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Jim in CT 11-24-2014 03:18 PM

Does anybody really believe that the officer intended to murder anybody? You fight your way into a cops car, good night.

SOmeone need sto tell these morons that it's not always a crime when the cop is white and the dead kid is black. Even if the kid is unarmed, even if the shooting is unjustified, there is a huge difference between murder, and a cop maybe being too quick to conclude thathi slife was genuinely in danger. If it's the latter, it's not a crime, it means he shouldn't be a cop.

I don't know any details here. But we have the best system (though imperfect) in the world, let it play out. What does it say about the citizens there, that the governor declared a state of emergency before the grand jury was done deliberating.

I saw Rudy Gulianni on a show, and he wondered why these cases get so much attention, when it goes almost unnoticed that 90% of black murder victims are killed by other blacks. Michael Eric Dysin, one of the worst people on the planet, called Gulianni a white supremacist for syaing this. Dyson also said that white police forces are an "occupying force" in urban areas (forget that they are mostly there to protect blacks, mostly from other blacks) which actually CAUSES crime. This idiot teaches at Georgetown. I'd love to be a white kid in his class.

Why does ANYBODY listen to the likes of Al Sharpton, world-class tax-cheat and race hustler?

spence 11-24-2014 03:41 PM

I doubt the indictment would be for murder, there are other lesser charges that could indicate belief in a wrongful death. If the rumor about evidence supporting the case that Brown had powder from a shot on his hand is true I doubt they'll indict the officer.

The bigger picture here is that you have a poor mostly black community with a mostly white police force and a long list of allegations of racial bias. It's a powder keg waiting to happen. Most of the protests have been peaceful and early on were met with a militarized response.

I read an interesting article today asking why when young white people protest or riot it's not looked at the same way. I remember being tear gassed at VEISHEA years ago at Iowa State. There were fight rings in the crowd, towers of burning furniture, flipped cars, smashed windows all sorts of stuff being thrown at the police.

Hahaha, silly drunk white college kids.

And that was just over the police breaking up a few keg parties!

Raider Ronnie 11-24-2014 05:01 PM

93% of black men under the age of 30 murdered are by other black men yet never make the news.
Those thugs are going to riot either way and the race batters like Obama, Holder, Jackson, Sharpton, The Black Panthers ect... want them to
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

spence 11-24-2014 05:09 PM

Yes, it's all about the cause. Couldn't have anything to do with people feeling like they have justice and equal rights.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Piscator 11-24-2014 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1057265)
Yes, it's all about the cause. Couldn't have anything to do with people feeling like they have justice and equal rights.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I'm so sick and tired about hearing about equal rights...when is this garbage going to end...I don't think it ever will...It's been so engrained that its now the fall to excuse.

Quit making excuses

spence 11-24-2014 05:30 PM

Excuses for what? Your rant fell short...
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

PaulS 11-24-2014 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Raider Ronnie (Post 1057264)
Those thugs are going to riot either way and the race batters like Obama, Holder, Jackson, Sharpton, The Black Panthers ect... want them to
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I always say that now no one uses the N word. Now they just use thug.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

buckman 11-24-2014 06:34 PM

There will be no charges . Hope calmer heads prevail
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

JohnR 11-24-2014 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1057270)
I always say that now no one uses the N word. Now they just use thug.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

We used "thugs" all the time, never meant in a racial way. Is that another word that gets sacrificed at the alter of PC?

buckman 11-24-2014 06:50 PM

Why don't they make the announcement early in the morning while the thugs are sleeping ;)
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

nightfighter 11-24-2014 07:11 PM

Protestors are already in place on the streets there..... yet decision has not been released to public.... so exactly why are they coming out other than to incite a riot? And we are supposed to believe there is nothing wrong with that???? All the news report said was crowds, protestors. Nothing about race. When it goes down, let's see what we see, and then we can call it for what it is....

nightfighter 11-24-2014 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1057270)
I always say that now no one uses the N word. Now they just use thug.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device


PaulS 11-24-2014 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 1057272)
We used "thugs" all the time, never meant in a racial way. Is that another word that gets sacrificed at the alter of PC?

I think there is a difference when it is used in reference to African Americans.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

nightfighter 11-24-2014 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1057278)
I think there is a difference when it is used in reference to African Americans.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

So we Caucasians aren't allowed to use the word thug, as defined by Tupac, but must only resort to the Webster definition???? Absurd.

Hernandez is a thug. I said it. Is that racial? I think not. And I don't know wtf he is.......

From the Urban Dictionary, and I use those two words together loosely.....:

thug 

To be a true thug doesnt mean wearing "bling", listening to rap and talking "black". Being a gangsta isnt superficial.. To be a true thug means you havent had it good your whole life, and you intend to change that, and get out of the ghetto if thats where you are, you do whats right, you dont take #^&#^&#^&#^& from anyone, and stand up for your friends and dont let them take #^&#^&#^&#^& from anyone! You dont have to be a stereotypical "gangsta" to be a thug, a skater can be a thug, a nerd can be a thug, a hick can be a thug, a prep can be a thug, and old ass man can be a thug! So forget your stupid #^&#^&#^&#^&ing stereotypes and thinking that everybody has to fit into one group, and be labeled. And i'll tell you what... Damn it feels good to be a gangster!

Tupac Shakur and Earl Simmons are true thugs. "

Nope, nothing wrong there........and we have a whole generation, or more looking up to this #^&#^&#^&#^&

Raider Ronnie 11-24-2014 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1057265)
Yes, it's all about the cause. Couldn't have anything to do with people feeling like they have justice and equal rights.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

They want justice ?
How about they have some accountability ?
Are you raising your kids to rob or steal from stores and beat the hell out out the store clerk ?
You teaching them to attack cops and try to get their gun from them to shoot them ?

Another thing.
I'm watching Fox now and they say the announcement will come at 9pm
Why the hell 9pm at night ???

PaulS 11-24-2014 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1057279)
So we Caucasians aren't allowed to use the word thug, as defined by Tupac, but must only resort to the Webster definition???? Absurd.

Hernandez is a thug. I said it. Is that racial? I think not. And I don't know wtf he is.......


I never said all use of the word is racist.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 11-24-2014 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1057259)
I doubt the indictment would be for murder, there are other lesser charges that could indicate belief in a wrongful death. If the rumor about evidence supporting the case that Brown had powder from a shot on his hand is true I doubt they'll indict the officer.

The bigger picture here is that you have a poor mostly black community with a mostly white police force and a long list of allegations of racial bias. It's a powder keg waiting to happen. Most of the protests have been peaceful and early on were met with a militarized response.

I read an interesting article today asking why when young white people protest or riot it's not looked at the same way. I remember being tear gassed at VEISHEA years ago at Iowa State. There were fight rings in the crowd, towers of burning furniture, flipped cars, smashed windows all sorts of stuff being thrown at the police.

Hahaha, silly drunk white college kids.

And that was just over the police breaking up a few keg parties!

"Most of the protests have been peaceful "

Right. Sure.

"and early on were met with a militarized response."

Spence, let's say you owned a business in that town. The mob is descending towards your business. Would you rather that the police standing between your business and the mob, had (1) whistles, or (2) military weaponry?

"why when young white people protest or riot it's not looked at the same way" Are you KIDDING me? Wesleyan University in CT, is the most liberal place east of the Mississippi. The kids protest every day. But they don't burn the campus down.

"Hahaha, silly drunk white college kids." Demagoguery.

Jim in CT 11-24-2014 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1057265)
Yes, it's all about the cause. Couldn't have anything to do with people feeling like they have justice and equal rights.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Spence, who kills most black kids? White cops, or other black kids?

Jim in CT 11-24-2014 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1057270)
I always say that now no one uses the N word. Now they just use thug.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

What are we supposed to call people like that dead kid who strong-armed a tiny, elderly business owner for cigars? You tell us, what term is acceptable to you?

"Thug" is codeword for the n-word now?

nightfighter 11-24-2014 08:59 PM

CNN prominently showing a protestor's sign calling for the cop to be jailed for life. Gawd, if this were a black cop and a white protesting crowd it would be called a lynch mob.... More cars streaming into Ferguson. This is going down racial lines. I think it gets ugly.

PaulS 11-24-2014 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1057291)
What are we supposed to call people like that dead kid who strong-armed a tiny, elderly business owner for cigars? You tell us, what term is acceptable to you?

"Thug" is codeword for the n-word now?

Your reading comprehension stinks. And yes I think in many cases it is a code word.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 11-24-2014 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1057294)
Your reading comprehension stinks. And yes I think in many cases it is a code word.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Paul, not every derogatory word, when aimed at someone who happens to be black, is racist. Sorry.

PaulS 11-24-2014 09:20 PM

I don't believe it is.

I don't think the cop will get indicted as given the limited evidence I saw I haven't seen or heard anything that would make him culpable. The cops should always get the benefit of the doubt.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 11-24-2014 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1057259)
I doubt the indictment would be for murder, there are other lesser charges that could indicate belief in a wrongful death. If the rumor about evidence supporting the case that Brown had powder from a shot on his hand is true I doubt they'll indict the officer.

The bigger picture here is that you have a poor mostly black community with a mostly white police force and a long list of allegations of racial bias. It's a powder keg waiting to happen. Most of the protests have been peaceful and early on were met with a militarized response.

I read an interesting article today asking why when young white people protest or riot it's not looked at the same way. I remember being tear gassed at VEISHEA years ago at Iowa State. There were fight rings in the crowd, towers of burning furniture, flipped cars, smashed windows all sorts of stuff being thrown at the police.

Hahaha, silly drunk white college kids.

And that was just over the police breaking up a few keg parties!

"Most of the protests have been peaceful and early on were met with a militarized response." Yes, yes. It was just a few people carrying signs that said "we respectfully seek to exercise our right to petition for reddress of grievances", then the cops, for no reason, sent the tanks in like Tienneman Square. That's exactly, precisely what happened.

Saw a guest on MSNBC saying that the cops did what they always do, let the cop go, and that no change can come of that. She offered no evidence, none whatsoever, to justify her opinion that the cop should have been indicted. To her, the color of the cop's skin was all she needed to know. And no one calls her a racist.

BMEUPSCOTTY 11-25-2014 02:24 AM

Does Ferguson have a record of rejecting qualified non-white PD applicants?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Guppy 11-25-2014 07:38 AM

I served on my county grand jury last summer and although some of the members acted as if they where having a rout canal, most, took this obligation serious, as I did. My hats off to these folks, it's hard to believe they could have got it wrong after all that time.

My panel was held over because we asked the DA (instructed?) him to look into pressing charges against some of the witnesses,,,, there's some real scum bags out there! 👹

buckman 11-25-2014 10:06 AM

12 businesses burnt to the ground including the community outreach center.
I'm not sure what you call the people that did this and looted the businesses but they have no place in our society. I have no use for people like this if they didn't exist , the world would be a better place.
No excuses
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

spence 11-25-2014 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 1057337)
12 businesses burnt to the ground including the community outreach center.
I'm not sure what you call the people that did this and looted the businesses but they have no place in our society. I have no use for people like this if they didn't exist , the world would be a better place.
No excuses
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

They're called criminals Buck.

No excuse for their actions but also there should be no excuse for how the local PD and government have really exacerbated the tensions in this whole affair from the start.

JohnR 11-25-2014 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1057344)
They're called criminals Buck.

Yet - they are getting the majority of the free pass compared to everyone else.


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1057344)
No excuse for their actions but also there should be no excuse for how the local PD and government have really exacerbated the tensions in this whole affair from the start.

I hate seeing the "militarization" of local law enforcement but what happened last night was what they feared would happen in August. They deserve some of the blame but I think the lion's share does go to the unruly mob AND the "Activists" that are riling them up.

Fly Rod 11-25-2014 10:57 AM

I guess the governments flyover with dropped leaflets to disperse the crowd did not work....the leaflets said, "Job Applications."....:)

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