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JohnR 07-15-2009 07:04 PM

No memorial service at the Staples Center
Ran across this a few minutes ago and felt the need to spread the word:


We’re hearing a lot today about big splashy memorial services.

I want a nationwide memorial service for Darrell “Shifty” Powers.

Shifty volunteered for the airborne in WWII and served with Easy Company of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, part of the 101st Airborne Infantry. If you’ve seen Band of Brothers on HBO or the History Channel, you know Shifty. His character appears in all 10 episodes, and Shifty himself is interviewed in several of them.

I met Shifty in the Philadelphia airport several years ago. I didn’t know who he was at the time. I just saw an elderly gentleman having trouble reading his ticket. I offered to help, assured him that he was at the right gate, and noticed the “Screaming Eagle”, the symbol of the 101st Airborne, on his hat.

Making conversation, I asked him if he’d been in the 101st Airborne or if his son was serving. He said quietly that he had been in the 101st. I thanked him for his service, then asked him when he served, and how many jumps he made.

Quietly and humbly, he said “Well, I guess I signed up in 1941 or so, and was in until sometime in 1945 . . . ” at which point my heart skipped.

At that point, again, very humbly, he said “I made the 5 training jumps at Toccoa, and then jumped into Normandy . . . . do you know where Normandy is?” At this point my heart stopped.

I told him yes, I know exactly where Normandy was, and I know what D-Day was. At that point he said “I also made a second jump into Holland , into Arnhem .” I was standing with a genuine war hero . . . . and then I realized that it was June, just after the anniversary of D-Day.

I asked Shifty if he was on his way back from France , and he said “Yes. And it’s real sad because these days so few of the guys are left, and those that are, lots of them can’t make the trip.” My heart was in my throat and I didn’t know what to say.

I helped Shifty get onto the plane and then realized he was back in Coach, while I was in First Class. I sent the flight attendant back to get him and said that I wanted to switch seats. When Shifty came forward, I got up out of the seat and told him I wanted him to have it, that I’d take his in coach.

He said “No, son, you enjoy that seat. Just knowing that there are still some who remember what we did and still care is enough to make an old man very happy.” His eyes were filling up as he said it. And mine are brimming up now as I write this.

Shifty died on June 17 after fighting cancer.

There was no parade.

No big event in Staples Center .

No wall to wall back to back 24×7 news coverage.

No weeping fans on television.

And that’s not right.

Let’s give Shifty his own Memorial Service, online, in our own quiet way. Please forward this email to everyone you know. Especially to the veterans.

Rest in peace, Shifty.

I think I will get a couple beers, throw in Band of Brothers and toast to Darrel "Shifty" Powers. Tomorrow I am going to make a donation towards a veterans service.

justplugit 07-15-2009 07:21 PM

How soon we forget the sacrifices of those who served and are serving
to keep us safe and allow us our freedoms.
They and their families are all heroes in my eyes.
God Bless them all.

Slipknot 07-15-2009 08:07 PM

Rest in peace Shifty
God bless him and his family

thanks for posting that John, I remember him from Band of Brothers.
the world could use more people like him

Backbeach Jake 07-15-2009 08:42 PM

We are a very strange people
When a man like that can walk and live among us all but unnoticed. And we nearly deify a song and dance man. Thanks Shifty and thank all your "brothers". There are more like you, thank God,and they serve we the undeserving across the World today.

hulkyj61 07-15-2009 09:24 PM

Rest in Peace Shifty

It is the Soldier, not the minister
Who has given us freedom of religion.

It is the Soldier, not the reporter
Who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the Soldier, not the poet
Who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer
Who has given us freedom to protest.

It is the Soldier, not the lawyer
Who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the Soldier, not the politician
Who has given us the right to vote.

It is the Soldier who salutes the flag,
Who serves beneath the flag,
And whose coffin is draped by the flag,
Who allows the protester to burn the flag.

Charles M. Province

Raven 07-16-2009 04:32 AM

thank you Shifty
For the freedoms you gave us

for your service to our country

for your bravery

and your sacrifice

Rest in Peace

Crafty Angler 07-16-2009 08:55 AM

For those of you who don't know, the author of that email was Chuck Yeager.

Sad to think of how few of the generation that literally saved the world are left with us today - and how many other remarkable stories of heroism and sacrifice will never be told.

Rest easy, Shifty

Joe 07-16-2009 09:38 AM

A remarkable, humble person. I'm sure there are so many stories under the markers - we'd have grown up in the Hitler Youth without them. Shifty could pop off snipers from a standing position with an M-1 Carbine (without a scope) while under fire :err:
Shifty was the kind of guy you hope you're on the same side as.

Offshore24 07-16-2009 09:47 AM

Thanks John.
Godspeed Shifty.
The wife and I were just talking about how history moves by us every day. I think about how I was born only 13 yrs after the end of WWII. And WWII seems like ancient history. It is not.

wheresmy50 07-16-2009 11:38 AM

RIP Shifty.

If I remember correctly, Shifty Powers was injured on his way back from Germany and had to spend some time in the hospital before he made it home. Imagine spending all that time at war and having to sit in a hospital for months before you can go home.

It's humbling that some gave so much so we could enjoy stupid pleasures like fishing. Thanks Shifty.

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