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MotoXcowboy 03-23-2010 06:20 PM

2A Rally 3/27
1 Attachment(s)
I came across this today on my way home and wanted to share my find with s-b :gh: if you :love: your :rocketem:
its this saturday at the state house 1-4pm.

have a nice day


MotoXcowboy 03-23-2010 06:22 PM

that's a huddle, not a group hug.

Nebe 03-23-2010 07:39 PM

hey stranger...

is the mako ready for the summer? :love:

MotoXcowboy 03-23-2010 08:36 PM

Hey bud...shes gone, I sold her last spring. Somebody made me an offer I couldn't refuse. I miss her now too.:(

Nebe 03-23-2010 09:40 PM

oh well.. she was a sweet rig.

MotoXcowboy 03-24-2010 06:43 PM

no :gh: on the 2A rally, I'm surprised... no one cares about our 2nd amendment right to bear arms?

JohnnyD 03-24-2010 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by MotoXcowboy (Post 756623)
no :gh: on the 2A rally, I'm surprised... no one cares about our 2nd amendment right to bear arms?

Has it been threatened?

MotoXcowboy 03-24-2010 07:39 PM

I say our "rights" have been violated

i think when they said "bear arms" it means own, but also the right to carry

awb bans?

how about domestic violence offenders, and felons having "lifetime" bans

I believe if you are a free man on your own two feet with all debts to society made good, then you are entitled to the exact same god given right to life liberty and the persuit of happiness as any other "free man" right next to you.

otherwise just keep them locked up or execute!!! its that simple..

especially dv offenders. i know some good people who had rough relationships and ended up losing rights over some petty bullsh. to me thats wrong. after all its a misdemeanor taking away a persons god given right? but wait they can still vote, hold office, ect ect..

even funnier, they allow these same dv offenders to own compound bows, black powder firearms. both which could easily take out family members..same day purchase with no paperwork. figure that out>>> my friend says he cant have centerfire firearms or ammo because of a 10yr old case that happend when he was 19. All the guy wants to do is hunt with a modern firearm to provide food and protect his new family...

his wife is allowed to have firearms but they have to be locked up away from him.

i dont get it.

its also in violation of
i believe it also violates amendment 8 cruel and unusual punishment

and it violates
Article I, Section 9 of the constitution makes clear that Congress cannot pass a law which criminalizes or penalizes activities committed before the enactment of a law. Critics argue that the Lautenberg bill adds a punishment which did not exist at the time of the crime. The argument is that innocent men might take into consideration the slight punishment they were then facing and plead guilty simply to avoid a trial. Later, they would be confronted with an additional punishment - i.e., not being able to own a gun.
ex-post facto

what you all dont realize is they just want to take and take and take, whos next? guys loses rights over a verbal assault with another man...ect, ect? they want to strip the nation..

which will further enable them powers to do their dirty deeds. i think were due for a revolution but most people think im crazy.
..i think its coming sooner than later. i feel more comfortable at home knowing there is a firearm inside seeing as the closest cops where i live are usually 15-20mins away.. alot usually happens in that time frame.

JohnnyD 03-24-2010 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by MotoXcowboy (Post 756636)
I say our "rights" have been violated

i think when they said "bear arms" it means own, but also the right to carry

awb bans?

how about domestic violence offenders, and felons having "lifetime" bans

I believe if you are a free man on your own two feet with all debts to society made good, then you are entitled to the exact same god given right to life liberty and the persuit of happiness as any other "free man" right next to you.

otherwise just keep them locked up or execute!!! its that simple..

especially dv offenders. i know some good people who had rough relationships and ended up losing rights over some petty bullsh. to me thats wrong. after all its a misdemeanor taking away a persons god given right? but wait they can still vote, hold office, ect ect..

even funnier, they allow these same dv offenders to own compound bows, black powder firearms. both which could easily take out family members..same day purchase with no paperwork. figure that out>>> my friend says he cant have centerfire firearms or ammo because of a 10yr old case that happend when he was 19. All the guy wants to do is hunt with a modern firearm to provide food and protect his new family...

his wife is allowed to have firearms but they have to be locked up away from him.

i dont get it.

its also in violation of
i believe it also violates amendment 8 cruel and unusual punishment

and it violates
Article I, Section 9 of the constitution makes clear that Congress cannot pass a law which criminalizes or penalizes activities committed before the enactment of a law. Critics argue that the Lautenberg bill adds a punishment which did not exist at the time of the crime. The argument is that innocent men might take into consideration the slight punishment they were then facing and plead guilty simply to avoid a trial. Later, they would be confronted with an additional punishment - i.e., not being able to own a gun.
ex-post facto

what you all dont realize is they just want to take and take and take, whos next? guys loses rights over a verbal assault with another man...ect, ect? they want to strip the nation..

which will further enable them powers to do their dirty deeds. i think were due for a revolution but most people think im crazy.
..i think its coming sooner than later. i feel more comfortable at home knowing there is a firearm inside seeing as the closest cops where i live are usually 15-20mins away.. alot usually happens in that time frame.

I don't think the 2nd Amendment Right has been threatened either.

MotoXcowboy 03-24-2010 09:40 PM

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Ben Franklin

JohnnyD 03-24-2010 10:24 PM

Preventing convicted felons or those guilty of domestic violence from owning a gun is not giving up any essential liberties. That's on par with Pedophiles who cannot live within a certain distance of schools complaining that their pursuit of life, liberty and happiness is being violated. Don't do the crime if you can't accept the consequences.

With regards to cruel and unusual punishment, if it's not cruel and unusual to execute a person, then preventing them from owning a weapon certainly isn't.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for *reasonable* gun ownership. I'm a proponent of those whom are law-abiding citizens from carrying and concealing for personal protection. Hell, pretty soon I'll be applying for a Class A. I'd also agree to a reasonable appeal process for those who had been previously convicted of non-violent felonies. However, there is no reason any person that has ever been convicted of a violent crime should be allowed to own a gun. If a guy is accused of Domestic Violence and, without consulting a lawyer or knowing the consequences, chooses to plead guilty, then the burden is on him.

The NRA's propaganda and scaremongering is tiresome. It's of no effect to me or any other reasonable person if the average American cannot own a fully automatic AK47. Come talk to me when they're trying to prevent me (a law-abiding citizen of able body and mind) from purchasing a pistol, shotgun or rifle.

MotoXcowboy 03-25-2010 08:57 PM

I hear what your sayin Johnny I agree with you for the most part..the pedophile analogy is close to par…

Problem is anybody can put a restraining order on anybody these days and that’s all it takes I think, right?…

I just don't see the relativity to a firearm. if the charges were grand theft auto with a deadly weapon..yeah that sort of fits the bill...but most of the dv cases i hear about just dont fit the punishment............

And with cruel and unusual…well ya I guess you are right…the govt seems to always do what they want no matter what, even if it does seem cruel and unusual to the general public…

yeah with reasonable means of an appeal process. I guess I forgot to mention, my buddy’s 10yr old case happens to be from the state of Illinois. He lived there for less than a year with his ex. Otherwise he is a native Rhode Islander and has had a perfectly clean record his whole live. In Illinios there is no expungement for DV cases. Ever….. he has to get a pardon from the governor which every lawyer has told him he has a better chance of meeting the pope. In the meantime Govt Blagovitch was having his fun , and letting all his pardon applications pile up term after term….Its the same with most Governors I guess. They wait till the end of their term and deny most but all apps of course which donated some large sum of money to the Governors favorable foundation ect…it’s a crap shoot, unless you are rich enough to really grease the palm. Know what I mean….Illinois is one of the worst, crooked political system in the nation and its unfair to my friend.

In RI my friend under state law can legally posess a firearm. Its the feds who took his guns say its because his case is classified as "domestic" battery or something in Illinois. Under RI law, you lose your right to bear arms when a domestic battery assault ect..which involves serious or grave bodily injury. He was told by lawyers you gotta beat the chit outta yer wife or atleast really hurting your significant other to get your guns taken away here in RI. Which he didn’t do, as the story goes a neighbor saw his dispute with the exwife and called the cops thats all it took. exwife didnt get hurt or press charges. although exwife was bitter with buddy and was cheating on him in at her school in the navy. all while he tried to make his marriage work there in Illinois.. Needless to say she wasnt very helpful helping him. he plead nolo to avoid further humiliation and left the state and got his divorce asap. Hes lived here and has been a good buddy to me ever since we were little. i know them both and the story sounds right...........

Illinois is probably one of those states where you get a domestic for spanking your child in the local walmart. Illinois is bad when it comes to expungements and pardons especially domestic stuff which re-enables firearm possession. (very very strict gun state, ever heard of a FOID card?) and they like to keep the guns out of its citizens hands. Its to bad because my buddy is a really nice guy who wants to just protect his family (alot of break ins happening in his area west warwick) and like i said he just wants to hunt with a capable shotgun/rifle to provide food for his family.. and personally id rather hear about him tell me a story about killing that trophy buck with his shot gun vs him telling me about how he missed the shot because the cap didnt go off on his muzzleloader or he injured another yearling with another arrow...

And don’t get me wrong im all for reasonable gun ownership. I think only trained individuals, former military, police, and only properly trained civilians should have the right to posses a fully automatic assault rife. I just miss my 3rd burst it would be nice to have for chits and giggles or a serious problem involving multiple intruders. I like the idea the Swiss have. Every man who serves in the military takes his firearm home with him for life.

I hear ya on most of your points…ok what about them preventing you from having high capacity pistols? Not a problem for you? I mean they will nitpick us to death if we let them

JohnnyD 03-25-2010 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by MotoXcowboy (Post 756947)

Sounds like we're pretty close to on the same page - with a few small differences of opinion. I can't comment at all about Illinois law, but if what you say is accurate, it's a sad state of affairs. Unfortunately, the very small percentage of cowardly pieces of garbage that hit women have made all us men guilty until proven innocent when it comes to domestic violence.

I live in MA. My understanding is that in this state, you pretty much have to be shot at with no way of escaping your home (or the particular situation) in order to be seen as justified for shooting someone in self defense. I hope someone with more knowledge with this chimes in to correct me if I'm wrong. Either way, I'd rather there be a dead burglar/mugger and me going to prison than any of my loved ones killed or injured.

I hope to enjoy a few beers or a few casts with you some time. :cheers:

MotoXcowboy 03-26-2010 08:33 AM

roger that. another guy I grew up with just moved to texas he told me the laws down there so much different than up here. some kind of castle law? theres no paperwork/ no wait periods? i find it that one hard to believe...

i think hes :smokin:

sounds good :fishin:

likwid 03-29-2010 02:36 PM

So they found him guilty of domestic violence.

People should think more about their actions and the ramifications of such. Like wandering onto federal property with a firearm. :devil2:

MotoXcowboy 03-29-2010 05:22 PM

if you are referring to my friend yeah. nolo is the same as guilty..

it means no contest. :)

ATF told him he could have blackpowder antiques flintlock or percussion. perfectly legal

also antique (centerfire/rimfire)firearms also legal. my buddy says feds say he can hang those on the wall since the bullets, for those guns are illegal for him to have.

likwid 03-29-2010 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by MotoXcowboy (Post 758200)
if you are referring to my friend yeah. nolo is the same as guilty..

it means no contest. :)

He has nobody to blame but himself then.

MotoXcowboy 03-29-2010 06:37 PM

yeah you are right.

In his defense, he was just a kid 19yrs old; along way from home with no money for him stupid or his fault, he didnt know any better. dont really think the guy deserves to lose his rights to bear arms for the rest of his life.

at what point is he no longer a danger to his family. if he was such an ahole they'd be dead by now or he be locked up.
and at 65 is he still a danger to them or say his grandchildren? really
the life sentence thing rubs me the wrong way. thats all

JohnnyD 03-29-2010 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by MotoXcowboy (Post 758219)
at what point is he no longer a danger to his family. if he was such an ahole they'd be dead by now or he be locked up.
and at 65 is he still a danger to them or say his grandchildren? really
the life sentence thing rubs me the wrong way. thats all

Thus my suggestions of an appeal process.

Unfortunately, just like a 17 y/o that tries to rob a liquor store and out of fear shoots the clerk and is now in prison for life, sometimes the mistakes we make early in life have lasting effects for the rest of it.

Joe 03-29-2010 08:22 PM

It's the classic story: Boy meets girl. Boy loses girl. Boy kills girl and then himself. I think we had a couple last week.

MotoXcowboy 03-29-2010 08:36 PM

hes been waiting for a pardon for over a year now. time will only tell

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