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Piscator 10-12-2011 01:11 PM

Poison Ivy

My left arm looks like a cross between a stuffed sausage and the back side of a Nestlé’s Crunch bar........ What can I do for relief? I’ve tried soaking in water with salty solution etc, it’s not so much itchy as it is painful and blistered.

I figure Raven must have a home remedy or two up his sleeve (you don’t want to see what’s up my sleeve right now) NASTY

PRBuzz 10-12-2011 01:14 PM

Beside calamine lotion, try rubbing down in vinegar! It will burn like hell when 1st applied but does help dry out the skin faster.

I'd wait for Raven..........

Piscator 10-12-2011 01:16 PM

I have 2 - 2 gallon jugs of vinegar here now. I might do it, waiting for Dr. Raven though...............

JohnnyD 10-12-2011 01:49 PM

If it's really bad, you may need to see your doctor for some steroids.

WESTPORTMAFIA 10-12-2011 01:49 PM

pee on it:devil2:

Raven 10-12-2011 01:58 PM

when you get a real bad case
you are essentially poisoned

like if you drank or chugged a 5th of whiskey
you would be way beyond drunk
you'd have alcohol poisoning and could possibly die.

i say this because you have to decide "where your AT"
if your in really bad shape you need steroids
to kick ass (you then need prednizone and fast)prescription

this would be the ONLY reason to take them EVER!

if there's a health food store around call them
and ask if they have "brewers yeast" because that food suppliment
acts like prednizone in its effectiveness at healing skin
everything from acne ...all the way up to poison Ivy.

you wiz it in the blender with milk or ice cream
and it has a great flavor kinda like a nutty flavor
and makes milk taste awesome like raw milk from
Vermont dairy farms.
It's a nutritional yeast and the healthiest food on the planet
especially concerning the SKIN.use only a heaping tablespoon
until you get accustomed to it....

it'll turn poison ivy infections around the same way prednizone does...
in a matter of days... where you see visual signs of retreat

it also is a fantastic hangover remedy because it replaces real fast
all the B vitamins that alcohol leaches from the body

pink calamine lotion helps dry it up but make sure it's the thick
kind and NOT all watered down....

also buy tecnu which dissolves the oils... real well

other than that you have to use the old laundry bar soap
thats tan if available....

i reccomend wearing long sleaves shirts to bed or you'll scratch yourself to oblivion in your sleep.
you might have to get in the shower in the morning with it on to get it soaked off of you tho.

The Dad Fisherman 10-12-2011 02:01 PM

Just go to the doctors get the steroids.....quickest cure there is...

Piscator 10-12-2011 02:02 PM

Thanks, sounds like between vinegar, steroids, piss, & brewers yeast i should be all set

Raven 10-12-2011 02:06 PM

vinegar is better for sunburn

and lay off the beer til your better

JamesJet 10-12-2011 02:26 PM

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

The Dad Fisherman 10-12-2011 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Piscator (Post 892365)
Thanks, sounds like between vinegar, steroids, piss, & brewers yeast i should be all set

And after your family throws you out of the house for smelling like the Ladies Room at Sullivan's Tap.......just go get the steroids.

UserRemoved 10-13-2011 07:47 AM

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

PRBuzz 10-13-2011 07:51 AM

How you doing today?

Poison Ivy Treatments, How To's & Home Remedies

Banana peel - Touted by many as a homemade "miracle cure", the inside of a banana peel rubbed on poison ivy rashes seems to bring instant, cooling relief.

By some accounts, banana skins may even do the trick when all other poison ivy treatment fails.

Just don't bring them on your boat!!!:rotf2:

Piscator 10-13-2011 11:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Well, went to Doc this morning, left with Steroids..........Pill & Spray form....Check out my left arm, NASTY. Doesn't itch, hurts like hell

FishermanTim 10-13-2011 11:21 AM

From the looks of it, you may be ultra-sensitive (to the point of being allergic) to poison ivy and other irritating plant oils.

Might be time to invest in a long-sleeve work shirt/jacket and a pair of good work gloves (that can be washed) for future backyard adventures.

Piscator 10-13-2011 11:24 AM

The other thought I had that I shared with my wife is that I should no longer do yard work.......................................

UserRemoved1 10-13-2011 02:25 PM

hehe good thought :)

WOW man that looks nasty. Way beyond technu stage you got a full blown allergy there I'd say. Pop that thing YIKES BOOM :hee:

Mad Hatter 10-14-2011 01:41 PM

Fels naptha
Is the name of the brown soap you are looking for. You'll find it in the laundry section of the supermarket. I've spent alot of time in the woods and swear by it - and you can wash the area with it several times a day.

Raven 10-14-2011 03:34 PM

to finish this ugly conversation

tecnu is great if used immediately after exposure (no 1)
as is fels napa -->close second
or joy dish soap even

in that order...

but the nature of the beast is...

the OIL in poison Ivy permeates the skin real fast
getting down to the subcutaneous (under layer)
where it sits... then the body revolts by throwing up
via blisterization to expel it from the subcutaneous layer

it'll stay viable on blue jeans for a whole year !!!!!

Piscator 10-14-2011 03:39 PM

things are strating to get better, not great but better. thanks all. I've had it before (never this bad) I'm sure I'll get it again. I didn't even see a hint of it where I was doing the yard work.......

Raven 10-14-2011 03:46 PM

i got it that bad and

enough to go get the Roids... too

and i was escavating the roots from a building site for a sunk in greenhouse and didn't realize it was a well established
poison ivy patch...

there were absolutely NO leaves...
the roots are red like the skin of a cooked sweet potato

the brewers yeast does a better job of healing you up IMO
anything left over from making beer has to be good :uhuh:

JamesJet 10-14-2011 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Mad Hatter (Post 892766)
Is the name of the brown soap you are looking for. You'll find it in the laundry section of the supermarket. I've spent alot of time in the woods and swear by it - and you can wash the area with it several times a day.

Totally agree, I used it as a paste as well and left on. A case like that is steriods all the way however
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Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

niko 10-14-2011 07:07 PM

that's terrible den, hope it goes away soon

spence 10-14-2011 07:39 PM

Nasty, I'm wicked allergic and I've never had blisters near that big.


Piscator 10-14-2011 07:54 PM

I'm just happy it was isolated pretty much to my arm, can you imagine if it went "else where" ....
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spence 10-14-2011 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Piscator (Post 892855)
I'm just happy it was isolated pretty much to my arm, can you imagine if it went "else where" ....
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Like the time a spider bit me in the upper, upper, upper thigh and gave me a wicked infection?


Piscator 10-14-2011 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 892858)
Like the time a spider bit me in the upper, upper, upper thigh and gave me a wicked infection?


Sure, blame it on a spider :rotf2:

spence 10-14-2011 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Piscator (Post 892859)
Sure, blame it on a spider :rotf2:


I'm in my home office in boxer shorts and notice a silver dollar size bulls eye right on my upper thigh. Find a dead spider (those clear house spiders that you see at the corner of the wall and ceiling) dead in the fold of my shorts.

Knowing it's a spider I don't worry about Lyme, but the bite doesn't look good.

Fly to Toronto the next day for 4 days of business.

The bulls eye keeps getting bigger and redder. But as I'm out of country I really don't want to check out another health care system.

It's getting bad so I cut my trip short and fly back in the morning instead of waiting for the evening.

Get home and show my step-son this wicked bite. It's now about 8" around.

Go right to the hospital.

They freaked, but it turned out to be just a skin infection (ceullulitus) and a treatment of CIPRO cleared it right up.


WESTPORTMAFIA 10-14-2011 09:52 PM

I proved many times by rubbing it on my skin that I'm immune to it. But your body does change. I hope I never get allergic to that crap. Make sure not to scratch your balls. That would suck!
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Raven 10-15-2011 05:38 AM

when your on those F___n steroids they make you all Bitchy and beligerant like PMS for men.:fury:

justplugit 10-15-2011 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 892867)

Fly to Toronto the next day for 4 days of business.

The bulls eye keeps getting bigger and redder. But as I'm out of country I really don't want to check out another health care system.


LOL, Spence, you of all people not wanting to try out Canadian Health Care! :)

Raven 10-15-2011 07:45 AM

yeah they woulda tweaked yer brain for free.... :rotflmao:

Sea Dangles 10-15-2011 08:47 AM

My oldest had it on his face ,arms and ballz. Wen t to Dr. 2 days ago and they gave him roids. Symptoms abated enough to run his XC meet today at Franklin Park.

Piscator 10-15-2011 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by Raven (Post 892891)
when your on those F___n steroids they make you all Bitchy and beligerant like PMS for men.:fury:


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