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wdmso 11-02-2021 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1216916)
My God. I'm not sure you read the book. "The job" was supposed to go to the new lawyer in town but they wanted Atticus to take it because of who he was. He didn't want to be in that spot, he didn't want to expose his kids to bigotry, but knew he couldnt ask his kids to respect him if he didn't do it. He didn't just poke holes the the prosecution's case, he went WAY beyond that and spoke out against the evil historical sin of bigotry. He didn't want to have Bob Ewell spit in his face, didn't want to have to drive out to tell Toms wife that Tom was dead. He never pressured clients to pay, took payments in food if that was all they had, and he was glad to take it.

"His job"? Just doing his job? It was his job, when he heard that the racists were coming to hang Tom, it was his job to go sit on the front steps of the jail all night, to stand up without flinching to an entire mob, to tell them to go home?

You missed THE ENTIRE POINT. Do you recall the scene in the book and in the movie, when all the blacks in the courtroom stood up in respect when he was leaving the courthouse? The black reverend said to his daughter who was sitting on the ground, ":Miss jean louise? Miss Jean Louise? Stand up, your father's passing." She looked around and saw that all the blacks were standing in respect for Atticus. That's a scene that's supposed to give you goosebumps at what a selfless hero he was (often taking payments in food, often letting people take as long as they needed to pay, never hounding them for payment).

Christ almighty, stick to fishing.


Pete F. 11-02-2021 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1216925)
the most common reason is the racist language, I haven't heard many other reasons.

So with CRT, liberals want to make sure kids are taught what whited did to blacks.

But with To Kill A Mockingbird, for some reason kids aren't capable of handling the historical context, even though it's accurate?

With CRT, the liberal rallying cry is not to whitewash history. Why doesn't that apply to this book?

Do you understand, that in this book, the racists aren't portrayed favorably? They're portrayed as disgusting.

"many on the right oppose the profanity and discussion of rape"

Not "many". I'm sure some puritans do, but hardly "many". I wouldn't have first graders read it.

Anyway, what do you liberals want? An accurate depiction of history? Or a whitewashed version? It's very hard to tell.

Now you are conflating a novel with what you call critical race theory.
In to kill a Mockingbird, Rich whites are good, poor whites are trash and blacks are the victims who cannot defend themselves.
It's a novel....

I know admitting that there are bad things in our history is hard, but if you think that is the end of America as you see it, just what are you afraid to lose?
You are perfectly willing to point out what you see as the frailties of other races, but are horrified that anyone would ask you to look at the things that have been done for years in this country that are not perfect. What is the horrible thing that will happen? Someone might feel guilty, or that things might change slightly.

Critical Race Theory has been around for longer than you and it only became an issue in the very recent past.

Jim in CT 11-02-2021 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1216932)
CRT only exist in your imagination Jim you've been brainwashed to think it's everywhere .. by some secret liberal organization who even installed it in red states ... So all these parents suddenly got educated about CRT .. Ya ok that's how it happened , and these same parents think Trump won the election ..

yet you and other can't show any public k -12 school where its being taught..:jump:

its just keep lying over and over to convince the gullible and clearly uninformed

"CRT only exist in your imagination Jim you've been brainwashed to think it's everywhere"

Please post anything I've ever said, that made you conclude I think it's everywhere.

"yet you and other can't show any public k -12 school where its being taught..:jump"

I don't make claims to know where it's taught or not. But here's what appears to be solid evidence, that it's promoted (if not t aught) in VA. Just because CNN says this is made up, means it's made up.

It is actually possible, for conservatives to have a point once in awhile.

Pete F. 11-03-2021 07:22 PM

When did schools become places where parents decide what children are taught? I thought the purpose of learning, especially higher learning, was to offer different perspectives and promote "open/out of the box thinking?"

If parents are dictating - let them teach at home.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 11-03-2021 07:30 PM

There is no course in Loudon County called “critical race theory”. But there are kids who reportedly read in school a book called “not my idea”.

in this book, the devil makes deals with people, binding them to whiteness, promising riches of stolen land and stolen property. because that’s what all honkeys are guilty of.

it’s not called critical race theory. but if parents are being honest about kids reading this, then racially divisiveness crap is being forced in our kids there.

there is a limit to how much garbage americans are willing to have been dumped on them.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 11-04-2021 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1216943)

"CRT only exist in your imagination Jim you've been brainwashed to think it's everywhere"

"The Center for Renewing America developed a glossary of buzzwords and definitions frequently used to disguise the CRT teaching concepts in the classroom. From the website, "Critical Race Theory isn't always presented as Critical Race Theory. The framework of CRT can be utilized to frame other concepts or present them in an inappropriate context." In plain speak, by parsing, substituting, or rephrasing key terminology, school administrators and teachers covertly incorporated the CRT language and the pedagogy into their daily lesson planning.

A Virginia school district spent $30,000 on Critical Race Theory training for administrators.

When McAuliffe was Virginia's governor, he encouraged teachers "to embrace Critical Race Theory as part of its Culturally-Responsive Teaching and Learning Principles, with a stated desire to re-engineer attitudes and belief systems."

The CRT ideology is so prevalent in Virginia public schools that in 2019, not only did several VA school superintendents endorse CRT in a memo to district teachers, but one school superintendent promoted both Critical Race Theory and the idea of "White Fragility;" based on the book of the same name by Robin DiAngelo.

Another VA superintendent's memo endorsed "Foundations of Critical Race Theory in Education" as an important resource, which enables and will ensure race-based developments in education.

On the Virginia Department of Education website the words "Critical Race Theory" appear multiple times. "

scottw 11-04-2021 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1217055)

There is no course in Loudon County called “critical race theory”.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

this is correct, there is no CRT101 to select as a course but CRT is being woven into the curriculum just like every other leftists pet cause, they are not educating, they are attempting to indoctrinate children, turning them into useful little social justice warriors and probably democrat voters...and they'll mock you for pointing this out

there is no open/out of the box thinking in schools, teachers and administrators are more dictatorial and activist than ever and don't tolerate opinions that differ from one spends more time on social media than the teachers I know, virtue signaling and sharing memes and making comments that they think make them appear smarter and more evolved that anyone who dares to disagree with's pretty amusing

....if you spend any time with a teacher and see the materials that encourage and direct their teaching or if you are involved in schools and see what and how the kids are being taught it's abundantly obvious and it's poisonous

after Jan 6th, I got a letter from my kid's school superintendent telling me what to think about what happened there as it relates to racism and he provided lot's of links where I could go to tell me how to explain to my kids all of the racism involved in what happened on Jan 6th

that's not education, that's activism and propaganda and someone wandering WAY out of their lane using their position to push their beliefs .....they are not educators/administrators FIRST... but political activists

Jim in CT 11-04-2021 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1217059)
this is correct, there is no CRT101 to select as a course but CRT is being woven into the curriculum just like every other leftists pet cause, they are not educating, they are attempting to indoctrinate children, turning them into useful little social justice warriors and probably democrat voters...and they'll mock you for pointing this out

there is no open/out of the box thinking in schools, teachers and administrators are more dictatorial and activist than ever and don't tolerate opinions that differ from one spends more time on social media than the teachers I know, virtue signaling and sharing memes and making comments that they think make them appear smarter and more evolved that anyone who dares to disagree with's pretty amusing

....if you spend any time with a teacher and see the materials that encourage and direct their teaching or if you are involved in schools and see what and how the kids are being taught it's abundantly obvious and it's poisonous

after Jan 6th, I got a letter from my kid's school superintendent telling me what to think about what happened there as it relates to racism and he provided lot's of links where I could go to tell me how to explain to my kids all of the racism involved in what happened on Jan 6th

that's not education, that's activism and propaganda and someone wandering WAY out of their lane using their position to push their beliefs .....they are not educators/administrators FIRST... but political activists

and if you get angry over any of that, you’re a domestic terrorist,
according to the Biden administration.

and what happened in VA and NJ tuesday, in my opinion, was a repudiation of all that. Two states that a month ago no one doubted would remain blue, turned 10+ points to the right after 10 months of what you described. If those two states pivoted that far to the right, where are we in swing states like FL and NC?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 11-04-2021 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1217060)

and what happened in VA and NJ tuesday, in my opinion, was a repudiation of all that.

]Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device[/size]

lots of stupid misinformed voters obviously, should all be locked up in concentration camps probably...don't know what's best for them and their kids and need government led by leftists to decide for them

Pete F. 11-04-2021 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1217058)
"The Center for Renewing America developed a glossary of buzzwords and definitions frequently used to disguise the CRT teaching concepts in the classroom. From the website, "Critical Race Theory isn't always presented as Critical Race Theory. The framework of CRT can be utilized to frame other concepts or present them in an inappropriate context." In plain speak, by parsing, substituting, or rephrasing key terminology, school administrators and teachers covertly incorporated the CRT language and the pedagogy into their daily lesson planning.

A Virginia school district spent $30,000 on Critical Race Theory training for administrators.

When McAuliffe was Virginia's governor, he encouraged teachers "to embrace Critical Race Theory as part of its Culturally-Responsive Teaching and Learning Principles, with a stated desire to re-engineer attitudes and belief systems."

The CRT ideology is so prevalent in Virginia public schools that in 2019, not only did several VA school superintendents endorse CRT in a memo to district teachers, but one school superintendent promoted both Critical Race Theory and the idea of "White Fragility;" based on the book of the same name by Robin DiAngelo.

Another VA superintendent's memo endorsed "Foundations of Critical Race Theory in Education" as an important resource, which enables and will ensure race-based developments in education.

On the Virginia Department of Education website the words "Critical Race Theory" appear multiple times. "

No bias in that source

The Center for Renewing America is a right-leaning nonprofit organization created by Russell Vought, director of the Office of Management and Budget under former President Donald Trump. The organization’s work focuses on opposing censorship of conservatives big tech companies, opposing the spread of critical race theory, and advocating for stricter security measures in U.S. elections.

wdmso 11-04-2021 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1217055)
There is no course in Loudon County called “critical race theory”. But there are kids who reportedly read in school a book called “not my idea”.

in this book, the devil makes deals with people, binding them to whiteness, promising riches of stolen land and stolen property. because that’s what all honkeys are guilty of.

it’s not called critical race theory. but if parents are being honest about kids reading this, then racially divisiveness crap is being forced in our kids there.

there is a limit to how much garbage americans are willing to have been dumped on them.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Now is a slow drip. Goal post moving again .. so now it’s a secret attack that just started since Biden took office . Lol
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 11-04-2021 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1217059)
this is correct, there is no CRT101 to select as a course but CRT is being woven into the curriculum just like every other leftists pet cause, they are not educating, they are attempting to indoctrinate children, turning them into useful little social justice warriors and probably democrat voters...and they'll mock you for pointing this out

there is no open/out of the box thinking in schools, teachers and administrators are more dictatorial and activist than ever and don't tolerate opinions that differ from one spends more time on social media than the teachers I know, virtue signaling and sharing memes and making comments that they think make them appear smarter and more evolved that anyone who dares to disagree with's pretty amusing

....if you spend any time with a teacher and see the materials that encourage and direct their teaching or if you are involved in schools and see what and how the kids are being taught it's abundantly obvious and it's poisonous

after Jan 6th, I got a letter from my kid's school superintendent telling me what to think about what happened there as it relates to racism and he provided lot's of links where I could go to tell me how to explain to my kids all of the racism involved in what happened on Jan 6th

that's not education, that's activism and propaganda and someone wandering WAY out of their lane using their position to push their beliefs .....they are not educators/administrators FIRST... but political activists

Scotts on the kool aid ! and down the rabbit hole with the rest of the CRT is happening crowd .

Theses are the same parents who can’t do their kids math . Want schools to discipline their kids or just babysit till they get home from work . Never gone to a parent teacher conference.. but they know what CRT is and where it’s being taught…. Ya ok . But please keep convincing that’s what’s happening
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 11-04-2021 07:48 AM

This whole CRT moral panic isn't about white kids being made to feel guilty, it's about the anxiety some people feel about white kids learning to empathize with the pain and suffering of black people in the American past, and learning to condemn the white people who inflicted it.

If calling out the undeniably racist and oppressive actions of white people who lived over 150 years ago makes a 21st century white person feel guilty, then that's not really the teacher's fault, is it? Just seems like an invitation to some self-reflection.

Working to build cross-racial solidarity, empathy, and trust has long been part of the American democratic tradition. Working to undermine that has long been part of the American antidemocratic tradition. Choose accordingly.

It's also important to note that the history of enslaved people, when taught well, also teaches children to identify with the resilience and resistance of black people in the American past, and to recognize the bull#^&#^&#^&#^& justifications that white people gave for white supremacy.

The history of slavery, when taught well, also teaches kids to understand power in systemic terms. Slavery was not just interpersonal nastiness or some negative attitudes in some peoples' heads, it was an integrated political, economic, social, and cultural system.

That system was reproduced, day by day, by the actions and inactions of the overwhelming majority of white people who lived at the time. Trying to understand how so many otherwise "nice, well-educated, people of faith" could be complicit with such horror seems worthwhile.

But in a larger sense, it’s about preserving the notion of individualism that lies at the heart of American capitalism. As soon as you begin to doubt that, you begin to question the underlying premises of consumer capitalism on which monopoly capitalism rests.

Jim in CT 11-04-2021 07:54 AM

Here, we see the young Loudon County teacher who quit this summer over racially divisiveness nonsense that was being rammed down her throat.

Again, there might not have been a pamphlet called "CRT", but we all know what we're talking about, the notion that whites all owe some debt because of our collective privilege.

Did this teacher walk away from her career, over something she fabricated?

Keep saying that they're all racists and liars, that strategy is working really well.

Biden won in 2020 because he wasn't Trump. Trump is gone now (hopefully for good, which somehow makes me a Trumplican for saying that), so the democrats are going to have to find something else to use, to appeal to Americans. They were unable to come up with that something, in the light-blue state of VA.

There's so many accomplishments the democrats can point to, as their selling point for 2022...not being able to pass an infastructure bill that everyone wants (even though they control the entire federal government), boys in girls bathrooms, boys competing against girls in physical sports, inflation, surging gas prices, late term abortions, defunding police (completely rejected in Minneapolis, the birthplace of the 2020 riots), teaching white children that they are born stained with sin, closing schools, tax increases, green new deals, open borders, wiping out student loans, calling everyone a racist who disagrees with you on any subject...I mean come on! These are issues that all of America will rally behind!

Pete F. 11-04-2021 07:57 AM

Pretty close recital of Fox headlines

Ironically, Critical Race Theory is exactly the framework you need to explain why Critical Race Theory is the exact boogeyman for Republicans to employ to win elections.

wdmso 11-04-2021 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1217055)
There is no course in Loudon County called “critical race theory”. But there are kids who reportedly read in school a book called “not my idea”.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim’s been radicalized and doesn’t even know it .

Conservative activists and pundits across the United States have weaponized the theory — a decades-old academic framework that holds that racism is woven into the country’s past and institutions — to claim that equity-conscious school systems are teaching children to hate one another, and White children to hate themselves.

Sucker born everyday

Loudoun, a county of roughly 420,000 just outside the nation’s capital, where the median income was $142,299 in 2019 (more than twice the national average).

So this county is also rich

Who or what motivates conservatives base more than the idea of rich white educated elites telling them what’s what..

GOP fear everything unless we say otherwise . And the sheep follow
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 11-04-2021 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1217074)
Theses are the same parents who Never gone to a parent teacher conference..
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

they go to BOE meetings, maybe you haven't seen the videos. And they get called domestic terrorists for being angry at BOE meetings...

how do you know they don't go to parent teacher conferences? I'd be very, very curious to know where you got that from?

Youre 180 degrees wrong. These are the parents who bothered to see what was being taught, and who are trying to change it. These are the involved parents, who McAulife said they had no right to a say in what gets taught.

scottw 11-04-2021 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1217074)

Scotts on the kool aid !

Theses are the same parents who can’t do their kids math .

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

that's original and....

you don't know the difference between're

I wonder how your math is :spin:

scottw 11-04-2021 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1217078)

Pretty close recital of Fox headlines


that's original

scottw 11-04-2021 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1217079)
Jim’s been radicalized and doesn’t even know it .

Conservative activists and pundits across the United States have weaponized the theory — a decades-old academic framework that holds that racism is woven into the country’s past and institutions — to claim that equity-conscious school systems are teaching children to hate one another, and White children to hate themselves.

Sucker born everyday

Loudoun, a county of roughly 420,000 just outside the nation’s capital, where the median income was $142,299 in 2019 (more than twice the national average).

So this county is also rich

Who or what motivates conservatives base more than the idea of rich white educated elites telling them what’s what..

GOP fear everything unless we say otherwise . And the sheep follow
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wtf is this?

Pete F. 11-04-2021 08:24 AM

I read an interview with the author of Not My Idea, interesting viewpoint.
Oddly enough, the same people who are upset that the Suess family pulled some titles from publication are upset that their children can read this book.

"I made a book for white children that encourages them to connect with their heartbreak about racism. I urge them to tune into their deepest instincts about justice—which I trust—and to nourish those instincts like bean sprouts in a milk carton. I assure them that racism is not their idea and they don’t need to defend it; they can be curious instead.

Rather than being curious about your own experience, you fuss at me about the book I made and how much it leaves to kids’ imaginations: They might not like themselves; they might think police only kill Black people; they might draw sweeping conclusions about white supremacy being evil.

I’m cool with all of that. As long as kids continue to be curious, those beliefs will shift. I want kids clued in on the fact that racism is a system, a setup, a game that has been rigged, and to let them know they get to choose how they want to be. The experience of race they most need to understand is their own. The people they most need to talk to about race are their own family members. That’s where I started and where I am content to stop."

You can watch someone read the book for free here

scottw 11-04-2021 08:43 AM

not my idea is for ages 8-12...

this is like teaching 8-12 or "encouraging them to connect with their heartbreak about" rape....rape/racism are not something on their radar...why not let these kids grow up loving and respecting their peers regardless of color instead of injecting racism and pointing out differences based on those at this age?

here some favorable reviews

"Not My Idea is a sincere look at racial hierarchies—usually unspoken"

Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness is packed with information and context but avoids being preachy

Not My Idea a Book About Whiteness is a picture book about racism and racial justice, inviting white children and parents to become curious about racism

“Not My Idea Helping young white people dismantle white supremacy is urgently needed; this book is a primer on how to begin.”

again..8-12 year olds...probably can't spell hierarchies

there is quite a list of interesting books that target 8-12 year olds regarding race, sexuality etc....

it's a long way from Stars Upon Thars....

Jim in CT 11-04-2021 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1217084)
wtf is this?

ranting gibberish.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 11-04-2021 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1217088)
not my idea is for ages 8-12...

this is like teaching 8-12 or "encouraging them to connect with their heartbreak about" rape....rape/racism are not something on their radar...why not let these kids grow up loving and respecting their peers regardless of color instead of injecting racism and pointing out differences based on those at this age?

here some favorable reviews

"Not My Idea is a sincere look at racial hierarchies—usually unspoken"

Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness is packed with information and context but avoids being preachy

Not My Idea a Book About Whiteness is a picture book about racism and racial justice, inviting white children and parents to become curious about racism

“Not My Idea Helping young white people dismantle white supremacy is urgently needed; this book is a primer on how to begin.”

again..8-12 year olds...probably can't spell hierarchies

there is quite a list of interesting books that target 8-12 year olds regarding race, sexuality etc....

it's a long way from Stars Upon Thars....

you made that all up.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 11-04-2021 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1217079)
Jim’s been radicalized and doesn’t even know it .

Conservative activists and pundits across the United States have weaponized the theory — a decades-old academic framework that holds that racism is woven into the country’s past and institutions — to claim that equity-conscious school systems are teaching children to hate one another, and White children to hate themselves.

Sucker born everyday

Loudoun, a county of roughly 420,000 just outside the nation’s capital, where the median income was $142,299 in 2019 (more than twice the national average).

So this county is also rich

Who or what motivates conservatives base more than the idea of rich white educated elites telling them what’s what..

GOP fear everything unless we say otherwise . And the sheep follow
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Loudon is indeed rich and white. it’s also very liberal, a county that McAuliffe won easily. they are liberal enough to be willing to sacrifice a few of their daughters on the altar of liberal woke virtue signaling.

it’s a deeply, deeply liberal place. that’s fact.

where the hell do you get your information? and what logic do you use,,to try and piece it together?

here’s a link. McAuluffe easily won Loudon County. f that county wasn’t so radically liberal, McAuliffe probably would have won. They LIED about a rape, because expanding the trans bathroom policy was more important. They are also very obviously using racial divisiveness in the classroom. public records show that state education officials referred to CRT very specifically by name, said it was a great tool in education.

i’m not making one speck of that up. if you can’t accept it because it doesn’t help your side, that’s your problem. it’s probably about to become a bigger problem
for you, because conservatives are going to be beyond energized and seizing on the formula that worked in blue VA.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 11-04-2021 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1217088)
not my idea is for ages 8-12...

this is like teaching 8-12 or "encouraging them to connect with their heartbreak about" rape....rape/racism are not something on their radar...why not let these kids grow up loving and respecting their peers regardless of color instead of injecting racism and pointing out differences based on those at this age?

here some favorable reviews

"Not My Idea is a sincere look at racial hierarchies—usually unspoken"

Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness is packed with information and context but avoids being preachy

Not My Idea a Book About Whiteness is a picture book about racism and racial justice, inviting white children and parents to become curious about racism

“Not My Idea Helping young white people dismantle white supremacy is urgently needed; this book is a primer on how to begin.”

again..8-12 year olds...probably can't spell hierarchies

there is quite a list of interesting books that target 8-12 year olds regarding race, sexuality etc....

it's a long way from Stars Upon Thars....

and i haven’t heard education officials in Loudon deny that this book ( not my idea) is in classrooms. so we’re only wrong to the extent that it’s not all called CRT, but that’s clearly what it is. call it whatever you want. parents don’t care what it’s called, they just want it out of public schools. liberals want it in. that’s clearly a winning issue for republicans.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 11-04-2021 09:59 AM

Let me get this straight
White parents are fine with their children being exposed to a deadly, highly-communicable airborne disease which has killed 750,000 people in the U.S. alone, but teaching them the actual history of the U.S. is harmful to their kids. OK.

scottw 11-04-2021 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1217101)
Let me get this straight
White parents are fine with their children being exposed to a deadly, highly-communicable airborne disease which has killed 750,000 people in the U.S. alone, but teaching them the actual history of the U.S. is harmful to their kids. OK.

if that's how you rationalize things...well.....

Jim in CT 11-04-2021 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1217101)
Let me get this straight
White parents are fine with their children being exposed to a deadly, highly-communicable airborne disease which has killed 750,000 people in the U.S. alone, but teaching them the actual history of the U.S. is harmful to their kids. OK.

blacks have much lower vaccination rates
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 11-04-2021 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1217102)
if that's how you rationalize things...well.....

I suppose you're happier with this

GOP: Teachin' slavery was real is racist.

GOP: Blacks demandin' equality is racist.

GOP: There's no racism in America, except by minorities.

GOP: Bannin' books is good.

GOP: Nazi salutes are "free speech".

GOP: Violence to win elections is "patriotic.

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