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nightfighter 11-10-2018 08:39 AM

Enough, I'm done
The turning point incident may go down in history as a nothing footnote (denying he knows Whitaker.) It is simply the straw that broke the camel's back for me. Incessantly contradicting previous recorded statements, boldface lying to the American public. As a lifelong right leaning conservative, I was taught to support our presidents, be they of one party or the other. But I cannot be in this president's corner anymore. Impeachment proceedings, unfortunate as that may be for the country, would not upset me....

His act may be business as usual in New York real estate dealings with his fellow shysters or Putin, but not with me. Stop playing me for stupid....

To think I came so very close to putting a Trump sign on my lawn... because I was going to vote against HRC no matter what, and probably would again. Makes me wonder how history will look back on this time. The nation is more fractured than in 1968-69.

Nebe 11-10-2018 09:02 AM

Wise decision. I believe we are in for 2 years of relentless fighting in DC. :(
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 11-10-2018 09:07 AM

My biggest issue with Trump has always been his character or lack of character .. from the 1 debate he was in .. Never just because he was a Republican

Sadly in today's political climate .. others now may call you a RINO for taking such a position of honesty and integrity .....

spence 11-10-2018 10:21 AM

I think you’re going to see some serious GOP contenders in 2020 try to challenge an incumbent like we’ve never seen in our lifetime.

It is that bad.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Nebe 11-10-2018 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1155165)
I think you’re going to see some serious GOP contenders in 2020 try to challenge an incumbent like we’ve never seen in our lifetime.

It is that bad.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Including Pence
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 11-10-2018 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1155165)
I think you’re going to see some serious GOP contenders in 2020 try to challenge an incumbent like we’ve never seen in our lifetime.

It is that bad.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

a. your predictions rarely come to pass
b. he's going to be impeached isn't he? least in the house
c. muller is going to throw him in jail for collusion and other
d. he's probably not going to live that long..all of these doctors have
warned that he's mentally and physically unstable...they said that
about McCain too when he was running what do they

so if you believe the left and the fake news media......he won't even be around to be challenged in 2020...aaaand we'll all be dead thanks to trump anyway

Nikki Haley/Condi Rice 2020 :humpty:

PaulS 11-10-2018 11:18 AM

A Trump Hack Hacks Justice

If Whitaker does not recuse himself from the Mueller inquiry, Democrats should impeach him.
By Bret Stephens

Opinion Columnist
Nov. 9, 2018

On Friday, President Trump tried to distance to himself from Matthew Whitaker, the man he chose to replace Jeff Sessions as attorney general.CreditCreditSarah Silbiger/The New York Times

Of all the ways in which Donald Trump’s presidency has made America worse, nothing epitomizes it quite so fully as the elevation of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general of the United States. Intellectually honest conservatives — the six or seven who remain, at any rate — need to say this, loudly. His appointment represents an unprecedented assault on the integrity and reputation of the Justice Department, the advice and consent function of the Senate, and the rule of law in the United States.

How so? A first-pass list:

Unqualified. Until this week, perhaps the least qualified attorney general in living memory was Alberto Gonzales, who served unhappily in George W. Bush’s second term before he resigned under a legal cloud. Yet Gonzales could still be credited for service in the Air Force, a Harvard law degree, four years of service as White House counsel, and a two-year stint as a justice on the Texas Supreme Court.

That makes Gonzales the intellectual equivalent of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. next to Whitaker, whose legal credentials include a little more than a year at the Justice Department as Jeff Sessions’s chief of staff, a couple of unsuccessful political runs in Iowa, a stint as a U.S. attorney, and work at regional law firms. Never in the history of the Justice Department has so much rested on the shoulders of someone who can boast of so little.

Shady. Kudos to Brittany Shammas of the Miami New Times for breaking the story that Whitaker served as a paid board member of World Patent Marketing, which was shut down in May by a federal court in Florida and ordered to pay a $25 million settlement following a complaint by the Federal Trade Commission that it was a business scam. Whitaker wrote at least one bullying email to a customer who threatened to complain to the Better Business Bureau about the company’s business practices.

Now it turns out that the Miami office of the F.B.I. is conducting a criminal investigation of World Patent Marketing. This would be the same F.B.I. that Whitaker oversees in his new job.

A hack. Also shady is the conservative “watchdog” group FACT, or Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust, which Whitaker ran from a mostly virtual Washington address to gather dirt on Hillary Clinton, Merrick Garland and other G.O.P. enemies. This isn’t illegal. It’s just scummy and disreputable and indicative of the world Whitaker inhabited before his sudden elevation.

A crackpot. Whitaker was asked in 2014 to name “some of the worst decisions in the Supreme Court’s history.” He did not mention Dred Scott v. Sandford, the worst decision ever. He did not mention Plessy v. Ferguson, the second worst. He didn’t even mention Roe v. Wade or Griswold v. Connecticut, the abortion cases reviled by the Christian right to which he belongs.

Instead, he named Marbury v. Madison, which, he lamented, made the Supreme Court “the final arbiter of constitutional issues.” This is not a quarrel with a ruling. It is an objection to the system. We have an acting attorney general who does not believe in the Constitutional order of which he is the chief legal officer.

Barely legal. I’m not fully convinced by the argument made in a Times op-ed by Neal Katyal and George Conway (Kellyanne’s better half) that Whitaker’s appointment is unconstitutional because the acting A.G. has not been confirmed for the job by the Senate. Among other questions, their argument rests too heavily on a concurrence written by Clarence Thomas in a case involving an appointment to the National Labor Relations Board.

But if Whitaker’s appointment is legal thanks to the Vacancies Reform Act, it’s, ahem, barely legal. Acting A.G.’s are typically placeholders, previously confirmed to deputy-level positions, who serve in office for a few days pending Senate approval of a successor. Whitaker is being installed for what could be a seven-month term, and perhaps twice as long. A Republican Senate that allows a Republican president to evade its advice and consent function licenses every future president to do the same.

Dangerous. Democrats are concerned about what Whitaker’s elevation means for Robert Mueller’s investigation. They’re right to be. Whitaker’s public record of aggressive hostility to the Mueller probe disqualifies him from overseeing it. If he does not recuse himself from the role, the Democratic House should immediately move to impeach him. The Senate isn’t likely to convict, but let Republicans own this fiasco.

It says something about how atrocious this appointment is that even Trump is now distancing himself from Whitaker, falsely claiming not to know him despite the latter’s repeated Oval Office visits. It’s the Michael Cohen treatment. When a rat smells a rat, it’s a rat. Only a Republican in 2018 could fail to notice.

Bret L. Stephens has been an Opinion columnist with The Times since April 2017.

scottw 11-10-2018 11:41 AM


"On September 22, 2017, a Justice Department official announced that Attorney General Jeff Sessions had appointed Whitaker to replace Jody Hunt as his Chief of Staff.[58][59]

Acting Attorney General

With the resignation of Sessions on November 7, 2018, Whitaker was appointed to serve as Acting Attorney General under the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998."

settle down you drooling, rabid lunatics :happy:

somebody organize a protest/march....anyone have any good hat ideas??

Nebe 11-10-2018 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1155169)
a. your predictions rarely come to pass
b. he's going to be impeached isn't he? least in the house
c. muller is going to throw him in jail for collusion and other
d. he's probably not going to live that long..all of these doctors have
warned that he's mentally and physically unstable...they said that
about McCain too when he was running what do they

so if you believe the left and the fake news media......he won't even be around to be challenged in 2020...aaaand we'll all be dead thanks to trump anyway

Nikki Haley/Condi Rice 2020 :humpty:

He’s been sniffing the e6000 again.....
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

JohnR 11-10-2018 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1155161)
The turning point incident may go down in history as a nothing footnote (denying he knows Whitaker.) It is simply the straw that broke the camel's back for me. Incessantly contradicting previous recorded statements, boldface lying to the American public. As a lifelong right leaning conservative, I was taught to support our presidents, be they of one party or the other. But I cannot be in this president's corner anymore. Impeachment proceedings, unfortunate as that may be for the country, would not upset me....

His act may be business as usual in New York real estate dealings with his fellow shysters or Putin, but not with me. Stop playing me for stupid....

To think I came so very close to putting a Trump sign on my lawn... because I was going to vote against HRC no matter what, and probably would again. Makes me wonder how history will look back on this time. The nation is more fractured than in 1968-69.

I was never close to putting a Trump sign on my lawn. I am just hoping we can wait it out until 2020.

What I can no longer do is vote Dem unless it is a really good candidate. I cannot align myself with people that align with those that would take my rights from me or give my property to give to others.

Ross: Vote your conscience, vote for your beliefs, and vote for people that would support those. Trump ain't that guy, never will be. But to violate your own principles and support those that would trash you in a NY second in any other scenario is also rash.

Got Stripers 11-10-2018 05:08 PM

This has been so hard to watch, the lying, the negativity, the division and we have to put up with it for two more years. Then what? If I had to watch Trump lying and sparing with the free press for four more years, could be time to cut the cable, ditch the TV and start reading books.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Cool Beans 11-10-2018 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1155188)
This has been so hard to watch, the lying, the negativity, the division and we have to put up with it for two more years. Then what? If I had to watch Trump lying and sparing with the free press for four more years, could be time to cut the cable, ditch the TV and start reading books.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Or, here's a crazy idea, ignore the damn news and GO FISHING!!!

Duke41 11-10-2018 06:15 PM

Lets go over some of the winners we have had to pick from.

Trump vs Clinton Lose/Lose
Obama vs Romney More or the same/Some type of soulless elitist
Obama vs. McCain New Hope Guy/Old school Rep
Bush vs. Kerry Devil we know / Wimp
Bush vs. Gore Little rich boy/ Guy that got cheated by the Supreme Court

Bill Clinton was the last decent president we have had and still the country was a #^&#^&#^&#^& show. Thanks to that huge hypocrite Newt (the douche) Gingrich.

I don't expect a lot to change until somehow we can force thru term limits and make lobbying illegal. Until then vote every time you can and turn off the news and go fish.

Got Stripers 11-11-2018 08:53 AM

Well if they do put an end to Trump's presidency over what they may have uncovered proving he broke the law in order to get elected, at least he can move out west and head up forestry management as apparently he is now an expert on that as well.

scottw 11-12-2018 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by Duke41 (Post 1155191)

Bill Clinton was the last decent president

define "decent"

Ian 11-12-2018 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1155205)
Well if they do put an end to Trump's presidency over what they may have uncovered proving he broke the law in order to get elected, at least he can move out west and head up forestry management as apparently he is now an expert on that as well.

The fires out west are burning in the forest, he can’t handle anything outside a dumpster
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 11-12-2018 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1155205)
Well if they do put an end to Trump's presidency over what they may have uncovered proving he broke the law in order to get elected, at least he can move out west and head up forestry management as apparently he is now an expert on that as well.

So when you criticize Trump on how he is managing the presidency, that makes you an expert on the Presidency?

Got Stripers 11-12-2018 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Cool Beans (Post 1155189)
Or, here's a crazy idea, ignore the damn news and GO FISHING!!!

No need to take that advice, just waiting for the calm, killer tog day today, forgot all about politics for an entire day.

Got Stripers 11-12-2018 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1155243)
So when you criticize Trump on how he is managing the presidency, that makes you an expert on the Presidency?

I'm no expert on what I'm sure is one of the toughest jobs in the world, but I'm pretty sure Trump has no clue about forestry management and as usual his empathy is overwhelming. Dozens dead, entire towns burnt to the ground and he's threatening no more federal funds because they haven't managed the forestry......really I mean really? Maybe smokey the bear and he can sit down and come up with a plan to solve those pesky forest fires.

detbuch 11-12-2018 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1155250)
I'm no expert on what I'm sure is one of the toughest jobs in the world, but I'm pretty sure Trump has no clue about forestry management and as usual his empathy is overwhelming. Dozens dead, entire towns burnt to the ground and he's threatening no more federal funds because they haven't managed the forestry......really I mean really? Maybe smokey the bear and he can sit down and come up with a plan to solve those pesky forest fires.

I doubt if Trump was speaking on his own. There have been articles on the forest mismanagement re fires. Don't specifically recall, but remember something about not using the planned burning program to prevent serious fires due to overgrowth. I think Trump bounces off of something he's read or has been advised about.

detbuch 11-12-2018 04:11 PM

Prescribed burns to prevent major fires:

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