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FishermanTim 11-09-2016 04:24 PM

Kind of shows the mentality...
of the Dem supporters.
The day AFTER the election, AFTER their party lost, they come out and protest!

Exactly what do they think is going to happen?
Do they expect that the country will just suddenly change it's mind and say "Sorry , but we need to give the prize to her because her followers are having a hissy-fit on the front lawn"??

Or maybe they figure that if they demonstrate that they don't /won't work for a living, they can get more handouts from the "gub'mint"???

Or, as I see it, they are showing just how much they hate "due process" when it doesn't go their way!

Kind of a pattern for the Democrap party supporters....when things go against them, they get angry, disruptive and destructive.

Maybe they can start a "Democratic lives matter" campaign?
They've got 4 years to perfect their rhetoric!

scottw 11-10-2016 04:34 AM

protesting, burning stuff, disrupting the lives of other citizens...yup...that's your " party of love and tolerance" :bl:

scottw 11-10-2016 05:06 AM how

I'd describe what I'm observing.....Facebook friends, particularly the serial memers acting like little children taking social media "time outs" or deleting accounts all together...moving to Canada....these are the same people who enjoy touting their "views" ad nauseum.....and of course protests, burning flags, lives being disrupted by the same folks screaming for love, tolerance and other nonsense....again, like bratty children

it's funny, the argument has long been and often here, particularly on the right, do you nominate someone who is as close to ethically and ideologically pure and run on your principles or do you nominate someone who can win? the left often mocking the repubs for being so narrow in their criteria......The Dems and their media sycophants sneered throughout that the guy that just kicked the crap out of their chosen candidate could never win...he WON BIGLEY ...first repub president since 1928 to have the house and senate as well...I guess that argument has been resolved for now....:D

ecduzitgood 11-10-2016 05:23 AM

"There will be casualties on both sides"....
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 11-10-2016 05:33 AM

Yale Professor Makes Midterm Optional For Special Snowflakes Upset By Trump Victory
By Jackson Ford on November 9, 2016

This may just be the hardest Wednesday ever faced by many young liberals. And it is worse for east-coast academic liberals who were sure–beyond confident–that their candidate was going to waltz through the election on Tuesday.

When Donald Trump obliterated Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States, one Yale professor decided to make his Economics midterm optional. What a genuine show of compassion.

wdmso 11-10-2016 05:38 AM

interesting read on how Trump won

Nothing like a tiny hand full of protester's to rally our right leaning friends.. as if the election went the other way things like this wouldn't happen

So since Trump won the System isn't rigged anymore? or should I assume massive voter fraud helped Trump ? just saying

scottw 11-10-2016 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1111922)

Nothing like a tiny hand full of protester's to rally our right leaning friends.. as if the election went the other way things like this wouldn't happen

So since Trump won the System isn't rigged anymore? or should I assume massive voter fraud helped Trump ? just saying

we have the last two elections for evidence that the right would not likely riot and mountains of evidence that the left loves to...

Trump kicked the crap out of a rigged system start to finish...I don't like him...but that was impressive

and then there's the life long Patriots fans who can no longer in good conscience support their team?!#@? :huh:

Nebe 11-10-2016 08:06 AM

I agree.. its pretty comical to see people posting end of the world stuff on Facebook.

Heres my thoughts on this whole thing- I think that bernie would have beaten trump or hillary had the DNC not pulled the rug from under bernie and did everything that they could to prop up hillary. They got what they deserve.

What Trump wants to do is actually somewhat similar to what Bernie wanted to do, so if i look at his goals only on paper, I am all for 80% of it. term limits!! that is awesome. Everything directly related to DC politics i am all for, but the stuff that is pandering to the white christian vote i am not supportive of.. I will just file that under bigotry and womans rights stuff..

I will speak as presidential as i can and truly hope that Trump can take this task by the boot straps and grab it by the pussy.

detbuch 11-10-2016 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1111938)
I will speak as presidential as i can and truly hope that Trump can take this task by the boot straps and grab it by the pussy.

I resemble that.

ecduzitgood 11-11-2016 01:35 AM

Now labeled as a "riot" by Portland police.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

FishermanTim 11-11-2016 10:25 AM

As I stated from the start..."shows the mentality..."

What I find ironically amusing is that ALL these idiots are showing just how STUPID and IGNORANT they really are!
Exactly what do they expect...that the country is going o just "give in" to their demands?

Funny, that when the Dems won their respective elections there weren't protests and riots, and you didn't see Republicans walking around calling their candidate derogatory names?
No, we took it in stride and looked for the "hope and change" that was promised (but never delivered).

I applaud the use of free speech, but let's face it, these a$$clowns are not protesting a worthy cause, they mad because now their freebies and handouts might come to an end!

Unlike the Hillary leeches, I HAVE to work, and don't have all the free time these apparent losers have to vandalize landmarks and properties in their area!

Thank God I haven't come across any of these idiots......

BigBo 11-11-2016 11:12 AM

Seems to be the majority of the protesters/rioters are the; everyone gets a trophy generation. This is probably the first time that they've had to deal with a loss. And now they're faced with the prospect of having to actually pay back those student loans.

FishermanTim 11-11-2016 11:27 AM

Bo, you hit the nail right on the head!

..They've never really lost at anything and EXPECTED to win even if they lost!

Just think....we were here to see what happens when the "entitlement generation" gets b-slapped back to reality: They can't deal with it!

afterhours 11-11-2016 06:46 PM

pussyfication of a generation coming home to roost.

Rmarsh 11-12-2016 12:00 PM


Nothing like a tiny hand full of protester's to rally our right leaning friends.. as if the election went the other way things like this wouldn't happen

Wayne I respectfully disagree...did you not see the burning of the American flag at some of these protests, that is something you would not see if things went the other way? Protected by the first amendment I know but ....
My Father in law who flew twenty seven bombing missions during WWII as a top turret gunner and was among very few in his group to make it back alive would be disgusted by these fools, may he RIP.

Sea Dangles 11-12-2016 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1111922)
interesting read on how Trump won

Nothing like a tiny hand full of protester's to rally our right leaning friends.. as if the election went the other way things like this wouldn't happen

So since Trump won the System isn't rigged anymore? or should I assume massive voter fraud helped Trump ? just saying

I admire the fact you are not in hiding like Spence the brave. To imply there would be rioting if the outcome was different is a comment born for entertainment. My cousin the lib had predicted a riot on Nov 9th because,like Vegas he predicted a Hillary landslide victory. He was prophetic,just had the wrong party. Ultimately she proved to be unelectable regardless of any and many dirty tricks. Try moving forward while respecting the process.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Raider Ronnie 11-12-2016 04:45 PM

Spence is busy packing for the move to Canada.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Nebe 11-12-2016 08:28 PM

Be gentle with spence. He is not around for other reasons than a Clinton loss.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

justplugit 11-12-2016 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1112103)
Be gentle with spence. He is not around for other reasons than a Clinton loss.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Hope all is well for him.

RIROCKHOUND 11-13-2016 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1112103)
Be gentle with spence. He is not around for other reasons than a Clinton loss.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 11-13-2016 06:05 AM

.....wishing him peace..hope all is ok

piemma 11-13-2016 07:33 AM

He'll be fine. Just give him some space right now.

Raider Ronnie 11-13-2016 09:31 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Brought to you by the party of acceptance & tolerance !
Funded by Soros & Sharpton !

wdmso 11-13-2016 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Raider Ronnie (Post 1112127)
Brought to you by the party of acceptance & tolerance !
Funded by Soros & Sharpton !

A craigslist list post really ?? Republicans won you dont need to post fake stuff any more

but the below isn't fake his tweet :Trump called for protests in 2012, calls them 'unfair' now

protest all you want start destorying property enjoy your Pepper spray

scottw 11-14-2016 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1112137)

but the below isn't fake his tweet

MSNBC & BRIAN WILLIAMS..."isn't fake"...............:hihi::rotflmao:

I'd once again point out the difference between saying things and doing many protests and marches were there after Nov 7th 2012 and how many turned violent. destructive and disruptive ????

better many needed Playdough, Safe Space, Cry-Ins, Grief Pets and Counseling to cope with the results of an election....

time for some self-examination for the bereaved

BigBo 11-14-2016 07:30 AM

Brian Williams???!!! Seriously? The guy that claimed to have been in a military helicopter shot down in Iraq in 2003? Hahahaha :rotflmao:

DZ 11-14-2016 09:30 AM

Well the only good thing about these riots is that they are destroying property in some of the most liberal cities/regions in the nation. That said it would behoove Trumps' campaign to come out and tell those businesses/property owners affected that when he comes into office his administration will help them out with relief. Until then its up for the current administration to make sure their own cities don't destroy themselves. Can't believe Obama hasn't chimed in yet.

PaulS 11-15-2016 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by DZ (Post 1112171)
Well the only good thing about these riots is that they are destroying property in some of the most liberal cities/regions in the nation.


DZ 11-15-2016 10:59 AM

I guess that statement is a bit harsh as I don’t like seeing any innocent property owner hurt. Let me try and explain it a little better. I find it somewhat ironic that these protesters/rioters in Portland, which is a very liberal city, are in all likelihood destroying the property (cars, businesses, etc,) of people who think and voted the same as them. And by doing this they are alienating these democrats (as shown in the numbers on how many democrat voters switched parties in this election) and not mobilizing their own base, but in fact doing a great job of mobilizing the base of those on the right. Their actions and the actions of many like them across this country, are why Trump is our next president.

PaulS 11-15-2016 11:23 AM

I think the protestors where anticipating that Trump's election would unleash racism and anti-Semitism. Unfortunately, that is exactly what we are seeing.

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