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spence 09-06-2013 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1012266)
Spence, think for a minute. Many of these people (perhaps the leaders of Iran, perhaps not) are so committed to their cause, that they don't fear consequences, that's how you get so many suicide bombers. You can't necessarily apply logic to these people. The kooky president of Iran has said he would gladly be a martyr to wipe Israel off the map. Whether or not he means it, who knows?

Seriously, how many Iranian suicide bombers have you seen lately?


Not for all of them. For some, the really scary ones, the number one item is serving Allah, even if, or especially if, they have to die in the process.
How many people in Iranian leadership positions have given themselves to "the cause"? Seriously, you don't think these guys enjoy their drivers, chefs and tailored suits just like the rest of us? :devil2:

See point above.


Sure they can. Israel has nukes today. Iran doesn't.
There is zero chance Israel will launch a nuke attack to stop Iran from getting one. If they thought they could take it out in one strike conventionally perhaps, but the program is so well dispersed it's impossible.


My bet is that Iran never gets a nuclear weapon, and it won't be Obama that stops them, it will be Israel. The Saudis will never allow Iran to get a nuke, they will do whatever it takes to stop that, and they will be justified to do it. That's my prediction.


buckman 09-06-2013 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Sea Dangles (Post 1012663)
It is also well known the Chechens got the Russians with their pants down.
definition of oxymoron;
military intelligence....

Call me naive,but I will be very surprised if the rebels gassed themselves to get our help. It is this type of conspiracy theory that I put in the WTC category.

One is plausible and maybe even likely
How many do we kill with missles to teach him not to kill with gas ?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 09-07-2013 04:20 AM

many of these "Syrian Rebels" are in fact Al Qaeda and fighters from out of country, it's not at all implausible that they set up a small gassing of Syrian citizens to provoke a strike, try to remember who we're dealing with....they were also very aware of O's "red line"...the fact is it's still unclear who is responsible...

it would help if the administration had any credibility on anything.....O, Kerry, Clinton, Pelosi, and on might have "great resumes" but there is very little of substance on those resumes when you look closely, these people are peacocks who are fantastic at preening their feathers and will squawk loudly when disturbed but they are little more than high maintenance lawn ornaments...:uhuh:

spence 09-07-2013 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1012690)
many of these "Syrian Rebels" are in fact Al Qaeda and fighters from out of country, it's not at all implausible that they set up a small gassing of Syrian citizens to provoke a strike, try to remember who we're dealing with....they were also very aware of O's "red line"...the fact is it's still unclear who is responsible...

It's also possible that this entire civil war is a Miley Cyrus PR stunt.

Hey, nobody has dis-proven it.


buckman 09-07-2013 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1012717)
It's also possible that this entire civil war is a Miley Cyrus PR stunt.

Hey, nobody has dis-proven it.


You're still believing in hope and change .. Please
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

justplugit 09-07-2013 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1012690)

it would help if the administration had any credibility on anything.....

And therein lies a big part of the problem.
Just a few:
"You have to pass Obamacare to see what's in it."
"Wait till after the election Mr Putin."
"Libya attacks were caused by the tape."
"We are going to find out what happened and punish those who were involved in Benghazi."
"We are going to get at the bottom of the IRS debacle."
"We are going to change Washington and have the most transparent administration ever."

So what are we suppose to believe?

buckman 09-07-2013 05:24 PM

I do have to give credit where credit is due. The President does appear to have united republicans and democrats across this nation . Just about everyone is against starting another war
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 09-07-2013 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1012717)
It's also possible that this entire civil war is a Miley Cyrus PR stunt.

Hey, nobody has dis-proven it.


you preen and condescend a lot for someone that is so frequently wrong....:uhuh: but hey, you can always disappear and then pop up on another thread, causing unnecessary irriration :biglaugh:

scottw 09-08-2013 04:32 AM

VDH brilliantly assesses the disaster-in-chief

spence 09-08-2013 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1012733)
you preen and condescend a lot for someone that is so frequently wrong....:uhuh: but hey, you can always disappear and then pop up on another thread, causing unnecessary irriration :biglaugh:

Funny, you often say that but never really offer any anecdotes. Like all your cut and paste posts, all thinking.

Even this last, Jesus, I wonder if these guys just have a list of made up talking points to disparage the President and look for situations to use them.

The criticism of our White House is looking a bit like a bad Mad Libs.


scottw 09-08-2013 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1012764)
Funny, you often say that but never really offer any anecdotes. Like all your cut and paste posts, all thinking.

Even this last, Jesus, I wonder if these guys just have a list of made up talking points to disparage the President and look for situations to use them.

The criticism of our White House is looking a bit like a bad Mad Libs.


blah...blah...blahhh...get some new material :uhuh:

Nebe 09-08-2013 09:19 AM

The horrible irony here is that many people who hate obama and always support Bush's policies are against this Syria conflict at all costs and site reasoning that debunks their defense of bush going into Iraq.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

spence 09-08-2013 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1012769)
The horrible irony here is that many people who hate obama and always support Bush's policies are against this Syria conflict at all costs and site reasoning that debunks their defense of bush going into Iraq.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

The fabricated hatred for Obama has far surpassed what the Left feigned for Bush.

I fear that the majority of opposition is rooted in partisan circlejerkery rather than pragmatism and the sheep are just chortling along with their eyes closed.


scottw 09-08-2013 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1012769)
many people who hate obama and always support Bush's policies .
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

name one :)

scottw 09-08-2013 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1012770)

rooted in partisan circlejerkery rather than pragmatism and the sheep are just chortling along with their eyes closed.


I think you just described yourself quite well :uhuh:

spence 09-08-2013 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1012774)
I think you just described yourself quite well :uhuh:

You forgot the chortle.


scottw 09-08-2013 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1012775)
You forgot the chortle.


..zzzzzzzzzzzzzz'...same song ...different day..."hate"...blah blah..."partisan"....blah blah..."circlejerk"....blah blah..."not thinking"...blah blah

scottw 09-08-2013 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1012717)
It's also possible that this entire civil war is a Miley Cyrus PR stunt.

Hey, nobody has dis-proven it.


the "rebels"

AMMAN, Jordan (AP) -- Rebels including al-Qaida-linked fighters gained control of a Christian village northeast of the capital Damascus.

The rebel advance into the area this week was spearheaded by Jabhat al-Nusra, or the Nusra Front, exacerbating fears among Syrians and religious minorities about the role played by Islamic extremists within the rebel ranks.

A Maaloula resident said the rebels, many of them sporting beards and shouting God is great, attacked Christian homes and churches shortly after moving into the village overnight.

"They shot and killed people. I heard gunshots and then I saw three bodies lying in the middle of a street in the old quarters of the village," said the resident, reached by telephone from neighboring Jordan. "So many people fled the village for safety."

Now, Maaloula "is a ghost town. Where is President Obama to see what befallen on us?" asked the man.

He said one of the churches, called Demyanos, had been torched and that gunmen stormed into two other churches and robbed them.

Most of the gunmen are foreigners, he said, adding that he heard different dialects, mainly of Tunisians, Libyans, Moroccans and Chechens.

Another resident, a Christian man, said he saw militants forcing some Christian residents to convert to Islam. "I saw the militants grabbing five villagers Wednesday and threatening them (saying): `Either you convert to Islam, or you will be beheaded,'" he said.

A Christian woman who spoke to the AP on Thursday also said there were reports that militants threatened villagers with death if they did not convert.

Obama will intensify his efforts to sell a skeptical Congress and a war-weary American public on a military strike against Syria.:uhuh:

spence 09-08-2013 12:15 PM

Interesting your use of quotes in an attempt to mislead.


justplugit 09-08-2013 06:41 PM

In all honesty Spence, if Bush was President now, and wanted to go into Syria for the same reasons as O, what would you be saying?

scottw 09-08-2013 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by justplugit (Post 1012831)
In all honesty Spence, if Bush was President now, and wanted to go into Syria for the same reasons as O, what would you be saying?

he's gonna really struggle with those first four words :)

like this...

When asked this morning if the U.S. has any pledges of military support for strikes in Syria, White House chief of staff Denis McDonough emphasized that the G20 and other nations have made supportive condemnations of the Syrian government’s actions, but when repeatedly pressed by CNN’s Candy Crowley, he provided no examples of countries that have endorsed or will provide personnel or equipment for a military intervention.

He wouldn’t explicitly admit that the U.S. has no allies willing to provide support, saying, “You’re trying to get me to say that, but I’m not going to say it.” There is specific support from the EU and others, he said, for “holding Syria accountable.”

say it....SAY IT!......nope

"sophistry" the use of those quotes Spence?,4466835.story

"As administration officials lay out their case in favor of a punitive attack on Syria, they have been making all of these seemingly contradictory contentions, confusing supporters and providing rhetorical weapons to their opponents.""

"The sometimes-tortured quality of the argument was apparent over the weekend as some officials claimed that the strikes would shift the momentum of the Syrian war, and others said it would largely be unchanged."

read the article. The administration peacocks are far more interested in preserving and maintaining their "appearance" than they are about doing anything meaningful...and everyone knows it:)

scottw 09-09-2013 04:54 AM's how we get rid of Assad...we get the guy who is sitting in jail for making the movie that caused the Bengazi tragedy to make another disparaging movie showing Assad cursing Allah, burning the Koran and drawing silly cartoons of the prophet mohammed....this will inflame the arab street......Assad will have to flee the middle east and seek assylum with his dear friend John Kerry, he can live out his years in one of Kerry's mansions as an undocumented dictator where they can dine together and discuss reform and Pelosi can visit whenever she wants without having to leave the country against the warnings of every living former secretary of state, maybe he can become a professor at Harvard or Columbia and enjoy the benefits of social security, the SNAP program and, Obamacare(in other words, the American Dream)..........

justplugit 09-09-2013 11:48 AM

Best idea I've seen yet. :hihi:
Gotta luv the definition of the American Dream. :D

Jim in CT 09-09-2013 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1012676)
Seriously, how many Iranian suicide bombers have you seen lately?

How many people in Iranian leadership positions have given themselves to "the cause"? Seriously, you don't think these guys enjoy their drivers, chefs and tailored suits just like the rest of us? :devil2:

See point above.

There is zero chance Israel will launch a nuke attack to stop Iran from getting one. If they thought they could take it out in one strike conventionally perhaps, but the program is so well dispersed it's impossible.



"There is zero chance Israel will launch a nuke attack to stop Iran from getting one"

I disagree. If Iran gets a nuke, there's every reason to believe Iran would use it against Israel. Therefore, there's no valid reason for Israel to leave anything off the table to prevent it.

We'll see on that score, time will tell.

Chalk it up to another blown opportunity for Obama/Clinton when they chose to do nothing during the Iranian uprising some time ago...

buckman 09-09-2013 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1012770)
The fabricated hatred for Obama has far surpassed what the Left feigned for Bush.

I fear that the majority of opposition is rooted in partisan circlejerkery rather than pragmatism and the sheep are just chortling along with their eyes closed.


You forgot racism as a reason and an explanation for all the democrats that are opposed.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

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