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RIJIMMY 09-21-2010 08:05 AM

Its Palin 2, the sequel!
Since last week, cant open any news sites without seeing Christine O'Donnell's face plastered all over it. The liberal media is once again having a field day trying to do everything they can to make her look dumb and undermine any momentum against the dems. Since when would a DELAWARE candidate get so much press?
God forbid we have regular people try to run for office instead of career politicians or lawyers. I dont know a thing about her and dont care to. Its the people of Delaware that need to care.

Bronko 09-21-2010 08:13 AM

Democrats are in panic mode. They see they buzzsaw coming in November. O'Donnell is weak and they will kick her in the face and try to make her a laughing stock (which shouldn't be hard) however they will just be re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Did you see the "Town Hall" Obama held on CNBC yesterday? He was brutalized by the questions. They were so pointed and cutting that the damage was done before he could answer.

Raven 09-21-2010 08:41 AM

Does she have a daughter?
We need another TV personality
since Lindsey's goin back to jail.

JohnnyD 09-21-2010 09:17 AM

You know nothing about her, yet are defending her?

I'd bet it's this type of uninformed voters with that kind of mentality who are voting for Frank and have been for years. Do some research, then make an opinion instead of reaching out for ways to criticize the Democrats.

It's election season, what do you expect? Do you really think every single Republican isn't doing the same thing?

scottw 09-21-2010 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 796450)
You know nothing about her, yet are defending her?

I'd bet it's this type of uninformed voters with that kind of mentality who are voting for Frank and have been for years. Do some research, then make an opinion instead of reaching out for ways to criticize the Democrats.

It's election season, what do you expect? Do you really think every single Republican isn't doing the same thing?

ummm....he neither defended her nor criticized deomcrats in his post, just mentioned that she's oddly popular with the nasty lib media for a candidate from Delaware...someone is a little touchy...:uhuh:

RIJIMMY 09-21-2010 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 796450)
You know nothing about her, yet are defending her?

I'd bet it's this type of uninformed voters with that kind of mentality who are voting for Frank and have been for years. Do some research, then make an opinion instead of reaching out for ways to criticize the Democrats.

It's election season, what do you expect? Do you really think every single Republican isn't doing the same thing?

see Scott's reply. How did I defend her?

So Johnny, there are HUNDREDS of mid-term elections across our 50 grand states and the ONLY one making national headlines is the one with the dingy, right wing, no-experienced, semi-attractive woman? There is no other story out there? How about Chucky Rangel running with pending CORRUPTION CHARGES? Aint that front page news?
This is all driven by the Media! If this was CA, NY, TX, FL - you know states that MATTER, maybe there would be a story, but this is freakin Delaware!

likwid 09-21-2010 09:54 AM


Redsoxticket 09-21-2010 10:20 AM

There can be hundreds of mid-term elections but few senate seat elections which are more significant.

JohnnyD 09-21-2010 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 796459)
see Scott's reply. How did I defend her?

Can't. "This message is hidden because scottw is on your ignore list."

So Johnny, there are HUNDREDS of mid-term elections across our 50 grand states and the ONLY one making national headlines is the one with the dingy, right wing, no-experienced, semi-attractive woman? There is no other story out there? How about Chucky Rangel running with pending CORRUPTION CHARGES? Aint that front page news?
This is all driven by the Media! If this was CA, NY, TX, FL - you know states that MATTER, maybe there would be a story, but this is freakin Delaware!
The one making national headlines THIS WEEK is the one who has thrust herself into the spotlight and since been picked up by major news outlets, not to mention a Tea Party member upsets the longest serving Representative for DE. I'll agree this is partly media driven because people are too stupid to go do their own research and allow the networks to filter politics for them. Many turn on whichever network aligns best with their opinion and don't question what comes out of it - be it CNN or FoxNews.

You must not be paying any attention to politics if you think any state's US Senators or Representatives don't matter. Remember that clusterf#$k of a healthcare bill that was passed thanks to exactly enough votes?

O'Donnell might be preferred by the DE's Republicans, but it's the Independents that choose elections. I don't know the specifics on DE's voting population but I do know that the latest Rasmussen report shows that O'Donnell has quite an uphill battle to win, whereas Mike Castle had a significant preference over Chris Coons.

RIJIMMY 09-21-2010 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 796474)
Can't. "This message is hidden because scottw is on your ignore list."

The one making national headlines THIS WEEK is the one who has thrust herself into the spotlight and since been picked up by major news outlets, not to mention a Tea Party member upsets the longest serving Representative for DE. I'll agree this is partly media driven because people are too stupid to go do their own research and allow the networks to filter politics for them. Many turn on whichever network aligns best with their opinion and don't question what comes out of it - be it CNN or FoxNews.

You must not be paying any attention to politics if you think any state's US Senators or Representatives don't matter. Remember that clusterf#$k of a healthcare bill that was passed thanks to exactly enough votes?

O'Donnell might be preferred by the DE's Republicans, but it's the Independents that choose elections. I don't know the specifics on DE's voting population but I do know that the latest Rasmussen report shows that O'Donnell has quite an uphill battle to win, whereas Mike Castle had a significant preference over Chris Coons.

good job totally avoiding the initial post and my follow up. Very spence-ish of you. So O'Donell "thrust herself " in the spotlight? How'd she do that? A Tea Party member upsets a DE republican. You sure about that? I know she was supported by SOME of them, but was she a member? The Tea Party is not a political party, O'Donnell is a republican, thus thats why she was in the primary.
WHy is this race, so, so, so , so much more important than the other races? Why????

JohnnyD 09-21-2010 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 796477)
good job totally avoiding the initial post and my follow up. Very spence-ish of you. So O'Donell "thrust herself " in the spotlight? How'd she do that? A Tea Party member upsets a DE republican. You sure about that? I know she was supported by SOME of them, but was she a member? The Tea Party is not a political party, O'Donnell is a republican, thus thats why she was in the primary.
WHy is this race, so, so, so , so much more important than the other races? Why????

You're initial post was rather fully addressed in my initial reply. What was avoided? Why the liberal media is trying to make her look dumb and prevent any momentum? If that was truly a question and not just your typical bitching about Democrats, have you ever paid attention during an election?

You're right in terms of affiliation. She's a candidate strongly endorsed by the Tea Party would have been better to say. Trying to take over the nomination from an 18-year veteran and then winning is "thrusting herself into the spotlight".

You have major issues if you truly believe the proportion of news coverage something gets denotes its importance. The relative lack of coverage about the 9 Americans killed in Afghanistan today doesn't make it any less important. However, once the brush fire of news is picked up and turns into a blaze, politicians have to address it - along with the multiple people paraded onto news networks and tossed viewer-friendly, softball questions.

RIJIMMY 09-21-2010 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 796483)
You're initial post was rather fully addressed in my initial reply. What was avoided? Why the liberal media is trying to make her look dumb and prevent any momentum? If that was truly a question and not just your typical bitching about Democrats, have you ever paid attention during an election?

nope, I guess I dont pay attention to elections. there are 37 senate elections for the 100 seats on 11/2. Christine O'Donnell is the ONLY noteworthy one according to CNN. Foolish of me to question why.

Quote - You have major issues if you truly believe the proportion of news coverage something gets denotes its importance.

Ahh - not its importance, ITS INFLUENCE!!!! By linking the tea party with O'Donell and the right wing, and by filling the news with stories about her (whether true or untrue) serves the purpose of underming the movement. Its intentional. Same reason the NAACP went after the tea party. They are PURPOSELY trying to make a mockery fo O'Donnell, hence the Palin 2, the sequel. They need something to bash to take the INDEPENDENTs attention away from the issues!
Libs must be running out of things to wack off to. Nothing better than bashing people they disagree with and calling them narrow minded.

RIJIMMY 09-21-2010 11:31 AM

newsmax front page- not one mention of O'Donnell
Foxnews front page - not one mention of O'Donnell
CNN Politics - 2 of the 8 top stories - O'Donnell

Hmmm. I bet you'll say its cuz the "right" is embarrased by her? or maybe CNN has a very high Delaware following? Or could CNN possibly have another agenda?

influence Johnny. Game plan - tie the tea party to the right wing, make a fool out of O'Donnell. there is plenty of ammo there. They can milk her to election day. Avg american will link tea party to wackos, stay with safe vs. sorry.

RIROCKHOUND 09-21-2010 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 796495)
Game plan - tie the tea party to the right wing, make a fool out of O'Donnell. there is plenty of ammo there.

This isn't some veiled attempt to tie her to the tea party! She was tea party (i.e. Palin backed) and is the definition of a 'right wing' social conservative!

Can you please point out a Tea party backed candidate who is not right of either the incumbent Repub, or the other Repub candidate? It will shut me up regarding your idea that the connection between the "Tea party" and the "Right Wing" by the evil media.

RIJIMMY 09-21-2010 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 796497)
This isn't some veiled attempt to tie her to the tea party! She was tea party (i.e. Palin backed) and is the definition of a 'right wing' social conservative!

Can you please point out a Tea party backed candidate who is not right of either the incumbent Repub, or the other Repub candidate? It will shut me up regarding your idea that the connection between the "Tea party" and the "Right Wing" by the evil media.

She is not the tea party, she was a republican candidate. She was backed by the tea party. I'll bet you anything you want the American Socialist Party endorsed and supported Obamas election. Does that make him a member? They supported the candidate that was not mainstream, consistent across the country
read my response again - I said the media is trying to link the tea party to the right wing. Yes - O'Donell may be right wing, but the tea party is not (see other thread). Bryan - of the 37 other senate races why is O'Donnell on the front page everyday????? NO mention of who she is running against!!! If she was an intelligent speaker with years of experience there wound be no news. Its all about making a fool of her, using her as the "face" of the tea party to influence voters

RIJIMMY 09-21-2010 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 796497)
Can you please point out a Tea party backed candidate who is not right of either the incumbent Repub, or the other Repub candidate? It will shut me up regarding your idea that the connection between the "Tea party" and the "Right Wing" by the evil media.

Scott Brown. Now shut up.

RIJIMMY 09-21-2010 11:56 AM

hmmm, O'Donnel wasnt even on the list back in April

List of Tea Party Express Midterm Endorsements

RIROCKHOUND 09-21-2010 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 796498)
She is not the tea party, she was a republican candidate. She was backed by the tea party. I said the media is trying to link the tea party to the right wing. Yes - O'Donell may be right wing, but the tea party is not (see other thread).

OK. again, if the tea party is NOT right wing, WHY do they keep backing right wing candidates? Show me an example of them backing a 'left wing' candidate, if it is just about supporting non-mainstream candidates across the country.

OK, Scott Brown, GREAT example. now he is wandering to the middle, as forecasted by many and he is getting BEAT on by people in the republican party who wanted him to be further right that he is.

as far as the media, is this different than the two days of Alvin Greene nonsense had. I think they go for the potential train wreck on either side. I'm just arguing that the Tea party, by their backing the candidates they have, has linked them to the "right wing'

She is woefully underqualified, a decent looking women with a history of talking out against whacking off! She is "news worthy" like a blooper reel waiting to happen.

if she was a middle aged, reasonably well spoken male, tea party backed candidate, she probably wouldn't get the press she is (see the race in Alaska recently) where was the front page ad naseum CNN coverage of that win linking the Tea Party to the 'far right'?

RIJIMMY 09-21-2010 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 796503)
She is woefully underqualified, a decent looking women with a history of talking out against whacking off! She is "news worthy" like a blooper reel waiting to happen.

if she was a middle aged, reasonably well spoken male, tea party backed candidate, she probably wouldn't get the press she is (see the race in Alaska recently) where was the front page ad naseum CNN coverage of that win linking the Tea Party to the 'far right'?

newsworthy or influence worthy?
Its a sham. Its the Palin attack plan. But the funny thing is, as much as Palin was proved to be a moron, look how much influence she has. I would think Americans might care what O'Donnell has to say in a debate vs. her comments on "Politcially Incorrect" which is a comedy issues debate. If she wasnt entertaining, she would not have gotten the gig.
I also love when "right wing" candidates get blasted for speaking out on sex. I wonder what Biden, a good catholic thinks about pre-marital sex and masturbation? I was a Catholic for years, both of those (2 of my favorite things) were big, big, big no nos for Catholics. So is she really wacky? Or are all Catholics hypocrates?

RIROCKHOUND 09-21-2010 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 796508)
I also love when "right wing" candidates get blasted for speaking out on sex. I wonder what Biden, a good catholic thinks about pre-marital sex and masturbation? I was a Catholic for years, both of those (2 of my favorite things) were big, big, big no nos for Catholics. So is she really wacky? Or are all Catholics hypocrates?

I think most are hypocrites, or choose not to follow parts of their faith. As a severely lapsed catholic (Agnostic now) I think the church is woefully out of touch anyways.

I think she is amusing, but her record of lying about her past and financial ineptitude in her personal life is going to bite her in the ass.

RIJIMMY 09-21-2010 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 796510)
I think most are hypocrites, or choose not to follow parts of their faith. As a severely lapsed catholic (Agnostic now) I think the church is woefully out of touch anyways.

I think she is amusing, but her record of lying about her past and financial ineptitude in her personal life is going to bite her in the ass.

sounds like she is more qualified for Geithners job.

fishbones 09-21-2010 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 796510)
but her record of lying about her past and financial ineptitude in her personal life is going to bite her in the ass.

That's funny that it will hurt her chances, when in reality it's the thing she has most in common with the members who currently hold office.:smash:

scottw 09-21-2010 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 796474)
Can't. "This message is hidden because scottw is on your ignore list."

touchy and juvenile....:uhuh:

Originally Posted by JohnnyD

I'd bet it's this type of uninformed voters....
people are too stupid to go do their own research ......
have you ever paid attention during an election?
You have major issues .....

angry Obamoron:uhuh:

scottw 09-21-2010 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 796503)
OK. again, if the tea party is NOT right wing, WHY do they keep backing right wing candidates? Show me an example of them backing a 'left wing' candidate, if it is just about supporting non-mainstream candidates across the country.

show me a "left wing" candidate that identifies with the Tea Party principles? it's not "just about supporting non-mainstream candidates"..there are a set of principles that are common to Tea Party goers that happen not to be likely shared with "left-wing" candidates...I know, I's not FAIR....but...this isn't really that complicated...thought you were supposed to be smart or maybe just "woefully underqualified"? :rotf2:?

also...there are an equal number of dem and rep cadidates...let me know when the lamestream media begins an in-depth anal exam of a democrat candidate anywhere...

JohnnyD 09-21-2010 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 796477)
The Tea Party is not a political party, O'Donnell is a republican, thus thats why she was in the primary.

Pretty much one and the same now:
New tea party: energy, money and detente with GOP - Yahoo! News

"Separate tea party groups still squabble over roles for Republican insiders within the movement, but the conservative activists and GOP stalwarts have reached a truce for the common goal of defeating Democrats, heeding calls for unity from Republicans including Sarah Palin."

Don't know why Republicans would want to directly associate themselves with a bunch of reckless, racist hillbillies. YeeeeHaaawwwww!!:devil2:

spence 09-21-2010 04:54 PM

There was a Social Republican on CNN this morning who made a good point. Basically that his party right now is more interested in promoting effective bomb throwers than good legislators.

The problem with people like O'Donnell (and like Palin) is that there's no substance under the suit. All they do is recite overly simplified talking points, stir the pot on divisive issues and get in jabs for the blogs.

Is this really the fresh blood that's going to revitalize the GOP?


buckman 09-21-2010 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 796565)
There was a Social Republican on CNN this morning who made a good point. Basically that his party right now is more interested in promoting effective bomb throwers than good legislators.

The problem with people like O'Donnell (and like Palin) is that there's no substance under the suit. All they do is recite overly simplified talking points, stir the pot on divisive issues and get in jabs for the blogs.

Is this really the fresh blood that's going to revitalize the GOP?


What's a "good legislator"?

RIROCKHOUND 09-21-2010 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 796521)
show me a "left wing" candidate that identifies with the Tea Party principles? it's not "just about supporting non-mainstream candidates"..there are a set of principles that are common to Tea Party goers that happen not to be likely shared with "left-wing" candidates...I know, I's not FAIR....but...this isn't really that complicated...thought you were supposed to be smart or maybe just "woefully underqualified"? :rotf2:?

also...there are an equal number of dem and rep cadidates...let me know when the lamestream media begins an in-depth anal exam of a democrat candidate anywhere...

I don't give a %$%$%$%$ if it is fair and have had a pretty consitant position that the influence of the Tea Party in a general election is over stated. If Martha Coakley had run a halfway decent campaign, or had a frigging personality, it would have swung the otherway, Tea Party or not.

RIJ is stating that the Tea Party is being unfairly labeled 'right wing' but by your definition above, it sure sounds it. My point was simply that they are labled 'right' b/c the ARE 'right'

I'm going fishing. go do what O'Donnell says she doesn't do while looking at her picture Scott:smash::D:D:D:D:D

striperman36 09-21-2010 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 796606)
If Martha Coakley had run a halfway decent campaign, or had a frigging personality, it would have swung the otherway, Tea Party or not.

She has a personality, it showed!! Second time she had the wrong campaign people. She must of offshored her campaign advice

She's never won an election in her life

RIROCKHOUND 09-21-2010 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 796594)
What's a "good legislator"?

So far, here's a shocker, I'd say Scott Brown.

TO me.
a few qualities, as this could be it's own thread
1. Honest
2. Blind to party lines
3. Does what is best for his constituents while still looking out for the country as a whole.
4. Has a hot singing daughter (ok, not required).

spence 09-21-2010 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 796594)
What's a "good legislator"?

In the context of the Republican from VA, I believe he meant someone who had the potential to help write good laws. You can infer the proper skills on your own.

The point being, the best legislators aren't usually those who make the best sound bites.


scottw 09-22-2010 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 796606)

RIJ is stating that the Tea Party is being unfairly labeled 'right wing' but by your definition above, it sure sounds it. My point was simply that they are labled 'right' b/c the ARE 'right'

I'm going fishing. go do what O'Donnell says she doesn't do while looking at her picture Scott:smash::D:D:D:D:D

thought I was on your "ignore" list?

unfairly labeled "right wing" as a pejorative which indicates racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe Nazis as has been vioced by many democrat legislators and countless "left wing" pundints and media types...the fact is that the Tea Party is made up with people across the political spectrum and much to the dismay of the left, appeals to and includes a lot of the "center" with the values that they and the "media" HAVE DEFINED THE CANDIDATES THAT THEY SUPPORT AS "RIGHT WING OR FAR RIGHT".....your point of view is obviously different of that from the Tea Party faithful when it comes to labeling and what constitutes the "center", the left and lamestream media likes to fancy the center or moderates as anyone that agrees with them most of the usual, the people who should be happy that the Tea Party is destroying the republican chances to win in November are the most bothered by it....don't you want the dems to continue to control congress and Obama to continue to implement his policies??? you and others here and nationally should be enthusiastically rooting for the Tea Party to support so-called "unelectable fringe right candidates"

please go back and read the Tea Party list of values posted earlier and tell me how those are explicitly "right wing" and then show me a "left wing" candidate that can espouse those values...

Posted by John R
Five Core Principles on its website.
1. Limited Government
2. Fiscal Responsibility
3. Personal Responsibility
4. The Rule of Law
5. National Sovereignty

Can a "Liberal" or "Progressive" please find for me the Extremeism or Right Wing in the above?

the Tea Party is simply backing the candidate that most closely represents these principles which are foreign to the lamestream media and much of the left but very AMERICAN...if the democrats, lamestream media and "left wing" are going to support and run "bearded Marxist" (or unbearded in the case of Obama) candidates...perhaps the center isn't at all where they imagine it to be...

RIJIMMY 09-22-2010 07:04 AM

Scotts post above is 100 percent correct. He always did understand me.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 09-22-2010 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 796711)
Scotts post above is 100 percent correct. He always did understand me.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

RI Tea Party Endorsements
September 9th, 2010
The People's PAC of the RI Tea Party is pleased to announce Round One of its Endorsements for the RI General Assembly.

After an exhaustive study of all candidates running for General Assembly, the RI Tea Party PAC has chosen to announce endorsements of four candidates who face primary elections next Tuesday, September 14th. These candidates are:

Michael Pinga (D) Senate District 9
Jon Brien (D) House District 50

Doreen Costa (R) House District 31
Stephanie Sivalingham (R) House District 65

Based upon our vetting process, which required that candidates answer a comprehensive questionnaire, as well as an investigation of voting records of incumbents, we have decided that these four candidates best represent the interests of taxpayers and businesses in the districts in which they compete for next week's primary and the General Election in November. Our questionnaire represents a cross section of issues pertinent to Rhode Island governance which fall under the mission statement of the RI Tea Party, including fiscal responsibility, accountability of our elected officials, and adherence to Constitutional principles. It can be viewed at RI Tea Party

spence 09-22-2010 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 796688)
the Tea Party is simply backing the candidate that most closely represents these principles which are foreign to the lamestream media and much of the left but very AMERICAN...if the democrats, lamestream media and "left wing" are going to support and run "bearded Marxist" (or unbearded in the case of Obama) candidates...perhaps the center isn't at all where they imagine it to be...

And can you explain how O'Donnell is better enabled to demonstrate these principals than Mike Castle who the Tea Party chose not to back? We do know that Castle isn't squeaky clean, he did have that incident where he stood up to a "Birther" during a town hall.

The numbers clearly show that Mike Castle was likely going to win the mid-term election and gain a valuable Senate seat for the GOP.

According to a FOX News poll, as of yesterday, Coons leads O'Donnell 54 to 39 while Castle would be leading Coons by the same margin had he won the primary.

If the Tea Party is really serious about reigning in government spending, one would think that early control of the House or Senate would be the highest priority. Control of either side is not a gimme, and in two more years the damage that could be done by Obama is staggering.

Instead they try to ride the anti-incumbent wave with a Palin look-a-like and back a candidate with little experience and views that are much further to the right than the usual demographics of the Delaware voters.


scottw 09-22-2010 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 796738)
And can you explain how O'Donnell is better enabled to demonstrate these principals than Mike Castle who the Tea Party chose not to back?
The numbers clearly show that Mike Castle was likely going to win the mid-term election and gain a valuable Senate seat for the GOP.


Clearly was not desirable as a representative of those values for the senate, guess they didn't want to hold their nose and support a Rino like Castle who was not going to demonstrate any of their principles....we'll see in the general if it was a good move or a bad move...should they pick the schmuck just because he is a guaranteed win?...
he's(Castle) shown his true colors after the defeat...:uhuh: the same guy that lectured that the party and candidates should support any republican over any democrat in the general in a speech a while back....FRAUD :uhuh: apparently this applied to everyone but him....:rotf2:

The social creed was once the philosophy of rebels against established order; but, as Lionel Trilling long ago showed, it has become inseparable from a vision of power and mastery. The social idealist, Trilling said in 1948, is one “who takes license from his ideals for the unrestrained exercise of power.” The “ultimate threat to human freedom,” he wrote in a sympathetic account of George Orwell’s thought, could well come from a “massive development of the social idealism of our democratic culture.”

John Henry Newman, when he led the Anglo-Catholic Oxford Movement that shook the Church of England in the 1830s, went so far as to argue that naïve enthusiasm is more valuable, in reform movements, than the sophisticated tactical expediency that finds its “beau idéal” in “safe, sound, sensible men,” and in “a timid cautious course” charted by “second rate” characters “with low views” and “tame dull” ideas.

Newman conceded that the enthusiastic naïf is likely to have his foibles. But while “incidentally faulty in mode or language,” he is “still peculiarly effective.” The “very faults” of such an individual “excite attention; he loses, but his cause, if good, and he powerful minded, gains . . .”

and again...if what you say is in fact true, you should be thrilled, your hero will keep the Senate and continue with his agenda......but you should really focus more on your team as they really seem to be the ones in big trouble...

scottw 09-22-2010 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 796738)
-. Control of either side is not a gimme, and in two more years the damage that could be done by Obama is staggering.


Spence, can you clarify for me?..Is this Spence speaking in this statement or are you channeling aTea Party member or someone else ?

spence 09-22-2010 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 796776)
Spence, can you clarify for me?..Is this Spence speaking in this statement or are you channeling aTea Party member or someone else ?

I just threw that in to give you a little chub.


spence 09-22-2010 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 796751)
Clearly was not desirable as a representative of those values for the senate, guess they didn't want to hold their nose and support a Rino like Castle who was not going to demonstrate any of their principles....we'll see in the general if it was a good move or a bad move...should they pick the schmuck just because he is a guaranteed win?...

How does siding with the Dems on some votes make you a Rino? I reviewed his voting history and he certainly has voted with the GOP on a majority of significant bills.

I thought the GOP was a "big tent" party. I guess if you don't tow the party line you're not really a member


buckman 09-22-2010 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 796861)
How does siding with the Dems on some votes make you a Rino? I reviewed his voting history and he certainly has voted with the GOP on a majority of significant bills.

I thought the GOP was a "big tent" party. I guess if you don't tow the party line you're not really a member


No matter...Dem or Republican. The core values posted by John R. are what the majority in America want. We have not had them from either party. It's about time we have a bloodless revolution in this country. Thank the Tea Party for getting something done.

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