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hq2 10-08-2016 10:36 AM

Final Trump outrage
So what does it take for people to say, O.K., this is enough? Does
he have to shoot or rape someone on stage to get disqualified? I mean, most of the people who read this forum are MEN with families
(including yours truly). Is this the kind of MAN you want your son to
grow up to be? Is this the kind of man you want your DAUGHTER to be
around????? Are you kidding me? O.K. guys, ENOUGH!

spence 10-08-2016 11:02 AM

It's amazing isn't it?

wdmso 10-08-2016 11:17 AM

thats ben my issue all along.. it's all his comments combined there totality ..

Supporters do not see them (statements )in this light, they see them as individually statements that can be apologized away or he's not politically correct .... as a justification.. or he's just a regular Guy

But some have no issues seeing perceived misconduct of Clinton over 30 years as evidence (truth) of being corrupt . even if the facts show something different..

Its the same Logic they use against global warming Just with Trump

look at this guy voted in with a populace message pres of the philippines

Is this how Trump would be on the world Stage ? I hope not but I can't risk it .. Can you???

nightfighter 10-08-2016 11:31 AM

So how do I vote to keep Hillary out of the White House????

Can a draft Mitt campaign get legs in 31 days? Does 25% of the voting public even know that Johnson exists? Neither candidate is worthy, but I will do almost anything to keep Clinton out. I agree with the above sentiments but will not cast a vote for her.

Now back to fishing forums.....

Nebe 10-08-2016 11:33 AM

I'd vote for Mitt in a heart beat
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Nebe 10-08-2016 11:33 AM

Or John Kerry
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

spence 10-08-2016 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1110061)
So how do I vote to keep Hillary out of the White House????

Can a draft Mitt campaign get legs in 31 days? Does 25% of the voting public even know that Johnson exists? Neither candidate is worthy, but I will do almost anything to keep Clinton out. I agree with the above sentiments but will not cast a vote for her.

Now back to fishing forums.....

I think Mitt could step in and likely win. I thought Johnson was interesting but the rookie mistakes he keeps making are telling.

Or you could just vote for Clinton and realize the world isn't going to end.

scottw 10-08-2016 11:36 AM

you'd think ...Bill Clinton was never president or something....all upset because Trump talks about stuff Bubba actually did? :bl:

spence 10-08-2016 11:39 AM

The number of prominent Republicans pulling support for Trump is pretty telling.

scottw 10-08-2016 11:41 AM

there is an unflattering publication cover on Drudge regarding Trump but I'm going to disregard it as conspiratorial tabloid journalism, OK Spence?

scottw 10-08-2016 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1110066)
The number of prominent Republicans pulling support for Trump is pretty telling.

I drove all over New England yesterday...saw a ton of Trump signs and even people at intersections...I honestly didn't see a single Hillary sign....prominent republicans are only worth 1 vote each....undocumented democrats...whole different story :rotf2:

BigBo 10-08-2016 12:09 PM

It least Trump apologizes for things he says and does. The Clinton's never do. Neither Bill or Hillary.

PaulS 10-08-2016 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by BigBo (Post 1110069)
It least Trump apologizes for things he says and does. The Clinton's never do. Neither Bill or Hillary.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

BigBo 10-08-2016 12:36 PM

:bl: When has Bill or Hillary ever admitted to anything and apologized for it?
I don't like either candidate, but I'll do whatever is within my power to keep Hillary out of the White House. Even if it means voting for Trump.

spence 10-08-2016 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1110070)
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

It's like bizarre...

spence 10-08-2016 01:24 PM

This situation has gotten so bad Trump's own running mate won't stand up for him. Trump is going no where - it's going to rip the GOP apart.

scottw 10-08-2016 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1110075)
This situation has gotten so bad Trump's own running mate won't stand up for him. Trump is going no where - it's going to rip the GOP apart.

then you should be celebrating!!!! why so grumpy?

spence 10-08-2016 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1110078)
then you should be celebrating!!!! why so grumpy?

Not grumpy, I'd just like to see at least two strong parties, better for the USA.

scottw 10-08-2016 01:57 PM

ummmm...we have two "strong" "parties" and the USA is hopelessly mired in debt, 60+ % dislike the direction of the country, our foreign policy is a disaster, politicians spend decades in Washington spending/wasting other people's money with no regard or accountability and we have two of the most deeply flawed Presidential candidates in our history that nobody really likes courtesy of those two "strong" parties

not sure how good it's been to have two "strong" parties

BigBo 10-08-2016 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1110073)
It's like bizarre...

And your love for Hillary isn't bizarre?

detbuch 10-08-2016 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1110060)
thats ben my issue all along.. it's all his comments combined there totality ..

They're just odd . . .

Is this how Trump would be on the world Stage ? I hope not but I can't risk it .. Can you???

That's an odd statement to make?

detbuch 10-08-2016 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by hq2 (Post 1110058)
So what does it take for people to say, O.K., this is enough? Does
he have to shoot or rape someone on stage to get disqualified? I mean, most of the people who read this forum are MEN with families
(including yours truly). Is this the kind of MAN you want your son to
grow up to be? Is this the kind of man you want your DAUGHTER to be
around????? Are you kidding me? O.K. guys, ENOUGH!

Unfortunatly, the kind of man you want your son to be has not been winning many Presidential elections. That's the reason that once upon a time the Press used to not scrutinize candidates sexual conduct. If it had, a lot of Presidents would not have been elected.

We've gone way past that. So get used to it and stick to issues not personalities.

Raider Ronnie 10-08-2016 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by hq2 (Post 1110058)
So what does it take for people to say, O.K., this is enough? Does
he have to shoot or rape someone on stage to get disqualified? I mean, most of the people who read this forum are MEN with families
(including yours truly). Is this the kind of MAN you want your son to
grow up to be? Is this the kind of man you want your DAUGHTER to be
around????? Are you kidding me? O.K. guys, ENOUGH!

So you saying if Trump raped a woman that would be what does him in, but Bill Clinton raping women Hillary covering it up, intimidating the victims and threatening retaliation is ok ???
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Slipknot 10-08-2016 07:25 PM

what is worse? saying something horrible or actually doing something horrible? both are horrible but stating and acting are 2 entirely different things.

I can't vote for a candidate that does not support the Constitution

hq2 10-08-2016 09:03 PM

Here's what the Republicans are saying.

And no, I didn't vote for Bill Clinton in '96; I thought he was a sleazy
piece of s---. I'm not excusing his behavior at all.

detbuch 10-08-2016 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1110079)
Not grumpy, I'd just like to see at least two strong parties, better for the USA.

Do you mean two strong parties that fundamentally differ from each other, or two strong parties that differ mainly in the personalities of the candidates they choose for office? If the latter, what difference does it make if only one, or neither is "strong"?

What are the critical differences, if any, that you want to exist?

And if you did actually want the parties to fundamentally differ, what would your preferred differences be? And which difference would you prefer?

The impression I get from your posts is that you don't want major differences between the parties. But you'd rather that in given circumstances one would be more "moderate" than the other. If that's the case, how would the long run big picture be any different if one party was weak and the other strong? Or if one party just disappeared?

detbuch 10-08-2016 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by hq2 (Post 1110102)
Here's what the Republicans are saying.

And no, I didn't vote for Bill Clinton in '96; I thought he was a sleazy
piece of s---. I'm not excusing his behavior at all.

And what are the Democrats saying about why they voted for Bill Clinton?

hq2 10-09-2016 09:55 AM

I dunno. It probably wasn't anything good. But, hey someone came
to the Donald's defense; none other than the midnight cowboy himself,
Jon Voight!

But, for all practical purposes, the election's over. The RNC has (finally!)
pulled the plug on Trump. It's history.

scottw 10-09-2016 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1110103)

The impression I get from your posts is that you don't want major differences between the parties.

he would like Lincoln Chaffee to be the republican nominee...something about an impressive resume?

detbuch 10-09-2016 10:44 AM

Originally posted by hq: And no, I didn't vote for Bill Clinton in '96; I thought he was a sleazy piece of s---. I'm not excusing his behavior at all.

Originally posted by detbuch: And what are the Democrats saying about why they voted for Bill Clinton?

Let me answer that for you. The Democrats didn't care that he was a sleazy piece of s... They supported him en masse. They excused him, defended him, protected him from dropping out of the race. Because they cared more for their agenda than they did about personal foibles. That is how they succeed as a party. Don't give up an inch. Plow forward, sleaze or not.

They understand, however, that if they slime or expose the slime of a Republican, especially one running for President, the rest of the party will not come together to defend or excuse their candidate. They know that they can bring that candidate down if enough dirt is put on him.

Which is what you see happening now. Republicans scurrying like rats off a sinking ship. Both politicians and voters. The Democrats are banking on Republican voters to care more about personal dirt than their agenda. And to a great extent, they are probably right to bank on that.

And what is this shocking new personal dirt? Actually, as Spence would say, it's old news. Trump has not hidden that he was sexually loose in the past. And this instance was "on tape." And he used foul language. But he didn't force the issue. The lady didn't reciprocate. That was the end of it. He didn't, as Clinton was accused of doing, force himself on her. But the incident is on tape. And what is supposed to make it really, really bad is the vulgar language Trump used to tell the tale. Maybe if he prettied it up and used nice words, maybe if he would have been romantic instead of crude, it wouldn't have been a big issue. Yeah, right.

That is not to excuse Trumps behavior. His past behavior is no secret. He doesn't hide it. As vulgar as it was, it would not have been important enough to sink him if he was the Democrat candidate. The party would support, defend, and excuse him if he were a Democrat. And if the Democrat voters were a bit queasy about it, they would care more about the good stuff he would do for them than about his imperfections.

Maybe enough Republican voter will feel the same way. Or maybe Trump will drop out and Pence will take over and the Dems won't have enough time to dig up some really good dirt about him.

hq2 10-09-2016 11:14 AM

Sigh. Loathe as I am to admit it, but most of what you said about the Democrats and Clinton is true. They're as willing to sell their souls for power as the Republicans have been (see: October surprise, 1980. No, Iran-Contra clearly showed the fix was in). And to go one step further, I have to state that this would not be the worst election in modern American history. That honor would go the '64 election, which pitted:

Barry Goldwater - field commanders to have their choice of tactical nuclear weapons? The south to self-enforce civil rights legislation (after 100 years of segregation????), Ending social security??

Lyndon Johnson - assassin and murderer (so why did you invite JFK to Dallas the week before you were to be indicted for a fraudulent land deal, Lyndon? Why was the parade route fixed? Why did the motorcade slow down?) Also Google Mac Wallace for other LBJ murders.

THAT was the worst election in modern American history. This one
comes in a close second.

And in the end, like Lyndon Johnson, who was tormented by Vietnam, the Clintons will regret winning this one too. Because ol' KGB friend
Putin (who has clearly been paying off the Donald, BTW) is waiting to punish them for sending NATO into Eastern Europe. It will be a truly
memorable (and horrible) 4 years for all of us. I'm not looking forward to it.

detbuch 10-09-2016 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by hq2 (Post 1110144)
Sigh. Loathe as I am to admit it, but most of what you said about the Democrats and Clinton is true. They're as willing to sell their souls for power as the Republicans have been (see: October surprise, 1980. No, Iran-Contra clearly showed the fix was in). And to go one step further, I have to state that this would not be the worst election in modern American history. That honor would go the '64 election, which pitted:

Barry Goldwater - field commanders to have their choice of tactical nuclear weapons? The south to self-enforce civil rights legislation (after 100 years of segregation????), Ending social security??

Lyndon Johnson - assassin and murderer (so why did you invite JFK to Dallas the week before you were to be indicted for a fraudulent land deal, Lyndon? Why was the parade route fixed? Why did the motorcade slow down?) Also Google Mac Wallace for other LBJ murders.

THAT was the worst election in modern American history. This one
comes in a close second.

And in the end, like Lyndon Johnson, who was tormented by Vietnam, the Clintons will regret winning this one too. Because ol' KGB friend
Putin (who has clearly been paying off the Donald, BTW) is waiting to punish them for sending NATO into Eastern Europe. It will be a truly
memorable (and horrible) 4 years for all of us. I'm not looking forward to it.

As Spence would say--Wow, just wow.

Have we had any good elections?

tysdad115 10-09-2016 01:40 PM

So I assume all you hurt feeling , hypocrites will be petitioning NBC to have Billy Bush fired? Any guy claiming to never have talked #^&#^&#^&#^& is an outright liar. The pussification is clearly evident here. Trump sure as hell isn't my first choice but at this point he's my only choice.

PaulS 10-09-2016 01:51 PM

So it looks like you have no idea what he said
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Slipknot 10-09-2016 01:52 PM

Actions speak louder than words.

But in social media's short attention span, mob rules
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

tysdad115 10-09-2016 01:53 PM

I've heard the tape and read the reports.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

PaulS 10-09-2016 02:06 PM

And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

“Whatever you want,” says another voice, apparently Bush’s.

“Grab them by the p---y,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

PaulS 10-09-2016 02:07 PM

Thst is sexual assault not bar talk amongst friends. I guess anyone who doesn't agree with that is a pu&&&.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

tysdad115 10-09-2016 02:23 PM

And who was the victim in this "assault" where no actual assault took place?
Another Bush quote from the recording "“Your girl’s hot as s---, in the purple,” I'm outraged he'd use such offensive language in a conversation with another man.

If having inappropriate conversations is now a crime we're all screwed.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

PaulS 10-09-2016 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by tysdad115 (Post 1110159)
And who was the victim in this "assault" where no actual assault took place?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Only The Donald knows whose pu*** he grabbed.

Where did anyone say an inappropriate conversation is a crime?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

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