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mrmacey 10-01-2004 07:24 AM

did you watch the debate
:o no need to reply to this just vote.

RIJIMMY 10-01-2004 07:39 AM

I support Pres B, but I truly thought the debate stunk. No real new points or new clear goals from either side. i thought Sen K finally made some points and was clear on his position. I think Bush was on the defensive when he had a lot of ops to turn it around. For style and presentation, Sen K won. For substance, direction and believeability - it was a tie. IMHO.

fishweewee 10-01-2004 07:44 AM

Didn't watch, don't plan on watching.

Debate's not going to change my mind as to who I'm voting for.

"uffah!!" 10-01-2004 08:46 AM


Nebe 10-01-2004 09:08 AM


Originally posted by RIJIMMY
I support Pres B, but I truly thought the debate stunk. No real new points or new clear goals from either side. i thought Sen K finally made some points and was clear on his position. I think Bush was on the defensive when he had a lot of ops to turn it around. For style and presentation, Sen K won. For substance, direction and believeability - it was a tie. IMHO.
I totally agree. kerry finally looked like he had his act together and was on the attack. George wasn't enjoying it too much if you watched his face.
i disagree on the tie... Kerry won that one if you go by the fact that he sayed cool while W acted pretty whimpery a few times.

Skip N 10-01-2004 10:57 AM

Not one of W's best performances i will admit. I thought Kerry Looked better and sounded better but W's message still destroyed Kerrys. I doubt anyone will change their mind over a single debate. You could tell W sooooo wanted to jump all over Kerry after all the crap he said. He did look kinda ripped. But i dont blame him for that:D

Surfcastinglife 10-01-2004 11:09 AM

its the mark of a man whos lost an argument when he resorts to violence. bush was unable to keep up with kerry and looked about rdy to "jump all over him" as skip n just said. is that really the type u want leading ur country? is he gona "jump all over" nk 2?

spence 10-01-2004 11:13 AM

I think Bush was just frustrated because his debate coach probably told him to not stray beyond the rehearsed lines. Kerry clearly put Bush on his heels for a good portion of the debate and Bush was unable to articulate a response many times.

It was much more dynamic than I had expected.

The fact that we have a president that can't pronounce nuclear, calls terrorists "folks" and is unable to string together more than 4 words without rehearsal is an embarrasment to our country.


rocketman 10-01-2004 11:27 AM


Originally posted by fishweewee
Didn't watch, don't plan on watching.

Debate's not going to change my mind as to who I'm voting for.


Surfcastinglife 10-01-2004 11:48 AM

i also loved bush on pre-emptive war " the enemy attacked us"
and sen kerr.y reponse "osama bin laden attacked us saddam hussein did not attack us"
:laughs: :laughs: :laughs: :laughs:

RIJIMMY 10-01-2004 11:49 AM

SPence, The fact that we have a president that can't pronounce nuclear, calls terrorists "folks" and is unable to string together more than 4 words without rehearsal is an embarrasment to our country

- he graduated Harvard and Yale and can fly a jet fighter.

spence 10-01-2004 11:59 AM


Originally posted by RIJIMMY
- he graduated Harvard and Yale and can fly a jet fighter.
Doesn't mean He's a bright guy.

My issue is this. Bush didn't seem like he had any ability to formulate a response to K3rry's attacks, He could only recite canned lines. At times he would say the same thing over and over muttering and stumbling. Several times Bush's retort had nothing at all to do with the question.

It's not that He just isn't an articluate speaker, I don't believe Bush has a real understanding of the issues or an ability to think critically. Many times I've given Bush the benefit of doubt on this issue, but last night scared me to death. This guy has the football :err:


RIJIMMY 10-01-2004 12:06 PM

Many times I've given Bush the benefit of doubt on this issue, but last night scared me to death. This guy has the football

- and most Americans still want him to be Pres and even after the debate believe he is the better leader based on the polls

I'm going to quit now before I/we get in trouble....;)

Skip N 10-01-2004 12:09 PM

Stop all this Bush Vs, Kerry stuff before JohnR axes us all!!!:laughs:

spence 10-01-2004 12:10 PM

I can't help it :smash: :laughs:


Skip N 10-01-2004 12:16 PM

Bush is soooo much better in a relaxed envirement...If you see him out giving speaches and talking with the people he blows Kerry away. Just something about the debate format that doesnt bring out the best in him. Just relax W and kick ass like you normaly do. I still take Bush's policy no question over Kerrys...but he just didnt look smooth on his delivery of his info. Good info and good arguments...Just didnt look like the W im used to:confused: Just one of them nights i guess...Im curious to see if the debate had any effect in the national polls....Not the ones from last night but a week down the road. I doubt there will be much change...maybe a slight jump for johney. See this people, I can be objective when it comes to politics!!!:D

Skip N 10-01-2004 12:17 PM

"I can't help it "

Your not the only one spence!

RIJIMMY 10-01-2004 12:21 PM

I cant help it either!
Skip, the next debate format is supposed to be more realxed, town hall type, we'll see how GW and JK do.
I used to hate this stiff now I love it. I am a geek.

stormfish 10-01-2004 01:27 PM

The look on Bush's face explained it all... I guess Kerry brought up some topics that that the Bush campaign didn't rehearse. Bush's defense was to overemphasize on the fact that we had allies no matter how many troops they actually were, and that attacking Saddam Hussein is the best thing to do. What about North Korea and Iran? I guess the war on Saddam distracted our focus on these countries making nu"clear":rolleyes: weapons.

To be honest, Kerry had this one in the bag. Let's hope Bush is well prepared for the next one.:kewl:

Mike P 10-01-2004 01:29 PM


Originally posted by spence
The fact that we have a president that can't pronounce nuclear, calls terrorists "folks" and is unable to string together more than 4 words without rehearsal is an embarrasment to our country.


We had another President that had a degree in nuclear physics from Annapolis, who pronounced it "nook-ular" too, and who still calls terrorists freedom fighters. Good ol' Jimmah.

Ike couldn't pronounce it either.

spence 10-01-2004 01:50 PM

Good point Mike, but at least Carter and Ike could string a sentence together :laughs:


spence 10-01-2004 01:55 PM


Originally posted by Skip N
Bush is soooo much better in a relaxed envirement...If you see him out giving speaches and talking with the people he blows Kerry away. Just something about the debate format that doesnt bring out the best in him.
Skip you're killing me :laughs:

The "something" about the debate format is the debate!

Did you know that Bush has been requiring campaign stop listeners to be registered republicans and even sign an oath of loyalty?

It's one thing to preach to the choir, it's entirely another thing to have your ideas challenged and be prepared to defend them.


179 10-01-2004 02:34 PM

If you were unimformed on the issues Kerry won, if you were informed Bush the following week the true results will come.

Mike P 10-01-2004 02:48 PM

I dunno Spence, a lot of the intellectual left in the 50s thought that Ike was a buffoon.

The Democrats had one of the most intelligent, eloquent and urbane candidates ever in Adlai Stevenson, who had all the personality of a block of cement. It killed the egg heads that Ike blew his ass off twice.

Big Vern 10-01-2004 03:46 PM

"If you were unimformed on the issues Kerry won, if you were informed Bush the following week the true results will come"

Ummm...I'd say its more like: If you have a half a brain, you know Kerry won the debate. He might not have won your vote, but he did win the debate.

Also, I'm about as informed as one gets in these matters, and I thought Kerry demolished Bush last night. I don't see how being informed makes a difference. One candidate presented a plan, and one said absolutely nothing of substance.

Nebe 10-01-2004 07:24 PM

Don you took the words right out of my mouth..:)

Likwid posted a few month back that "Us intlelegent people want our country back" About 90% of my friends who read the newspaper every day and pay attention to world events cant stand Bush... Then there are some of my friends who watch way too many action movies and have this twisted idea from these movies that violence is the answer to all problems, think W is gods gift to democracy :smash:
Kerry did a great job last night... W was a whimpering idiot

Bill L 10-01-2004 08:57 PM


"Us intlelegent people want our country back"
Eben, I know its just a typo, but it was still good for a laugh :hihi:

Nebe 10-01-2004 09:00 PM


DURRRRR:gf: :angel: :faga:

good to see you today toooooonoc :D

Skip N 10-01-2004 10:39 PM

" About 90% of my friends who read the newspaper every day and pay attention to world events cant stand Bush"

You must be reading that liberal NY times or the Projo:smash: :D I dont recall the last positive story about Bush.

Skip N 10-01-2004 10:43 PM

This is kinda off topic but thought it was kinda interseting and something for the left to get annoyed with! I heard for the last quarter in ratings that FoxNews beat CNN,MSNBC,CNN Headline news all combined. Possible change in the American mindset? God i hope so!! Just something that kinda seemed fascinating to me.

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