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Pete F. 08-06-2019 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 1171799)
Overall Gun related deaths are down near 40% since the mid 90s. The outliers of this are mass shootings and increased inner city violence. Mental Health and Gangs, yet we mostly gloss over this and go for the vast majority of law abiding Citizens. How The Bleep does this make sense Wayne?

The issue is the people with the screw loose yet you and the left continue to say take all the guns. Because the left says we're gonna take the guns.

We have a tier based system, actual automatic rifles and machine guns and such require a heavy price / tax / cause.

Kamala Harris is willing to send Cops to confiscate guns.
Eric Slawell is willing to nuke ya if you don't.
Vox wants complete confiscation.
All of the Dems want some vastly increased level of registration or confiscation type legislation.

I don't effing care. This is my Constitutional Right to have something that can adequately protect my home and family if I need to.

That's fine, but blocking studies and data collection by the CDC in the name of gun rights is absurd. We will see if the current revision to the #^&#^&#^&#^&ey amendment actually changes anything.

Originally Posted by Pete F.
If many of the folks who watch Fox News turned it off and played video games instead, we would likely see a reduction in the rise of white nationalism.

You really have snapped?

I thought that was pretty funny

detbuch 08-06-2019 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1171783)
Trump started the day he came down the escalator and demonized Mexicans.

Another one of your verbal tricks. You use the inflammatory words "demonized" (you know, words like "invasion" that just shouldn't be used because it might trigger a crazy) then you falsely expand SOME Mexicans into Mexicans which of course, is the lying verbal trick of painting Trump as "demonizing" all Mexicans which, of course can slide into the phony notion that Trump is a racist (even though Mexican is not a race), and voila Trump is verbally transformed into the bad man. Words matter.

He consistently labels groups as evil in his political speech and spreads lies.

Some groups are evil. But if you're trying to slide the word "groups" to mean entire races, then you're lying. He has not labeled any race as evil.

The immigration lottery system is done by us not foreign governments choosing whom to send. Watch his rallies and think.

Don't know what you're point is.

All his life he has been a con man, that’s as close to conservative as he’ll ever get.

Another one of your exaggerated lies. "All his life" is beyond your ability to know. "Con man" does not accurately apply to everything he has done.

Just look at his cabinet with all the “best” people, the best people want nothing to do with him.
Bannon, Miller, Kushner, Kudlow, Devos, Mullaney, Hicks, Craft, Carson, Ross comprise his ship of fools with Ivanka as mascot.

Typical of your hateful rhetoric.

We are heading into a storm of trump’s own making now with the world economy and no capable leader is to be seen.
Putin is grinning.
Don’t worry though, Trump has no deals in Russia.

Still resort to innuendo and opinion when you don't have solid facts.

detbuch 08-06-2019 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1171791)
My opinions on Trump come from listening to him, watching the steps he has taken and the executive action an inactions taken, I’m not brainwashed by the media reporting. You however may be, because while you state he has clearly proven not to be deserving of the long list of labels you have listed, he fits the description by action on most.

Yeah, you can describe his actions to make them look the way you want. That's what has been done. And whether you invented your own opinions or not, they fit the descriptions made by the media that has not brainwashed you.

You defend him vehemently and will always win (in your mind) the argument. You don’t believe his campaign seeker help from the Russians, you don’t believe he obstructed the investigation, you don’t believe he has this weird love of some of our most dangerous enemies, or that he has caused in part the dramatic increase of border crossings by words and policies. You are our boards resident AG, your new nickname should be D-Barr.

Thanks, but I don't want the job. And I don't just willy nilly believe what you said. Nor do I actually know, but there is just no solid evidence of those things. Mostly circumstantial stuff that can be "described" as those things.

Respond if you like, I rarely get a third thru your long winded posts, because it’s like seeing the same movie for the tenth time, it just old.

Yeah, I'm pretty consistent. Your old stuff is too.

Pete F. 08-06-2019 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1171809)
Still resort to innuendo and opinion when you don't have solid facts.

You do little other than resort to innuendo and opinion.
Here's Trumps statement from his announcement
"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Here is a riff of his on the immigration lottery, it is all a big lie. The only true thing he says is that it exists.
How about the lottery system? How about lotteries? This was Chuck Schumer. You put the name in a basket. The country puts the name in the basket, and you pick people out of the lottery. Well, let's see this one's a murderer. This one robbed four banks. This one I'd better not say. This one, another murderer. Ladies and gentlemen, another murderer.
Think of this, do you think they are going to put their great citizens, they have great citizens, they have great people like we have great people. Do you think those people are going into a lottery? No. And then we get these people coming in, and we hold it against the country. The country isn’t based on that, the country, you just take a look, look at the people they put into these lotteries.

Here's how the lottery which is run by OUR government works:

What is the Green Card Lottery?
The Green Card Lottery, officially, the Diversity Immigrant Visa program is enacted in section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act and codified in title 8 section 1153 of the United States Code. President H. W. Bush signed it into law back in 1990. It came after a series of temporary diversity programs, as an attempt to broaden the range of admitted immigrants. At the time, it especially helped the Irish fleeing their country due to unrest.

Although Diversity Immigrant Visa program is the official name, it is often referred to as the Diversity Visa Lottery or the Green Card Lottery, or some mixture of these terms. Immigrant visas awarded are often called diversity visas.

To summarize the process, applicants apply; applicants are selected at random using a computer; selected applicants are then screened through an interview process; those that pass the screening process are awarded immigrant visas; upon entry into the U.S., they are awarded their green card.

So, it is called both a visa lottery as well as Green Card lottery because winners are first given a visa which is then upgraded to a Green Card upon entry into the U.S.

Officially, 55,000 visas are awarded, however, each year 5,000 goes to the NACARA program, dropping the available number down to 50,000. The Green Card Lottery is one of several peripheral immigration programs that exist outside the more common route of family or employer sponsorship.

The largest generator of disinformation in this political arena is Donald Trump.
He finds truth inconvenient.

spence 08-06-2019 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 1171755)
So when Antifa kills someone, because people thinking like you think there is some nobility in their actions, that will be OK ?

I don't condone violence on any side under most circumstances, violent protesters should be prosecuted.


Antifa = DoGooders? Am I getting this right?
I think they believe they are.


I am Gobsmacked, that you think there is some honorable ground here.
Countering right-wing extremism is a good thing within reasonable boundaries.


Antifa = Terrorist Group
Neo Nazis = Terrorist Group
White Supremacists = Terrorist Group

Once they get violent and exceed any Constitutionally granted protection, they should go to jail. You'd probably let them out, and at least vote while in the klink.
Seems like Antifa is targeting groups or people pushing radical right-wing ideas, they're not trying to scare me into not supporting those ideas. Right-wing extremists on the other hand have been the biggest source of domestic terrorism. There is a difference.

scottw 08-06-2019 10:56 AM

I read that both of the recent shooters were registered democrats and one was a big Liz Warren supporter

The Dad Fisherman 08-06-2019 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1171834)
I read that both of the recent shooters were registered democrats and one was a big Liz Warren supporter

Nothing to see, move along
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 08-06-2019 02:56 PM

Here is an interesting look at some research about terrorists of all flavors and the common threads in the cases. Of course it is not a definitive answer to all the problems of the world, but it is some relevant information. Don't let your TDS get in the way, it's only the first sentence. That stands for Trump Devotion Syndrome doesn't it?

“How do we stop these people?” the president says, referring to immigrants and refugees crossing the southern U.S. border. “Shoot them,” a voice calls from the crowd. And the president chuckles.

Elsewhere, a man watches as a website he built becomes a bastion of fringe movements with violent rhetoric — a cheering section for mass shootings, where murderers are lionized as heroes.

And in Texas, a lone-wolf shooter posts an anti-immigrant screed online before opening fire at a Walmart.

Did the first two things directly lead to the third? It’s impossible to say. But social scientists say there is evidence to suggest that they’re all linked. As research into terrorism and rare types of violent crimes has become more data-driven, it’s begun to show that the people we call “lone wolves” aren’t. Like the El Paso shooter, they may be isolated in their schools or physical communities, and they don’t have networks of co-conspirators helping to plan attacks. But behind these apparent loners is a sense of community and of participating in a movement. They’ve adopted new norms. They’ve had those norms reinforced. And then they act.

JohnR 08-06-2019 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1171833)
I don't condone violence on any side under most circumstances, violent protesters should be prosecuted.

And when someone goes violent they should be prosecuted.


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1171833)
I think they believe they are.

The Neo Nazis think they are right too. Unacceptable regardless of hard left or hard right. You are beginning to concern me.


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1171833)
Countering right-wing extremism is a good thing within reasonable boundaries.

Countering all extremism, by legal authority, is a good thing within reasonable boundaries.


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1171833)
Seems like Antifa is targeting groups or people pushing radical right-wing ideas, they're not trying to scare me into not supporting those ideas. Right-wing extremists on the other hand have been the biggest source of domestic terrorism. There is a difference.

I cannot believe you are unable to see the difference, I am concerned that you are willing to allow for the difference.

The bad and horrible ideas by NeoNazis, White Supremacists, and Antifa should be countered - by the people of this country - with better ideas, ideals, and debate. Anything beyond that should be by competent legal authority.

scottw 08-06-2019 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 1171855)

You are beginning to concern me.

I've been worried about him for a LONG time :btu:

detbuch 08-06-2019 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1171821)
You do little other than resort to innuendo and opinion.
Here's Trumps statement from his announcement
"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

How is that "demonizing" all Mexicans?

Pete F. 08-07-2019 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1171872)
How is that "demonizing" all Mexicans?

Does this demonize all Republicans?
Republicans are running for office, they are white supremacists, neo nazis, holocaust deniers, anti Semitic and some, I assume, are good people.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 08-07-2019 05:12 AM

man overboard

Jim in CT 08-07-2019 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1171873)
Does this demonize all Republicans?
Republicans are running for office, they are white supremacists, neo nazis, holocaust deniers, anti Semitic and some, I assume, are good people.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

if some of the leading republican politicians fit your descriptions in any way, i’d agree with you. They don’t, so you have no point.

the trump administration has approved a record number of applications for citizenship. Please explain to me, why a racist or xenophobe would do such a thing? because to my simple mind, it doesn’t seem like the kind of thing a racist or xenophobe would do.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 08-07-2019 09:30 AM

this is true....seems like all the anti-semitism in on the democrat side

Pete F. 08-07-2019 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1171879)
if some of the leading republican politicians fit your descriptions in any way, i’d agree with you. They don’t, so you have no point.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Do you think the leading or most or even a significant portion of Mexicans fit Trump’s description?
They no more fit that than the equivalent Republicans.
Those things exist in both groups to some extent as they do in all people.
When you tar a group with the worst behavior in that group, that is demonizing them.
Show me any analysis based on actual data that says large numbers of any population fit Trump’s claims.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 08-07-2019 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1171885)
this is true....seems like all the anti-semitism in on the democrat side

You're wrong. The Trumplican claim that Dems or anyone is anti-Semitic if they criticize Israel is wrong. Talking foreign policy is not anti-semitism.

Anti-semitic behavior is far more dangerous than political speech.

Corey Stewart, Virginia’s Republican Senate candidate, has built his political career around defending Confederate monuments#^&—#^&despite being born and raised in Minnesota. In 2017, Stewart met publicly with the man who would later organize the “Unite the Right” white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia; after a neo-Nazi allegedly killed Heather Heyer there, Stewart blamed “half the violence” on anti-racist counter#^&protesters. He also endorsed Paul Nehlen, an anti-#^&Semite and self-#^&described “pro-white” candidate who ran unsuccessfully for the Republican nomination for outgoing House Speaker Paul Ryan’s seat.

After Kelli Ward announced her candidacy against Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake (who has since decided not to run again), President Donald Trump tweeted, “Great to see that Dr. Kelli Ward is running against Flake Jeff Flake.” Before she was knocked out in the August primary, Ward got a reputation for hanging out with right-wing cranks and conspiracy theorists. She posted a photo of herself with Milo Yiannopoulos, met up with Pizzagate promoter Mike Cernovich, and spoke to a fringe medical group that claims abortion causes cancer.

In March, a 70-year-old neo-Nazi named Arthur Jones ran unopposed to become the Republican candidate for Illinois’ 3rd Congressional District. The state GOP distanced itself from Jones, a Holocaust denier who said he was running against the “two-party, Jew-party, queer-party system.”

Illinois Republicans also disavowed Bill Fawell, their candidate for the 17th District, in August after he was found to have posted conspiracy theories on Facebook. Fawell had claimed the Sandy Hook shooting was a “false flag” operation, that Israel was behind 9/11, and that Beyoncé and Jay-Z have links to “the godless Illuminati.”

John Fitzgerald, the Republican candidate in California’s 11th District, is running on a platform that includes promoting anti-#^&fluoridation and questioning “the official 9/11 story.” Fitzgerald, a painter, has offered a $5,000 reward to anyone who can prove the Holocaust really happened and has written blog posts like “Why Are Powerful Jews Pushing Mass Immigration and Forced Multiculturalism Throughout the U.S. and Europe?”

In North Carolina, for example, GOP officials are stuck with Russell Walker, a white supremacist running for the state House of Representatives. According to his personal website (littered with the n-word), he believes that “the jews are NOT semitic they are satanic as they all descend from Satan.”

Nelson Diaz, the county chairman of the Miami-Dade Republican Party was filmed alongside members of The Proud Boys, pounding a door at a rowdy protest against House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi as she visited a Democratic campaign headquarters in South Florida. Law enforcement found the crowd to be so threatening that officers locked down the building.

On his campaign website, Kansas gubernatorial candidate Kris Kobach cites a made-up anti-immigrant statistic by white nationalist writer Peter Gemma, who worked for a group that opposes “all efforts to mix the races of mankind.” Gemma has also been involved in the Holocaust denial movement and reportedly praised a leading Holocaust denier for “uncovering documents and evidence some historians don't like to admit.”

detbuch 08-07-2019 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1171873)
Does this demonize all Republicans?
Republicans are running for office, they are white supremacists, neo nazis, holocaust deniers, anti Semitic and some, I assume, are good people.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I asked you how Trump's statement demonized all Mexicans. You could not tell me how because it doesn't. You tried one of your lying slight of hand verbal tricks that somehow was supposed to be parallel to Trump's remark, but it isn't. They are not similar or like statements. You're stretching the comparison to get a desired result.

Actually, one piece of Trump's statement is enough to disprove that he was referring to all Mexicans: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best." As for the rest of it, it was obvious that he was referring to some of the illegal immigrants. But I understand why you refuse to see that.

detbuch 08-07-2019 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1171902)
Do you think the leading or most or even a significant portion of Mexicans fit Trump’s description?
They no more fit that than the equivalent Republicans.
Those things exist in both groups to some extent as they do in all people.
When you tar a group with the worst behavior in that group, that is demonizing them.
Show me any analysis based on actual data that says large numbers of any population fit Trump’s claims.

That's because he was always referring to a specific portion of any population, and the ethnicity or race was not the critical factor. But I understand why you want it always to be about the "population," not about specific people.

And because "those things exist . . . in all people," then we should point out when some of the people do those things if those things are not right.

The Dad Fisherman 08-08-2019 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1171906)
The Trumplican claim that Dems or anyone is anti-Semitic if they criticize Israel is wrong. Talking foreign policy is not anti-semitism.

And Securing our borders is not racism. just saying

Pete F. 08-08-2019 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1171920)
I asked you how Trump's statement demonized all Mexicans. You could not tell me how because it doesn't. You tried one of your lying slight of hand verbal tricks that somehow was supposed to be parallel to Trump's remark, but it isn't. They are not similar or like statements. You're stretching the comparison to get a desired result.

Actually, one piece of Trump's statement is enough to disprove that he was referring to all Mexicans: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best." As for the rest of it, it was obvious that he was referring to some of the illegal immigrants. But I understand why you refuse to see that.

Unfortunately, there’s no trick.
The verbal tricks or innuendoes are consistent in Trump’s speech.
He’s very good at it.
And he has scared many people with his rhetoric.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 08-08-2019 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1171921)
That's because he was always referring to a specific portion of any population, and the ethnicity or race was not the critical factor. But I understand why you want it always to be about the "population," not about specific people.

And because "those things exist . . . in all people," then we should point out when some of the people do those things if those things are not right.

You can’t show me this, the only data that exists is in Trump and Faux rhetoric, but Trump claims it again and again.
Show me any analysis based on actual data that says large numbers of any population fit Trump’s claims.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 08-08-2019 07:03 AM

Over on state news fox. Found this telling about their non biased stance
Kacey Musgraves gave a speech at Lollapalooza after the country was hit by two tragic mass shootings, and urged the crowd to yell “somebody #^&#^&#^&#^&ing do something!” in regards to the current state of America that allows for massacres like this to happen.

The thousands of people at Lollapalooza — and even more watching from home — seemed to be on the same side of Kacey, but not surprisingly, Fox & Friends took issue with what she said. Host Ainsley Earhardt, who seems to be more offended by the word “#^&#^&#^&#^&” than by tragic killings, brought on guest Todd Starnes, an author and conservative radio host, to discuss Kacey’s speech and she said, “She’s up there preaching about gun control, but how about her language? What happened to wholesome country singers?”

The eye-rolling and offensive quotes did not stop there. “I suspect she was put on a church prayer list,” Starnes responded. Later, he talked about the current wave of country singers who voice their liberal politics, and said, “Once liberalism starts to grow on something” — “Can’t get rid of it,” Earhardt interrupted — “It kills everything it touches,” Starnes concluded.

Later, Earhardt asked, “What about the kids? She’s asking them to chant the F word. I thought about that. I don’t want my daughter… I mean, these young girls, they look up to these musicians. She sings two great songs that I’ve downloaded, ‘Butterflies’ and ‘Rainbow,’ I love those songs, but now I’m gonna look differently at her because she is chanting that vulgar language.”
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Sea Dangles 08-08-2019 07:32 AM

I suggest you simply turn the channel if you find it offensive.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Got Stripers 08-08-2019 07:45 AM

Carlson stated with a straight face the reporting on the rise of white supremacy is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax, I guess he doesn’t believe in actual investigative reporting or maybe he would have stumbled over the FBI directors recent reporting on the dramatic rise in violence directly tied to white supremacy.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Sea Dangles 08-08-2019 08:57 AM

Liberal fool plagued with TDS
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 08-08-2019 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1171926)
Unfortunately, there’s no trick.

Yeah, there is a trick. Your supposedly parallel construction ("Republicans are running for office, they are white supremacists, neo nazis, holocaust deniers, anti Semitic and some, I assume, are good people") starts with an all inclusive noun "Republicans." Trump's statement did not have this kind of all inclusive noun such as "Mexicans." In fact, Trump qualified any assumed reference to Mexicans twice in that short statement. He said those he was referring to were not "the best" of the population. It is a sarcastic term of art that actually implies that what is referred to is actually "the worst." So it is obvious, if you're honest about it, that he was not referring to a major part of the Mexican population. And then he qualified it even further with saying even among those illegally crossing were some "good people." "Some" could mean any ratio of those from most to least. "Some" is not "all." And his statement was in the context that it wasn't just good folks seeking a better life that were crossing, but also those "worse" he mentioned which were a problem that called for a solution.

And your phony comparison was ridiculous to begin with, not founded on an actual situation. More self-defeating, it ended with something actually parallel to Trump's remark: "and some, I assume, are good people" which, in itself, destroys your trick of making it look like what you said was about all Republicans. Just as it destroyed any notion that Trump was talking about all Mexicans.

The verbal tricks or innuendoes are consistent in Trump’s speech.
He’s very good at it.
And he has scared many people with his rhetoric.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

You'll have to be a bit more specific. He has said a lot of things. Including some pretty good stuff. Anyway, your verbal tricks or innuendoes are consistent with most of your comments about Trump. As I've said before, you're a lot like what you think Trump is.

detbuch 08-08-2019 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1171927)
You can’t show me this, the only data that exists is in Trump and Faux rhetoric, but Trump claims it again and again.
Show me any analysis based on actual data that says large numbers of any population fit Trump’s claims.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I don't know about this "only data" you refer to. I analyze specific statements. His specific statements, when honestly analyzed, don't live up to your demonization.

Jim in CT 08-08-2019 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1171941)
Carlson stated with a straight face the reporting on the rise of white supremacy is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax, I guess he doesn’t believe in actual investigative reporting or maybe he would have stumbled over the FBI directors recent reporting on the dramatic rise in violence directly tied to white supremacy.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

it is a hoax. compared to the damage done by fatherlessness and opioids?

GS, this isn’t the 1950s Alabama. The civil rights war is over, the good guys won. sure racism
still exists and
must be stamped out. but it’s nowhere near deserving of the attention it gets, and it gets this much attention because the left is willing to split the country in two to defeat trump. how about a sane, rational conversation about what each side actually stands for, and why each side thinks their ideas are better? ever notice republicans want that conversation, and democrats can’t stop
screaming about nazis long enough to even get started.

if racism is so rampant, why did two democratic presidential candidates conclude that it would be to their advantage to not appear white? Warren says she’s native american, Robert Francis O’Roarke wants to be Hispanic. if white nationals were mainstream, why do so many non whites desperately want to come here?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

PaulS 08-08-2019 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Sea Dangles (Post 1171940)
I suggest you simply turn the channel if you find it offensive.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

You're the one who said he started posting here bc he didn't like the way Trump was being treated.

Well I got my laugh for today.

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