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stars'nstripers 06-26-2007 09:05 PM

this makes me so mad
I was fishin my usual quiet spot when 8 men come and start fishing one gets a 12-14 inch striper and I run over to see it he kills it. I tel him it as to be 28 inches he says HE KNOWS, HE SAYS HE WAS GOING TO USE IT AS BLUE FISH BAIT. (like that makes it ok!!!!!)

BigFish 06-26-2007 09:08 PM

Ignorance is not exclusive to one runs rampant through humans of all colors, creed and nationality!

stiff tip 06-27-2007 04:22 AM

drop a dime time ,,,w/ a smile !!!!

ilovetwofish 06-27-2007 04:36 AM

Who would you call if you seen somebody keeping a shorty? I called D.E.M. before and they said they were limited with officers and they didnt know when they could come to the spot.So I asked this man to throw this 24 inch bass back because it was to short he says no understand I said bullsh t and took his fish and threw in the water I said do you understand now.If there is a number for somebody to take care of these problems give it to me.

Raven 06-27-2007 04:54 AM

the story board
ever heard of it....

it's an old carpenter's method for determining where each row of

cedar shakes should be on a house when you are doing siding.

it's also a good way to explain a concept in a pictograph...

so make one out of a thirty inch flat stick or cut down

a wooden yard stick... tape a little picture of a jail ,police,

handcuffs ect. or draw it... for them to get the picture to speak.

also you want to jot down license plates of people's cars or take a digital

picture of their license plate. (include car in photo) print it ...

and mail it to the right office with an explanation because if they

do it once...they'll keep on doing it. then the enviromental officer

has something to look for in the future.:rolleyes:

on a second note.... when i go to grab my keys to go anywhere!

i also grab my handy digital camera..and i don't leave home without it.

JohnR 06-27-2007 05:17 AM

Starsn'... I hope you aren't singling them out just because they are Asian (I don't quite read it that way), because anyone can be an offender, even Swamp Yankees :tooth:

The only thing you can do (especially with those odds) is to drop a dime. DEM (RI) can make it or they can't. But they will try if they have staff on hand... I was talking to the DEM chief a few months back and he said they need more calls and they will work them if they have the manpower to do so.

Raven 06-27-2007 05:30 AM

we need more dem officers and have a much bigger budget...
for their department...

obviously, if there's not enough to go around...

although i don't want... every other person to

be an enviromental police officer...either...
out in california....everyone is so friggan roudy there its insane...

but you even sip a beer on the beach soon a 4 wheeler pulls up

with a badge on the driver...ticket book in hand...

similar to marshall law.... almost.

afterhours 06-27-2007 05:35 AM

ri enforcement 401-222-3070

ma enforcement 800-632-8075

stick 'em on your cells.

parker23 06-27-2007 07:19 AM

good reason for a license
We need a fishing license to pay for more enforcement. I hate increasing government's role. However, we need it here.

I fish a lot. Over the last 30 years I have seen the fish cops a dozen times checking fish at popular spots. I have never seen them board a boat. There is absolutely no enforcement. I would love to see boats being boarded for inspections, myself included.

One of the main reasons that I cut down on shore fishing is dealing with the idiots. My problem is that I can’t keep my mouth shut. On many occasions I found myself in a load of trouble because I made a stink when witnessing abuse/miss-handling or poaching of short fish. I dropped a dime one night on Ocean Drive and the fish cops actually showed up and busted the a-hole. Thankfully they arrived before the situation escalated into a fight.

If the funds generated from the licensed was used properly, we would see a vast improvement the fisheries and in the cleanliness of our fishing spots.

I know government and fiscal responsibility is an oxymoron, however, a little enforcement can make a difference.

fishpoopoo 06-27-2007 07:22 AM

don't get me started with the g-d damn beach-poopin scup poachin litterbug g**ks.

:realmad: :realmad: :realmad: :realmad:

Raven 06-27-2007 07:27 AM

say it in a thousand words
smile ..........say nice fish

and take a digital photo...:cputin:

Gunpowder 06-27-2007 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by stars'nstripers (Post 503552)
I was fishin my usual quiet spot when 8 men come and start fishing one gets a 12-14 inch striper and I run over to see it he kills it. I tel him it as to be 28 inches he says HE KNOWS, HE SAYS HE WAS GOING TO USE IT AS BLUE FISH BAIT. (like that makes it ok!!!!!)

where were u fishin? also, watch out just grabbin some dudes fish and throwin it back in the water. u never kno wat people are carryin these days or wat could set them off. best to just take some pictures, document it, and leave it to the mass DEM. theres always a couple stories each year of people gettin shanked on the beach over fish stuff.

flyben24 06-27-2007 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by ilovetwofish (Post 503577)
Who would you call if you seen somebody keeping a shorty? I called D.E.M. before and they said they were limited with officers and they didnt know when they could come to the spot.So I asked this man to throw this 24 inch bass back because it was to short he says no understand I said bullsh t and took his fish and threw in the water I said do you understand now.If there is a number for somebody to take care of these problems give it to me.

good...i wish more people did that

wheresmy50 06-27-2007 07:43 AM

I'm glad the DEM wants to work from calls, but why not just take a walk every once in a while?

They could focus on 5 or 6 spots and do pretty well to reduce poaching. Of course, that would require a little effort, and they get paid just as much to do nothing.

Saltheart 06-27-2007 08:27 AM

i fished a long time and was only talked to by a game warden once. They checked our herring livewell and under my truck for small bass in gallillee one time then went their way since of course we had none.. One time in half a century of fishing. The odds of getting caught are so low and if the amount poached is small and they claim a language barrier and ignorance of the rules , from what i've seen there is no punishment. I think when they do catch someone , they need to make it painful and let the word get around that even one small fish can cost you your rods and reels and a fine.

RIJIMMY 06-27-2007 08:29 AM

I think they should appoint "junior officers"
average joes like us, no pay, just a badge and some sort of violation ticket. as avid fisherman, we can routinely check during the course of our fishing and if a violation found, write a ticket.

Joe 06-27-2007 08:38 AM

It's just a fish - you'd hate to get hit and fall back and hit your head on a rock over it.
Call the authorities - don't speak to the poachers. Playing cop and confronting people over a fish is bad policy - it will roll up on you one day if do it enough times.

fishbones 06-27-2007 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Joe (Post 503626)
It's just a fish - you'd hate to get hit and fall back and hit your head on a rock over it.
Call the authorities - don't speak to the poachers. Playing cop and confronting people over a fish is bad policy - it will roll up on you one day if do it enough times.

I agree with Joe. These guy's know they are breaking the law. I doubt they are going to say "Oops, I didn't realize it was illegal to keep short fish. Thanks for pointing out my error." Who's to say they won't do something violent if they feel threatened or are fearful of being ratted out. A lot of us fish alone and there's not point in getting into a scuffle in the middle of the night. In some areas, you can even call the local police and they'll come down and take care of it.

NIGHT STRIKES 06-27-2007 08:55 AM

We have a similiar problem with this ethic group at one of my local waterways,,,
It seems that they have taken over a particular tide cycle outfitted with fast moving zodiacs (6 at a time) and rape the sea of every short striper that gets hooked by them...

We wanted so bad to take things into our own hands but we finally felt it was in our best interest to let the local Fish & Wildlife offiicals take care of it.. They have a program called "Operation Game Theif".
Well calls and descriptions we placed and things were set into motion.
It got frustrating to fish this area and to continue to see this poaching taking place , but we were assured that something will get done and that it takes time...

Well finally one of these guys got busted with short stripers and written up for multiple boating infractions because the crafts that they were in had no registration and not even any lights and this was all happening at night..

But you know what two weeks ago I was back down this way and saw two more of this group back at it... We planned another trip there this weekend and I tell you - if I see it going on again - it might go down a little different this time....

Raven 06-27-2007 08:55 AM

great post fishbones....

google was doing this thing where they went around snapping pictures.....
not of anything in particular...just people going about their business
then posting them for the world to see....

i don't think it's illegal to take a picture of anyone on the beach....

and then if they confront you or steal your camera to prevent authorities
from seeing their illegal activity on film (or digital media) thats grand larceny
and you can bring the local cops in on that charge.:hihi:

MakoMike 06-27-2007 09:03 AM

Not going to do a lot of good when the fines are only $25. Maybe if the local cops also enforced the fishery laws we could get somewhere.

Raven 06-27-2007 09:05 AM

what's the proceedure???
you start a petition to have people sign it........

saying to authorities that we want something done [[[NOW]]]

to get action... ?

thats the one and only thing i like about the saltwater license idea...
besides more beach access....

[[[ yeah yeah i know --- no freakin way man... ]]]

but to have someone's saltwater license revolked forever ...
and then have them get caught again
it's paris hilton
not to mention they can take equipment, cars ect.:claps:

and i'd betcha a search warrant would turn up a freezer somewhere with many short filets in it too.

DMenace 06-27-2007 09:25 AM

what to do ?
Different train of thought but what should you do if you hook a schoolie and he doesn't bounce back when you get him back in the water. I won't keep anything under the low 30's but last year I caught a 26/27 incher, got the hook out of his lip and got him back in pretty quick (well under a minute). He flipped over and just rolled around in the surf. I walked him around for several minutes but he just couldn't bounce back. I didn't feel good about this at all, but I didn't want to see him die and just go to waste. End result was I brought him home and ate him but I felt like a dirt bag with him in my cooler. What if I had been stopped by the environmental police, how do I explain this? Should I have done something different? I have released a ton of fish and never killed one so I don't think I did any harm, wasn't bleeding or anything, to him that way.

fishbones 06-27-2007 09:27 AM

It would be easy enough to increase the fine for poaching. The only people who would be against higher fines would be the scumbags that were doing it. I think if you make it a $500 or $1,000 per offense, it would be much more of a deterrent. If they don't have any I.D. on them or claim to not speak English, haul em' into jail. They'll learn to speak pretty fast. Also, the dept. of fish and wildlife would have to be committed to enforcement. They would need to make examples of people and show that they are serious.

Raven 06-27-2007 09:29 AM

rule of law
i believe is having it in your possesion...

had you just left it in the surf

nature would have taken it's course

and even though you didnt want it to go to waste

you would not be breaking the law

Raven 06-27-2007 09:33 AM

ok then a petition to increase the fines
for having in one's possesion

illegal fish.... 500 bucks

to bad there's no other incentive for the arresting officer
other than just doing their job...

like free fishing trip after so many arrests
trip to vegas... something...

yep sure....wishful thinking once aagain :grins:

Saltheart 06-27-2007 09:36 AM

Yep , no matter what , the shorts ones got to go back , dead or alive doesn't matter.

justplugit 06-27-2007 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Raven (Post 503579)
cut down

a wooden yard stick... tape a little picture of a jail ,police,

handcuffs ect. or draw it... for them to get the picture to speak.

Rav, LMAO. :btu: The pic of the guy behind bars will get their attention. :hihi:

fishaholic18 06-27-2007 11:31 AM

Next time, lip the MF'er with your Boca..:af: And throw him back..:rotflmao:

ilovetwofish 06-27-2007 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by ilovetwofish (Post 503577)
Who would you call if you seen somebody keeping a shorty? I called D.E.M. before and they said they were limited with officers and they didnt know when they could come to the spot.So I asked this man to throw this 24 inch bass back because it was to short he says no understand I said bullsh t and took his fish and threw in the water I said do you understand now.If there is a number for somebody to take care of these problems give it to me.

By the way this guy tried this crap in the daylight with other fisherman aware of what was going on and didn't step up tp the plate so thats why I thought I would open my mouth and I had a couple of buddies with me so I really wasn't worried about him different story if it was at night and I was by myself.

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