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detbuch 05-10-2021 11:05 PM

Critical Race Theory
What is it? What are its effects? Here's a critique on those questions:

Anyone in favor of it? Or has a different view on what it is?

detbuch 05-19-2021 04:16 PM

Pete F. 05-20-2021 05:45 AM

For an actual conversation on critical race theory, I happen to know of a podcast you might be interested in.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 05-20-2021 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1211248)
For an actual conversation on critical race theory, I happen to know of a podcast you might be interested in.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I read the transcript and listened to the podcast. It is a conversation around CRT and a disclaimer of what it is not, But it is not a substantial description of what it is. Nor is it even a resounding affirmation of it. They have a general agreement that the theory as propounded in the 1970's was interesting and somewhat useful, but the panelists don't agree that the current iteration of CRT as it is being used is the same as the original. McWhorter says that it was an interesting idea that transmogrified into something that's gone over the rails.

I tried viewing a video by Kimberle Crenshaw, one of the scholars who expound the theory, but her style couldn't hold my attention.

The video I posted just before your post deals with the impact on minorities other than Black. CRT, at least the current version, seems to deal with black victimhood of white supremacy as a systemic problem. But Asians somehow manage to thrive in spite of the supposed systemic barriers against non-whites.

detbuch 06-23-2021 08:38 AM

Is Critical Race Theory illegal?

Pete F. 09-13-2021 11:44 AM

One of the reasons why looking at how race affects us all is important

America has a death problem.

No, I’m not just talking about the past year and a half, during which COVID-19 deaths per capita in the United States outpaced those in similarly rich countries, such as Canada, Japan, and France. And I’m not just talking about the past decade, during which drug overdoses skyrocketed in the U.S., creating a social epidemic of what are often called “deaths of despair.”

I’m talking about the past 30 years. Before the 1990s, average life expectancy in the U.S. was not much different than it was in Germany, the United Kingdom, or France. But since the 1990s, American life spans started falling significantly behind those in similarly wealthy European countries.

According to a new working paper released by the National Bureau of Economic Research, Americans now die earlier than their European counterparts, no matter what age you’re looking at. Compared with Europeans, American babies are more likely to die before they turn 5, American teens are more likely to die before they turn 20, and American adults are more likely to die before they turn 65. At every age, living in the United States carries a higher risk of mortality. This is America’s unsung death penalty, and it adds up. Average life expectancy surged above 80 years old in just about every Western European country in the 2010s, including Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, the U.K., Denmark, and Switzerland. In the U.S., by contrast, the average life span has never exceeded 79—and now it’s just taken a historic tumble.

Why is the U.S. so much worse than other developed countries at performing the most basic function of civilization: keeping people alive?

“Europe has better life outcomes than the United States across the board, for white and Black people, in high-poverty areas and low-poverty areas,” Hannes Schwandt, a Northwestern University professor who co-wrote the paper, told me. “It’s important that we collect this data, so that people can ask the right questions, but the data alone does not tell us what the cause of this longevity gap is.”

Finding a straightforward explanation is hard, because there are so many differences between life in the U.S. and Europe. Americans are more likely to kill one another with guns, in large part because Americans have more guns than residents of other countries do. Americans die more from car accidents, not because our fatality rate per mile driven is unusually high but because we simply drive so much more than people in other countries. Americans also have higher rates of death from infectious disease and pregnancy complications. But what has that got to do with guns, or commuting?

By collecting data on American life spans by ethnicity and by income at the county level—and by comparing them with those of European countries, locality by locality—Schwandt and the other researchers made three important findings.

First, Europe’s mortality rates are shockingly similar between rich and poor communities. Residents of the poorest parts of France live about as long as people in the rich areas around Paris do. “Health improvements among infants, children, and youth have been disseminated within European countries in a way that includes even the poorest areas,” the paper’s authors write.

But in the U.S., which has the highest poverty and inequality of just about any country in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, where you live is much more likely to determine when you’ll die. Infants in the U.S. are considerably more likely to die in the poorest counties than in the richest counties, and this is true for both Black and white babies. Black teenagers in the poorest U.S. areas are roughly twice as likely to die before they turn 20, compared with those in the richest U.S. counties. In Europe, by contrast, the mortality rate for teenagers in the richest and poorest areas is exactly the same—12 deaths per 100,000. In America, the problem is not just that poverty is higher; it’s that the effect of poverty on longevity is greater too.

Second, even rich Europeans are outliving rich Americans. “There is an American view that egalitarian societies have more equality, but it’s all one big mediocre middle, whereas the best outcomes in the U.S. are the best outcomes in the world,” Schwandt said. But this just doesn’t seem to be the case for longevity. White Americans living in the richest 5 percent of counties still die earlier than Europeans in similarly low-poverty areas; life spans for Black Americans were shorter still. (The study did not examine other American racial groups.) “It says something negative about the overall health system of the United States that even after we grouped counties by poverty and looked at the richest 10th percentile, and even the richest fifth percentile, we still saw this longevity gap between Americans and Europeans,” he added. In fact, Europeans in extremely impoverished areas seem to live longer than Black or white Americans in the richest 10 percent of counties.

Third, Americans have a lot to learn about a surprising success story in U.S. longevity. In the three decades before COVID-19, average life spans for Black Americans surged, in rich and poor areas and across all ages. As a result, the Black-white life-expectancy gap decreased by almost half, from seven years to 3.6 years. “This is a really important story that we ought to move to the forefront of public debate,” Schwandt said. “What happened here? And how do we continue this improvement and learn from it?”

One explanation begins with science and technology. Researchers found that nothing played bigger roles in reducing mortality than improvements in treating cardiovascular disease and cancer. New drugs and therapies for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and various treatable cancers are adding years or decades to the lives of millions of Americans of all ethnicities.

Policy also plays a starring role. Schwandt credits the Medicaid expansion in the 1990s, which covered pregnant women and children and likely improved Black Americans’ access to medical treatments. He cites the expansion of the earned-income tax credit and other financial assistance, which have gradually reduced poverty. He also points to reductions in air pollution. “Black Americans have been more likely than white Americans to live in more-polluted areas,” he said. But air pollution has declined more than 70 percent since the 1970s, according to the EPA, and most of that decline happened during the 30-year period of this mortality research.

Other factors that have reduced the Black-white life-expectancy gap include the increase in deaths of despair, which disproportionately kill white Americans, and—up until 2018—a decline in homicides, which disproportionately kill Black Americans. (The recent rise in homicides, along with the disproportionate number of nonwhite Americans who have died of COVID-19, will likely reduce Black life spans.)

Even then, Black infants in high-poverty U.S. counties are three times more likely to die before the age of 5 than white infants in low-poverty counties. But Schwandt insists that highlighting our progress is important in helping us solve the larger American death problem. “We are wired to care more about bad news than about good news,” he said. “When life expectancy rises slightly, nobody cares. But when life expectancy declines, suddenly we’re up in arms. I think that’s a tragedy, because to improve the health and well-being of our populations, and especially of our disadvantaged populations, we have to give attention to positive achievements so that we can learn from them.”

We’re a long way from a complete understanding of the American mortality penalty. But these three facts—the superior outcomes of European countries with lower poverty and universal insurance, the equality of European life spans between rich and poor areas, and the decline of the Black-white longevity gap in America coinciding with greater insurance protection and anti-poverty spending—all point to the same conclusion: Our lives and our life spans are more interconnected than you might think.

For decades, U.S. politicians on the right have resisted calls for income redistribution and universal insurance under the theory that inequality was a fair price to pay for freedom. But now we know that the price of inequality is paid in early death—for Americans of all races, ages, and income levels. With or without a pandemic, when it comes to keeping Americans alive, we really are all in this together.

Derek Thompson is a staff writer at The Atlantic, where he writes about economics, technology, and the media.

detbuch 09-13-2021 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1214042)
One of the reasons why looking at how race affects us all is important

America has a death problem.

Critical Race Theory is going to solve America's death problem?

Pete F. 09-13-2021 01:46 PM

You have a complete misconception of what critical race theory is
How surprising
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 09-13-2021 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1214048)
You have a complete misconception of what critical race theory is
How surprising

So Critical Race Theory is not going to solve our death problem?

The Dad Fisherman 09-13-2021 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1214049)
So Critical Race Theory is not going to solve our death problem?

It's the Hair-Restoring, Hemorhoid-soothing, life-prolonging miracle elixir we've been waiting for.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 09-13-2021 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1214049)
So Critical Race Theory is not going to solve our death problem?

Just like in the rest of life, only propaganda and gaslighting provide a simple, elegant and incorrect solution to a problem.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 09-13-2021 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1214052)
Just like in the rest of life, only propaganda and gaslighting provide a simple, elegant and incorrect solution to a problem.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Since the subject of this thread is Critical Race Theory, one might assume that you are suggesting that it is propaganda and gaslighting.

detbuch 10-25-2021 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1214052)
Just like in the rest of life, only propaganda and gaslighting provide a simple, elegant and incorrect solution to a problem.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Critical Race Theory IS gaslighting and propaganda:

Pete F. 10-25-2021 01:31 PM

Poor starving victim

How The Rise Of White Identity Politics Explains The Fight Over Critical Race Theory
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 10-25-2021 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1216357)
Poor starving victim

How The Rise Of White Identity Politics Explains The Fight Over Critical Race Theory
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

do schools teach which political party was on the wrong side of the slavery and segregation issues? i bet not.

if today’s whites are responsible for slavery, why aren’t today’s democrats.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 10-25-2021 01:55 PM

Not a political science student are you?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 10-25-2021 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1216358)
do schools teach which political party was on the wrong side of the slavery and segregation issues? i bet not.

if today’s whites are responsible for slavery, why aren’t today’s democrats.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Today, Black Americans are the strongest Democratic constituency and White Southerners are the strongest Republican group—but it used to be the other way around. The usual story places 1960s civil rights policymaking at the center of the switch, but an important prior history in the North and the South made it possible. Keneshia Grant finds that the Great Migration north changed the Democratic Party because Black voters became pivotal in Democratic cities like New York, Chicago, and Detroit, leading politicians to respond, including new Black elected officials. Boris Heersink finds that Southern Republican state parties became battles between racially mixed and lily-white factions, mostly for control of patronage due to national convention influence. The lily-white takeovers enabled early Republican gains in the South. These trends predated national civil rights policymaking and help explain how we reached today’s divided regional and racial politics.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 10-25-2021 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1216359)
Not a political science student are you?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

enough to know which party fought for slavery, fought for segregation, fights against school choice, and is in charge of the majority of our large urban cities, which have seen a Holocaust of fatherlessness after 50 years of one-party rule. oh, the same party which refused to celebrate lowest black unemployment ever, at Trumps state of the union.

a white kid who’s a descendent of John Brown, owes something because of collective guilt over slavery? makes all kinds of sense
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 10-25-2021 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1216357)
Poor starving victim

I didn't realize that I was starving. I don't feel like I am. Not losing any weight. Bur if you say so, it must be true.
Thanks for telling me. I'll tell Biden, and, for sure, he'll see to it that I get some food. I have noticed that my food prices have gone up quite a bit. And for everything else too. I'm sure he's on it. We're good.

How The Rise Of White Identity Politics Explains The Fight Over Critical Race Theory
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

The "critical difference between my video and your article re CRT is that my video analyzes in detail various aspects of CRT but your article doesn't. Barely talks about it at all. Your article is, like CRT--gaslighting.

Pete F. 10-25-2021 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1216361)
enough to know which party fought for slavery, fought for segregation, fights against school choice, and is in charge of the majority of our large urban cities, which have seen a Holocaust of fatherlessness after 50 years of one-party rule. oh, the same party which refused to celebrate lowest black unemployment ever, at Trumps state of the union.

a white kid who’s a descendent of John Brown, owes something because of collective guilt over slavery? makes all kinds of sense
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

The anti-CRT bills, threats, & protests copy almost verbatim the racist language of Massive Resistance, Citizens Councils, & the Klan, even down to the red-baiting.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 10-25-2021 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1216369)
The anti-CRT bills, threats, & protests copy almost verbatim the racist language of Massive Resistance, Citizens Councils, & the Klan, even down to the red-baiting.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

There you go again with analysis by comparisons--actually, not even analysis. Your look at this other shiny object methodology is, here's a comparison for you, your methodology is like a sort of gaslighting.

Actually it is a form of gaslighting. You try to convince us by deflecting to something else in order to convince us that what is obvious actual analysis as in my video is not true.

My video is actually an analysis of CRT, not a deflection to another subject. Go ahead and deal with the content of the video . . . if you can.

scottw 10-25-2021 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1214048)
You have a complete misconception of what critical race theory is
How surprising
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I heard Condoleeza talking about CRT recently....but you probably know much more about education, academia, racism and even more about being black than she does :)

scottw 10-25-2021 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1216370)

Go ahead and deal with the content of the video . . . if you can.

every time I think pete can't become more unhinged...he impresses me

Jim in CT 10-25-2021 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1216372)
I heard Condoleeza talking about CRT recently....but you probably know much more about education, academia, racism and even more about being black than she does :)

msnbc host today said Rice is just a mouthpiece for white supremacy. Nice!

let’s force kids to learn everything about slavery and segregation, except that it was the democrats who fought to keep those institutions. that part we keep secret.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

spence 10-25-2021 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1216379)
let’s force kids to learn everything about slavery and segregation, except that it was the democrats who fought to keep those institutions. that part we keep secret.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

If you keep saying this my head is going to explode. I don't believe you're an actuarial if you are really this dense.

Jim in CT 10-25-2021 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1216380)
If you keep saying this my head is going to explode. I don't believe you're an actuarial if you are really this dense.

so it wasn’t the democrats who fought for slavery and segregation, who oppose school
choice, and created modern day plantations in our cities?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 10-25-2021 06:46 PM

Let’s see, in the full 116th Congress, the overwhelming majority of racial and ethnic nonwhite members are Democrats (90%), while just 10% are Republicans.
I guess the rest didn’t get your memo
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 10-25-2021 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1216380)
If you keep saying this my head is going to explode. I don't believe you're an actuarial if you are really this dense.

Did you refer to Jim as “an actuarial” and then call him dense?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 10-25-2021 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1216384)
Let’s see, in the full 116th Congress, the overwhelming majority of racial and ethnic nonwhite members are Democrats (90%), while just 10% are Republicans.
I guess the rest didn’t get your memo
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

not what i asked

which party fought for slavery, segregation, against school

i’m well aware of how blacks vote.

any chance you can just answer
my question?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 10-26-2021 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1216389)
not what i asked

which party fought for slavery, segregation, against school

i’m well aware of how blacks vote.

any chance you can just answer
my question?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I’ve answered your question plenty of times
It’s pretty simple to find how the parties flipped sides on race in the past century
You can ignore history but can’t rewrite it
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 10-26-2021 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1216396)
I’ve answered your question plenty of times
It’s pretty simple to find how the parties flipped sides on race in the past century
You can ignore history but can’t rewrite it
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Oh…the old "party flipping" conspiracy theory again….that’s a good one……

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 10-26-2021 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1216396)
I’ve answered your question plenty of times
It’s pretty simple to find how the parties flipped sides on race in the past century
You can ignore history but can’t rewrite it
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

no, you’ve “said” the parties flipped on race, you haven’t shown it.

the gop is for slavery and segregation?

the liberals oppose school
choice, didn’t cheer for record low black unemployment at Trumps SOTU ( but they cheered and danced for themselves), they sit by and do nothing while liberal welfare inflicts a Holocaust of fatherlessness into blacks, they kept robert byrd in the senate for 375 years…

it’s all lip service. look at what liberals are doing to blacks in the big cities. everything about liberalism is designed to keep poor bocks in the big cities, and to keep them poor and dependent on government so they have a reliable voting block.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 10-26-2021 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1216400)

it’s all lip service. look at what liberals are doing to blacks in the big cities. everything about liberalism is designed to keep poor bocks in the big cities, and to keep them poor and dependent on government so they have a reliable voting block.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I thought everything wasn’t a conspiracy ?

That didn’t last long
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 10-26-2021 06:13 AM

Nice Jim, let's grab a perceived inaccuracy within the argument, proceed to attack the #^&#^&#^&#^& out of it by calling it "deceitful & extreme" so the bystanders pay attention to the "inaccuracy" & the core issue is completely downplayed. How was that called? Straw-man fallacy? lol..
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 10-26-2021 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1216405)
I thought everything wasn’t a conspiracy ?

That didn’t last long
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

not every buses that’s different from yours, is a paranoid conspiracy.

the social science couldn’t be more clear, the root cause of then issues facing blacks today is fatherlessness. i don’t say that because i like it. i say it because it’s true.

but all liberals want to do, is give them slightly larger welfare checks, where of course the welfare check is even larger when there’s no man around, which incentivizes fatherlessness. so after 50 years of this, it’s hard not to conclude that it’s intentional. either that, or your side is too stupid to see the evidence right in front of their faces.

it’s not some wild conspiracy. it’s what’s happening.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 10-26-2021 08:01 AM

Written by Dahleen Glanton

This Father’s Day, I’d like to do something that is long overdue. I’m going to praise African-American men.

Not my own father, who had a profound effect on my life, but the countless other black men who strive, even under the most challenging circumstances, to be good dads.

Some people will argue that such men are rare, or that they do not exist.

They blame the violence and other social ills of impoverished communities on the absence of black men in their children’s lives. They pretend as though single-parent homes are exclusive to African-Americans, and use this misinformation to make moral judgments about black women and the men who father their children.

They paint all black men with one broad stroke, as chronic baby-makers who abandon their responsibilities even before their children are born. And they paint the sons of these black men with the same brush, condemning them to repeat the mistakes learned from their birth fathers.

They ignore the accomplishments of men like Barack Obama, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Dr. Ben Carson, baseball great Jackie Robinson, playwright August Wilson, Stevie Wonder and Malcolm X — all raised without their biological fathers in the home and became great men.

I could say that the common stereotype of the black man as a deadbeat father is only a myth. But the truth is much more sinister. It is a lie that was planted the moment black men set foot on American soil as slaves, and it has been cultivated for generations with plenty of help from the media.

Could some black men do a better job of raising their children? Absolutely. But so could some white men, Hispanic men, Asian men and others.

Studies have shown that a father’s involvement increases a child’s chances for academic success and reduces the chances of delinquency and substance abuse. But it is not a panacea for all the social issues that contribute to violence and other issues that plague poor African-American communities. Factors such as joblessness, economic disinvestment and institutional racism are beyond any father’s control.

It is indeed troubling, though, that nearly 70 percent of black children are born out of wedlock, according to government statistics. The number far exceeds the 29 percent of white children, 53 percent of Hispanic children and 12 percent of Asian children born in similar circumstances.

But marital status doesn’t tell the whole story.

Statistics also show that 36 percent of white males divorce. But no one questions their relationship with the children they leave behind. The truth is there is no evidence proving that black men who never married their child’s mother care less about their children than white men who divorced theirs.

Five years ago, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a report that debunked several stereotypes about black fathers. According to the report, African-American dads, in fact, spend more time in their children’s day-to-day lives than those in other ethnic groups.

The survey, which was conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics, found that 70 percent of African-American fathers who live with young children bathed, diapered, dressed or helped their kids use the toilet every day, compared with 60 percent of white fathers and 45 percent of Latino fathers.

While all fathers, regardless of race, who live away from their children tend to spend less time with them, the study found that black fathers are no less involved in their children’s lives than other dads. More than half of black fathers talk to their kids about their day several times a week or more. That’s a higher percentage than white or Latino fathers who live apart from their children.

The Pew Research Center found similar evidence of black father involvement. Though black fathers are more likely to live apart from their children, 67 percent of them see their kids at least once a month, compared with 59 percent of white fathers and 32 percent of Hispanic fathers.

What can we surmise from this? There are lots of good African-American fathers out there.

Jim in CT 10-26-2021 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1216424)
Written by Dahleen Glanton

This Father’s Day, I’d like to do something that is long overdue. I’m going to praise African-American men.

Not my own father, who had a profound effect on my life, but the countless other black men who strive, even under the most challenging circumstances, to be good dads.

Some people will argue that such men are rare, or that they do not exist.

They blame the violence and other social ills of impoverished communities on the absence of black men in their children’s lives. They pretend as though single-parent homes are exclusive to African-Americans, and use this misinformation to make moral judgments about black women and the men who father their children.

They paint all black men with one broad stroke, as chronic baby-makers who abandon their responsibilities even before their children are born. And they paint the sons of these black men with the same brush, condemning them to repeat the mistakes learned from their birth fathers.

They ignore the accomplishments of men like Barack Obama, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Dr. Ben Carson, baseball great Jackie Robinson, playwright August Wilson, Stevie Wonder and Malcolm X — all raised without their biological fathers in the home and became great men.

I could say that the common stereotype of the black man as a deadbeat father is only a myth. But the truth is much more sinister. It is a lie that was planted the moment black men set foot on American soil as slaves, and it has been cultivated for generations with plenty of help from the media.

Could some black men do a better job of raising their children? Absolutely. But so could some white men, Hispanic men, Asian men and others.

Studies have shown that a father’s involvement increases a child’s chances for academic success and reduces the chances of delinquency and substance abuse. But it is not a panacea for all the social issues that contribute to violence and other issues that plague poor African-American communities. Factors such as joblessness, economic disinvestment and institutional racism are beyond any father’s control.

It is indeed troubling, though, that nearly 70 percent of black children are born out of wedlock, according to government statistics. The number far exceeds the 29 percent of white children, 53 percent of Hispanic children and 12 percent of Asian children born in similar circumstances.

But marital status doesn’t tell the whole story.

Statistics also show that 36 percent of white males divorce. But no one questions their relationship with the children they leave behind. The truth is there is no evidence proving that black men who never married their child’s mother care less about their children than white men who divorced theirs.

Five years ago, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a report that debunked several stereotypes about black fathers. According to the report, African-American dads, in fact, spend more time in their children’s day-to-day lives than those in other ethnic groups.

The survey, which was conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics, found that 70 percent of African-American fathers who live with young children bathed, diapered, dressed or helped their kids use the toilet every day, compared with 60 percent of white fathers and 45 percent of Latino fathers.

While all fathers, regardless of race, who live away from their children tend to spend less time with them, the study found that black fathers are no less involved in their children’s lives than other dads. More than half of black fathers talk to their kids about their day several times a week or more. That’s a higher percentage than white or Latino fathers who live apart from their children.

The Pew Research Center found similar evidence of black father involvement. Though black fathers are more likely to live apart from their children, 67 percent of them see their kids at least once a month, compared with 59 percent of white fathers and 32 percent of Hispanic fathers.

What can we surmise from this? There are lots of good African-American fathers out there.

"Some people will argue that such men are rare, or that they do not exist."

No one ever, ever said that good black dads don't exist. Pete, you yourself do this all the time, you respond to something no one ever said.

(1) 75% of black babies are born without a father.

(2) kids, especially boys, need a good strong Dad.

Again, I don't post those things because it supports a cause of mine. I post them because they are obviously true

"70 percent of African-American fathers who live with young children bathed, diapered, dressed or helped their kids use the toilet every day"

Irrelevant. No ne is saying that black fathers who are there, aren't doing a good job. The problem is too many kids don't have a dad.

"there is no evidence proving that black men who never married their child’s mother care less about their children than white men who divorced theirs."

Again, no one is making that claim, so who cares.

"Though black fathers are more likely to live apart from their children, 67 percent of them see their kids at least once a month"

Wow!! Seeing your kid once a month!! I'm so impressed!! I was all worried about nothing!

Kids born to poverty in urban cities (disproportionately black) REALLY need good strong dads. And most of those kids don't have them, which is the best guarantee in the world, of continuing the cycle of poverty.

What a profoundly stupid post.

And you proved my point. For political reasons, you're willing to deny what the real problem is. Which means, you don't care about fixing the problem. You thought you were refuting me, when of course you did the opposite. The exact opposite. You'd rather feel like you won a political argument with a nobody who you'll never meet, than just admit the glaringly obvious. You can't admit the glaringly obvious unless it supports liberalism.

Seeing your kid once a month makes you a responsible dad. Give me a f-cking break. You're beyond stupid. If a liberal said "the earth is flat", that's good enough for you. You think the rates of seeing your child once a month, is a barometer for whether or not a group has good dads.

All kids, of all races, need good dads. The consequences of fatherlessness don't differ much by race. But fatherlessness is WAY more rampant in the black community than it is for other races.

For Gods sake Pete, if racism was a big factor in anything, why are Asians the most economically successful ethnicity in the country? Asians are wealthier than whites. How could that possibly happen in a nation of white supremacists?

Answer - Asian culture places huge importance on strong families, and the incredible power of education and hard work. That's it. Nothing to do with race. Zip.

scottw 10-26-2021 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1216426)

No one ever, ever said that good black dads don't exist. Pete, you yourself do this all the time, you respond to something no one ever said.

pete hears things a gives him the opportunity to go find lots of words to cut and's like virtual scrapbooking or something

Jim in CT 10-26-2021 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1216427)
pete hears things a gives him the opportunity to go find lots of words to cut and's like virtual scrapbooking or something

they all do it. the author of that stupid article sure did it.

i guess it’s the only card you have left, when you know that you can’t respond to what someone actually said, without embarrassing yourself

they never, ever respond to the question why, if were a racist country, asians do better than whites

And one side has had enough of how well asians are doing, and is now illegally denying asian students admission to elite schools. it ain’t conservatives doing that.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 10-26-2021 09:19 AM

Never a trope that Jim doesn't like

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