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detbuch 12-18-2017 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1133715)
Cracks me up that the core keeps waving the Trump flag, spouting the
party line and screaming foul over all the "fake news" and "fake accusations" the media puts out to tarnish the very fragile ego of Donald Trump. Inappropriate sexual conduct by Trump is far from his number one character flaw, but it's certainly in the top ten. I love all the fake news crying by Trump, when he in fact is the biggest liar and tweeter of untruths that we have seen in quite some time.

I personally don't have the time to fact check and view Stern interviews, as I understand there are over 15 hours and well over 100,000 spoken words, I've heard enough choice samples of those, along with the access Hollywood tape and all the filth coming out of his mouth throughout the campaign to form an opinion. I have no doubt many if not the majority of the accusations have some truth in them. Hey if you have the time and nothing better to do have fun, I may return in time to read your blue, red or yellow font of the day retort. If not I'm sure it will be extremely well thought out, highly researched and a very articulate response to somehow convince me my opinion must be in error.

I love the most recent lie coming out of his mouth, that the tax bill is really going to hurt Trump and his family, are you kidding me; he must take the average citizen to be an idiot if we believe that statement. If the discourse over the nuts and bolts of the bill are correct, the core that elected him are going to get the screwing once the rates go back up, if not immediately. Not to mention the hit to the deficit their children will inherit. Guess who pays for those ER or EMS services to the soon to be uninsured with the mandate going away.

Then today he's back campaigning and suggests the need to really rebuild our infrastructure after watching one of his 8 hour daily (don't you have a fing job, I'm retired and have time for a couple hours daily) TV viewings and catching the news about the Amtrak derailing; just where is that money coming from? I hope all the core Trump supporters are buying into this trickle down economics reasoning, all I can say is thank God I'm out of the work force and not worrying to much about taxes at this point. Russia is one of the few places on earth willing to loan the Trump family money, possibly his new found love Putin can throw us some infrastructure money; because I don't think the deficit can take another hit.

Did you happen to watch 60 minutes yesterday, that show was so on point and yet we are about to give the corporate pharmaceutical industry drug dealing SOB's who created the opioid problem a big Xmass present and pat on the back. One of the other interesting pieces was pointing out (I"m sure you will fact check that for me) that there were 74% more deaths in this country at the hands of white supremacist than radical Islamics. So while I agree that boarder security and proper vetting of immigrants is important, you would think the POTUS would do a better job at not contributing the divide that is in fact causing more trouble at home.

Don't get me started on show me your taxes Donald and if I hear him say there is no collusion one more time, I'd have to suggest to him; it ain't over until the fat lady sings. Even if you believe this clown (sorry that's my opinion) can clean the swamp (frankly I think he just really added a very foul odor to it), do you think he is the man you can trust with foreign policy and dealing with a world threat like NK or the middle east? He has shown the littlest things upset his ego, I only pray there are people serving in our military that will keep that child in check.

Twas the night before Xmass and all through the white house, not a creature was stiring not even Donalds spouse.

His tweets had been crafted with his usual care
in the hopes that tomorrow nobody would be spared.

When out on the lawn there rose such a terrible clatter
it interrupted a tweet so Potus sprung up to see what was the matter.

The partisan children would all snuggled in bed
with some hoping a new tax bill would bring in some bread.

Well you can fill in the blanks, but I suspect some of you children aren't getting those new shiny raises Trump suspects corporate american is going to hand down in thanks for the tax break.....coal all around....sorry Trump loves coal.....haha.

Well done. I have to admit that I enjoyed your thoughts.

spence 12-19-2017 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1133715)
Cracks me up that the core keeps waving the Trump flag, spouting the
party line and screaming foul over all the "fake news" and "fake accusations" the media puts out to tarnish the very fragile ego of Donald Trump. Inappropriate sexual conduct by Trump is far from his number one character flaw, but it's certainly in the top ten. I love all the fake news crying by Trump, when he in fact is the biggest liar and tweeter of untruths that we have seen in quite some time.

I personally don't have the time to fact check and view Stern interviews, as I understand there are over 15 hours and well over 100,000 spoken words, I've heard enough choice samples of those, along with the access Hollywood tape and all the filth coming out of his mouth throughout the campaign to form an opinion. I have no doubt many if not the majority of the accusations have some truth in them. Hey if you have the time and nothing better to do have fun, I may return in time to read your blue, red or yellow font of the day retort. If not I'm sure it will be extremely well thought out, highly researched and a very articulate response to somehow convince me my opinion must be in error.

I love the most recent lie coming out of his mouth, that the tax bill is really going to hurt Trump and his family, are you kidding me; he must take the average citizen to be an idiot if we believe that statement. If the discourse over the nuts and bolts of the bill are correct, the core that elected him are going to get the screwing once the rates go back up, if not immediately. Not to mention the hit to the deficit their children will inherit. Guess who pays for those ER or EMS services to the soon to be uninsured with the mandate going away.

Then today he's back campaigning and suggests the need to really rebuild our infrastructure after watching one of his 8 hour daily (don't you have a fing job, I'm retired and have time for a couple hours daily) TV viewings and catching the news about the Amtrak derailing; just where is that money coming from? I hope all the core Trump supporters are buying into this trickle down economics reasoning, all I can say is thank God I'm out of the work force and not worrying to much about taxes at this point. Russia is one of the few places on earth willing to loan the Trump family money, possibly his new found love Putin can throw us some infrastructure money; because I don't think the deficit can take another hit.

Did you happen to watch 60 minutes yesterday, that show was so on point and yet we are about to give the corporate pharmaceutical industry drug dealing SOB's who created the opioid problem a big Xmass present and pat on the back. One of the other interesting pieces was pointing out (I"m sure you will fact check that for me) that there were 74% more deaths in this country at the hands of white supremacist than radical Islamics. So while I agree that boarder security and proper vetting of immigrants is important, you would think the POTUS would do a better job at not contributing the divide that is in fact causing more trouble at home.

Don't get me started on show me your taxes Donald and if I hear him say there is no collusion one more time, I'd have to suggest to him; it ain't over until the fat lady sings. Even if you believe this clown (sorry that's my opinion) can clean the swamp (frankly I think he just really added a very foul odor to it), do you think he is the man you can trust with foreign policy and dealing with a world threat like NK or the middle east? He has shown the littlest things upset his ego, I only pray there are people serving in our military that will keep that child in check.

Twas the night before Xmass and all through the white house, not a creature was stiring not even Donalds spouse.

His tweets had been crafted with his usual care
in the hopes that tomorrow nobody would be spared.

When out on the lawn there rose such a terrible clatter
it interrupted a tweet so Potus sprung up to see what was the matter.

The partisan children would all snuggled in bed
with some hoping a new tax bill would bring in some bread.

Well you can fill in the blanks, but I suspect some of you children aren't getting those new shiny raises Trump suspects corporate american is going to hand down in thanks for the tax break.....coal all around....sorry Trump loves coal.....haha.

Pretty much spot on. One item you missed was the POTUS being manipulated as a Russian asset and FOX News sinking to the point of an authoritarian run state media.

That Trump would lead like this doesn't surprise me. The fact that most of the GOP is complicit is astounding.

scottw 12-19-2017 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1133722)
Pretty much spot on. One item you missed was the POTUS being manipulated as a Russian asset and FOX News sinking to the point of an authoritarian run state media.

That Trump would lead like this doesn't surprise me. The fact that most of the GOP is complicit is astounding.

good grief've become the left's Alex Jones

spence 12-19-2017 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1133723)
good grief've become the left's Alex Jones

Well, actually I heard that from former CIA and a Republican strategist not to mention what I've seen myself.

But as Dangles would say thanks for proving my point.

Jim in CT 12-19-2017 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1133715)
Cracks me up that the core keeps waving the Trump flag, spouting the
party line and screaming foul over all the "fake news" and "fake accusations" the media puts out to tarnish the very fragile ego of Donald Trump. Inappropriate sexual conduct by Trump is far from his number one character flaw, but it's certainly in the top ten. I love all the fake news crying by Trump, when he in fact is the biggest liar and tweeter of untruths that we have seen in quite some time.

I personally don't have the time to fact check and view Stern interviews, as I understand there are over 15 hours and well over 100,000 spoken words, I've heard enough choice samples of those, along with the access Hollywood tape and all the filth coming out of his mouth throughout the campaign to form an opinion. I have no doubt many if not the majority of the accusations have some truth in them. Hey if you have the time and nothing better to do have fun, I may return in time to read your blue, red or yellow font of the day retort. If not I'm sure it will be extremely well thought out, highly researched and a very articulate response to somehow convince me my opinion must be in error.

I love the most recent lie coming out of his mouth, that the tax bill is really going to hurt Trump and his family, are you kidding me; he must take the average citizen to be an idiot if we believe that statement. If the discourse over the nuts and bolts of the bill are correct, the core that elected him are going to get the screwing once the rates go back up, if not immediately. Not to mention the hit to the deficit their children will inherit. Guess who pays for those ER or EMS services to the soon to be uninsured with the mandate going away.

Then today he's back campaigning and suggests the need to really rebuild our infrastructure after watching one of his 8 hour daily (don't you have a fing job, I'm retired and have time for a couple hours daily) TV viewings and catching the news about the Amtrak derailing; just where is that money coming from? I hope all the core Trump supporters are buying into this trickle down economics reasoning, all I can say is thank God I'm out of the work force and not worrying to much about taxes at this point. Russia is one of the few places on earth willing to loan the Trump family money, possibly his new found love Putin can throw us some infrastructure money; because I don't think the deficit can take another hit.

Did you happen to watch 60 minutes yesterday, that show was so on point and yet we are about to give the corporate pharmaceutical industry drug dealing SOB's who created the opioid problem a big Xmass present and pat on the back. One of the other interesting pieces was pointing out (I"m sure you will fact check that for me) that there were 74% more deaths in this country at the hands of white supremacist than radical Islamics. So while I agree that boarder security and proper vetting of immigrants is important, you would think the POTUS would do a better job at not contributing the divide that is in fact causing more trouble at home.

Don't get me started on show me your taxes Donald and if I hear him say there is no collusion one more time, I'd have to suggest to him; it ain't over until the fat lady sings. Even if you believe this clown (sorry that's my opinion) can clean the swamp (frankly I think he just really added a very foul odor to it), do you think he is the man you can trust with foreign policy and dealing with a world threat like NK or the middle east? He has shown the littlest things upset his ego, I only pray there are people serving in our military that will keep that child in check.

Twas the night before Xmass and all through the white house, not a creature was stiring not even Donalds spouse.

His tweets had been crafted with his usual care
in the hopes that tomorrow nobody would be spared.

When out on the lawn there rose such a terrible clatter
it interrupted a tweet so Potus sprung up to see what was the matter.

The partisan children would all snuggled in bed
with some hoping a new tax bill would bring in some bread.

Well you can fill in the blanks, but I suspect some of you children aren't getting those new shiny raises Trump suspects corporate american is going to hand down in thanks for the tax break.....coal all around....sorry Trump loves coal.....haha.

"screaming foul over all the "fake news" and "fake accusations" the media puts out"

90% percent of the coverage of the man, is negative. Now, he's unique kind of jerk, so he brings much of this on himself. But the media is out to get him.

"there were 74% more deaths in this country at the hands of white supremacist than radical Islamics"

Come on, that's because we spend billions and billions to protect ourselves from jhadists, and for damn good reason. Would you feel better if a jihadist had set off a dirty bomb and thus killed more Americans than white supremacists?

"you would think the POTUS would do a better job at not contributing the divide that is in fact causing more trouble at home. "

He is extremely divisive. So was the last POTUS...

"do you think he is the man you can trust with foreign policy and dealing with a world threat like NK or the middle east?"

Him personally? Hell, no. But that's why we don't live in a monarchy, there are all kinds of limits to what he can do. At a macro-level, I prefer his ideas to hose of Hilary, but am disappointed with the results. I wanted a wall on the southern border, I wanted Obamacare replaced with something better, which the GOP had 7 years to prepare for.

"I hope all the core Trump supporters are buying into this trickle down economics reasoning"

Again, unless the wealthy burn their money or bury it forever in their yards, they will use it in a way that helps the economy. No one can refute that. There might be better ways to help the economy, but when wealthy people spend money, or invest it, or put it in the bank, or pay taxes with it, or give it to charity...those are all good things. Right? Don't all those things help the economy?

I cannot stand the guy. But he's not coming close to getting fair treatment by the media. And by 'fair', I don't mean they should never criticize him, because he is a deeply flawed individual. But how much time does the media spend talking about the Russia probe (which thus far has produced no evidence of collusion), and how much time do they spend talking about the stock market and low unemployment, which has done a tremendous amount of good for the nation? When Obama stoppped the unemployment bleeding, it was all over the news ho many jobs he created. Does Trump get that credit anywhere othet than at Foxnews? Nope.

It's pathetic, and hard to actually believe, how blatantly partisan it all is, how out of whack we all are. 90% of us cannot say anything negative about those we agree with, nor can we say anything positive about those we disagree with.

Got Stripers 12-19-2017 09:03 AM

I agree the media is not Trump friendly, but they aren't reporting "fake news", my God Trump feeds them daily with is wacky behavior, his borderline nut job tweets, his constant bashing of people inside his own administration and constant stream of untruths. If he shut down his twitter account, spent less than his 8 hours a day watching TV to see who he needs to lam-blast in the next tweet and focused more on the job; I think he'd find the press less abrasive to him.

I can't speak for all of corporate America, but that part I'm familiar with put more money in their pockets when business was good and not into the pockets or weekly paychecks of those responsible. Trump can rave about jobless rates and the stock market, but the economy was heading in this direction long before he took office, so he isn't totally responsible for what is happening today. Everything he is doing benefits corporate America and the top 20%, that is why the stock market is doing so well. I hope your correct and trickle down works, but I don't think we will see the benefits for years, if we do at all.

God help us all if he goes after medicare and social security to pay for the deficit bump.

scottw 12-19-2017 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1133727)

I agree the media is not Trump friendly, but they aren't reporting "fake news", .

you must have been absent a week or so ago...

scottw 12-19-2017 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1133724)
Well, actually I heard that from former CIA and a Republican strategist not to mention what I've seen myself.



detbuch 12-19-2017 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1133715)
Cracks me up that the core keeps waving the Trump flag, spouting the
party line

This is sarcastic, inflammatory, divisive, symbolism over substance. And "cores" are usually characterized by their opposing "cores" as being laughable bumpkins, or worse. And "cores" of both parties do spout the party line. That's why they're "cores." What I like about Trump is that he battles his own party. No doubt, neither you nor I, on the other hand, are party line thinkers.

and screaming foul over all the "fake news" and "fake accusations" the media puts out to tarnish the very fragile ego of Donald Trump.

Trump does have a huge ego. It seems more to be a strong one rather than a fragile one. And that news which is fake is the usual, universal and historically consistent slanting and omission. That is to be expected in editorials, humans being what they are. But when the line between reportage and editorializing disappears and they become one, as in TV talking head "journalists," then even "reports" become slanted, one sided, omitting facts or opinions, thus reporting only that which seems favorable to a select point of view--in other words, biased. I find it to be very credible to call the "news," which is repeated every hour on the hour, to a great extent, fake.

Inappropriate sexual conduct by Trump is far from his number one character flaw, but it's certainly in the top ten. I love all the fake news crying by Trump, when he in fact is the biggest liar and tweeter of untruths that we have seen in quite some time.

That seems to be a bit biased, don't you think? Not totally accurate, and quite slanted.

I personally don't have the time to fact check and view Stern interviews, as I understand there are over 15 hours and well over 100,000 spoken words, I've heard enough choice samples of those,

That could be the problem. Choice samples selected out of interviews, especially typically salacious Howard Stern interviews, can be isolated out of the entire context to make someone appear more decadent than he is. That is what I found to be the case with the selected clips cobbled together in a couple of videos by CNN which were obviously selected out of their context and put together . . . oops, was interrupted here by a couple of Jehovah's Witness ladies knocking at my door. They were, as always, very warm, friendly, and concerned about my spiritual well-being. I graciously accepted their Watchtower magazine. Probably won't read it, but I like those people a lot. I'm sure they have to fight off the demons, sexual or other wise, that we humans have to control in our lives . . . and, as I was saying, the selected clips are put together in a montage of "samples" in order to exaggerate and thus create a far more depraved sexual demon than Trump actually, if at all, is. One could, and some have, make Trump out to be a loving, caring, responsible, family man, even by selecting various "choice samples" from his Howard Stern interviews.

along with the access Hollywood tape and all the filth coming out of his mouth throughout the campaign to form an opinion. I have no doubt many if not the majority of the accusations have some truth in them. Hey if you have the time and nothing better to do have fun, I may return in time to read your blue, red or yellow font of the day retort. If not I'm sure it will be extremely well thought out, highly researched and a very articulate response to somehow convince me my opinion must be in error.

I know that I will not convince you that you are in error. That is one of the things I enjoyed in reading this essay of yours. It is a well crafted portrayal of someone comfortably and confidently settled in a correct middle of things--an important character in Shakespeare's Hamlet named Polonius comes to mind. Polonius was a respectable, somewhat lovable guy who was comfortable and confident in his view on life, freely giving advice based on those views, and sure that he was right, and could not be convinced otherwise. Shakespeare didn't dislike Polonius. But, in the end, Polonius's counsel led to the death of his son and daughter.

What I love about great literature is that it can inform us more about life than all the TV talking heads put together do with their flawed and insufficient portrayal of it.

I love the most recent lie coming out of his mouth, that the tax bill is really going to hurt Trump and his family, are you kidding me; he must take the average citizen to be an idiot if we believe that statement.

I'm sure a "hurt" to a billionaire can be a life's income to the average man. Am I an idiot for believing that?

If the discourse over the nuts and bolts of the bill are correct, the core that elected him are going to get the screwing once the rates go back up, if not immediately.

Depends on which discourse. There are, actually, different ones. Some, even, that are not politically or anti-Trump motivated.

Not to mention the hit to the deficit their children will inherit. Guess who pays for those ER or EMS services to the soon to be uninsured with the mandate going away.

Deficits are not inherited. But debt is. The last time the national debt was lowered was under Calvin Coolidge. And his fiscal policies were the actual reason for that decrease in debt. But, trying to get a serious discussion on debt reduction modeled on Coolidge policy is a non-starter. Our previous president's and his party's pork fed policies doubled an already huge debt. And the President before him was not a mere piglet in that regard.

And guess who's paying for the various health care services to those who are subsidized under Obamacare? The same ones who paid for the ER and EMS services given to the uninsured before Obamacare. And paying even more than they did before Obamacare.

Then today he's back campaigning and suggests the need to really rebuild our infrastructure after watching one of his 8 hour daily (don't you have a fing job,

If the previous President's promise to use the stimulus money to rebuild the infrastructure was actually kept Trump wouldn't have to do that. And if Obama had done it, the economy might actually have been better during his administration. Maybe not.

And that omission part of fake news makes us believe that Trump is not doing his job, that he is not accomplishing anything, that the only thing he does is tweet nonsense and lies. He has actually done a lot, against the expected resistance from the Dems, and even against resistance from his party.

I'm retired and have time for a couple hours daily) TV viewings and catching the news about the Amtrak derailing; just where is that money coming from? I hope all the core Trump supporters are buying into this trickle down economics reasoning, all I can say is thank God I'm out of the work force and not worrying to much about taxes at this point. Russia is one of the few places on earth willing to loan the Trump family money, possibly his new found love Putin can throw us some infrastructure money; because I don't think the deficit can take another hit.

I see no indication that any of the mainline middle of the road politicians, if they exist, would have done anything to shrink the deficit or the debt. The record shows that any of them would raise the debt, not lower it. And everyone, including all of them, say that the infrastructure needs repair. That has been the case for some time. But we get their lip service and little to no structure service. Trump tries to keep his promises, whatever you may think of those promises.

Did you happen to watch 60 minutes yesterday, that show was so on point and yet we are about to give the corporate pharmaceutical industry drug dealing SOB's who created the opioid problem a big Xmass present and pat on the back. One of the other interesting pieces was pointing out (I"m sure you will fact check that for me) that there were 74% more deaths in this country at the hands of white supremacist than radical Islamics. So while I agree that boarder security and proper vetting of immigrants is important, you would think the POTUS would do a better job at not contributing the divide that is in fact causing more trouble at home.

Nope. Most of that is nonsense to me. Stuck on stupid stuff. Those are all symptoms. Complaining about symptoms, then contributing to them by not getting at the basic, fundamental nature of what causes those symptoms is ignorant blather. But it keeps folks glued to the screen for the allotted hours of the day. And helps to shape those folks' mind in ways to keep them watching and, worse, to keep them believing in the "message."

The "divide" is between folks who believe crap and those who don't. POTUS ain't gonna fix that. And this POTUS didn't create it. He may, like all the others before him, capitalize on it. But politics as usual, which includes the divide, is the distraction which keeps us ignorant. My opinion is that in order to get rid of the symptoms we need to cure the disease. And the disease, in my opinion, is not the sexual proclivities of Presidents or politicians, but in the manner in which they govern. First principles made us great. Abandoning them has continuously devolved us into weakness, pettiness, ignorance, degradation of the individual, group think, identities who compete with and hate each other, greater separation from the productive and unproductive, decadence, more and more dependence on government which in turn gives it the power to keep us and more of us there.

Don't get me started on show me your taxes Donald and if I hear him say there is no collusion one more time, I'd have to suggest to him; it ain't over until the fat lady sings. Even if you believe this clown (sorry that's my opinion) can clean the swamp (frankly I think he just really added a very foul odor to it), do you think he is the man you can trust with foreign policy and dealing with a world threat like NK or the middle east? He has shown the littlest things upset his ego, I only pray there are people serving in our military that will keep that child in check.

As mentioned above, this is sarcastic, inflammatory, divisive, symbolism over substance.

Twas the night before Xmass and all through the white house, not a creature was stiring not even Donalds spouse.

His tweets had been crafted with his usual care
in the hopes that tomorrow nobody would be spared.

When out on the lawn there rose such a terrible clatter
it interrupted a tweet so Potus sprung up to see what was the matter.

The partisan children would all snuggled in bed
with some hoping a new tax bill would bring in some bread.

Well you can fill in the blanks, but I suspect some of you children aren't getting those new shiny raises Trump suspects corporate american is going to hand down in thanks for the tax break.....coal all around....sorry Trump loves coal.....haha.

Nice creative, bitter twist on an otherwise cheerful and uplifting Christmas poem. And the coal thing was cute. A little bit of the Scrooge and coal thing. If that is what you meant.

I enjoyed the discussion. Much better than "Hoo boy."

Jim in CT 12-19-2017 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1133727)
I agree the media is not Trump friendly, but they aren't reporting "fake news", my God Trump feeds them daily with is wacky behavior, his borderline nut job tweets, his constant bashing of people inside his own administration and constant stream of untruths. If he shut down his twitter account, spent less than his 8 hours a day watching TV to see who he needs to lam-blast in the next tweet and focused more on the job; I think he'd find the press less abrasive to him.

I can't speak for all of corporate America, but that part I'm familiar with put more money in their pockets when business was good and not into the pockets or weekly paychecks of those responsible. Trump can rave about jobless rates and the stock market, but the economy was heading in this direction long before he took office, so he isn't totally responsible for what is happening today. Everything he is doing benefits corporate America and the top 20%, that is why the stock market is doing so well. I hope your correct and trickle down works, but I don't think we will see the benefits for years, if we do at all.

God help us all if he goes after medicare and social security to pay for the deficit bump.

"they aren't reporting "fake news", "

If you watch prime time news, almost all the coverage is about Russian collusion. They are pushing that hard, and avoiding talking about the economy. It might not be "fake" news, but it's very, very distorted coverage. And all the coverage that he endorses or supports white supremacists, is fake news in my opinion. and that got a lot of play. everything negative gets over-reported, everything positive gets buried.

"If he shut down his twitter account,

He needs to grow up and stop spouting off, no doubt.

"I think he'd find the press less abrasive to him."

I'll respectfully disagree. The last 3 Republican presidential nominees were men of very admirable ethics (though not without flaws), and none of them got a remotely fair shake from the media. Bush was an idiot, McCain was a racist, Romney a heartless plutocrat. That's why Trump got the nomination, the party wanted somebody who would be willing, when the media took cheap shots, to punch back.

"I can't speak for all of corporate America, but that part I'm familiar with put more money in their pockets when business was good and not into the pockets or weekly paychecks of those responsible. "

I usually assume that business owners, and senior leadership (I am neither) help drive positive results, more than the entry level people. In any event, the wealthy don't just keep that money in their pockets, they spend it, invest it, or give it away. Those are all good things.

"the economy was heading in this direction long before he took office"

Not to this magnitude. He gets some credit for that, he has to. It's a lot easier to grow the economy after a crash, than it is when the market is already high. He has to get some credit for that.

"Everything he is doing benefits corporate America and the top 20%"

I don't recall poverty rates going down meaningfully under Obama. And 4% unemployment, helps a lot of people who are not at the top. And I believe the tax plan will do more to help average Joes like me.

"God help us all if he goes after medicare and social security to pay for the deficit bump"


Got Stripers 12-19-2017 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1133737)
Nice creative, bitter twist on an otherwise cheerful and uplifting Christmas poem. And the coal thing was cute. A little bit of the Scrooge and coal thing. If that is what you meant.

I enjoyed the discussion. Much better than "Hoo boy."

As usual I knew you wouldn't disappoint, blue font today and I'm educated as to why my take on things is wrong, thank you for straightening me out it was nip and tuck there for a minute. I thought I'd logged into the wrong board on seeing your single line positive response, I was close to calling my eye doctor for glasses.

spence 12-19-2017 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1133741)
As usual I knew you wouldn't disappoint, blue font today and I'm educated as to why my take on things is wrong, thank you for straightening me out it was nip and tuck there for a minute. I thought I'd logged into the wrong board on seeing your single line positive response, I was close to calling my eye doctor for glasses.

Got, you should run for office.

scottw 12-19-2017 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1133742)
Got, you should run for office.

and avoid writing poetry...:spin:

detbuch 12-19-2017 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1133741)
As usual I knew you wouldn't disappoint,

I try to be dependable . . .

blue font today

Thank you for noticing. Unlike others, you are wise enough to see that the color is significant. The color perfectly absorbs emanations and radiations from the aura of knowledge which surrounds the forum and is in tune with specific waves which otherwise would remain trapped in cosmic dark space . . . thus empowering me to absorb various remnants of thought traveling through the ethosphere and enabling me to transfer them onto the electronic papers of the forum.

and I'm educated as to why my take on things is wrong, thank you for straightening me out it was nip and tuck there for a minute. I thought I'd logged into the wrong board on seeing your single line positive response, I was close to calling my eye doctor for glasses.

Oh no. I know I cannot educate you. You are strong and certain in what you know. What you know is what you know and shall ever be. Your confident, inflexible rhetoric is an agreeable touchstone for my developing thoughts.

wdmso 12-19-2017 06:08 PM

Democrats are far more likely than Republicans to admit there’s an issue close to home. Sixty percent of Democrats say their party has at least a somewhat serious problem with sexual harassment, while just 18 percent say that it does not. By contrast, Republicans are close to evenly split, with 40 percent saying sexual harassment presents a somewhat or very serious issue for the GOP, and 43 percent say that it’s not very or not at all serious.

Democrats say, 37 percent to 29 percent, that Franken should resign, with the rest uncertain. Republicans are divided on Moore, with 37 percent saying he should drop out and 40 percent that he should remain in the race. (Polling on both Moore and Franken has varied across outlets.)

Hillary Clinton voters say by a 42-point margin, 53 percent to 11 percent, that the accusations against Bill Clinton are credible, with the remaining 36 percent unsure.Trump voters almost universally find the accusations against Bill Clinton credible, but are far less likely to believe O’Reilly or Trump mistreated women. A 52 percent majority of Trump voters outright dismiss the allegations against Trump.

Basically Republicans don't care about sexual harassment we also see that here

detbuch 12-19-2017 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1133749)
Democrats are far more likely than Republicans to admit there’s an issue close to home. Sixty percent of Democrats say their party has at least a somewhat serious problem with sexual harassment, while just 18 percent say that it does not. By contrast, Republicans are close to evenly split, with 40 percent saying sexual harassment presents a somewhat or very serious issue for the GOP, and 43 percent say that it’s not very or not at all serious.

Democrats say, 37 percent to 29 percent, that Franken should resign, with the rest uncertain. Republicans are divided on Moore, with 37 percent saying he should drop out and 40 percent that he should remain in the race. (Polling on both Moore and Franken has varied across outlets.)

Hillary Clinton voters say by a 42-point margin, 53 percent to 11 percent, that the accusations against Bill Clinton are credible, with the remaining 36 percent unsure.Trump voters almost universally find the accusations against Bill Clinton credible, but are far less likely to believe O’Reilly or Trump mistreated women. A 52 percent majority of Trump voters outright dismiss the allegations against Trump.

Basically Republicans don't care about sexual harassment we also see that here


spence 12-19-2017 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1133752)

Hoo boy.

Sea Dangles 12-19-2017 07:04 PM

What percent of democrat voters would help heal Hillarys bullet wounds from the carnage she suffered in Kosovo?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 12-19-2017 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1133753)
Hoo boy.

Yeah, but I did it in one word. It took you two . . . but then . . . mine was seven letters long, yours only six . . . you win.

Jim in CT 12-19-2017 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1133749)
Democrats are far more likely than Republicans to admit there’s an issue close to home. Sixty percent of Democrats say their party has at least a somewhat serious problem with sexual harassment, while just 18 percent say that it does not. By contrast, Republicans are close to evenly split, with 40 percent saying sexual harassment presents a somewhat or very serious issue for the GOP, and 43 percent say that it’s not very or not at all serious.

Democrats say, 37 percent to 29 percent, that Franken should resign, with the rest uncertain. Republicans are divided on Moore, with 37 percent saying he should drop out and 40 percent that he should remain in the race. (Polling on both Moore and Franken has varied across outlets.)

Hillary Clinton voters say by a 42-point margin, 53 percent to 11 percent, that the accusations against Bill Clinton are credible, with the remaining 36 percent unsure.Trump voters almost universally find the accusations against Bill Clinton credible, but are far less likely to believe O’Reilly or Trump mistreated women. A 52 percent majority of Trump voters outright dismiss the allegations against Trump.

Basically Republicans don't care about sexual harassment we also see that here

"Democrats (the party that worshipped at the feet of the Clintons and the Kennedys) are far more likely than Republicans (the party in which many influential members openly denounced Trump) to admit there’s an issue close to home"

If you had some data to support that, I would be all ears.

"Sixty percent of Democrats say their party has at least a somewhat serious problem with sexual harassment"

The other 40% are the harassers...

"By contrast, Republicans are close to evenly split, with 40 percent saying sexual harassment presents a somewhat or very serious issue for the GOP"

Oh. So because Republicans think we have a cleaner house, you have concluded that we are in denial. What if the GOP actually has less perversion, and therefore the respondents you are citing are merely telling the truth?

"Democrats say, 37 percent to 29 percent, that Franken should resign, with the rest uncertain. Republicans are divided on Moore, with 37 percent saying he should drop out and 40 percent that he should remain in the race"

Franken has admitted his guilt. Moore has not. Remember the Duke lacrosse case? Remember how sure liberals were that they were right? Or the cops accused by Tawanna Brawley? Or the poor Ferguson cop whose life is ruined? We cannot have trials in the media. It's absolutely antithetical to our concept of justice.

"Hillary Clinton voters say by a 42-point margin, 53 percent to 11 percent, that the accusations against Bill Clinton are credible"

Who are the 11% that think he is innocent? He admitted it, we have DNA evidence.

"A 52 percent majority of Trump voters outright dismiss the allegations against Trump"

Bill Clinton's case is comparable to the case against Trump? Clinton admitted his guilt, and was found guilty of perjury after an investigation. With Trump, all we have is accusations. When we have DNA evidence that Trump did anything appropriate, then we do a poll, and those defending Trump are insane. Not until then.

"Republicans don't care about sexual harassment we also see that here"

Interesting theory.

Count me among the Republicans who think there is far more sexual impropriety among Democrats. That doesn't mean I don't care about harassment. It means I have common sense. There is a reason why Hollywood and the Democrats love each other. Your party does everything it can to mock family values and to celebrate the notion that "if it feels good, do it". Now you want to say you are the party of Puritanism? Please...

wdmso 12-20-2017 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1133763)
"Democrats (the party that worshipped at the feet of the Clintons and the Kennedys) are far more likely than Republicans (the party in which many influential members openly denounced Trump) to admit there’s an issue close to home"

If you had some data to support that, I would be all ears.

"Sixty percent of Democrats say their party has at least a somewhat serious problem with sexual harassment"

The other 40% are the harassers...

"By contrast, Republicans are close to evenly split, with 40 percent saying sexual harassment presents a somewhat or very serious issue for the GOP"

Oh. So because Republicans think we have a cleaner house, you have concluded that we are in denial. What if the GOP actually has less perversion, and therefore the respondents you are citing are merely telling the truth?

"Democrats say, 37 percent to 29 percent, that Franken should resign, with the rest uncertain. Republicans are divided on Moore, with 37 percent saying he should drop out and 40 percent that he should remain in the race"

Franken has admitted his guilt. Moore has not. Remember the Duke lacrosse case? Remember how sure liberals were that they were right? Or the cops accused by Tawanna Brawley? Or the poor Ferguson cop whose life is ruined? We cannot have trials in the media. It's absolutely antithetical to our concept of justice.

"Hillary Clinton voters say by a 42-point margin, 53 percent to 11 percent, that the accusations against Bill Clinton are credible"

Who are the 11% that think he is innocent? He admitted it, we have DNA evidence.

"A 52 percent majority of Trump voters outright dismiss the allegations against Trump"

Bill Clinton's case is comparable to the case against Trump? Clinton admitted his guilt, and was found guilty of perjury after an investigation. With Trump, all we have is accusations. When we have DNA evidence that Trump did anything appropriate, then we do a poll, and those defending Trump are insane. Not until then.

"Republicans don't care about sexual harassment we also see that here"

Interesting theory.

Count me among the Republicans who think there is far more sexual impropriety among Democrats. That doesn't mean I don't care about harassment. It means I have common sense. There is a reason why Hollywood and the Democrats love each other. Your party does everything it can to mock family values and to celebrate the notion that "if it feels good, do it". Now you want to say you are the party of Puritanism? Please...

Thanks you for confirming what we all ready knew .. your bias is with out end you just keep regurating Clinton Clinton Clinton and kennedy or duke

Your party does everything it can to mock family values.. and you do everything to ignore that it happens on your side of the fence i guess
Adultery isn't a family value that concerns you but we know that all ready

I see the issue as universal (commonsense )you do not (blind bias is not common sense )

Trumps wives 1 Ivana 77-92 wife 2 Marla Maples 93-99 3 Melania Trump. 2005 family values at work

President George H.W. Bush allegedly had an LTR with British-born Jennifer Fitzgerald that lasted at least two decades, all while married to Bar, who said, “He didn’t even notice when I stopped coloring my hair.”

2. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, famously married to Maria Shriver since 1986, is allegedly a purveyor of prostitutes, the father of at least one child out of wedlock and a serial groper of women in workplace situations.

3. Sen. John McCain, 2008 Republican presidential frontrunner, and admitted adulterer and alleged philanderer. [Update July 2008: McCain’s Extramarital Affair with Cindy Ended His Friendship with Reagans in the 1970s]

4. Rudolph Giuliani, former mayor of New York City and another GOP 2008 presidential contender, betrayed his second wife, TV presenter Donna Hanover, with his “very good friend” Judith Nathan, whom he has since married. Hanover also publicly accused Rudy of having an affair with a staffer, Cristyne Lategano-Nicholas.

5. Rush Limbaugh, comedian, (a.k.a. “Rusty Sharpe”) dated Marta Fitzgerald while she was married to someone else. Marta later became his third wife. (He and CNN’s Daryn Kagin recently stopped dating.)

6. Bill O’Reilly, propagandist, who is married to Maureen McPhilmy, tried to have phone sex with Andrea Mackris, who sued him for sexual harrassment.

7. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, is probably the most audacious serial adulterer in any political party.

8. Former Rep. Bob Barr’s notoriety as an adulterer was one of many ironies around the so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DoMA) which he wrote, and which was passed with the leadership of fellow adulterers Sen. Majority Leader Bob Dole and House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

9. Rep. Henry Hyde, who served as chairman of House Mangers in the adultery-related impeachment of President Clinton, was a home-wrecker himself. Hyde had an affair when he was a young and foolish man of 41 while he and his girlfriend were both very much married. Her husband later said Hyde broke up his family.

10. Gary Bauer, professional moralizing Christian nationalist, experienced a mutiny when he was running for president when actual Christians on the staff of his 2000 presidential campaign quit in protest over Bauer’s “inappropriate” behavior with a 26-year-old deputy campaign manager. Euww.

11. (Updated) Had to add this one sent in by reader S.O. that probably should have bumped poor old Henry Hyde on the list: Neal Horsley, and rightwing religious nut, freely admitted to a kinky sex life, including this outrageous exchange on Fox’s Hannity & Colmes:

AC: “You had sex with animals?”

NH: “Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule.”

AC: “I’m not so sure that that is so.”

NH: “You didn’t grow up on a farm in Georgia, did you?”

AC: “Are you suggesting that everybody who grows up on a farm in Georgia has a mule as a girlfriend?”

NH: It has historically been the case. You people are so far removed from the reality… Welcome to domestic life on the farm…”

remember John you made this issue about party and family values as if Liberals dont have them

scottw 12-20-2017 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1133771)

7. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, is probably the most audacious serial adulterer in any political party.

I don't think you can get more audacious than an American President and the intern with the cigar on the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office :rotf2:

The Dad Fisherman 12-20-2017 07:27 AM

John Edwards - Cheating on wife while she is battling Cancer - way to stand by her

Anthony Weiner - #^&#^&#^&#^& Pics to underage girls, I bet the mule was at least 18

JohnR 12-20-2017 09:03 AM

So all Politicians suck

Makes me think we should have less, those that are should be there for less time, and the they should have less influence.

Got Stripers 12-20-2017 09:07 AM

Family values might be a subject for an entire thread. Much I fear has to do with the fact that most households for middle class america now have two parents working just to pay bills and have some discretionary income. There are pressures on parents and kids we never experienced in our lifetime.

Then you have kids growing up glued to the latest video game, filled with violence and even if they could go outside to play ball after school like I did in my youth; parents can't be sure they will return home safely after. I'm not sure I'd want to live in my parents or my grandparents world, I can't imagine living through world wars and depressions of that magnitude, but family values were probably not a problem for most. Obviously back then the value of women or people of color weren't of much value to white america, or the male version of white america, but family values meant something whether you were black, white, irish or american.

I think the fact both sides of the isle are having the same conversation and maybe going to finally get together on a partisan bill to change the rules as they apply to harassment and stopping the practice of tax payers paying for the settlements is a good thing. Good too that CEO's are likely paying attention and I'd be surprised if most companies HR managers haven't already sat down all employees to talk about it again, whether they already met their yearly legal obligation or not.

RESPECTFUL, INTEGRITY, CHARACTER; words we sadly can't use much to describe a lot of what we see in the white house and that applies to both sides of the isle unfortunately.

Jim in CT 12-20-2017 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1133771)
Thanks you for confirming what we all ready knew .. your bias is with out end you just keep regurating Clinton Clinton Clinton and kennedy or duke

Your party does everything it can to mock family values.. and you do everything to ignore that it happens on your side of the fence i guess
Adultery isn't a family value that concerns you but we know that all ready

I see the issue as universal (commonsense )you do not (blind bias is not common sense )

Trumps wives 1 Ivana 77-92 wife 2 Marla Maples 93-99 3 Melania Trump. 2005 family values at work

President George H.W. Bush allegedly had an LTR with British-born Jennifer Fitzgerald that lasted at least two decades, all while married to Bar, who said, “He didn’t even notice when I stopped coloring my hair.”

2. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, famously married to Maria Shriver since 1986, is allegedly a purveyor of prostitutes, the father of at least one child out of wedlock and a serial groper of women in workplace situations.

3. Sen. John McCain, 2008 Republican presidential frontrunner, and admitted adulterer and alleged philanderer. [Update July 2008: McCain’s Extramarital Affair with Cindy Ended His Friendship with Reagans in the 1970s]

4. Rudolph Giuliani, former mayor of New York City and another GOP 2008 presidential contender, betrayed his second wife, TV presenter Donna Hanover, with his “very good friend” Judith Nathan, whom he has since married. Hanover also publicly accused Rudy of having an affair with a staffer, Cristyne Lategano-Nicholas.

5. Rush Limbaugh, comedian, (a.k.a. “Rusty Sharpe”) dated Marta Fitzgerald while she was married to someone else. Marta later became his third wife. (He and CNN’s Daryn Kagin recently stopped dating.)

6. Bill O’Reilly, propagandist, who is married to Maureen McPhilmy, tried to have phone sex with Andrea Mackris, who sued him for sexual harrassment.

7. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, is probably the most audacious serial adulterer in any political party.

8. Former Rep. Bob Barr’s notoriety as an adulterer was one of many ironies around the so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DoMA) which he wrote, and which was passed with the leadership of fellow adulterers Sen. Majority Leader Bob Dole and House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

9. Rep. Henry Hyde, who served as chairman of House Mangers in the adultery-related impeachment of President Clinton, was a home-wrecker himself. Hyde had an affair when he was a young and foolish man of 41 while he and his girlfriend were both very much married. Her husband later said Hyde broke up his family.

10. Gary Bauer, professional moralizing Christian nationalist, experienced a mutiny when he was running for president when actual Christians on the staff of his 2000 presidential campaign quit in protest over Bauer’s “inappropriate” behavior with a 26-year-old deputy campaign manager. Euww.

11. (Updated) Had to add this one sent in by reader S.O. that probably should have bumped poor old Henry Hyde on the list: Neal Horsley, and rightwing religious nut, freely admitted to a kinky sex life, including this outrageous exchange on Fox’s Hannity & Colmes:

AC: “You had sex with animals?”

NH: “Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule.”

AC: “I’m not so sure that that is so.”

NH: “You didn’t grow up on a farm in Georgia, did you?”

AC: “Are you suggesting that everybody who grows up on a farm in Georgia has a mule as a girlfriend?”

NH: It has historically been the case. You people are so far removed from the reality… Welcome to domestic life on the farm…”

remember John you made this issue about party and family values as if Liberals dont have them

"you do everything to ignore that it happens on your side of the fence i guess "

I have been as critical of Trump as anyone. I disagree with the GOP on some significant social issues. I'm not a drone, not even close.

"Adultery isn't a family value that concerns you"

What do you base that on? Because I voted for Trump? I didn't vote for him to be a marriage counselor or a poster boy for what a husband should be. He is a morally bankrupt reptile. Is that going too fast for you? But in my opinion, he has better views than Hilary (also a morally bankrupt reptile) on the issues that matter most to me. Trump's personality makes me sick. But based on my values, he was a far superior choice for President, than the alternative. Voting for him, doesn't mean I endorse everything he does.

List all the GOP politicians you want, who are jerks. It will be a long, long list. That doesn't mean a damn thing. Politicians are not a representative sample of the general population, not even close. If you polled regular people who are true liberals versus true conservatives, I am confident which side would have more adultery, more abortions, more philandering, more divorce, more hedonism. I have zero doubt.

Earth to WDMSO...neither conservatives nor liberals, are defined by the personal choices made by their elected officials. Hold me accountable for the policy decisions made by the people I vote for, not for what they do in their personal lives.

I don't blame you or Paul or Spence for Bill Clinton's perversion, or for Hilary's role in it. I do fault you for not being as critical of liberal perversion, as you are of conservative perversion, there is an obvious double standard at work.

Jim in CT 12-20-2017 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1133777)
Family values might be a subject for an entire thread. Much I fear has to do with the fact that most households for middle class america now have two parents working just to pay bills and have some discretionary income. There are pressures on parents and kids we never experienced in our lifetime.

Then you have kids growing up glued to the latest video game, filled with violence and even if they could go outside to play ball after school like I did in my youth; parents can't be sure they will return home safely after. I'm not sure I'd want to live in my parents or my grandparents world, I can't imagine living through world wars and depressions of that magnitude, but family values were probably not a problem for most. Obviously back then the value of women or people of color weren't of much value to white america, or the male version of white america, but family values meant something whether you were black, white, irish or american.

I think the fact both sides of the isle are having the same conversation and maybe going to finally get together on a partisan bill to change the rules as they apply to harassment and stopping the practice of tax payers paying for the settlements is a good thing. Good too that CEO's are likely paying attention and I'd be surprised if most companies HR managers haven't already sat down all employees to talk about it again, whether they already met their yearly legal obligation or not.

RESPECTFUL, INTEGRITY, CHARACTER; words we sadly can't use much to describe a lot of what we see in the white house and that applies to both sides of the isle unfortunately.

COULD NOT AGREE MORE. Our moral compass is in dire need of a tune up.

In my opinion, conservatives want us to return to the family values you seem to long for (which I also long for), and liberals/progressives want us to move further away from that.

Jim in CT 12-20-2017 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 1133776)
So all Politicians suck

Makes me think we should have less, those that are should be there for less time, and the they should have less influence.

It would be nice to elect some more regular folks, and fewer trust fund babies and career politicians. Term limits would cure a lot of our ills, a lot of them.

Got Stripers 12-20-2017 04:55 PM

TERM LIMITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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