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Jim in CT 08-24-2011 10:31 AM

Biden is OK with China's one-child policy...
Joe Biden calls Tea Partiers terrorists, but he has nothing critical to say about China's enforcement of its one-child policy?

In China, Biden said that he "understands" the policy, that he's "not second-guessing" it, and that the US can "learn" from China's population control measures?

If a woman tries to have an unapproved baby, they can force her to have an abortion against her will, and then to sterilize her against her will. You cannot invent a more brutal, barbaric, repugnant practice. Few things are so morally obvious. Yet Biden had nothing to say.

This clueless, brain-dead, amoral moron is a heartbeat away from the presidency. And I'm supposed to be afrais of Rick Perry and Michelle Bachman?

Come on Spence, let's hear you defend Biden. Why are liberals so unwilling to identify "evil" as such?

Biden also calls himself Catholic. It's time for my church to start excommunicating these politicians who so openly defy the Catechism. You can't have it both ways. You can be Catholic, or you can be pro-abortion, you cannot be both.

JohnnyD 08-24-2011 10:47 AM

I support the one-child policy as well. China is dealing with massive, massive overpopulation. While there are definitely significant downfalls to the policy, without it, China would be on track for the overpopulated, diseased, starving state that most of Africa is in.

But, I'm someone that wishes there was a way to prevent people from having children without them taking a test first and proving that they can afford the child.

To your last sentence, the downfall of Catholicism will be that people are expected to unquestionably accept and practice the Catholic interpretation of the Bible's teachings, yet those of the Catholic faith selectively persecute "sinners".

RIROCKHOUND 08-24-2011 10:54 AM

He followed it in the same speech with a line about how while not second guessing it (as you point out) he views it as unsustainable b/c you end up w/ one wage earner potentially caring for 4 people...

You read it one way, I read it another.... kick him out of the church, while you're at it, kick my wife out, kick the rest like her out and you'll end up with a church full of gray haired people with less and less standing with you.....

I view it as Biden tredding very carefully with China. You hear "Liberals kill babies"

Jim in CT 08-24-2011 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 882511)
I support the one-child policy as well. China is dealing with massive, massive overpopulation. While there are definitely significant downfalls to the policy, without it, China would be on track for the overpopulated, diseased, starving state that most of Africa is in.

But, I'm someone that wishes there was a way to prevent people from having children without them taking a test first and proving that they can afford the child.

To your last sentence, the downfall of Catholicism will be that people are expected to unquestionably accept and practice the Catholic interpretation of the Bible's teachings, yet those of the Catholic faith selectively persecute "sinners".

Johnny -

"I support the one-child policy as well. "

If you suport the government's righ to haul a woman off, give her an abortion, and tie her tubes, that's your right.

"the downfall of Catholicism will be that people are expected to unquestionably accept and practice the Catholic interpretation of the Bible's teachings'

I'm a devout Catholic. In my opinion, the idea that Catholics should be allowed to believe whatever they want, THAT is a bigger threat to Catholicism. If you want to sleep around and say abortion is swell, there are plenty of religions that will have you...and most of those religions are rapidly dwindling in size.

Catholicism includes certain "binding" beliefs, which Catholics are not allowed to violate (like believeing in God, believeing Jesus is the son of God, being opposed to abortion). Speaking as a lifelong devout Catholic...I'd rather have a small number of genuine Catholics, than a larger number of phonies.

Jim in CT 08-24-2011 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 882516)
He followed it in the same speech with a line about how while not second guessing it (as you point out) he views it as unsustainable b/c you end up w/ one wage earner potentially caring for 4 people...

You read it one way, I read it another.... kick him out of the church, while you're at it, kick my wife out, kick the rest like her out and you'll end up with a church full of gray haired people with less and less standing with you.....

I view it as Biden tredding very carefully with China. You hear "Liberals kill babies"

He questioned the economic sustainability of the policy (which is valid). He bent over backwards not to appear to question the morality of it. In my opinion, that's cowardly. And since he appears to have more of dislike fr tea partiers than for forced sterilization of women, I question his intelligence, ethics, and sanity.

"kick my wife out"

If she supports the violation of the "binding beliefs", then she's not Catholic.

"you'll end up with a church full of gray haired people with less and less standing with you....."

Catholicism ain't for everyone, that's for sure. I don't undrestand why people wnat to go to Catholic church, yet support abortion. Politicians do it because they want the largest possible voting base, but I have no idea why ordinary folk do it. To me, that's the same as someone who wants to belong to the NAACP and the KKK. You can't have it both ways.

likwid 08-24-2011 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 882484)

Biden also calls himself Catholic. It's time for my church to start excommunicating these politicians who so openly defy the Catechism. You can't have it both ways. You can be Catholic, or you can be pro-abortion, you cannot be both.

Its time for "your church" to keep itself out of politics and stick to piddling kids.


RIROCKHOUND 08-24-2011 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 882528)
You can't have it both ways.

I agree. thats why I walked (ran) away.

As far as Biden, playing politics with china is not cowardly. would you really expect Perry or Bachman to go to China and then blast them on this?

The Dad Fisherman 08-24-2011 12:01 PM

The Mormons are always recruiting....and they are growing

Jim in CT 08-24-2011 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by likwid (Post 882529)
Its time for "your church" to keep itself out of politics and stick to piddling kids.


Thanks professor. You are obviously a very intelligent and enlightened sort.

We are about faith and charity, 2 things I'm sure you could teach us a lot about. I take it you don't get invited to too many MENSA picnics...

Jim in CT 08-24-2011 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 882530)
I agree. thats why I walked (ran) away.

As far as Biden, playing politics with china is not cowardly. would you really expect Perry or Bachman to go to China and then blast them on this?

I would hope them to speak against it on moral grounds, but I would not expect it. But Biden didn't ignore the moral issue...he went further and said he understood it, and that we could learn from it. IMHO, that's worse than just ignoring it.

likwid 08-24-2011 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 882541)
Thanks professor. You are obviously a very intelligent and enlightened sort.

We are about faith and charity, 2 things I'm sure you could teach us a lot about. I take it you don't get invited to too many MENSA picnics...

You're about whatever fits your agenda at the moment.

justplugit 08-24-2011 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 882511)

But, I'm someone that wishes there was a way to prevent people from having children without them taking a test first and proving that they can afford the child.

That and required parenting classes starting in JR High. I've seen some
programs where kids are required to take these dolls that cry when they
require attention home for a week and they have to take care of them 24/7.

Parenting, the most important job there is, and it get's close to zero time in our
education system.

Why not give a monetary reward to all who get a vasectomy.
That would go a long way to prevent the need for abortion,
the welfare costs and misery of so many children that are born into poverty.

PaulS 08-24-2011 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by justplugit (Post 882547)
That and required parenting classes starting in JR High. I've seen some
programs where kids are required to take these dolls that cry when they
require attention home for a week and they have to take care of them 24/7.

I'm in agreement. However, we have seen many people here complain about schools teaching things which folks don't think the schools should be doing.

JohnnyD 08-24-2011 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 882525)
Catholicism includes certain "binding" beliefs, which Catholics are not allowed to violate (like believeing in God, believeing Jesus is the son of God, being opposed to abortion). Speaking as a lifelong devout Catholic...I'd rather have a small number of genuine Catholics, than a larger number of phonies.

The above is just another way of affirming my point. Catholics selectively follow the teachings of the Bible that best suit them. How many "devout" Catholics do you know that have committed adultery? I know quite a few. I also know a huge number that are divorced

"Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy. " Less than 50% of "Catholics" go to church regularly.

Catholics are the epitome of the hypocritical slogan "do as I say, not as I do."

While we're discussing religion, you of all people should know that "pride" is the most serious of sins, even though you tend to try to present yourself as more intelligent than others while looking down upon the lowly liberal and calling for their destruction.

Jim in CT 08-24-2011 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 882556)
The above is just another way of affirming my point. Catholics selectively follow the teachings of the Bible that best suit them. How many "devout" Catholics do you know that have committed adultery? I know quite a few. I also know a huge number that are divorced

"Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy. " Less than 50% of "Catholics" go to church regularly.

Catholics are the epitome of the hypocritical slogan "do as I say, not as I do."

While we're discussing religion, you of all people should know that "pride" is the most serious of sins, even though you tend to try to present yourself as more intelligent than others while looking down upon the lowly liberal and calling for their destruction.

Johnny D -

"Catholics selectively follow the teachings of the Bible that best suit them. "

If you knew a bit more about the faith, you'd know that we follow the teachings that theologians believed were intended by Christ for us to follow. I guess I can't disgaree when you say we're "selective", but there's nothing sinister about which teachings we consider to be binding, and which we do not.

"How many "devout" Catholics do you know that have committed adultery?"

More than zero. But if the adulterer admits his sin and is truly sorry, he/she is forgiven. I don't know any "devout" Catholics who think that adultery is acceptable behavior for a Catholic. THAT'S what makes politicians like Biden and Pelosi so disgusting. They go on TV every day and support abortion. That's different from having an abortion, but then being repentent. Christ was the last perfect Catholic Johnny. Since him, we have all been flawed. We aren't expected to be perfect.

Catholicism sets out the rules. We all break them, to some extent, from time to time. I have missed Church, of course. But I know that I shouldn't miss, and confess my sin when I do. I don't deny that I'm supposed to go to Church. If I denied that I need to go to church, THAT would place my beliefs outside of what is allowable to a Catholic.

""Catholics are the epitome of the hypocritical slogan "do as I say, not as I do."

Who isn't guilty of that hypocrisy? I have driven my car while drunk. When my kids are 16, i will forbid them to do the same.

Jim in CT 08-24-2011 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by likwid (Post 882545)
You're about whatever fits your agenda at the moment.

Give me one single example of my agenda changing to fit the moment. Just one.

You have no clue what I'm about. Your last post clearly demonstrates that you're incapable of understanding what I'm about.

Jim in CT 08-24-2011 01:24 PM

Johnny, there are hypertechnicalities that we can debate all day. In the end, Catholicism is a set of guidelines designed to promote physical and spiritual well-being, and to encourage charity.

I take my golden retriever to the local Catholic hospital 2 or 3 times a month, to visit sick people who can be cheered up by a great dog. I see fellow Catholics giving communion to the sick, volunteers reading to sick children. Our faith motivates us to do these things. It's not all bad.

We're human, so we are far from perfect, we make colossal mistakes. But we don't just bitch and gripe. We roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty, trying to help. no other religion has as many schools, hospitals, homeless shelters, food banks, or adoption services. We sacrifice our money and time to keep these things going.

Despite what likwid says, there's a bit more to it than abusing kids!

How'd we get so far of the topic, which was supposed to be Biden-bashing?

justplugit 08-24-2011 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 882554)
I'm in agreement. However, we have seen many people here complain about schools teaching things which folks don't think the schools should be doing.

Education, imho, is about preparing for a sucessful life.
I don't know why parenting, one of the most important jobs we
ever do in our lifes, should not be taught in schools. :huh:

Where am I going wrong on this ?

JohnnyD 08-24-2011 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 882561)
Johnny D -

"Catholics selectively follow the teachings of the Bible that best suit them. "

If you knew a bit more about the faith, you'd know that we follow the teachings that theologians believed were intended by Christ for us to follow. I guess I can't disgaree when you say we're "selective", but there's nothing sinister about which teachings we consider to be binding, and which we do not.

"How many "devout" Catholics do you know that have committed adultery?"

More than zero. But if the adulterer admits his sin and is truly sorry, he/she is forgiven. I don't know any "devout" Catholics who think that adultery is acceptable behavior for a Catholic. THAT'S what makes politicians like Biden and Pelosi so disgusting. They go on TV every day and support abortion. That's different from having an abortion, but then being repentent. Christ was the last perfect Catholic Johnny. Since him, we have all been flawed. We aren't expected to be perfect.

Catholicism sets out the rules. We all break them, to some extent, from time to time. I have missed Church, of course. But I know that I shouldn't miss, and confess my sin when I do. I don't deny that I'm supposed to go to Church. If I denied that I need to go to church, THAT would place my beliefs outside of what is allowable to a Catholic.

""Catholics are the epitome of the hypocritical slogan "do as I say, not as I do."

Who isn't guilty of that hypocrisy? I have driven my car while drunk.

The above is nothing more than a long-winded verification of everything I said in my last post.

Since you made the assumption that I know little of the faith... Church every Sunday for 12 years with my grandmother, been through years of teachings, read the Bible cover-to-cover and done a lot my own research. The teachings of the religion isn't the issue, it's the people that selectively follow it and then blindly hide behind religion and state "because the Bible says so" while they live a life that is anything but pure and sinless.

"Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone." is a very widely known and understood teaching of the Bible, yet ignored by most followers.

You call yourself a devout Catholic yet 90% of your posts on here are filled with hate and criticism of your fellow man.

scottw 08-24-2011 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 882586)
90% of your posts on here are filled with hate and criticism of your fellow man.

"Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone."

what you said :)

Jim in CT 08-24-2011 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 882586)
The above is nothing more than a long-winded verification of everything I said in my last post.

Since you made the assumption that I know little of the faith... Church every Sunday for 12 years with my grandmother, been through years of teachings, read the Bible cover-to-cover and done a lot my own research. The teachings of the religion isn't the issue, it's the people that selectively follow it and then blindly hide behind religion and state "because the Bible says so" while they live a life that is anything but pure and sinless.

"Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone." is a very widely known and understood teaching of the Bible, yet ignored by most followers.

You call yourself a devout Catholic yet 90% of your posts on here are filled with hate and criticism of your fellow man.

You are ignorant of the basics of the faith. If you think we are consciously "selective" about what we believe, you are ignorant about the foundations of the religion.

If you thing the presence of imperfect Catholics means the faith is flawed, you are ignorant of the most basic principles of the faith.

"90% of your posts on here are filled with hate and criticism of your fellow man"

There are politicians I hate, which makes me imperfect. Maybe you need to read slower, as I mentioned the acceptability of imperfection among long as we recognize our imperfections.

buckman 08-24-2011 03:47 PM

JD believes in killing people that are not up to his standards. What faith is that? Or should I say what party was that?

JohnnyD 08-24-2011 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 882599)
There are politicians I hate, which makes me imperfect. Maybe you need to read slower, as I mentioned the acceptability of imperfection among long as we recognize our imperfections.

Ah yes - the all encompassing loophole of sinful Catholics "Vilify others for not abiding by the book, then do whatever you want. Just admit you aren't perfect and Jesus will forgive you."

I believe the whole point of "recognize your imperfections and you shall be forgiven" is also followed up with the intention to "strive to remove those imperfections."

Also, I didn't say "selectively believe". I said, "selectively follow".

Also, never said the faith is flawed, but those who leverage that faith while being overwhelmingly hypocritical - like those that vilify someone for one sin while the accuser is committing another.

Any more of my words you wish to spin to change the meaning of?

scottw 08-24-2011 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 882511)
the downfall of Catholicism will be that people are expected to unquestionably accept and practice the Catholic interpretation of the Bible's teachings

yup...probably gonna happen any day now :screwy:

JohnnyD 08-24-2011 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 882611)
JD believes in killing people that are not up to his standards. What faith is that? Or should I say what party was that?

You tell me... Democrats want to save every air-breathing person. Republicans want to hold people accountable for their own actions.

Aside from those that commit crimes (legal and ethical), I'm not much for killing people. I'm for holding people accountable for their actions and if that means they die due to the decisions they've made, so be it.

scottw 08-24-2011 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 882624)
Ah yes - the all encompassing loophole of sinful Catholics "Vilify others for not abiding by the book, then do whatever you want. Just admit you aren't perfect and Jesus will forgive you."

I believe the whole point of "recognize your imperfections and you shall be forgiven" is also followed up with the intention to "strive to remove those imperfections."

Also, I didn't say "selectively believe". I said, "selectively follow".

Also, never said the faith is flawed, but those who leverage that faith while being overwhelmingly hypocritical - like those that vilify someone for one sin while the accuser is committing another.

Any more of my words you wish to spin to change the meaning of?

talk about overgeneralization..someone steal your rosary beads or somthin"?

JohnnyD 08-24-2011 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 882625)
yup...probably gonna happen any day now :screwy:

Lack of evolving(no pun intended) with the times. Society's mentality and science have changed the way people think. Church attendance is down significantly. Last study I saw showed fewer than half self-proclaimed Catholics had been to church recently. I don't know a single person under 50 years old that attends church even 2x/month.

Churches aren't struggling for money solely because of the diddling priests.

scottw 08-24-2011 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 882628)
Church attendance is down significantly. Last study I saw showed fewer than half self-proclaimed Catholics had been to church recently. I don't know a single person under 50 years old that attends church even 2x/month.

Churches aren't struggling for money solely because of the diddling priests.

you are an idiot...

Americans' Church Attendance Inches Up in 2010

Church attendance in developed countries has gradually declined. Research has attributed this to lack of motivation, negative media coverage of religion and boredom during the services.
One study published in the Journal of the Scientific Study of Religion, however, argues that at least in America, church attendance since the 1990s has remained stable at 25%.[14] A Gallup poll found that church attendance among Protestants has remained stable at roughly 45% since 1955, while church attendance among Catholics has dropped from 75% to 45%, although it has remained stable since 1995, despite negative stories in the news.

Gallup International indicates that 41%[1] of American citizens report they regularly attend religious services, compared to 15% of French citizens, 10% of UK citizens,[2] and 7.5% of Australian citizens.[3]

The Pew Research Center has linked weekly church attendance with happiness.

JohnnyD 08-24-2011 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 882631)
you are an idiot...

Americans' Church Attendance Inches Up in 2010

Church attendance in developed countries has gradually declined. Research has attributed this to lack of motivation, negative media coverage of religion and boredom during the services.
One study published in the Journal of the Scientific Study of Religion, however, argues that at least in America, church attendance since the 1990s has remained stable at 25%.[14] A Gallup poll found that church attendance among Protestants has remained stable at roughly 45% since 1955, while church attendance among Catholics has dropped from 75% to 45%, although it has remained stable since 1995, despite negative stories in the news.

Gallup International indicates that 41%[1] of American citizens report they regularly attend religious services, compared to 15% of French citizens, 10% of UK citizens,[2] and 7.5% of Australian citizens.[3]

The Pew Research Center has linked weekly church attendance with happiness.

While I do find you of all people calling someone an idiot amusing, I'll admit when I'm wrong - shouldn't have assumed parishes closing meant membership was down. Doing some digging: "The Roman Catholic Church continues to see its membership increase in the U.S., while most Protestant churches are shrinking, according to an annual report by the National Council of Churches."
Catholic church growing, Baptist and mainline Protestant numbers decline | Believe It or Not | a blog

I guess the whole diddling little kids thing must be the reason for the financial issues then.

JohnnyD 08-24-2011 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 882631)
you are an idiot...

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