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Jim in CT 09-15-2021 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1214160)
The people moving don't State their moving because of crime or a few people pooping in San Francisco. The ones moving are lower educated poorer folks who can't afford California. The people moving into California make more money an are more highly educated. Lower immigration from other countries has her California also.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

so you found a source which states people claimed they were living for the reason you stated, but didn’t claim and if the reasons i stated. that’s what you’re saying?

google “why are people
leaving california.”.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

spence 09-15-2021 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1214161)
But the AP said the trend started i. 2017. Covid was a big deal in CA in 2017, then?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

No cycle is linear. You sure you work as an actuarial?

I'm serious about this.

PaulS 09-15-2021 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1214163)
so you found a source which states people claimed they were living for the reason you stated, but didn’t claim and if the reasons i stated. that’s what you’re saying?

google “why are people
leaving california.”.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Yeah exactly right
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 09-15-2021 04:10 PM

Pete - “it’s interesting that you claim to be conservative yet want more laws to prevent voter fraud.”.

where the heck did you get the laughably stupid idea, that being conservative means you don’t support any conceivable law?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

spence 09-15-2021 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1214166)
Pete - “it’s interesting that you claim to be conservative yet want more laws to prevent voter fraud.”.

where the heck did you get the laughably stupid idea, that being conservative means you don’t support any conceivable law?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Complete twist.

Jim in CT 09-15-2021 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1214167)
Complete twist.

i’m too old and fat to twist like you guys.

read what he said, please, and if it’s confusing to you, have a child explain it.

there’s nothing anti conservative about taking obvious, basic steps to ensure voting integrity.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

spence 09-15-2021 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1214168)
i’m too old and fat to twist like you guys.

read what he said, please, and if it’s confusing to you, have a child explain it.

there’s nothing anti conservative about taking obvious, basic steps to ensure voting integrity.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

When the voting system has no signs of a significant lack of integrity, it make no sense to pass laws that restrict voting. This is entirely opposite of any Conservative position I'm aware of. Groups calling out Biden trying to create a Monarchy are a joke. If anything the electorate should be concerned about the massive gerrymandering now underway in red states.

Let's keep our elections free and fair.

wdmso 09-15-2021 04:24 PM

massive gerrymandering now underway in red states. The only way Republicans can win elections in the modern era …. Cheat while blaming others of cheating
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 09-15-2021 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1214170)
massive gerrymandering now underway in red states. The only way Republicans can win elections in the modern era …. Cheat while blaming others of cheating
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

which his what the democrats do as well, did it in CT when they redefined the one rural district that occasionally went red, redrew the lines so it now includes enough urban areas to be solidly blue. shady, but both sides do it.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

PaulS 09-15-2021 04:50 PM

Both sides do it but the Republicans have perfected it and do it to a much more extreme basis. New York is going to lose one seat but may gerrymander 5 Republican seats out.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 09-15-2021 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1214174)

Both sides do it but the Republicans have perfected it and do it to a much more extreme basis.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Good grief
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 09-15-2021 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1214174)
Both sides do it but the Republicans have perfected it and do it to a much more extreme basis. New York is going to lose one seat but may gerrymander 5 Republican seats out.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

you have anything to support that? that’s a sincere question, not a gotcha question.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 09-15-2021 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1214169)
When the voting system has no signs of a significant lack of integrity, it make no sense to pass laws that restrict voting. This is entirely opposite of any Conservative position I'm aware of. Groups calling out Biden trying to create a Monarchy are a joke. If anything the electorate should be concerned about the massive gerrymandering now underway in red states.

Let's keep our elections free and fair.

you’re saying there’s no problem, so no need for voter id.

that would be a great argument if there weren’t hundreds is aspects in your life where you are proactive already.

you wait until you’ve had a car accident to get auto insurance?

you wait until your house gets broken into before you get an alarm?

please explain why it’s more burdensome to require an id to vote, than it is to require an us to see a doctor or pick up a prescription.

Who are these massive groups of people who don’t have an id? they don’t travel, pay rent or a mortgage, go to the doctor, have utilities to pay, etc?

it’s such a lame argument.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

PaulS 09-15-2021 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1214177)
you have anything to support that? that’s a sincere question, not a gotcha question.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

They've developed and used software that can map likelihood of votes down to each house.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 09-15-2021 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1214180)
They've developed and used software that can map likelihood of votes down to each house.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

republicans did that? wow.

now can you provide data to suggest gerrymandering is done more by the gop?

i guess since the gop controls
more states, that gives the gop more opportunities.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 09-15-2021 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1214171)
which his what the democrats do as well, did it in CT when they redefined the one rural district that occasionally went red, redrew the lines so it now includes enough urban areas to be solidly blue. shady, but both sides do it.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Once again Jim you love to make comparisons that don’t exist..

If you think Dems use gerrymandering to the degree and intent the Republicans do it your crazy
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 09-15-2021 07:09 PM

The AP scrutinized the outcomes of all 435 U.S. House races and about 4,700 state House and Assembly seats up for election last year using a new statistical method of calculating partisan advantage. It’s designed to detect cases in which one party may have won, widened or retained its grip on power through political gerrymandering.

The analysis found four times as many states with Republican-skewed state House or Assembly districts than Democratic ones. Among the two dozen most populated states that determine the vast majority of Congress, there were nearly three times as many with Republican-tilted U.S. House districts.

A separate statistical analysis conducted for AP by the Princeton University Gerrymandering Project found that the extreme Republican advantages in some states were no fluke. The Republican edge in Michigan’s state House districts had only a 1-in-16,000 probability of occurring by chance; in Wisconsin’s Assembly districts, there was a mere 1-in-60,000 likelihood of it happening randomly, the analysis found.

The AP analysis also found that Republicans won as many as 22 additional U.S. House seats over what would have been expected based on the average vote share in congressional districts across the country.

1. Republicans’ gerrymandering increases seat share by 9.1%. Over 20 years For Democrats, the study found no significant overall increase in congressional seat share when the party controlled redistricting. Democrats having legal control over redistricting does little to swing the seat share in their favor—or to correct the disproportionality drawn by Republicans. Conservatives use the redistricting pen to draw maps advantageous to their electoral chances—and they do so enthusiastically, netting partisan benefits that last for a decades worth of elections.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 09-15-2021 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1214166)
Pete - “it’s interesting that you claim to be conservative yet want more laws to prevent voter fraud.”.

where the heck did you get the laughably stupid idea, that being conservative means you don’t support any conceivable law?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Let’s see, where don’t we need more
We have enough gun laws, most firearms deaths in the first world
We have enough tax laws……
We have enough environmental laws…..
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

The Dad Fisherman 09-15-2021 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1214178)
you’re saying there’s no problem, so no need for voter id.

that would be a great argument if there weren’t hundreds is aspects in your life where you are proactive already.

you wait until you’ve had a car accident to get auto insurance?

you wait until your house gets broken into before you get an alarm?

please explain why it’s more burdensome to require an id to vote, than it is to require an us to see a doctor or pick up a prescription.

Who are these massive groups of people who don’t have an id? they don’t travel, pay rent or a mortgage, go to the doctor, have utilities to pay, etc?

it’s such a lame argument.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Maybe they should have mailed out a voucher good for the cost of an ID at your local town offices/DMV with the Stimmy checks. :huh:
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 09-15-2021 08:21 PM

You’re assuming that all people in this country have access to health care, transportation and a polling place that is open outside the hours they are required to be at work or financially able to take time off work to go and vote.
How long did people in low income districts stand in line to vote and how does that compare to middle and upper class districts?
Careful, the data exists
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 09-15-2021 08:43 PM

oh's a parade of armed insurrectionists and black white supremacists....what has the world come to?

scottw 09-15-2021 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1214193)

You’re assuming that all people in this country have access to health care, transportation and a polling place

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

they do

scottw 09-15-2021 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 1214192)
Maybe they should have mailed out a voucher good for the cost of an ID at your local town offices/DMV with the Stimmy checks. :huh:
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

maybe do a million dollar drawing or free college tuition drawing to incentivize people to get a form of identification...or maybe just free Big Gulps

wdmso 09-16-2021 07:10 AM

Please look up the History of voter Id .. then come back and tell me why is suddenly became a concern for conservatives only starting in the 1950s .. and I doubt you’ll find the term voter fraud or election integrity mentioned never mind evidence of fraud as the cause for these changes .. but demographics and who’s votes. Now your getting to the bones of the issue. . But some how the the left are the intellectual dishonest ones.. 😂
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 09-16-2021 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1214193)
Careful, the data exists
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Facts and data are no concern of conservatives

But lies and conspiracy then you have their attention
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 09-16-2021 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1214208)

Facts and data are no concern of conservatives

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

this is definitely true :rotf2:

Pete F. 09-16-2021 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1214208)
Facts and data are no concern of conservatives

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1214210)
this is definitely true :rotf2:

A little of the typical troll method: creative editing

Covid past seven days:rtfm:

Deaths per 100,000: 1.8
Daily average deaths: 53.7

Deaths per 100,000: 1.52
Daily average deaths: 325.4

Deaths per 100,000: 1.42
Daily average deaths: 66

Deaths per 100,000: 1.07
Daily average deaths: 32.3

South Carolina
Deaths per 100,000: 1.05
Daily average deaths: 53.9

Deaths per 100,000: 0.99
Daily average deaths: 286

Deaths per 100,000: 0.96
Daily average deaths: 5.6

West Virginia
Deaths per 100,000: 0.88
Daily average deaths: 15.7

Deaths per 100,000: 0.87
Daily average deaths: 42.6

Deaths per 100,000: 0.87
Daily average deaths: 93.1

Deaths per 100,000: 0.85
Daily average deaths: 58.3

Deaths per 100,000: 0.77
Daily average deaths: 13.7

Deaths per 100,000: 0.75
Daily average deaths: 45.9

Deaths per 100,000: 0.75
Daily average deaths: 29.6

Deaths per 100,000: 0.74
Daily average deaths: 22.7

scottw 09-16-2021 08:39 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1214211)
A little of the typical troll method: creative editing

Covid past seven days:rtfm:

Deaths per 100,000: 1.52
Daily average deaths: 325.4

past 7 days?

Jim in CT 09-16-2021 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1214208)
Facts and data are no concern of conservatives

But lies and conspiracy then you have their attention
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

do you judge a state on how it did last month? or how it’s done since the beginning?

Are you guys serious?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 09-16-2021 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1214211)
A little of the typical troll method: creative editing

Covid past seven days:rtfm:

Deaths per 100,000: 1.8
Daily average deaths: 53.7

Deaths per 100,000: 1.52
Daily average deaths: 325.4

Deaths per 100,000: 1.42
Daily average deaths: 66

Deaths per 100,000: 1.07
Daily average deaths: 32.3

South Carolina
Deaths per 100,000: 1.05
Daily average deaths: 53.9

Deaths per 100,000: 0.99
Daily average deaths: 286

Deaths per 100,000: 0.96
Daily average deaths: 5.6

West Virginia
Deaths per 100,000: 0.88
Daily average deaths: 15.7

Deaths per 100,000: 0.87
Daily average deaths: 42.6

Deaths per 100,000: 0.87
Daily average deaths: 93.1

Deaths per 100,000: 0.85
Daily average deaths: 58.3

Deaths per 100,000: 0.77
Daily average deaths: 13.7

Deaths per 100,000: 0.75
Daily average deaths: 45.9

Deaths per 100,000: 0.75
Daily average deaths: 29.6

Deaths per 100,000: 0.74
Daily average deaths: 22.7

simple question. what’s more important, deaths in the last 7 days, or deaths since the beginning?

Who makes the baseball playoffs, the team with the best record in September? Or the team with the best record for the whole season?

Your brain just doesn’t work right.

Florida is having an awful
time lately. Their total
numbers are still
way better than CT, MA, and NY, which we were told
was led by the messiah himself, the “gold standard” according to biden.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 09-16-2021 09:10 AM

Oh my god, I just saw that Apple stick is down for the week. Using the lefty logic here, that means it’s a crappy company with crappy leadership. Because as everyone knows, all that matters s what happened last week. Nothing that happened before last week, means anything.

That just makes ALL KINDS of sense.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 09-16-2021 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1214213)
do you judge a state on how it did last month? or how it’s done since the beginning?

Are you guys serious?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim my statement is not state or Covid related it’s just what conservatives do on every topic . Lean towards lies and conspiracy rather than facts and Truth

Thats why still over 75% of Republicans still think Trump won!

And that’s not based on facts or Truth ..
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 09-16-2021 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1214219)
Jim my statement is not state or Covid related it’s just what conservatives do on every topic . Lean towards lies and conspiracy rather than facts and Truth

Thats why still over 75% of Republicans still think Trump won!

And that’s not based on facts or Truth ..
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

it's amusing that you've convinced yourself of this....

Jim in CT 09-16-2021 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1214219)
Jim my statement is not state or Covid related it’s just what conservatives do on every topic . Lean towards lies and conspiracy rather than facts and Truth

Thats why still over 75% of Republicans still think Trump won!

And that’s not based on facts or Truth ..
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

nonsense. i literally analyze data for a living and it’s a huge influence for how i form conclusions.

I can say the same thing about liberals. liberals blame the gop for the fact that not everyone is vaccinated, yet two groups with low vaccination rates are blacks and people with PhDs. Those are not groups who take orders from the GOP in large numbers, are they?

In politics, plenty of people
on both sides ignore facts that are politically inconvenient for them.

The side that denies we have a porous southern border, which thinks that ones sex is whatever they say that it is, that unborn babies with heartbeats and neurological activity are nothing more than an inanimate mile to be removed, which thinks that fewer police is the key to improving cities, which denies that nuclear families are critically important…doesn’t have a monopoly on relying in facts.

Neither does the side that says Trump won, which denies anything is happening with our climate, which insists that masks and the vaccine don’t ever provide any benefit.

When you ignore every instance in which liberalism ignores facts, it’s pretty easy to conclude that they never do so. That doesn’t make it a true statement. It serves your personal agenda, but it’s a stupid thing to say.

The liberals here, are desperately trying to say Florida should be judged only on the covid deaths last week. Please tell me how that is an accurate depiction of facts or truth?

You won’t respond, because you can’t without criticizing the left.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 09-16-2021 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1214214)
simple question. what’s more important, deaths in the last 7 days, or deaths since the beginning?

Who makes the baseball playoffs, the team with the best record in September? Or the team with the best record for the whole season?

Your brain just doesn’t work right.

Florida is having an awful
time lately. Their total
numbers are still
way better than CT, MA, and NY, which we were told
was led by the messiah himself, the “gold standard” according to biden.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

You seem to believe that learning from experience is unimportant and that because the states with early outbreaks, when we had little experience dealing with COVID, that did things to reduce exposure so that they are not now dealing with the surges that the leaders in current COVID are is bad.
You could to move to Floriduh, maybe you could keep it from turning blue.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 09-16-2021 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1214222)
You seem to believe that learning from experience is unimportant and that because the states with early outbreaks, when we had little experience dealing with COVID, that did things to reduce exposure so that they are not now dealing with the surges that the leaders in current COVID are is bad.
You could to move to Floriduh, maybe you could keep it from turning blue.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

i did not say the data from last week is unimportant. I said it’s not nearly as important as total
death rates.

You are the one saying total death rates are unimportant.

Of course, you completely ignore that part of NYs awful numbers are because the governor ( who everyone in the left said was doing a great job) forced nursing homes to admit people with a disease we knew was going to be brutal to the elderly. we knew that then, yet Cuomo ordered it anyway, and after he did that, and after people
we’re needlessly dying by the thousands, your side still
said he was the greatest.

That’s the difference between us, If Florida’s numbers catch up with NY, I will say Desantis did an awful job. But until he got in trouble for sexual harassment, no one in the left was saying Cuomo did an awful
job. Sure as hell you never said that.

Because to all of you except Rockhound, truth takes a back seat to partisanship. Always
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 09-16-2021 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1214220)
it's amusing that you've convinced yourself of this....

About as amusing that you think trump won? :kewl:

wdmso 09-16-2021 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1214221)
nonsense. i literally analyze data for a living and it’s a huge influence for how i form conclusions.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim why do you think every response is about you? unless your part of the 75% of conservatives and republicans I was referring...


GOP Sen. Risch of Idaho Absurdly Demands Blinken Expose who has the the button to Turn Biden off

Just the most recent example of the GOP masquerading Conspiracy As Truth .. At Senate Hearing no less

Jim in CT 09-16-2021 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1214229)
Jim why do you think every response is about you? unless your part of the 75% of conservatives and republicans I was referring...


GOP Sen. Risch of Idaho Absurdly Demands Blinken Expose who has the the button to Turn Biden off

Just the most recent example of the GOP masquerading Conspiracy As Truth .. At Senate Hearing no less

good point, not every response is all about me.

but all you do is ignore all the bad things the left does, and ignore all the good things the right does. it’s all any of you do.

why is it absurd to ask who is instructing Biden who he can speak to, and when he must stop talking? I’d like to know that.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 09-16-2021 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1214226)
About as amusing that you think trump won? :kewl:

I didn't even vote for him...ever...pretty sure I was the first to pay my money to the charity in the wager we had going on here immediately following the election

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