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Ian 02-16-2017 09:31 PM

This is getting ridiculous...
I don't care your political leanings, this guy is flat out nuts

wdmso 02-17-2017 05:26 AM

I agree with your conclusion .. My opposition has never been a Democratic VS Republican thing .. I am just opposed to to the "nut" side of the issue ..

Yet he still was elected and is our POTUS ..

Raider Ronnie 02-17-2017 08:16 AM

This is so AWESOME watching the lib#^&#^&#^&#^&s & the corrupt media loosing their minds over loosing the election.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Got Stripers 02-17-2017 08:44 AM

Unreal is the word that comes to mind watching that news conference. Him asking April Ryan to set up a meeting was so bizarre, just the way he handles himself in these situations is more like watching my teenage boys argue with one another back in the day.

He got elected and he still wants to argue how it happened, he's not a sore looser (he couldn't ever even admit it); he is a sore winner.....just STFup and move on. Hard to watch, but it's like a terrible car crash on the other side of the highway, you know you shouldn't slow down and watch; but you just can't help yourself.

Do you Trump supporters really feel comfortable this clown is level headed enough to deal with the Russians if they test the waters in a more serious way? Of if they expand what they are doing overseas, he can't even deal with the media without over reacting, I'm not feeling all that safe under this "finely tuned ha machine".

detbuch 02-17-2017 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1117040)
Unreal is the word that comes to mind watching that news conference. Him asking April Ryan to set up a meeting was so bizarre,

I think the reason he asked her to do that was explained in his conversation with April Ryan. He had agreed to a meeting with a leading member of the black caucus, but that fizzled when the caucus member had to back out. Trump assumed that was because the caucus or the Dem party told him not to meet with Trump in order not to give Trump any positive coverage. So, when Ryan asked if he would work with the caucus, he asked if she could set up a meeting (because, apparently, they were not willing to meet with him).

just the way he handles himself in these situations is more like watching my teenage boys argue with one another back in the day.

Were your teenage boys arguing with a hostile press?

He got elected and he still wants to argue how it happened, he's not a sore looser (he couldn't ever even admit it); he is a sore winner.....just STFup and move on. Hard to watch,

I agree with you on that.

but it's like a terrible car crash on the other side of the highway, you know you shouldn't slow down and watch; but you just can't help yourself.

It is entertaining. I enjoyed the Press Conference. I usually don't care for them because they are usually boring (to me) and loaded with pointed biased questions, especially when a Republican is President (but even more so with Trump). But it was fun watching this one. Rather than a car crash, it was more like watching a SNL parody. Very entertaining.

Do you Trump supporters really feel comfortable this clown is level headed enough to deal with the Russians if they test the waters in a more serious way? Of if they expand what they are doing overseas, he can't even deal with the media without over reacting, I'm not feeling all that safe under this "finely tuned ha machine".

Well, I don't know if the previous administration knew how to deal with the Russians. Or if their would be any difference with Trump--if the President of either administration consulted with their advisers, including the military, on how to go about it. If anything, I would trust Trump to depend on advisers more than Obama. My impression of Obama was that he felt intellectually and morally superior than anyone else and that he knew better than anyone else. Trump, on the other hand, has always depended on aides, advisers, experts, to carry out whatever his vision was. I don't get the sense that he thinks he knows better or is more moral. Rather it seems that he passionately believes in his overall vision and knows how to assemble the best team to accomplish that. He depends on his assembled finely tuned machine rather than the urges of his huge ego.

As far as overreacting with the media, he knows that the media is out to get him. They have shown that from the beginning of his campaign before he got elected. In that war, if he cowers, he loses. He knows, that those who elected him don't trust or like the media. And that they applaud him when he makes them look foolish.

I am not a Trump supporter, per se (although I am beginning to like him, heaven help me). Having been disillusioned by the past personas of Presidents that were shown to be different then the actual persons, I support agendas, not persons. I support his agenda. And he has very little wiggle room or time to accomplish it. Not allowing the media to define him during the limited time he has, is probably critical. Rather than being a "clown," I think he's attempting to be the ringmaster of the "greatest show on earth,"--so to speak.

Jim in CT 02-17-2017 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1117040)
Unreal is the word that comes to mind watching that news conference. Him asking April Ryan to set up a meeting was so bizarre, just the way he handles himself in these situations is more like watching my teenage boys argue with one another back in the day.

He got elected and he still wants to argue how it happened, he's not a sore looser (he couldn't ever even admit it); he is a sore winner.....just STFup and move on. Hard to watch, but it's like a terrible car crash on the other side of the highway, you know you shouldn't slow down and watch; but you just can't help yourself.

Do you Trump supporters really feel comfortable this clown is level headed enough to deal with the Russians if they test the waters in a more serious way? Of if they expand what they are doing overseas, he can't even deal with the media without over reacting, I'm not feeling all that safe under this "finely tuned ha machine".

"He got elected and he still wants to argue how it happened, he's not a sore looser (he couldn't ever even admit it); he is a sore winner.....just STFup and move on"

he is a crybaby, no doubt.

"Do you Trump supporters really feel comfortable this clown is level headed enough to deal with the Russians if they test the waters in a more serious way?"

I don't know that I'd trust him individually, I am hoping that his collective team is impressive and trustworthy, and that he will listen to them.

"he can't even deal with the media without over reacting"

Obama had every TV station except on in his camp. Yet he spent a lot of time whining and complaining about Foxnews.

I don't like much about his personality. But I didn't like Hilary's either (though she was nowhere near as overtly obnoxious, her unattractiveness was more subtle, but even more ugly IMHO).

We are in unchartered waters. Never been a personality remotely like his, in that job. I am trying not to listen to him speak (as I did effectively for the last 8 years), rather I am trying to read what is happening. There is some strange stuff happening. Some of it is disturbing.

He needs to come out with a big policy item to get people back in his camp, like healthcare or changes to the tax code that help working families.

detbuch 02-17-2017 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1117047)
"He got elected and he still wants to argue how it happened, he's not a sore looser (he couldn't ever even admit it); he is a sore winner.....just STFup and move on"

he is a crybaby, no doubt.

He's provoking the media into becoming crybabies.

scottw 02-17-2017 12:53 PM

well...we've learned that the best way to deal with anger, confusion, distrust, distaste, disgust and general feelings of befuddlement attributed to the election of Trump is one, some combination, or all of the following....I'd suggest all three for maximum relief :laugha:

1. Put a vagina hat on your head

2. Scream profanities

3. Stand in traffic

PaulS 02-17-2017 01:09 PM

Or people can let their inner snarkiness come out.

Nebe 02-17-2017 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Raider Ronnie (Post 1117035)
This is so AWESOME watching the lib#^&#^&#^&#^&s & the corrupt media loosing their minds over loosing the election.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

says the moonbat who thinks Hillary Clinton and her foundation bought Bernie a car and a house. :hihi:
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Raider Ronnie 02-17-2017 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1117064)
says the moonbat who thinks Hillary Clinton and her foundation bought Bernie a car and a house. :hihi:
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

If you don't think Bernie was paid off you may want to step back from that bong you're s#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&g on.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 02-17-2017 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1117060)
Or people can let their inner snarkiness come out.

I think that is what Scottw was saying.

Sea Dangles 02-17-2017 02:11 PM

Ronnie seems medicated
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

nightfighter 02-26-2017 08:58 PM

I am trying to hold onto that warm glow from keeping Hillary out of the White House...... But damn, aside from maybe two appointments, I don't see anything I can get behind to support. And the delivery! WTF.... I can't even stand to watch the news anymore. I am consistently insulted that this administration expects me to believe what they are spewing... I see this leading to something very bad, not something great.

Raven 02-26-2017 09:35 PM

had to
had to already block trump blo-hard crap on my twitter feed :doh:

Nebe 02-26-2017 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1117657)
I am trying to hold onto that warm glow from keeping Hillary out of the White House...... But damn, aside from maybe two appointments, I don't see anything I can get behind to support. And the delivery! WTF.... I can't even stand to watch the news anymore. I am consistently insulted that this administration expects me to believe what they are spewing... I see this leading to something very bad, not something great.

Amen brother. Amen.

I often think what would be going on now if Hillary won. I think things would have been bad but not this bad. George W Bush is probably smiling his ass off knowing he might be remembered differently now.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Ian 02-26-2017 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1117662)
Amen brother. Amen.

I often think what would be going on now if Hillary won. I think things would have been bad but not this bad. George W Bush is probably smiling his ass off knowing he might be remembered differently now.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Nebe 02-26-2017 10:21 PM

I'll also add that I have completely divorced myself from caring in any way what is going on now. All I can do is vote when the time comes.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

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