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Backbeach Jake 09-09-2011 08:09 PM

I've wet a line 3 times this season. for maybe 15 minutes each time. could not care less to fish again. as a matter of fact, I'm ready to sell off all my gear ad try something else. Never felt this way before about fishing, just don't care. any thoughts?

Slipknot 09-09-2011 08:22 PM

Don't give it up just yet Fred, it may be just a lull or phase. Sometimes other activities take precedent and ya have no time for fishing, or other things are too important and fishing does not matter.

I have cut way back on how often I go these days.

A little vacation from it may do ya good but maybe the desire will return. I hope so for your sake.

BigFish 09-09-2011 08:44 PM

Fred....seems many are having kind of an off year! Other and work related are keeping people busy. I for one am consumed with alot of what is going on in my life this is not a priority. I have been getting out but I am unable to really focus but it feels good to get out! Before you do anything drastic just wait until next season....things may be different by then. Keep your chin up Fred!:uhuh:

Karl F 09-09-2011 08:50 PM

Fred.. my brother!..we have become peas in a pod.....

not quite ready to sell gear... but the thought has crossed my mind...

it ain't what it usta be...and age is a factor.. sleep has become a real need..
(can no longer go with little or none, just can't function, and that's, that) schedule for me now.. up and at em way earlier, and also working longer days..( once again) this year... averaging 10 hour shifts...

add in beach closures, them furry rat like critters, and all the other chit that plauges the beaches, plus my no love of traffic, crowds or (most) people :)...well... other pursuits, seem worthy.

but, ya never know... even Flap had a spell where he laid off, I remember him speaking of it, and I took a sabatical from the salt in the early 90's and got into fresh water bassing in a big way...actually revisted a few of my old favorite haunts recently from those days, and was disappointed to see most of my favorite small ponds access were all gone.. private signs, fenced off dead end dirt roads, and big new houses around some pristine sweet water....:(

luds 09-09-2011 09:31 PM

Give it a rest for a while. I feel the same way right now. The best thing about life is there are so many options. Do something else for a while.

On the gear side of things when you're into fishing you buy to much. Fine to thin the heard but I wouldn't let the bulk of it go. I bet the fish will call you back.

JohnnySaxatilis 09-09-2011 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Backbeach Jake (Post 886123)
I've wet a line 3 times this season. for maybe 15 minutes each time. could not care less to fish again. as a matter of fact, I'm ready to sell off all my gear ad try something else. Never felt this way before about fishing, just don't care. any thoughts?

what kind of gear you got? :grins: jk

Do anything 110% for a while and it looses its luster. you need other things to be terrible at to distract you from being terrible at the thing you love the most :uhuh:

UserRemoved1 09-10-2011 03:55 AM

Can I have your plugs Fred? :hee:

Raven 09-10-2011 05:18 AM

it will Pass
There was a time when it was all you lived for

now it may seem like "why do i wanna drag this slimey fish
into shore...."

All ya have to do is wait.... it out ... until you miss it...

AND you will me... so, for now don't analyze anything.

Staying away from something just long enough
UNTIL it becomes "new" again is the Answer.

Backbeach Jake 09-10-2011 06:18 AM

WTF Raven? You gonna try to kiss me?

O.D. Mike 09-10-2011 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by Backbeach Jake (Post 886179)
WTF Raven? You gonna try to kiss me?


Raven 09-10-2011 07:44 AM

Yeah with a baseball bat upside your head....

But for you i'll use a nerf bat... so you can still fish :gh:

Slingah 09-13-2011 06:50 PM

I'm right there with you Fred. I fished a couple times in May. No real desire to fish. I won't sell my stuff because I know I will fish again and if I want to go I can go. I just needed a break.
Other activities have taken up my time this year like hiking and motorcycling.

ProfessorM 09-13-2011 07:14 PM

take up golf Fred that will drive you back to fishin.. A good walk ruined.
Just need to do some other stuff. It's just fishing and just a hobby. Put the stuff away and maybe next spring you will have the itch again. I too have not done as much as I usually do and I have enjoyed the more leisurely pace of my fishing this year, plus I am transitioning from 10 years of nites back to days and 5 day work weeks with and occasional nite here and there and getting older makes you grumpy too which I am picking up real fast, that right there is a fun hobby. Good luck in your quandary.

nightfighter 09-13-2011 07:57 PM

I don't know, Fred. But I did just come in from admiring what a beautiful night it is outside....and contemplated how we soon we will be bundling up to move snow... It's fall. Grab a couple hours here and there for yourself, or with some good friends. Maybe even catch a few.....

Backbeach Jake 09-13-2011 08:25 PM

A Tonic , maybe..
My family has a fishing weekend this Columbus Day weekend. It's a big , huge deal. They gather from all over the country for this. We have new blood this year. THIS year marks the 50th Annual. Since 1961. I inherited the job as host 15-16 years ago when Jenn and I bought the place and love it. I'm really looking forward to this and hope it gets the juices flowing again. We'll see.

Mike P 09-14-2011 06:47 AM

I'm going through the same phase, Fred. It'll pass and the bug will bite again. This year has been a tough one for me, and made me re-order my life to prioritize what's really important. Fishing isn't the be-all and end-all of my existence any more.

But--even though I've taken up cycling for exercise and fun, I still haven't taken the baskets off my bike. ;)

justplugit 09-14-2011 11:47 AM

Felt that way last year and didn't fish much.
It's so different now with all the crowds, takes the fun out of it.

I did get a truck pass this year though as I love to take my
4yr old grandsons. Last few years I have been driving down get there
around 3 and fish to dark during the week. Love the ocean, oil on
the water, dunes, and sunsets.

You will be back, Fred. :)

Swimmer 09-14-2011 03:55 PM

Thier is a lot to be said for sitting on a friendly rock at sunrise on a slow catching day. Can't be beat. Its priceless as a matter of fact.

Backbeach Jake 09-14-2011 05:55 PM

It's not that I don't like being out doors, in fact the last time I took my yak out, I just took pictures. Had two rods behind me and didn't touch them at all. Just enjoyed the water and scenery..

Joe 10-05-2011 12:56 PM

For a lot of people, fishing is finite. There's only so much enjoyment and reward to be squeezed out of it. It's not like mathematics, or literature, or helping others - for most, the rewards diminish over time.

Indeed, some of the people who stay super-enthused their whole lives, are rather one-dimensional and dull. Kind of like people whom you went to high school with and are intellectually in the same place they were twenty years ago.

Just the experience of the public library, where you can get virtually any book or DVD or explore any topic, is has increased exponentially since we were kids. The opportunities for self-development have never been greater - whereas the fishing experience has remained essentially the same or has declined over the last twenty years or so. It's not that fishing is not rewarding, but rather there are more choices that are more rewarding than they used to be, and other choices that simply were not there. Life is about editing, because you can't do everything.

Pete F. 10-05-2011 02:21 PM

If it was just about casting and catching, I'd be damned if i'd drive for hours to do it. Sometimes I think I just like the wandering and exploring part the best, I always see neat stuff.

Backbeach Jake 10-05-2011 06:12 PM

Well the boys will start rolling into Truro in 24hrs or so for the family's annual Columbus Day fishathon. Family and friends coming for Tallahassee, Maine, Kentucky, New Hampshire. There are new guests this year, young people which I find encourageing.
This is year 50. Half a century.I've been to about 40 of them and have hosted the last 15-16.
I'm pretty jacked and really don't care if I catch.
There are two retired reels in a display case in the living room. Their owners have gone on to their rewards. Those reels will never have line again.
It's not about the fish.
Can't wait!

BigFish 10-05-2011 06:14 PM

Good luck Fred and most importantly.....just enjoy my friend!:)

Karl F 10-05-2011 06:14 PM

Fred, you enjoy the heck out of yourself this weekend, you definately "get it" :claps:

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