavioral Heatlh [sic] – Mental Health – Life Skills | Nidal Hasan, MD, MPH | SoA(SWT) | Psychiatrist".[76][77] According to investigators, the acronym "SoA" is commonly used on jihadist websites as an acronym for "Soldier of Allah" (that's a nice touch)

Shouting "Allahu Akhbar" as he killed the unarmed. (pretty common I guess)

A Rasmussen national survey found that 65% of Americans favored the death penalty in Hasan's case, and that 60% want the case investigated as an act of terrorism.

WOW...60% Spence...that's like most all Americans in Spence world :uhuh:

scottw 12-11-2011 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 904075)
you're really nuts. Serioulsy. GWB never once responded to the deluge of criticisms on him from Iraq to Katrina while he was president. He never pointed fingers or whined. He acted above all the noise. "O" has lashed out time and time again on the right wing media, talk radio, critics, GOP, etc. He referred to the republicans as ENEMIES when making a latino campaign add. Whine and point fingers and this has done nothing but widen the divide. I dont care how hard he works, his actions and comments have led to a wider divide in this country,.

he blames...and then he distorts(lies)

When asked what he would say to the African American community now disappointed in him over what many perceive are failed policies, but who, nonetheless, may still support him, President Barack Obama stated:

“The reason they still support me is because they understand what an incredible mess had been made as I was coming into office and we’ve been spending the last three years cleaning it up. The good news is that the economy is starting to strengthen. We’ve seen some positive signs. The unemployment rate has ticked down.”


WASHINGTON – The unemployment rate fell to 8.6 percent in November, a number that offers the Obama administration a rare piece of good economic news -- but also masks a startling shift in the job market.

The Labor Department said Friday that employers added 120,000 jobs last month. With that, the unemployment rate dropped to the lowest level in more than two and a half years. But a key reason for the sharp drop was that about 315,000 people had stopped looking for work -- for the Labor Department's purposes, they were not counted as unemployed.

The report comes as Congress wrangles over several jobs proposals, including extensions of the payroll tax cut and unemployment aid. And it arrives in advance of the first Republican primaries and caucuses, a race that has revolved around the economy.

More than half the jobs added were by retailers, restaurants and bars, a sign that holiday hiring has kicked in.

This is what constitutes "good news" for Obama these days......if all of the unemployed would just stop looking for work, he could tell everyone he fixed everything and we're back to normal and claim victory...more "snake oil"

spence 12-11-2011 09:13 AM

The economy still has big problems but I don't think there's any doubt it's slowly getting stronger.


justplugit 12-16-2011 11:43 AM

New AP pole shows 53% of Americans want Obama out of office
with 44% saying he should stay.

Hmm,that 53% must be all those mis-informed middle American's and
rednecks that the peudo-intellectual eletists speak of, couldn't be those
with common sense. :huh:

spence 12-16-2011 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by justplugit (Post 907958)
New AP pole shows 53% of Americans want Obama out of office
with 44% saying he should stay.

Hmm,that 53% must be all those mis-informed middle American's and
rednecks that the peudo-intellectual eletists speak of, couldn't be those
with common sense. :huh:

And in the same poll Obama easily beats Gingrich and barely beats (statistical tie) Romney.


justplugit 12-17-2011 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 907977)
And in the same poll Obama easily beats Gingrich and barely beats (statistical tie) Romney.


Would like to know if these were likely voters as the only places Obama is
above 50% approval is enviorment,education and energy.

He is below 50% approval on budget defecit, health care,immigration, taxes,
gas prices and unemployment.

Unless those polled want Socialism as there top priority Mickey Mouse
should be able to defeat him right now.

spence 12-17-2011 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by justplugit (Post 908215)
Would like to know if these were likely voters as the only places Obama is
above 50% approval is enviorment,education and energy.

He is below 50% approval on budget defecit, health care,immigration, taxes,
gas prices and unemployment.

Unless those polled want Socialism as there top priority Mickey Mouse
should be able to defeat him right now.

Don't believe so.

It's simply going to come down to who the GOP nominates rather than desire for socialism. If it's Newt they don't have a chance. Romney it's probably 50/50. I think Huntsman could win.


scottw 12-17-2011 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 908223)
Don't believe so.

It's simply going to come down to who the GOP nominates rather than desire for socialism. If it's Newt they don't have a chance. Romney it's probably 50/50. I think Huntsman could win.


which means the real world...which is the exact opposite of Spenceworld....Huntsman(who doesn't even register 1% in Pennsylvaniaright now) is actually in the wrong party...Romney is 50/50 and Newt has a pretty good shot...

striperman36 12-17-2011 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 908232)
which means the real world...which is the exact opposite of Spenceworld....Huntsman(who doesn't even register 1% in Pennsylvaniaright now) is actually in the wrong party...Romney is 50/50 and Newt has a pretty good shot...

the Newt/Trump ticket. I can see it now.

scottw 12-17-2011 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by striperman36 (Post 908234)
the Newt/Trump ticket. I can see it now.

I have no idea what the ticket will be but we, at this point, are still talking about Obama/Biden for the dems :jump1:

striperman36 12-17-2011 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 908237)
I have no idea what the ticket will be but we, at this point, are still talking about Obama/Biden for the dems :jump1:

A wining combination if they don't speak without a teleprompter! :love:

If kindergartners, could vote, that is.

spence 12-17-2011 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 908232)
which means the real world...which is the exact opposite of Spenceworld....Huntsman(who doesn't even register 1% in Pennsylvaniaright now) is actually in the wrong party...Romney is 50/50 and Newt has a pretty good shot...

It's funny, I've read more editorials ripping Newt apart than I could even bother to recall. And they've all been from leading conservative voices...

What's clear is that it's not just that they think he can't beat Obama, more so it's that they don't want him as President.

Saying a moderate Republican is in the wrong exactly what's wrong right now with the GOP.


scottw 12-17-2011 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 908244)
It's funny, I've read more editorials ripping Newt apart than I could even bother to recall. And they've all been from leading conservative voices... sounds like Republicans need a Journ-o-list

What's clear is that it's not just that they think he can't beat Obama, more so it's that they don't want him as President. and they'll all take any Republican nominee over Obama

Saying a moderate Republican is in the wrong exactly what's wrong right now with the GOP.Linc Chaffee, Bloomberg, Arlen Specter, these are all guys that criticized the Republican Party and claimed that the "party left them"


Chaffee is great isn't he?

justplugit 12-17-2011 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 908237)
I have no idea what the ticket will be but we, at this point, are still talking about Obama/Biden for the dems :jump1:

Hmm, I wonder if Hillary would be the choice over Biden. Obama might not
like that and Hillary may be waiting for Pres 2016. Who knows but both would have to eat crow to make it work.

justplugit 12-17-2011 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 908244)

What's clear is that it's not just that they think he can't beat Obama, more so it's that they don't want him as President.


May be, but with my ear to the ground right now, people have nothing good to say
about Obama. With the press being so slanted toward Obama I doubt many people
will make a decesion based on editorials but on their pocket books.
The natives are restless. :hihi:

spence 12-17-2011 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by justplugit (Post 908283)
May be, but with my ear to the ground right now, people have nothing good to say
about Obama. With the press being so slanted toward Obama I doubt many people
will make a decesion based on editorials but on their pocket books.
The natives are restless. :hihi:

Obama is either hot or cold, in that they either do an excellent or terrible job of managing the debate.

If Obama stands up and proclaims he kept us out of a depression and the economy is slowly recovering, killed OBL and a lot of other terrorists, got us finally out of Iraq, expanded health care for millions of Americans and signed a lot of good regulation to protect consumers and the environment. Etc...

Seriously, I forgot to pay my small Firestone bill the other month and because of Democratic legislation I only had to pay a small interest charge rather than a 40 dollar penalty. I like that :uhuh:

A LOT of independent voters will be looking for a much stronger Republican opponent than what the current field is providing. Neither of the two top candidates, Newt and Romney, will excite the evangelical base who turned out for Bush. Romney has a much larger chance of capturing independents but Newt will be like independent kryptonite and kill a lot of Republican Congresspeople in the process. But Romney, while I think he'd make a decent president, there's just that something about him.

Just like in 2004, once it really comes down to the devil you know vs the devil you don't, the incumbent almost always has the upper hand.


justplugit 12-17-2011 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 908289)

Seriously, I forgot to pay my small Firestone bill the other month and because of Democratic legislation I only had to pay a small interest charge rather than a 40 dollar penalty. I like that :uhuh:

A LOT of independent voters will be looking for a much stronger Republican opponent than what the current field is providing. But Romney, while I think he'd make a decent president, there's just that something about him.


You teamin up with the Dems and taking advantage of the legislation makes
me part owner of your tires. :hihi: Being you want to pay more taxes ya shoulda
been happy paying the $40 penalty anyway "to help the Folks."

Ya I agree there is something there with Romney that I can't put my finger on?

spence 12-17-2011 06:21 PM

No, just means a credit card company shouldn't be able to charge more for a penalty than I owed on the card!


Originally Posted by justplugit (Post 908298)
You teamin up with the Dems and taking advantage of the legislation makes
me part owner of your tires. :hihi: Being you want to pay more taxes ya shoulda
been happy paying the $40 penalty anyway "to help the Folks."

Ya I agree there is something there with Romney that I can't put my finger on?

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

justplugit 12-18-2011 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 908306)
No, just means a credit card company shouldn't be able to charge more for a penalty than I owed on the card!

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Ya, but that's found money you should be happy to send it to the Govt
so they can spend it for you. :)

Raven 12-18-2011 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 903177)

However, I divert all of my support to Newt, the most brilliant, skilled politician the planet has seen, since Churchill.

in the camp --> America's only Hope

make romney the VP

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