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"uffah!!" 11-07-2006 09:42 PM

"2006 Election"
All I can say is Congrats to all you Liberals out there. I'm not going to mention any names, because there are a lot of you, and don't want to leave anyone out!!

spence 11-07-2006 09:50 PM

I think a lot of people voted for Whitehouse while holding their nose.

It's not liberals though...Across the country there are a lot of high-quality moderate Dems running, which should help Congress a lot.

Our Government is currently broken, tonight if the trend continues we will go a long way to fixing it. The people will benefit as a result.


Skitterpop 11-07-2006 10:10 PM

It Certainly Appears That The Far Left.....
has become the average American and has turned Commie :wave:

tattoobob 11-07-2006 10:37 PM

I am not happy with the out come of our Gov. race,

Slipknot 11-07-2006 10:53 PM

me too bob, the guy reminds me a little of Chris Collins from NECN Sports Late Night :laughs:

and how can anyone keep a straight face and have voted for uncle Ted again for 6 more years? :yak: I hope that's it for him

I hope my tax money doesn't pay for any illeagal imigrants anything:whackin: , make them go away and enter leagally the right way, then follow the laws we have to also. I'm sick of this softness, times are hard and it's time to get tough. Take care of Americans first. I love my country, I want it back.

so now we get ready to get taxed to death :(

tattoobob 11-07-2006 11:16 PM

Send them all to Cambridge, they like illeagal imigrants there.

We will be back to giving the lazy a free ride

Skip N 11-08-2006 01:57 AM


Skip N 11-08-2006 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by Skitterpop (Post 431635)
has become the average American and has turned Commie :wave:

This election was not a support if Liberal ideas. This was a clear message about Iraq, and the conservative base being pissed on wide range of issues.

This ass whuppin' should send a clear message to republicans to get thier acts together on the issues the Rep base cares about. Its prob a blessing in disguise for them. Because after 2 years of Nancy Pelosi as speaker of the house, The American people will see what the Left has to offer, NOTHING! :laugha:

And i can't wait for my Taxes to go up. Charlie Rengel already has plans to repeal ALL the Bush tax cuts. Thanks Dems! I just cant wait to send you my hard earned money!

Skip N 11-08-2006 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by tattoobob (Post 431641)
I am not happy with the out come of our Gov. race,

Yeah Deval sucks, none of the canditates really got me excited. I voted for Healy, but she was nothing special either.

Not a good day for ol' Skippy :jester:

JohnR 11-08-2006 06:58 AM

Time to move forward and give these elected officials a chance. This was a shift of the middle (and then some) . Time to see if many of these new elected officials can screw up less than those they replaced.

riverrat55 11-08-2006 07:07 AM

I guess people are ready for a change!!!
Mickey Mouse could have run and won!!!!
:bl2: :bl2: :bl2:

likwid 11-08-2006 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by tattoobob (Post 431641)
I am not happy with the out come of our Gov. race,

If you want to be really honest about it...

Female mormon sympathizer vs. black guy.

I'll vote for the black guy any day.

likwid 11-08-2006 08:40 AM

A miniority
Beat the minority

BWAH! :bshake:

tattoobob 11-08-2006 10:02 AM

Well 16 years of do nothing goveners the people of our state were looking for a change, but I myself do not like the look of things to come, more taxes and flip flop answers. I just don't get what they see in devail, he seems very shadey to me. If I would have voted for Cristy Manhole but that would have been a throw away vote. At least Healy was on the sportsmans side of the issues

Skip N 11-08-2006 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 431667)
Time to move forward and give these elected officials a chance. This was a shift of the middle (and then some) . Time to see if many of these new elected officials can screw up less than those they replaced.

Now the preasure is ALL on the Dems. They must deliver. They've made a million promises. So they have some high expectations.

Wait till America see's the crap Nancy Pelosi and the house is gonna try and pass. A San Fran Liberal in control of the House :err:

Skip N 11-08-2006 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by tattoobob (Post 431703)
Well 16 years of do nothing goveners the people of our state were looking for a change, but I myself do not like the look of things to come, more taxes and flip flop answers. I just don't get what they see in devail, he seems very shadey to me. If I would have voted for Cristy Manhole but that would have been a throw away vote. At least Healy was on the sportsmans side of the issues

Wait a minute....You're sitting here complaining already and you never even voted yesterday??? :huh:

RIJIMMY 11-08-2006 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by likwid (Post 431678)
If you want to be really honest about it...

Female mormon sympathizer vs. black guy.

I'll vote for the black guy any day.

good to see your focused on the issues

spence 11-08-2006 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 431712)
good to see your focused on the issues

Unfortunately that's how most people vote :smash:

But I think it was a joke.


RIJIMMY 11-08-2006 10:35 AM

and it should be you're not your
Im slipping

likwid 11-08-2006 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 431714)
Unfortunately that's how most people vote :smash:

But I think it was a joke.


Spence is right.

On both accounts.

spence 11-08-2006 10:38 AM


Keep your eyes open...THE SENATE RACE ISN'T OVER


stripersnipr 11-08-2006 11:03 AM

Deval's position on illegal immigration alone should have been enough to keep him out. There is no question that your taxes will contribute to increased illegal immigration incentive to Massachusetts based on in-state tuition offerings alone never mind the preference affirmative actions automatically give illegals in the admission process. We wont even get into the Drivers License thing.

tattoobob 11-08-2006 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Skip N (Post 431710)
Wait a minute....You're sitting here complaining already and you never even voted yesterday??? :huh:

Sorry Skip, I always vote and wouldn't have missed this one for anything

RIJIMMY 11-08-2006 12:27 PM

From a CNN article on Pelosi - my comments in parenthesis

So what will be on the agenda come January? Pelosi has said that in the first 100 hours of her speakership she will push for action implementing all 9/11 Commission recommendations on national security (ok - good thing), raising the minimum wage to $7.25 (which will be pushed back to consumers, bad for me). eliminating corporate subsidies for oil companies (not sure what this entials, but my gut is that somehow the cost will be pushed back on me, so bad for me), allowing the government to negotiate Medicare drug prices (same as prior comment), imposing new restrictions on lobbyists (ok with me), cutting interest rates on college loans (who is paying for that, most likely me) and supporting embryonic stem-cell research (dont care).

And what about the persnickety allegation that she will skipper tax hikes through the House? Sure she will, said the shoo-in speaker.

"We will revisit the tax cuts at the high end in order to give tax cuts to the middle class," she said. (BS - that tax cuts that went through benefit ALL of us, it benefits those that pay more, more than those that pay less. What you'll do is promise to benefit the middle class, but just repeal the cuts and use the $ to fund the things above whihc are going to cost me!!!!!)

spence 11-08-2006 12:33 PM

Think outside of the box a's pretty easy to flip all those comments around and show the positive side.

But please, if you're going to tell me that reducing corporate regulation and encouraging free market competition in Pharma is a bad thing because we need corporate welfare to encourage business innovation...

Then I really have no idea what economic model you stand for :cputin:


Skip N 11-08-2006 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by tattoobob (Post 431732)
Sorry Skip, I always vote and wouldn't have missed this one for anything

Ok cool, the way you worded your last post made it sound like you didnt vote. Glad you did. My bad

spence 11-08-2006 12:54 PM



Skip N 11-08-2006 12:59 PM

Ok here's my question regarding a minimum wage hike. If the rate goes up say $2 an hour for the new minimum wage, will my employer suddenly hike my pay as well? I mean, if the guy sweeping floors at my place is getting an extra $2 an hour, so why should'nt a skilled employee like myself get an extra $2 an hour in my pay also?? :huh:

spence 11-08-2006 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Skip N (Post 431772)
Ok here's my question regarding a minimum wage hike. If the rate goes up say $2 an hour for the new minimum wage, will my employer suddenly hike my pay as well? I mean, if the guy sweeping floors at my place is getting an extra $2 an hour, so why should'nt a skilled employee like myself get an extra $2 an hour in my pay also?? :huh:

It would depend on how far you were from the min wage today, and what kind of pressure your employer would have to be able to retain or attract a skilled employee like yourself.

If you were already a few bucks above it, I'd say you would probably see a bump or easily be able to bargin for one. If you were earning 30 bucks an hour I doubt it would have much short-term impact.

As an aside. Most of the non-partisan groups I've read who have studied the issue think the doom and gloom is mostly bunk.


Skip N 11-08-2006 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 431766)


Kinda saw this coming, the guys on Foxnews last night were predicting this would happen.

Wonder who will replace him??

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