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Flaptail 02-25-2009 09:53 AM

Plugfest reflection
This past Saturday was my 8th "Plugfest" get together. From it's humble beginnings at Slip's workshop to the event it is today is an amazing evolution to say the least.

That being said, my mind, which is always in a reflective mode it seems these days, causes me to state the following, which may not go over well with some people.

First let me say I am not a sore loser. I voted for Dave "Canalman"Anderson's Falase Albacore as best in show. It was a beautiful piece of work. Looking at it though, could it actually swim? I don't know and I should have asked Dave at the event.
Afterall this is (was) a plugbuilding competition. Because it looks like a lure and has hooks is only a small part of the the make up of a real plug.

The category I entered was the best representation of a classic or restoration thereof. My interpretation of that heading is that it comes as close to the original in shape, construction, hardware, paint, eyes, hook types, paint type etc as possible. It's left to the general attending audience to make that decision. My problem here is that at least 80% of those deciding have no idea what it should or should not look like. My own was 100% dead on. Right down to the antique german glass eyes, vintage hooks,wood type and exact color match and paint scheme. Unless you are a collector you wouldn't know. It should not be just a reasonable facsimile. Prof M's Fishmaster was absolutely perfect. I still cannot fathom that plug not winning. It was a lot of work, research and time getting it just as close to the original as possible

My point here is that the selecting should not be up to the attending public if in fact you are going to have a competition but to a panel of judges who know what a certain classification should represent and why the top award should go to a particular entry.

Plugs are built to catch fish, they shouild be able to do do what enables a lure needs to do to catch fish be it swim deeply, wiggle along the top or whatever but it should be a functioning lure that when tied to a line and cast stands a reasonable chance of attracting and getting a fish to hit it.

Numbskulls plugs are examples of the perfect art of lure building for fish catching sake as are Prof M's, Chumbuckets, Tagger and PNG.

If you are going to have a competition at future Plugfest events then there should be a panel of judges who cannot enter the competition.
I for one would be happy to volunteer.

Also, and I know it was a space issue this year, but there should be a section strictly for collectors of vintage and antique lures like VB, AdamR, BiteMe and others so that those attending can learn about the plugmakers history when it comes to Striped Bass fishing.

I mean no disparagement of anykind but I felt I had to post this.

BigFish 02-25-2009 10:35 AM

In that same vein.....define "perfect art of lure building for fish catching sake"? Just to clarify?:hidin: Each of us has a different thought process when we build our plugs. First and foremost.....I build BigFish plugs with great action.....that is my priority! After I have achieved the desired action...then it is fun time and I like to paint my lures with a certain degree of realism and just a little creativity! I believe fish hit the action of a plug above all else and the paint I also believe is 80% for the fisherman......but a realistic/attractive lure also instills confidence in the person fishing it and that is also a goal. Do I need gill slits? Beveled eye sockets? Eyes at all??? Fancy joints? Scaled paint schemes?? Probably not but that is what drives me to build...the creative process at its best......and do something different than anyone else.;)

PlugFest is supposed to represent many things I think! Creativity, catchability, the sharing of ideas and theory....and most of all a bond between us all. Not to mention the pure enjoyment of all of those things. Some do spectacular work, others are brand new to it and there is a spectrum of talent in between one and the other. I try not to take much of it too seriously....I just try to have fun with all of it.

Tagger 02-25-2009 10:48 AM

ooohhh .. look at the company you put me in ... total humility here .. No sour grapes here either .. I didn't enter only because of the time involved in building something really special . I think you raise a very valid point . example . At first glance ,to the unfamilar eye the Proffesors "Bass Aqua" has to be one of the ugliest plugs to ever grace the planet . It looks more like a bug than a baitfish.. To the collector/classic builder it looks like Pamela Lee in a thong and pasties. Paul's plug had a snowballs chance in hell as far as winning an award but among his peers he is king . Your right ... We need a seperate catergory (Classic)to be judged like American Idol .. 3 judges in chambers to judge.. guys like you ,numby,peter,steve.chum,ect. bring the ccb book others .. "Classic" should be top honors right up there with best in show .. You enter a plug you can't judge .. Next year you want to enter .. another judge . I agree .. Hate to see a fantastic hand carve and a perfect replica on the same table ..

BigFish 02-25-2009 10:52 AM

Contests??? I can do without them as they tend to bring out the worst in people as in fishing contests. I say do away with the contest portion of the agenda. I did not enter as to be honest.....I do not need to win an award to feel good about the things I in fishing it is all about the experience anyway!:cool:

Tagger 02-25-2009 10:55 AM

I edited my speeling best i could ,,,, thats all . :err:

Flaptail 02-25-2009 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by BigFish (Post 668358)
In that same vein.....define "perfect art of lure building for fish catching sake"? Just to clarify?:hidin: Each of us has a different thought process when we build our plugs. First and foremost.....I build BigFish plugs with great action.....that is my priority! After I have achieved the desired action...then it is fun time and I like to paint my lures with a certain degree of realism and just a little creativity! I believe fish hit the action of a plug above all else and the paint I also believe is 80% for the fisherman......but a realistic/attractive lure also instills confidence in the person fishing it and that is also a goal. Do I need gill slits? Beveled eye sockets? Eyes at all??? Fancy joints? Scaled paint schemes?? Probably not but that is what drives me to build...the creative process at its best......and do something different than anyone else.;)

PlugFest is supposed to represent many things I think! Creativity, catchability, the sharing of ideas and theory....and most of all a bond between us all. Not to mention the pure enjoyment of all of those things. Some do spectacular work, others are brand new to it and there is a spectrum of talent in between one and the other. I try not to take much of it too seriously....I just try to have fun with all of it.

Larry, your actually are made to catch fish, they are "lures". Real honest to God fish catching lures. Sure you can have scale paint etc, I love that kind of stuff but they are first and foremost fish catchers. If I took one of yours to the beach it would do what it is supposed to do. Thats my point.

Flaptail 02-25-2009 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by BigFish (Post 668364)
Contests??? I can do without them as they tend to bring out the worst in people as in fishing contests. I say do away with the contest portion of the agenda. I did not enter as to be honest.....I do not need to win an award to feel good about the things I in fishing it is all about the experience anyway!:cool:

It's not about feel good it's about validity.

The Dad Fisherman 02-25-2009 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Tagger (Post 668363)
To the collector/classic builder it looks like Pamela Lee in a thong and pasties.

A Little to much "Mojo" on that plug.....:hee:

I can see the point....when does it stop being a "Plug" and starts being a "Replica"......

And it should be the collectors that judge the Best Representation of a classic. I think that would legitimize the award.

Best in Show, 1st Year Builders should still be of a public vote nature as this is more of an award of your peers.

That being said....I go to plugfest for the Food :hee:

Tagger 02-25-2009 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by BigFish (Post 668364)
Contests??? I can do without them as they tend to bring out the worst in people as in fishing contests. I say do away with the contest portion of the agenda.

NOoooo .. !! I like the contest ,, ..Even though I havn't entered last 2 or 3 years .. I like to see the plugs ..People that go the extra effort all appreciated .. I myself, like you have no "competitive juices".. I think the plugs are great .. If tweaking plugfest ,, don't tweak this out .

BigFish 02-25-2009 11:02 AM

I just think there are many degrees of ability under one roof or in the plug building genre' (hate that word) and all can not be perfect. I think we all WANT to catch fish on the lures we build and some may work better than others. Enjoyment is the key word though. I think the PlugFest contest is cool in that people "strut their stuff" a little bit! They have an opportunity to put their absolutely mAd SkILLz to work as in the case in point Dave's lure.....always just amazing work......maybe it swims, maybe it doesn't......but damn its fun to look at!:btu:

BigFish 02-25-2009 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Flaptail (Post 668371)
It's not about feel good it's about validity.

Validation can be a wonderful thing especially from your peers but one must keep things in perspective and first and foremost one needs to be enjoying building plugs and not worry what others think. It is fabulous to hear your "stuff" looks great but better to hear how someone caught a PB on one of your lures......thats the vaildation I enjoy most and why I make plugs.

VTBasser 02-25-2009 11:06 AM

What Flaptail suggest sounds very reasonable. Perhaps we might even be able to get a celebrity judge to come to the event. But I think public input is very important also.

So maybe the judge panel decides on categories like best classic, rookie builder, and what ever and the public can vote on things like best wall hanger, most likely to catch a cow on first cast, coolest plug(maybe a new category?) , etc.

And plugs entered in panel judging categories should not be excluded from the open public voting categories. You could do this by putting all plugs on a table not divided into any categories. The judges would get ballots that identify the tag number of the plug entered into the special categories. The public just gets ballots that have them pick best wall hanger, coolest plug, etc. from the entire pool of plugs.

Just an idea that lends a critical eye to the detail stuff but also keeps the public involved.

Tagger 02-25-2009 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by BigFish (Post 668374)
They have an opportunity to put their absolutely mAd SkILLz to work as in the case in point Dave's lure.....always just amazing work......maybe it swims, maybe it doesn't......but damn its fun to look at!:btu:

exactly ... lets not loose that ..everyones online ? don't you bums work ? ..

The Dad Fisherman 02-25-2009 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Tagger (Post 668377)
..everyones online ? don't you bums work ? ..


BigFish 02-25-2009 11:21 AM

Heading out the door to work now. C Ya!:tooth:

ProfessorM 02-25-2009 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Tagger (Post 668363)
Paul's plug had a snowballs chance in hell as far as winning an award but among his peers he is king

Thank you Ed. I Knew I probably had no chance of winning as the beauty of that plug would go undetected but it really didn't matter to me. I did it for me and to see who was paying attention. The people who's opinion matter most to me were very flattering and I am very comfortable with that. What else could you ask for? I am not a big competition guy. Don't get me wrong as I am as competitive as anyone but prefer to compete with myself, mostly. I am sure Dave put in as much time as I did and he is a very very worthy recipient of the annual Canalman plug award, as it has become, and rightly so. I do this to have FUN and any so called awards are really of minor interest to me. I like the push it gives me to try something challenging. Guys liked the plug and that is all I care about. Winning was not my goal but it got some interest and ink about the old plugs and that is great. Do we need different category's? probably but since I don't care who wins I will leave that up to those that do. Thanks again for all the good will. I am truly flattered.

BigFish 02-25-2009 11:29 AM

Professor....I bet when you compete against yourself that you win most of the time!:hihi: Its all good kids......Flaps post is food for thought though and I understand exactly what he is saying.

ProfessorM 02-25-2009 11:31 AM

I think the word that has to be first and foremost in this is FUN.

Rockfish9 02-25-2009 12:59 PM

I didnt make the "show" this year but would like to add my .02....

I like the plug building competition, it brings out the best in all that participate... for me, it's not about winning or even having a chance to win, it's about seeing what each participant views as his (or hers) best work.. and that's what it's all about... and I agrre, thye should be made to catch fish...

If I see a plug that I am unfamilure with, I examine that sucker upside down and backward too, I try to see the reason the builder did what they did.. as I'm sure there was a reason for the way they did it... odd things , especialy things i dont fully understand intriuge the hell out of me... I sure wish I got to fondel that plug Paul made...

as far as the Judging, yes maybe there could be a slight change in how it's done, but as I've said before... I just lLOVE looking at the body of work as a whole....

Grapenuts 02-25-2009 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by ProfessorM (Post 668381)
Thank you Ed. I Knew I probably had no chance of winning as the beauty of that plug would go undetected but it really didn't matter to me. I did it for me and to see who was paying attention. The people who's opinion matter most to me were very flattering and I am very comfortable with that. What else could you ask for? I am not a big competition guy. Don't get me wrong as I am as competitive as anyone but prefer to compete with myself, mostly. I am sure Dave put in as much time as I did and he is a very very worthy recipient of the annual Canalman plug award, as it has become, and rightly so. I do this to have FUN and any so called awards are really of minor interest to me. I like the push it gives me to try something challenging. Guys liked the plug and that is all I care about. Winning was not my goal but it got some interest and ink about the old plugs and that is great. Do we need different category's? probably but since I don't care who wins I will leave that up to those that do. Thanks again for all the good will. I am truly flattered.

I should have slipped that plug into my pocket when I had my hands on it......and I let it slip away..:smash:..Like flap gums said,,big problem putting "classics" on the same table with reg. stuff....that and the fact..""I'll say it outloud"" I know that better then half the guys there wouldn't know what a real vintage plug looks like....things need to be placed on different tables with a sign saying as to" in this corner we have" bla.bla...and the maker would have to say which section it goes in before it's unvailing .....if the contest is to continue.

The Dad Fisherman 02-25-2009 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Grapenuts (Post 668427)
.....if the contest is to continue.

Oh...Its going to continue.....

Canalman 02-25-2009 01:55 PM

First let me say I am not a sore loser. I voted for Dave "Canalman"Anderson's Falase Albacore as best in show. It was a beautiful piece of work. Looking at it though, could it actually swim? I don't know and I should have asked Dave at the event.

It swims. I test all of my entries before I submit them. :cheers:

Canalman 02-25-2009 02:11 PM

Flap, my lure was made in the style of a freshwater swimbait, see the Spro BBZ-1. I used the same weight ratios and locations to make the lure swim like one. I will say that I did this before I added the fins which COULD impede the action, but I didn't want to have something unexpected happen to my bait one day before plugfest.

I must say I do take a little bit of offense from that, you know that i am an action-oriented guy. You have swam my plugs, I think you even said that you really liked the way my A40's swam and one of my needles. I make one crazy plug per year for this contest, no I wouldn't fish that Albie, not because it doesn't swim, but because it took me a long time to complete it. (but if I made a trout or sunfish some freshwater guy would be all over casting that to a big largie) :)

Finally, and I know this wasn't said or implied-- but I don;t enter this contest so i can win every year, I enter it because I enjoy competition and enjoy putting everything I have creatively into something that goes along with fishing--it's fun for me and this contest gives me a reason to do it.

Personally, I think the panel of judges sounds too complicated, this is supposed to be a fun event that is totally casual and again FUN. If you're concerned that people didn;t know that your plug was a perfect replica (I did and I voted for it), then maybe next year plugs for the restoration category should be submitted with a photo of the original? Why take the voting away from your plug building peers, to me that's the only way to go.


Canalman 02-25-2009 02:12 PM

Next year I'll post a video of my entry swimming... sheesh :rotf2:

Striperknight 02-25-2009 02:49 PM

The plug contest is the best and I marvel at all the creativity that surrounds it. I do it for fun and try to push the limits of my plug building.
I would also like to add that testing is hard because my test spots are all frozen in Jan-Feb.

I think judges for the best replication would be good. Let the people judge the rest.

Dave ...I'll be back next year.

Tagger 02-25-2009 02:58 PM

Hey Dave ,,, Your plug was pissa .. Congrats .. well deserved win .. again . really mean that .. I know some guys are more into the vintage than others . I think they should have thier own place in a "contest" .. A handcarve like yours will beat a vintage 100 times out of 100 . If your competing why bother making vintage .. Then all the old stuff is gone .. since this is "Plugfest" reflections .. Let's open a can of worms .. Do you think people should have tables selling plugs ? Not saying Salty and Mike who are supplying us materials,, but other builders . Not being the "Plug Police" but Plugfest use to be all hobbiest builders .. Commercial builders attract buyers and soon it becomes something eles .. Not that there's anything wrong with that .. Have "PlugBash" a seperate venue with table after table of commercial builders plugs . Mass version of Asbury , NJ .. Leave Plugfest as a trade show for builders to share and exchange ideas ,,

Flaptail 02-25-2009 03:20 PM

No there should be no commercial selling.

Dave, I have voted for your plugs as best in show the last four years. I stand by my vote. To ask if it swims is not a slight on you. I have a number of your plugs that I use (striper sniper is still my fav). I am a traditional guy, if it doesn't have a lip of some kind, a beveled head or some visible means of it swimming I had to ask how.

I am awed how you came up with your entries and the work into it and sincerely mean that.

To me the most beautiful plugs are simple fish catchers in form and function like your Atom.

Some entries don't need a judges panel but some do and the classic division surely does.

Flaptail 02-25-2009 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Rockfish9 (Post 668426)
I didnt make the "show" this year but would like to add my .02....

I like the plug building competition, it brings out the best in all that participate... for me, it's not about winning or even having a chance to win, it's about seeing what each participant views as his (or hers) best work.. and that's what it's all about... and I agrre, thye should be made to catch fish...

If I see a plug that I am unfamilure with, I examine that sucker upside down and backward too, I try to see the reason the builder did what they did.. as I'm sure there was a reason for the way they did it... odd things , especialy things i dont fully understand intriuge the hell out of me... I sure wish I got to fondel that plug Paul made...

as far as the Judging, yes maybe there could be a slight change in how it's done, but as I've said before... I just lLOVE looking at the body of work as a whole....

And Joe you were sorely missed this year. Many people asked if you were coming and I especially was dissapointed you were not there.

Raven 02-25-2009 03:39 PM

make sure

Originally Posted by Canalman (Post 668456)
Next year I'll post a video of my entry swimming... sheesh :rotf2:

make sure .....there's a girl in a bikini that video

JohnR 02-25-2009 03:43 PM

A couple quick things in my mind - I'd like to go into more detail but I'm under the weather/cough medicine at the moment.

What we do/did right:
  • This is an event of peers. A community event for trading of knowledge and some wood to boot.
  • The competition is amazing and it does bring out some spectacular work, creativity, and some great humor. People are constantly raising the bar. A highly structured panel of experts, I think, would defeat the grass roots community feeling of Plug Fest.
  • The voting is done by one's peers. This is not Miss America or American Idol where a handful of people judge. It is the community that judges.
  • Selling: What Mike & Scott did was perfect. There was not supposed to be any other commercial selling, plugs or otherwise and I don't think anyone else had asked too.
  • Keep this a pretty much Grass Roots evet.

What we can do better:
  • Bigger space :tooth: - that would have been tough in the other hall too
  • Plan better. Yes, we can plan a bit better and perhaps earlier. The help was fantastic and a team effort, we can a little more help and a little earlier planning.
  • Document better within some classes of the competition. Maybe next year we have a "form" that people fill out on the classics, better explaining the job and intent. I noticed this was lacking when I was getting handed paper bag after paper bag.
Plugfest has always been about this great plug building community of people in the northeast (and beyond). Lets keep it what it is, a community event, and not over complicate it.

Canalman 02-25-2009 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Flaptail (Post 668478)
No there should be no commercial selling.

Dave, I have voted for your plugs as best in show the last four years. I stand by my vote. To ask if it swims is not a slight on you. I have a number of your plugs that I use (striper sniper is still my fav). I am a traditional guy, if it doesn't have a lip of some kind, a beveled head or some visible means of it swimming I had to ask how.

I am awed how you came up with your entries and the work into it and sincerely mean that.

To me the most beautiful plugs are simple fish catchers in form and function like your Atom.

Some entries don't need a judges panel but some do and the classic division surely does.

Understood. I'm not asking for a pass either, I'm just saying that instead of posing an open question to the world, why didn't you just PM me and ask if my plug swam? I felt like it was hidden stab, trying to point out that all I do is sculpt a fish and stick a hook on it. My favorite thing about building plugs is decoding what it takes to make it look alive and I love the simple plugs too, that's really all I make (except for my plugfest entries). I'm not trying to come across like I'm all pissed off, I'm not, I just wanted to know what you meant and we're all cleared up now.

Tagger, thanks for the kind words, I understand the problem for the vintage restoration, but why wouldn't a photo work? If someone has something to compare to, they should be able to make an accurate judgement right? Either way is fine with me. Just seeking to keep it simple that's all. :)

As for commercial. No way Jose, I don;t think that's a good idea at all... simple and fun are the words I always want to think of when I think of Plugfest. I see battles in that crystal ball.


Canalman 02-25-2009 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 668487)
A couple quick things in my mind - I'd like to go into more detail but I'm under the weather/cough medicine at the moment.

What we do/did right:
  • This is an event of peers. A community event for trading of knowledge and some wood to boot.
  • The competition is amazing and it does bring out some spectacular work, creativity, and some great humor. People are constantly raising the bar. A highly structured panel of experts, I think, would defeat the grass roots community feeling of Plug Fest.
  • The voting is done by one's peers. This is not Miss America or American Idol where a handful of people judge. It is the community that judges.
  • Selling: What Mike & Scott did was perfect. There was not supposed to be any other commercial selling, plugs or otherwise and I don't think anyone else had asked too.
  • Keep this a pretty much Grass Roots evet.

What we can do better:
  • Bigger space :tooth: - that would have been tough in the other hall too
  • Plan better. Yes, we can plan a bit better and perhaps earlier. The help was fantastic and a team effort, we can a little more help and a little earlier planning.
  • Document better within some classes of the competition. Maybe next year we have a "form" that people fill out on the classics, better explaining the job and intent. I noticed this was lacking when I was getting handed paper bag after paper bag.
Plugfest has always been about this great plug building community of people in the northeast (and beyond). Lets keep it what it is, a community event, and not over complicate it.

Perfect. Thread Closed :laughs:

Slipknot 02-25-2009 04:16 PM

I have a question, is it restoration of a classic or is it representation of a classic? They mean completely different things.

Thanks for all the comments, next year will will try to improve as we try to every year. Maybe I will have more time to set aside to plan this event better, it's not like John,Mike and I get a lot of help planning it. I was very busy with work and that comes first especially in this economy. Hopefully I can find us a large hall where we can possibly assign areas for yearly participants, and have a huge table for the contest and a different one for the raffle. And I'll make up signs also. The voting might be different next year and the ballots will be different. I like it simple, that way there is more chance of it still being fun. There will be nametags and everyone will have one. I will be the first one there and I will man the door if I have to, others will have to do other jobs or it can't work.No commercial selling of plugs, trades only as always.

This year while we were planning, I wanted to go back and re-read threads like this one to get an idea how to improve things, there is only so much time in a day. I make boxes, I am not an event planner, keeping it informal works well for a bunch of whacko fishermen in my opinion.
I'll do what I can next time around.
Having said that, plugfest 2009 was better than mudfest or no fest, atleast we had it,even though it was dissappointing to not have Joe(rockfish9) there :(
We should make it a 2 day event next time :D

Steve, we can work on details to make that part of the contest run smoother, but the attendees are the ones who vote. Next year the guidelines will be better thought out.

Spring is almost here:hee:

Flaptail 02-25-2009 04:23 PM

... Sorry guys - moving this off the pi$$ing contest and back to the thread...

JohnR 02-25-2009 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Slipknot (Post 668494)
I have a question, is it restoration of a classic or is it representation of a classic? They mean completely different things.

Thanks for all the comments, next year will will try to improve as we try to every year. Maybe I will have more time to set aside to plan this event better, it's not like John,Mike and I get a lot of help planning it. I was very busy with work and that comes first especially in this economy. Hopefully I can find us a large hall where we can possibly assign areas for yearly participants, and have a huge table for the contest and a different one for the raffle. And I'll make up signs also. The voting might be different next year and the ballots will be different. I like it simple, that way there is more chance of it still being fun. There will be nametags and everyone will have one. I will be the first one there and I will man the door if I have to, others will have to do other jobs or it can't work.No commercial selling of plugs, trades only as always.

This year while we were planning, I wanted to go back and re-read threads like this one to get an idea how to improve things, there is only so much time in a day. I make boxes, I am not an event planner, keeping it informal works well for a bunch of whacko fishermen in my opinion.
I'll do what I can next time around.
Having said that, plugfest 2009 was better than mudfest or no fest, atleast we had it,even though it was dissappointing to not have Joe(rockfish9) there :(
We should make it a 2 day event next time :D

Steve, we can work on details to make that part of the contest run smoother, but the attendees are the ones who vote. Next year the guidelines will be better thought out.

Spring is almost here:hee:

Absolutely correct :btu:

Every year it comes up as , not a problem, but a very looooosely defined event (as it should be). Couple dings:

1st - Rough dates get figured out but some people can't make it (always happens) no matter how much we want them there. Its too late in the season, its too early, yada yada. We can't make it perfect for everyone.

2nd - Couple locations get proposed - some people ask why can't it be closer to them "its not fayah to the Noth Showah guize" (joking :hihi: ) or its too far from the Cape (ie, over the bridge :tooth: )

3rd - We try to keep costs tight (we can't afford to lose money for sure). Sure it would be nice to have 10,000 square feet and a stocked kitchen, tables, chairs, etc - but we would quickly price ourselves out of what is reasonable. Or, pray I hit Powerball (reminds me - gotta play). Besides, larger venue would probably mean more for the same people to clean up.

4th - Same people volunteer to help, setup, and it is the same people year after year cleaning up afterward. This year was almost carbon copy of last year in who helped clean up afterward.

This isn't criticism - this is what happens. Plugfest is an amazing thing and has been since day one in Slips garage.

Maybe it is time for a Plugfest Organizing TEAM, working out the details over the course of a year so that when November rolls around, there are no big questions remaining and people already set to help out. Just a thought, but it would be nice to have ballots, categories, date, location, etc - figured out a little before winter rolled around.

Slipknot 02-25-2009 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 668584)

Maybe it is time for a Plugfest Organizing TEAM, working out the details over the course of a year so that when November rolls around, there are no big questions remaining and people already set to help out. Just a thought, but it would be nice to have ballots, categories, date, location, etc - figured out a little before winter rolled around.

Absolutely :uhuh:

we can have monthly meetings where we prepare stuff , delegate work to be done etc. starting early fall or late summer. Or we can have a separate forum where we can discuss the planning and not have to have comments from the whole world :faga:

JohnR 02-25-2009 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Slipknot (Post 668588)
Absolutely :uhuh:

we can have monthly meetings where we prepare stuff , delegate work to be done etc. starting early fall or late summer. Or we can have a separate forum where we can discuss the planning and not have to have comments from the whole world :faga:

OK - monthly meeting is pushing it :whackin:

MAC 02-25-2009 06:01 PM

Don't need monthly meetings. Just open a forum similar to the Cutty one. Only ones in are the members involved in making plugfest happen.

Just my .02

MAC 02-25-2009 06:02 PM

Duh, I'm a little slow......should have read the rest of John's post.:smash:

Tagger 02-25-2009 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by MAC (Post 668610)
Duh, I'm a little slow......should have read the rest of John's post.:smash:

Thank you ... Saved me from typing that ..:hf1:

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