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Slipknot 06-04-2011 05:22 AM

Theives really suck!
I had no computer and have been busy working slave work for 2 months , but have computer back now and wanted to post this.

Back on Mothers day weekend we get 4 hanging plants , the wife chooses a beautiful coral and blue plant for hers. We put it on the hanger in front of the house Sat. afternoon, then go to my brothers' house for a few hours to visit and give my sister in law a plant for mothers day also. Sunday comes and Melissa asks her mother if she liked her plant out front, mother says what plant? well it's gone :fury:
some lowlife walked up on our property and took the plant:smash::smash:
wasn't even there one day, I bet they gave it to their mother:wall:
I hope karma bites them right in their butt.:fury::devil2:

imagine the balls to take a hanging plant right in front of a house :hs:

I drove around a bit looking for it but it's long gone.
it was the only color like that

next time, they go in the backyard:smash:

Raven 06-04-2011 05:57 AM

those dirty rats
time for surveilance camera's !:fury:
they've come way down in price

That really sucks Bruce

BigFish 06-04-2011 09:43 AM

That sucks Bruce! Just reaffirms my faith in humanity....that they suck!!! Lucky it was not your canal bike???:rotf2:

Backbeach Jake 06-04-2011 05:26 PM

How does a person get to the point that he/she/whatever thinks that stealing from a Family's hope is OK. I just can't make that mental leap. Sorry arsed bastages, Karma bites hard.

Goose 06-04-2011 09:11 PM

whats the matter with people, don't they use cemetery's any more

JohnnyD 06-04-2011 09:56 PM

This is what happens when you don't have to put in an honest day's work for your possessions.

Raven 06-05-2011 03:15 AM

on this subject of flowers
my wife and i have noticed lately
that the big thing now adays is flowers

at all of the big retail outlets.... and the
veggies and herbs section has completely shrunk

In fact it's less than 30 days since the last predicted frost
typically on MAY 15th and all the seeds already got moved
plus no potatoes are left to buy for planting...

everyone wants something pretty on the front of their house
and the retailers are charging eye Bulging money for them
close to $30.00 each for the bigger hanging flowering plants
which is why thievery has gone up it seems... :doh:

By the year 2030 they're predicting food prices will double
what they cost today......:uhuh:
ya can't eat flowers (as i'm fond of saying)
but they are much easier to grow.

Dick Durand 06-05-2011 08:53 AM

A couple of summers ago a man stopped at the home of friends asking if he could cut a couple flowers from their beautiful hydrangea. Kindheartedly, she consented only to return afterwards to find her shrubs virtually denuded.

Saltheart 06-05-2011 02:55 PM

Yep , world is full of low lifes now. Worst part is that if they got caught and were questioned about stealing the flower pot , they would say it was your fault for hanging it outside where they could steal it. Even worse , they would actually believe it was your fault for not having it locked up!

Its a really lopsided world right now.

JohnR 06-05-2011 03:45 PM

Remember, the thief is the victim of society ills, not the cause of society's ills.

The truth is something more towards the middle BUT some people have made an industry or reassigning the "victim" label to the person that broke the law.

Slip - it was probably your fault for hanging it outside...

FishermanTim 06-06-2011 10:44 AM

Yeah, it's your fault for not stealing it from your neighbor's!
You also need to stop buying "expensive" toys, tools and other luxury items unless you are prepared to "share" them with others.

Seriously, stealing plants like that would be a "broken hand" offense.
When the value of the crime increases, so does the pain and punishment!

Slipknot 06-09-2011 11:38 AM

ya,my fault , I know :hidin:
I should be ashamed:devil2:

maybe a no tresspassing sign is in order
violators will be shot

BigFish 06-09-2011 11:42 AM

SOLUTION: Metal hanging an electrical wire to them......thief touchie......thief hurtie!!!!!!!!:fury:

Raven 06-09-2011 11:46 AM

reminds me of Spy vs Spy

Swimmer 06-09-2011 01:54 PM

We used to get calls of flowers taken from one grave site and the family would find the flowers at the other end of the cemetary on another stone.

People are stooping lower and lower, thieves have no mojo.

FishermanTim 06-09-2011 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by BigFish (Post 864373)
SOLUTION: Metal hanging an electrical wire to them......thief touchie......thief hurtie!!!!!!!!:fury:

thief touchie......thief fertilizer!!!

FishermanTim 06-09-2011 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Swimmer (Post 864416)
We used to get calls of flowers taken from one grave site and the family would find the flowers at the other end of the cemetary on another stone.

People are stooping lower and lower, thieves have no mojo.

Here's another cemetary scenario:

Person puts a potted plant at grave site, doesn't come back to water or care for said potted plant, and plant dies from lack of water.
I had an uncle who would take home wilting/dying plants from his local cemetary and plant them around his yard.

He had quite an array of flowers year after year.

I can't quite understand someone getting upset if someone else "rescues" their potted plant from certain death if they found it dying in the pot? My person theory is that if you spent that much money on a plant only to let it go to waste, why are you complaining?
I tend to 5 different headstone gardens during the year. I weed, feed, plant and replant them during the growing season.
I see more and more people planting live plants and flowers instead of just dropping off a potted plant. Oh, there are still plenty of the "stop, drop and roll" crowd, but I see more of the planting type each year.

I have rescued a couple of plants myself, but mostly by actually planting them where they were left. I wonder what the family will think when they see the plant flowering all season long?

saltfly 06-09-2011 03:15 PM

how about setting up a game camera and bait them.You just might catch a few VARMITS.

Pete F. 06-09-2011 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by saltfly (Post 864437)
how about setting up a game camera and bait them.You just might catch a few VARMITS.

They always wanted one of those also

justplugit 06-14-2011 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Swimmer (Post 864416)

People are stooping lower and lower, thieves have no mojo.

Last year my wife pulls in the driveway and our neighbor is
standing there next to our Lilac plant with an arm full of flowers
she was picking.
She says to my wife, "you don't mind do you?"
My wife says "it's a little late now isn't it, am i supposed to glue
them back on."

During the summer I'm talking to her young son who tells me
his mother get's her basil from my garden. :smash:

They're everywhere. :(

FishermanTim 06-14-2011 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by justplugit (Post 865598)
Last year my wife pulls in the driveway and our neighbor is
standing there next to our Lilac plant with an arm full of flowers
she was picking.
She says to my wife, "you don't mind do you?"
My wife says "it's a little late now isn't it, am i supposed to glue
them back on."

During the summer I'm talking to her young son who tells me
his mother get's her basil from my garden. :smash:

They're everywhere. :(

Maybe mix in a little poison ivy with the basil? Or maybe a little Nightshade? That will fix the problem once and for all!

Seriously, walk over and present her with a bill for the herbs and flowers she helped herself to. Explain that you thought she KNEW it was a pay-as-you pick garden arrangement?

justplugit 06-14-2011 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by FishermanTim (Post 865649)
Maybe mix in a little poison ivy with the basil? Or maybe a little Nightshade? That will fix the problem once and for all!

Seriously, walk over and present her with a bill for the herbs and flowers she helped herself to. Explain that you thought she KNEW it was a pay-as-you pick garden arrangement?

LOL, all good stuff FT, all great ones. :hihi: :btu:

I did plant the basil in the middle of the garden so she would have to
climb over the fence to get it. Thing of it is, we would have been more than
happy to share both the flowers and basil if she just asked.

Honestly though I forgive very easily, not worth my time. :)

If it was my fishin stuff it would be a different story, but with
light stuff I just leave it to Karma to handle. :hihi:

PaulS 06-14-2011 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by FishermanTim (Post 864435)
I can't quite understand someone getting upset if someone else "rescues" their potted plant from certain death if they found it dying in the pot? ?

So it's ok to steal flowers b/c you think they're going to die?

JohnnyD 06-14-2011 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by justplugit (Post 865674)
I did plant the basil in the middle of the garden so she would have to
climb over the fence to get it. Thing of it is, we would have been more than
happy to share both the flowers and basil if she just asked.

Honestly though I forgive very easily, not worth my time. :)

If it was my fishin stuff it would be a different story, but with
light stuff I just leave it to Karma to handle. :hihi:

People in my private space when they don't belong is a huge pet peeve of mine. Someone picking flowers from my yard or helping themselves to my garden would have me boiling over with anger.

Initially, I'd probably passive-aggressively throw all my grass clippings, leaves and trimmed bushes/limbs into their yard - while they're outside. "Oh you don't mind do you? It'll decompose in about the same amount of time as it'll take for my flowers that you helped yourself to to rebloom."

FishermanTim 06-15-2011 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 865704)
So it's ok to steal flowers b/c you think they're going to die?

It's not stealing if you rescue them from a trash barrel.
For the record, I haven't "taken" any plants from grave sites, that's just bad karma all around. I did take a couple of plants that were being throw out (in a trash barrel) near the grave site I was visiting.

I would be more than willing to plant the plant/flowers where they were left, hoping they would continue to grow and flower all throughout the year.

striperman36 06-15-2011 10:52 AM

that guy tried to do that to Brady ended up doing time

PaulS 06-15-2011 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by FishermanTim (Post 865849)
It's not stealing if you rescue them from a trash barrel.

Agreed - thanks for the clarification.

justplugit 06-15-2011 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 865771)
People in my private space when they don't belong is a huge pet peeve of mine. Someone picking flowers from my yard or helping themselves to my garden would have me boiling over with anger.


Ya, JD i hear ya. When I was young and full of pi$$ and vinegar like
you, I felt the same way.
While not a door mat, as I've grown older I've learned to walk placidly amongst those who are a vexation for minor offenses.. :)

Betta that way as ya get a lot of laughs out of
their ignorance. Karma. :)

JohnnyD 06-16-2011 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by justplugit (Post 865901)
Ya, JD i hear ya. When I was young and full of pi$$ and vinegar like
you, I felt the same way.

Piss and vinegar is but the tip of the iceberg. :cheers:

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